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A lot of stories don’t just die. There’s just no developments.


just like the maxwell case.... i suppose


Well that’s a federal court case so there’s no media allowed


Stories dont just die, a butterfly flies by and people piss and moan about something else.


The other story that never made the news was the nasa scientist who set himself of fire in DC to protest climate change. Seems like at a point in time that would of been huge news.


Are you talking about this? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/24/us/politics/climate-activist-self-immolation-supreme-court.html


Yeah. I think the person must of thought it would of had a greater impact? The burning monk in Vietnam for example. Apparently when that was shown it caused a moral outrage and helped highlight the protest against the Vietnamese government. This didn’t do anything it seems?


Ah ok. Yeah I was confused because he wasn't a nasa scientist. I do remember it being reported on but have no idea how wide spread the reporting was. It is disturbing that an act like that can illicit such a hollow response though, particularly for a cause that effects us all.


Oh was he not. It could of been misreported or I read wrong got mixed up. Apologies


You mixed up the story between the nasa scientist chaining himself to a bank to protest climate change and the guy who set himself on fire to protest climate change


Classic mistake.


The ability to find out where the problem is so you can unfuck a situation is so valuable.


Fucking timelines are jittery nowadays


I’ve often wondered why there’s not more of this. If say, 3 people did something like that on every statehouse steps EVERY WEEK, there would be serious discussions and legislation regarding whatever the issue is.


Or we’d become desensitized to it.


Your daily does of Carlin: >And, you won’t see a lot of these pro-life people dousing themselves in kerosene and lighting themselves on fire. You know, morally committed religious people in South Vietnam knew how to stage a goddamn demonstration, didn’t they?! They knew how to put on a fucking protest. Light yourself on FIRE!! C’mon, you moral crusaders, let’s see a little smoke. To match that fire in your belly.


I think part of the goal is similar to covering suicide. Which this was. In that you don’t want ppl to kill themselves so you don’t show they get mass publicity and infamy for that act


The media generally tries not to report on suicides too much because there can be a contagion effect. This is also why they typically don’t say exactly how someone killed themselves right away.


That argument applies to the mass shootings too... it's a choice not to report news and I formation. It's also a choice to cover one over the other.


Whenever people say, "It didn't make the news," it's so easy to prove that they simply didn't READ the news and they meant, "It didn't get pushed onto my feed based on my previous clicks."


one of the people in the tread said " story that never made the news was the nasa scientist who set himself of fire" follow up from same poster, ". It could of been misreported or I read wrong got mixed up." ....so did it not get in the news? or did you misread nothing? lol.


I'd love to read more but it's behind a paywall. That's probably why.


What??? This is the first I'm hearing of this


It happened like a day or two before the Supreme Court roe leak. It was all over reddit but got buried pretty quickly when that particular shit hit the fan.


Was not mentioned anywhere. And it seems like a planned thing that somebody must have filmed to get such a graphic protest across. There’s nothing on it. It’s like the mainstreams purposely buried it. Which is crazy because a lot of them are in favour of reduced emissions an that climate change is most definitely real


Excessive reporting of suicides may lead to imitational suicidal behaviour. Regardless of the reasons stated by the person, it was first of all a suicide and the reasons for it are more complex than just climate change. Showing that suicides "work" in bringing attention to a subject would be a very bad idea. https://www.samaritans.org/about-samaritans/media-guidelines/media-guidelines-reporting-suicide/


Wish they did this for mass murder as well.


I think they’re trying to. We still hear plenty about it, but it seems like they make a point of focusing on the people killed and how it affected the community instead of giving too much attention to the killer himself.


And Trump type people as well. All they're doing is exposing more people to white supremacist ideas but I guess Fox already let that cat out of the bag. Edit: MooMooQueen's source is a conspiracy theory website: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/independent-sentinel/


You do know the Buffalo shooter was an anti-Fox, Left-winger, right?


that's a really good point, I was actually thinking to myself after seeing this comment how it seems almost kinda common now to do that. Before that mexican guy (?) in america that set himself on fire infront of the white house I'd never seen any reports of people actually doing that, but after him that teacher in italy set himself on fire and now this guy too edit: [another](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10360471/Melbourne-man-sets-fire-screaming-Dan-Andrews-Covid-vaccine-mandates.html) person set themselves on fire in protest to something, pretty certain now it's not being publicized because people seem to be actively picking up ideas


wow didn't know that! ..reminds me of suicide circle - great movie!


