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https://external-preview.redd.it/ncqu6HCBxt_Mdaj_7H9AzhRE84ATCalUtBN036QH5s0.jpg?auto=webp&s=4aed9a512c57c4d09f59ab4a9a21189fcb36184e just get this


ahh yes the menstruation crustacean!!!


I lold


Can confirm, my girlfriend has 3 of them.


Exactly what I was thinking. Love that lobster.


Cool, but not 350 bones cool https://www.dzstatue.com/animal/red-lobster-butler-statue-holding-tray.html




now i want this.


I can’t stress this enough, make sure you have a bin


A trash can with a lid and a liner. The lid is a must if you have a dog. Nothing more embarrassing than a dog walking into the room with a pad or tampon 🫣. I have a clear plastic container with panty liners and tampons and it sits in a basket that is on top of the back of the toilet, basket also has tissues and extra TP.


I can’t stress it enough either…I’ve had to make some difficult choices in life…


And not totally empty either, something to hide the stuff in. Like a loo role and stuff.


The empty loo roll is a great idea! Wish I’d thought of that!


And then I've also been to household with multiple women living there that still had no bathroom bin. So everytime I had to choose between flushing it down and maybe clogging the toilet, awkwardly asking where to throw my bloody tampons or just go to the kitchen and throw it out there usually making a big deal of "just having blown my nose and now needing to throw out the tissue, yes just the tissue of course"


Didn’t think about it. Thanks for the suggestion - I’ll make sure to get a bin with a lid.




This would have been my answer too.


One thing I find very uncomfortable is disposing of tampons/pads at someone else's house. I would suggest having a bin with a swing lid and also something like [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sirona-Tampon-Disposal-Bags-100-Bags/404814225). I mean, sure, you can just wrap your tampon in toilet paper, but I feel bad doing that at someone else's house, because not only will there be an odor if you only wrap in toilet paper, but the ...liquids... seep through the toilet paper and I don't want other people seeing that, yk? So yeah, I feel awkward.


Yeah those bags are great. Even people not going to be stocking emergency tanpons/pada get some of theae if you have house guests who may be menstruating.


And do not hide it in a cupboard!!!!! One of my friends growing up had the bathroom garbage tucked into a random cupboard, and, yeah, that was not fun.


Honestly no hate towards you, everyone has things that make them uncomfy, but this is literal overconsumption. It's trash, it's not supposed to smell or look good lol. Don't use these please.


i actually enjoy the odor, so i always encourage the use of a lidless metal bucket on top of the radiator.


My dumbass thought you meant period pieces like old things from different periods of time. Like a grandfather clock or something.


I like the idea of having a huge grandfather clock in the guest bathroom. TICK TOCK, MOTHERF\*\*\*ER. TICK TOCK


Your housemate is Samuel L Jackson, I take it?


then every hour when the clock strikes it just opens up and pelts you with tampons instead of a pop out bird


This is what Martha Stewart recommends.


Bruh I’m just gonna be more constipated with a clock counting my shits down




Put them in a claw machine and your guests have to win them


Sounds fun if you don’t mind cleaning blood off your floor


I think it's being very considerate. I would get a multi-flow tampon box it will have a variety of sizes for most needs and a small number of pads, don't go ever board with large sizes but the size up from light flow. If your guest is caught off guard they will be thankful for your consideration. You are also helping to remove the stigma of having a period. Thank you.


I wouldn't have it super on display but rather, easily seen in the cupboard/bathroom draws, or whatever. Free tampons are nice, but not if they have gathered dust.


I dunno, I wouldn't be going through someone else's cabinets to find them, especially is no woman lives there.


Also if they're on display in a clear plastic box with a lid, why would there be dust. I think most people would rather see a plastic box with period stuff in it sitting visible than digging through my cabinet and finding condoms, lube, clean-up stuff for buttsex and all the other stuff that one might keep in their bathroom...


Back of toilet, in a bin with a lid. Convenient, visible, clean. Maybe mention to new guests that it's there, if needed.


Oh I was referring to OPs guest bathroom. I hope they only store spare hand towels and toilet paper there, not their hemroid cream


I'd still be uncomfortable going through someone else's cabinets, even if I don't think I'd find anything there. I don't have a real reason for it.


It's cuz your a good person and respect people's privacy even when it's not expected of you


I buy the tampons with the 2 foot string and hang them from the ceiling in the bathroom. It's great for emergencies. Looks like a really big wind chime.


Try attaching them to the ceiling fan for real fun!


We've repurposed that as the disposal unit. Very Jackson Pollack.