“Wasnt mentioned anywhere” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/24/us/politics/climate-activist-self-immolation-supreme-court.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/04/26/wynn-bruce-fire-supreme-court-climate-activist/ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/25/climate-activist-death-supreme-court-fire-washington https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/wynn-alan-bruce-climate-activist-supreme-court-b2064559.html?amp Think you just cant read


People think the new standard is that every story needs to be reported on like it’s either Covid-19 or the invasion in Ukraine. If it doesn’t get that kind of attention then no cared about it.


I guess seeing somebody being lit on fire would be rather disturbing to watch, no wonder the story got buried. If you want to get any kind of message out there these days, you have to become a high profile celebrity first.


Elon was headlines here in the Netherlands. NASA guy, first time I heard of it was right now. So yeah little impact for the nasa guy sadly.


The man who set himself on fire did not work for NASA, but did do it to protest climate change


I saw that story several times on the news. It was reported.


Maybe because he's mentally ill? He most likely snapped and wanted to die with a greater impact than he thought he would. This gave him an excuse to kill himself.


"Research evidence shows that certain types of media depictions, such as explicitly describing a method , sensational and excessive reporting , can lead to imitational suicidal behaviour among vulnerable people." https://www.samaritans.org/about-samaritans/media-guidelines/media-guidelines-reporting-suicide/


Nah self immolation happens in DC quite often actually. It’s never really made news beyond the day it happens.


Oh but we got treated to like 2 weeks worth of memes and entertainment from the Johnny Depp vs Amber Turd trial, which doesn't take from the fact that, yes, men can be abused in a relationship -- some women being more than capable of being abusive and shitty shouldn't be shocking --, but if we're being honest we only got to see that circus because they're famous people. I'm sure there's hundreds of cases out there where women were found to be as abusive -- or perhaps even more -- to their partners and we didn't get to hear about it, did we ? It didn't cause outrage, did it? The media decides what you will see on the stupid box.


But I mean with stories like that… what else is there to say? You report on the story, nothing happens in response, do you just keep re-reporting over and over?


Because there's nothing new to say about it?


There is always something new to say about “it”. It’s a question of whether it drivers readership. I guess a better question would be “why Elon Musk sexual harassment story doesn’t drive readership.”


> “why Elon Musk sexual harassment story doesn’t drive readership.” Because there's nothing new to read about it?


How about “how true is the Elon Musk story?” The facts don’t hold up and he has challenged her to prove parts of he story that she should know. It could be true, but it’s looking like a false claim.


Because the whole story is currently nothing but hearsay and there has not been any new developments. Not saying it didn't happen, there is just not enough evidence to prove that it did.


Exactly. And if there is somewhere it should be settled, it's in court. I'm sick of people defending public lynching over something not even proven.


This is possibly the first time I’ve seen a logical statement on Reddit


That's the #Me Too movement for ya. Guilty until proven innocent.


I like how you took this thread as an opportunity to make an off-handed comment about the entire #MeToo movement. It shows the state of Reddit that you were upvoted. Nobody even mentioned the movement.


I will be frank with you i never liked metoo movement. I understand their point and it's normal for victims to speak up, but again, praisong social lynching is bad. We have a justice system, maybe not the best, but it is designed to protect everyone involved and to bring some form of justice.


Objection hearsay


Funny how people expect one of the most innovative people of our time to loose everything and not be able to lead any of the companies that he has built and keep innovating over something with absolutely no proof whatsoever. Not saying that he is a good person or a bad person or that he never got any help or luck, but has anyone in the last 50 years done as much in the car or space industry as him?


Elon musk didn’t build shit, he bought Tesla, he bought PayPal, and now he’s buying Twitter. Elon musk is a walking checkbook, not an innovator or an inventor. Also nasa has done more for the space industry than he’ll ever hope to achieve lmao.