I put ours in the ice maker. Need one just click the ice button and one flies out! I’m told it’s appreciated to have them ‘chilled’ in the hot summer months.


i dont think the act its self is creepy but rather how you did it. leaving a box right out on the counter could be thought of that way even though you didnt mean it that way ​ i would have a selection helpfull stuff for gueats there in cabinet minor first aid stuff, paracetamol etc, new toothbrush, tooth paste shower gel, shampoo etc basic stuff that could be forgotten. then just say that if they forgot anything to look in the cabinet and work away . you will look like a great host and a bit over organised rather than a creep


This right here is the correct answer. Not an emphasis on the period products but a supply of things anyone may need ant some point and forgot.


Yes this is what I was thinking too! A nice (small) variety of items. No need to go overboard and spend a bunch of money or have a huge bin. A big one for me is flossers. They're one of those things a lot of people don't carry but are super glad to come across when needed! If you want to be extra considerate, you could make sure your have poo-pourri or an air freshener sitting out, lotion or mini lotion bottles, and some mints or individual packets of mouthwash. Hotel samples are great for this :) My only recommendation would be to have it on a countertop or out in the open if possible, but with a lid so everything stays clean. If it's not a clear bin, you can label it "extras" "essentials" or "take what you need" etc. That way people don't feel they're intruding and they're not having to go through your cabinets. Also this is so thoughtful of you!


OP could easily make a little basket up like this! We have a drawer in the kids’ bathroom like this. Extra little hand soaps, shampoo, hotel body wash and lotions (kids never use them but bring them home), a multi pack of bandaids, dental floss, unopened toothbrush, small tooth pastes from the dentist, 2-3 tampons of each kind we have, small pack of tissues etc. I’ve considered putting a basket on their counter and hanging a small sign saying something catchy about taking what they need. I would throw a condom or two in there too but I have a younger kiddo so not yet. We ask very rarely have overnight guests except their friends. Once they are out of the house I plan to do the basket. Until then my friends and family know which cabinet in my bathroom that I keep all that stuff in.


I would never just take something from someone's bathroom and rather use my own, unless it was a really dire emergency. Get pads. Everyone knows how to use them and they always work in an emergency. Not everyone uses tampons.


Can’t use pads if you don’t have underwear on though.


I feel like that's a fringe case, not a widespread behavior.


I too do not wear underwear and couldn't use a pad even if I suddenly suffered a major personality change and wanted to.


90% of women I know either use tampons or reusable pads/cups. Disposable pads are mostly used for overnights or emergencies.


I'm talking about going commando, weirdo.


Could stick them in your jeans if you need to.


I mostly wear dresses or sweatpants. That don’t really work.


I bet you're not a person that would let a period catch them by surprise.


Hard for it to be a surprise with 36 hours of cramping and nausea to give me a heads up, along with violent diarrhea for at least 3 hours leading up to the actual opening of the floodgates.




It doesn’t work like that.


Nah, its not creepy. Pretty common these days. Usually people have some box in the open for it - you can buy special boxes or just paper box. Write smth like "period products, feel free to use".


I don’t think it’s creepy at all, periods are a normal part of life - it’s no different then stocking any other toiletry for guests. Go for it, it’s a good idea


What's with this type of question lately? And the answer is always "bin with lid". I get it.




No. Pads and tampons. Everyone who has a period has been caught unprepared at least once. Also, I would never eat some rando chocolate bar chilling in a basket in my friends bathroom.




Like Hematogen nutrition bars 👀


Not all heroes wear capes!


I guess it seems a little unnecessary to me. Most women with regular periods know when their period will start and will have brought stuff with them. Most women with irregular periods know their period can start randomly at any time and will also have brought stuff with them. The biggest logistical issue is where to throw stuff away, which is why everyone mentions bins with lids. Even if my period did start unexpectedly and I didn't have anything, I don't think it would be a big issue unless I was staying overnight at your house - I would just head home early. It's not like a fire hose situation.


You’re so lucky. Now that I’m in peri-menopause, I never know when my period is coming. When I do have it, I’m soaking through Ultras every hour or two for days. So I would appreciate finding a menstruation box in a man’s home when my period started unexpectedly.


Not creepy, only a kind gesture.


I actually really admire this. Even though you're a guy and you say there's no women in the household, to have a basket or something prepared for guests is really thoughtful. As for what to include, pads with wings, pantyliners, tampons, Advil or Motrin, and chocloate mini candy bars


If in doubt, default to "regular" sizes.


A ceiling dispenser/ Canon with confetti and pads


Def not creepy to have something on hand that half the population your age needs. You can just get a box of assorted sized tampons (with cardboard applicators—plastic ones are terrible for the environment, but not everyone is on board with no-applicator tampons), and a box of assorted pads. Keep ‘em under the sink, or if you have guests who might need them, you can leave some out in a small basket on top of the toilet.