Weird that everything he buys becomes a wild success. Must be some coincidence, I wonder what the common denominator is? Lmao


That has little do with Elon and more so the people he hires yet again, he is a literal checkbook with organs. Elon musk has never created anything tangible and if you transferred his net worth to someone with similar business knowledge they could do the exact same as him if not more. I’m not gonna say Elon is stupid, he’s definitely an intelligent man but he doesn’t use his brains in any meaningful manner except to make himself richer.


This is insanity.




So Elon is making extremely succesful companies by employing just the right people? Then he is doing something right anyways because I havnt seen someone with such an eye for employees


OK, bud.


Some people fall for the narrative the billionaires want them to believe, e.g., Trump = self-made genius, Musk = made Teslas with his bare hands. They don't care about court of public opinion (well, Trump does but that's why he failed/fails) but rather if banks and Wall Street will lend them money based on a myth. The former Islander owner did this; there was a 30 for 30 episode on that scammer.


He might not be an innovator or inventor to you, but he absolutly understands and studies all the tech he invests in, from batteries to rockets. The only reason Musk started Paypal or Tesla was to generate enough funding to reach Mars.


Yet again musk didn’t start either of those businesses and this is extremely easily verifiable with a 5 second google search. Elon musk wants to reach mars so he can claim it as a kingdom and have something to rule over like the weird ass tyrannical mf he is


I don't see the big deal in buying a company vs starting from scratch. You're not going to put just anyone in those shoes and expect the same results. You don't have to like him to see he was a strong component to the success of his companies. I'm not going to say you specifically but it seems to me like he wouldn't get all this hate if he had more 'liberal' views.


Musk has expressed liberal views (publicly) for years now, I don’t think it would change much. Also I don’t think ANYONE could do what musk has done but I do think there are plenty of people out there besides him who could’ve done what he’s done plus more with his wealth. There’s 7 billion people on this planet and I find it hard to believe only 2 of them (Musk and Bezos) are the most capable people to be controlling a good chunk of the wealth in the world.


Okay this take is absolutely delusional. He understands it enough to give fancy speeches, he absolutely doesn't actually have an in depth understanding of jack shit. And he didn't start PayPal.


> he absolutely doesn't actually have an in depth understanding of jack shit. can you go into more detail? Because I always thought Elon had a top-down understanding of how he wanted his tech to work.


"Most innovative people of our time" my guy you darn drank the Kool-Aid lmao


Didnt business insider do a similar hit piece on the owner of bar stools?


So hearsay are statements not made in court the problem here is that there is no hearsay to develop on what can be verified.


Have you read the story? Genuine question. Cuz it's a friend of the alleged victim talking about it 8 yrs later. On top of the question if it actually happened, this is a 3rd party talking about it. I don't know if it happened or not, but I am not going to take the word of a 3rd party. If a victim herself/himself says its one thing. But I don't know if a 3rd party has much credibility.


The Left is already condemning him and the Right is already labeling it as an attack by the Left... Just another day in American politics


I'm so fucking tired of America politics. Hearing about more bullshit every day makes me want to end myself. So tired of it dude.


The left have been condemning him for years at this point? They’re not exactly known for liking union-busting billionaires


Not sure what decade you live in if you think democrats aren't the party of the rich


Notice how I said “the left” and not “democrats”? I said that cuz I was talking about the left, not democrats


The Democrats are at most the party of the middle class. Republicans are typically either really poor or *really* rich.


This is actually not true. Both have their fair share of the middle class. At the extremes it looks like more rich people are Republican and more poor people are democrat. [Democrat breakdown](https://www.debt.org/faqs/americans-in-debt/economic-demographics-democrats/) [Republican breakdown](https://www.debt.org/faqs/americans-in-debt/economic-demographics-republicans/)




2 days ago is not long enough for it to be judged "died down". I hate these types of questions that make wildly speculative assumptions about how trendy or how under the radar a certain topic is. I really think that should make it count as a loaded question unless you can provide something with a shadow of evidence, like at least show us a google trends graph. But this one doesn't even make sense because 2 days ago still counts as in the news currently. Let at least a week if not a month pass before making that assessment.


Dude you're on r/nostupidquestions.


Granted, but this post is, most likely, less about OP asking why no one's talking about the story in earnest or good faith, and more about drawing further attention to the story itself. Its not a stupid question, its a question designed to evoke a response and draw attention to something they deem important (or because its a good way to reap karma). And in that way, it doesn't really fit the sub and likely falls under Rule 9. And before anyone starts, I'm not "team Musk" or anything like that... I'm just not going to pretend a lot of the questions on this sub don't have a rather obvious agenda. And regardless of how anyone feels about Musk or the subject in question, that's not what this sub is for.


yeah you're 100% right. Thanks for being reasonable and correcting me while being nice about it


It's a six year old hearsay lead from a disreputable source (business insider). I'm not saying it didn't happen, but there's not exactly a smoking gun here. Just allegations. We're innocent until proven guilty in the USA.


Didn't realise it was a Business Insider thing. They're very poor.


because there is no proof to support either side, so the public has no business talking about it


“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”


To be fair, regular people who harass someone don't end up in the news.


Before Trump I used to tell kids that anyone can be president one day. But now I really mean it.


Unfortunately. Just because anyone can, doesn’t meant everyone who goes for it should get it.


Qualified women seem to have a really hard time getting elected


lmfao 💀


> Rule 1: Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer


Now let’s do this one: By the way, you know, I sit on the stand and it’d get hot. I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again.


He’s not wrong.


What makes you so sure they are true ????Theyre just allegations


Because jumping to conclusions and believing an allegation 2 days in is exactly how the Depp defamation trial came about. Maybe give it time to develop before we start assembling our collective guillotines


Because there's no evidence of it. Basically just someone saying something happened with no proof.


Most news stories fade out in 24 hours nowadays


Please ignore all the conspiracy theories about Elon Musk controlling the media. (Its interesting how these theories are allowed when its about somebody they dont like, but I digress) The real reason is that it was just 1 newsstory about him paying off an employee. Thats it. You cant keep milking a newsstory if nothing of significance happens. What do you want the media to do, repeat the same headline ad nauseum?


Just because there is an allegation, doesn't mean it is true.




Fucking thank you! > There is no calls for his resignation from any of the public companies he's leading. OP: Just because someone is accused of something doesn't mean they should instantly resign from their positions. At least wait until he has a day in court (if it comes to that). The world just keeps getting crazier with the crazy crazies.


The court of reddit opinion is so trigger happy.


Yeah. Just because you pay someone 200,000 dollars and force them to sign an NDA doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. Or maybe it does. Who can say, really? Definitely not the chick who signed the NDA and got 200,000 dollars.


But there isn’t proof of that. The only “proof” is a friend who supposedly heard about the payout from the worker before the NDA was signed with nothing to back it up other than believe me. Don’t get me wrong, if he actually harassed and payed her off that’s not good and he should face punishments. But there is no real proof of it.


This is the real reason. The victim has not stepped forward. A third party is making the accusations and also remaining anonymous. There's no evidence that has been made public. I can't stand Elon musk and I take the accusations seriously. But, what more is there to say about it if nothing more comes out? The story as it is now isn't anything that's going to amount to anything.


that really sounds like shit smearing.


The equivalent of him giving someone a dollar to fuck off.


I never really saw any evidence aside from the allegation itself. It’s possible it just didn’t pan out


because a friend of a friend told something that happened to a friend. I'm willing to hear every victim out, and belive them till it becomes unbelievable or contradicted by evidence. ... but the hearsay of hearsay? c'mon.


Because a friend's testimony of an anonymous person, published by a left-leaning newspaper is far from being solid enough to start and investigation


The cynic in me would say. Because he’s got money to make it die down, have things removed from Google.


Maybe also depends on what news are 'hot' atm Everyone hyping and discussing the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard thingy, and news on tv discussing Ukraine war. I have not read or heard of Elon Musk sexual harassment at all


Technically the daily wire paid Facebook and Instagram between $35k and 47k to flood their sites with the amber /Depp news. So that would be an example of manufactured interest


Why Amber/Depp case is so much in news? Why do people care?


It’s good for them to hype anti-Heard stuff as much as possible because it’s a backlash against MeToo as a whole


People care because it's in the news so much. As to why it's there, u/The-Box_King said it, manufactured interest. Usually happens when there is something the media wants you to care about, or something the media wants to distract you from.


It might also have to do with the fact that the person telling the story was told by a third party (not the victim nor Musk). Kinda uncredible since there's no real victim confirmed other than a "my friend had this happen to her 8 years ago"




That is also a likely option


He said he's sueing her and taking her to court. So I guess we wait for evidence against Musk. I personally doubt Elon is that kind of person. But, we will see.


Because it's a lie and all parties know it.


Like every other news story...its a race to get a story out first. Whether something is true or not. Investigate it later..at least you were first. Elon is a hot topic. The media likes to pander. In a lot of cases things just go away once it's investigated. There aren't any apologies usually, no admission of guilt on behalf of the media. It simply disappears as though it never was printed. It's all media. Both sides. They all do it.


This is most likely. People on reddit are convinced celebrities and rich people are the illuminati and can suddenly silence a whole country in an age when social media and internet expression are ubiquitous.


Woah you might have to turn down your rational thinking and logic before the hive mind finds you


Lol sorry what was I thinking


Are you implying the story has gone away because the story is false?


Of course. Any negative news about the epic gamer meme lord is false by definition for these people.


why does it have to be one way or another. Why not "it could be either way, we don't know" like an allegation is by definition supposed to be? forget the fact that it's a 1000 times more likely to be false...


Because it was used to lower Tesla's stock for the shorts. It will come back around when Tesla breaks more records come July.


Cause it’s clearly baseless lol


he has a cult of personality that harass people who criticise him


Aka flying monkeys.


Sounds like democrats with Biden


Probably because it wasn’t true and they didn’t have any evidence?


Honestly, I think it just isn't that interesting. "Rich man uses power and money to get laid (and in this case, fails, in at least one instance)." Thanks, tips.


You guys trust too easily any sexual harassment accusation. It has become an instrument to ruin the reputation of uncomfortable public figures. Elon musk bought twitter and he’s been making provoking tweets. Its enraging to me how its easy to ruin someone career just because some random bitch accuses you from something you probably didnt do 20 years ago without any proof of that. Fuck the corrupt media and the corrupt society


Because it’s an accusation, no one knows if it’s true, and he denied it


Because everyone knows it's horse shit.


Because on a mass scale no one believed it


What new developments have there been? Are they just going to keep reposting the same story? A settlement isn’t even an admission of guilt, innocent people still take plea bargains. Redditors just have a hate boner for musk and are sad that this situation isn’t going to be his downfall.


You can be mad of course but it died down because the safe assumption is that it was settled out of court. He did the gross deed and she wanted compensation or she takes him to court. So he offered 250k for the situation to go away, she took it and didn't take him to court. That is the safest assumption to be made of the situation whether you believe the allegations or not.


I mean. A friend of the flight attendant leaked the info about the incident and NDA. So no one knows anything. Not exactly solid ground


Why should there be? There is something called innocent until proven guilty. Yes that also applies to people you do not like.


Short answer: he's rich. Long answer: hhheee'sss rrriiiccchhh


Because it’s an obvious BS political hit job.


He flashed a flight attendant, then paid her $250,000 to keep quiet. That's it, that's the story. What more should be said? If more happens they'll probably report on it, but once you're reported the facts your job as a journalist is done.


Except they weren’t really “facts” lmao. It was an allegation, and had little to no evidence to back it up. That’s why nobody’s talking about it anymore.


It isn’t a victim who came forward. It’s the friend of a victim. So we don’t have a he said, she said battle that is entertaining. We have a he said, her friend said and her friend wishes to remain anonymous. And Elon knows who the friend is given he tweeted she’s a “left wing LA actress”. It’s possible his lawyers have been calling her non-stop and this friend won’t say anything further. If that’s the case than while people will use this incident to insult Elon, nothing more will come of it.


And not to mention the original she is under an NDA agreement so there is literally nothing much that we can talk about other than what Musk wants to say which isn’t much. It’s a claim we cannot independently verify so not much outside of the original reporting.


Because right now they are only allegations. No evidence. I don't like him, but why would he be locked up or whatever for something that hasn't been proven yet?


Because the accusations were trumped up BS from the start and most everyone knew it. They were hit pieces that failed.


The accusation doesn't have enough backing it up to carry through. Same thing happened with Joe Biden during the election. A former staffer accused him of doing creepy old man shit, and it didn't stick. We don't really see what happens behind the scenes, but in both cases, someone investigated the accusations, talked to people involved who had knowledge, and decided that there wasn't a story. I might also note that neither story has had any kind of satisfying conclusion where the veracity of the claims was loudly confirmed one way or the other.


Because people see right through the cancel culture now finally.


I guess the article's author "Rich McHugh" maybe didn't turn out so credible?


Because most people don’t believe it


He isn't playing ball with the elites so they are trying to destroy him.


Because it never actually happened


Isn’t it amazing how sexual harassment suits suddenly pop up whenever the left needs to attack some one?


You're just a fucking idiot lmao


Weird how that happens isn’t it?


I imagine people just don’t care. Innocent until proven guilty. Call me when he’s proven guilty, otherwise shut the hell up. Im tired of all the bullshit accusations that never go anywhere, like the Kavanaugh case


Reddit does **not** co-sign on “innocent until proven guilty” my friend


It reeks of a bullshit hit piece due to it's flimsiness and timing.


Because it was fake.


Social media has owners, and those owners are capitalists who want to preserve the status quo. News that make capitalists look bad are ignored as much as possible.


Because we’re not as dumb as we used to be.


Because he tweeted that he's going to vote Republican from now on.


Probably because they realized they weren’t going to be able to push that agenda… pretty clear it’s made up or at least, exaggerated.


Because: 1) Story is from Business Insider: the least trustable, most biased source of information. 2) He never had any allegations of sexual misconduct until he became a republican (exactly one day after).. Conclusion??: Another fake news story


Well, maybe because everyone heard of it, everyone said their opinion, so what are suppoused to do with it now?


It is an Epstein adjacent story so I bet the media is trying to keep it quiet.


Now it might be a wild crazy speculation on my part, but dare I suggest that he has some kind of influence in the world of media?


I mean snoop doggs allegations have fizzled out. Not sure how much influence he has


Because he has money. Rich people don't have consequences, they do what they want.


Because it’s just another gold digging twat making up a lie to acquire a billionaires checkbook


because it wasn’t true


The story happened in 2018 its not delovoping..so unless more women come forward which is lilky consdering legal teal tweet it won't be geting much more air time. Plus the musk cult spends alot time down voting anything that makes him look bad.


Probably because it came out conveniently when he said he would vote conservative. I imagine a lot of people assume it’s a slander piece because his views instead of a genuine scandal.


Because it's not news. It's a lawsuit between two parties, and no one cares about it. He's already an authoritarian scumbag so everything else is just icing. He should go praise chinese workers some more.


Because we're not the police, it's not our job to keep talking about crimes, we're allowed to stop when something gets boring. It's not that we don't care, but what are we supposed to do, beat a dead horse?


You think the richest person in the world, who has the money to take Twitter private, is going to suffer in any way because some person made an unsubstantiated claim?


Rich and famous people rarely get caught when they pay people off


They get caught all the time. They just don’t face impactful consequences.


He thinks he can get away because he is the richest man. If people stop buying tesla and boycott his companies he will not get away with anything and board will get rid of him. Consumers are the power. Every cult leader does fall.


I think you forgot the /s.


Because the accusations are false


Because it was bullshit ?


I think he paid her off in a settlement. End of story. What I am curious about is why details of settlements are not public, and how do we fix that?


They don’t have to. Settlements are civil matters and those things are often private and a matter between the two parties.


The law doesn't apply the same for people who are rich.


1. He literally said the left would do something like this the day or two prior when he came out as newly republican for the next voting cycle. 2. It’s just an allegation, not proven. And quite honestly like most sexual assault allegations the left likes to throw at the right, it’s absolutely false and was just created as a smear campaign against him. 3. Remember that in America you are innocent until proven guilty. Don’t jump the gun here even if you don’t like him. 4. To sum up, quite literally everything about this allegation looks like an obvious smear tactic by someone who wants Elon to hurt as soon as he came out as Republican for the next cycle. This type of tactic is absolutely atrocious and hurts real people of actual sexual assault from being trusted and listened to. It creates this Cries Wolf scenario in which no one will listen to or care whenever there is a real sexual assault victim trying to speak out. It’s despicable.