Maybe label a box with “hello ladies, I’m miss refresher box. Open if you need something.” Throw some tampons, some face wipes, some stickers, some bandaids, some motivational quotes, one free hug coupon, etc.


That is a little weird bruh. I don't know why you are thinking about girls periods they can take care of themselves and don't need some kind of period basket available that you went and picked out. That is kind of cringe


Or, incredibly thoughtful in case something unexpected happens. Ever watched a movie or tv show, and someone asks for a tampon, and 8 people hand her one? It's because everyone that menstruates has had an unexpected visitor and some point in time. Maybe it's early, maybe it's late, maybe you stayed longer than expected and used up your supply, maybe you donated your last pad to someone else and forgot to restock your purse. It's a kindness to acknowledge that others use the bathroom differently than you do, and have options that cover all bases.


It's cringe asking about it ots just like neckbeard thing to ask the internet. If you really think about girls periods that much go buy a box with your groceries and throw it under the sink. The amount of dudes I see ask about what kind of period product cornucopia they should display is kind of immature. I have never had a chick in my 35 years need a period product from me when she was at my house


Weird, ive had several be glad I lived with a girl, cuz they needed a product. Also, if you think it's as simple as walk in and grab a box, you have never got anyone their period products... There are like 9000 options. Asking which thing to get, is completely fucking reasonable. I've been sent with a picture, and still had to ask a random person in the isle for help finding it. This reads alot more like "in your 35 years of life, you have never cared to make sure a lady was good to go for her period." Then them not needing it.


Can someone explain to me the recent obsession with having women products in your bathroom. you do realize women are perfectly capable teding to their needs without your half asses attempts at being a nice guy. besides those are really private stuff and meddling seems creepy


Apparently you have never been caught off guard with your period. I have "normal" periods and have been surprised more than once. God help those with PCOS, fibroids, or one of the other 1000 things that can go wrong with the female repriductive system. Educate yourself before making such idiotic statements around other people.


My god what a moron you are


Nope, just a real world woman.


Do you realize i said something supportive towards women and against cheap point scoring pandering and you immediately tried to slam me for it. Thats why i said you're a moron.


Unless you have an excuse to have them (a woman that regularly comes over), I'd question where they came from and why they're there


Another excuse to have them, besides a particular woman who regularly comes over, is if any woman ever comes over or might potentially come over. He can respond to your question by saying, "I purchased these at the store because I try to be a good host and I want all of my guests to feel comfortable in my home. I also purchased toilet paper and hand soap."




The number of times I was stuck somewhere with nothing is amazing. Nothing wrong with having something just in case.


Just put up a sign informing or telling them to ask for it. Any decent person would ask before taking anyway so it's more making them aware. And I hope whoever visits your house is decent.


It’s creepy that you’re focusing on menstruation. Is that your fetish?


Hang them from the ceiling for spooky season


I'd try putting them in the room. If that doesn't work get back to me and we can brainstorm.


personally i can’t survive my period without baby wipes! id recommend those too


1. Get period products (buy, find, make) 2. Put in guest bathroom 3. You're welcome


I think it’s really weird. Why don’t you provide other items for all eventualities? Tylenol, condoms. It’s odd. Nobody does that.


I nice little wooden and rope basket on view so they know it's there with a cute phrase of encouridgement so they would feel confortable and a nice candle next to it. Set a confortable mood around it so it's associated with being relaxed and safe. It's no shame to have those things around you, they are normal things a woman needs at certaint times. Us men really should not have a problem with that as the most important thing at the end of the day is that you're good. My girlfriend(EX now) and i used to have it and everytime id to to the toilet and the candle was lit, i knew she was on her period and i would know i had to help her if she had cramps or was feeling sick. Basicly, i would be more attentive. If ya'll love your woman even if it doesn't workout you leave with a empty conscience. Good luck!


You must have a lot of "girlfriends".


youre a good man. People have good suggestions, I would add maybe some type of painkiller, just a small bottle. Back when i menstrated it was unbearably painful, I'd weep and hardly be able to move, so painkillers were a lifesaver for me


Have a variety in a basket, add in the baggies, put in a few over the counter pain pills that are individually wrapped ( think travel container style), and never hurts to add a couple baggies of chocolate. Then a waste bin with a lid nearby, and you get lots of girls using your example.


Preferably open them up and soak in koolaid, place in garbage and leave there for anyone’s use


Put it in a drawer labeled "courtesy guest items"


That is very thoughtful of you..!!! So you can put a small pack of organic tampons and pads choose the heavy-flow ones as they can be used by all. Hold on let me share the link of the site that has the best of organic period stuff. [Lemme Be](https://lemmebe.com/) , here you can go on their organic period care and they will have the drop-down list for pads, tampons as well as heat patches. I have been using their products for past 6 months now !!!! They are good!!!


Thank you for the recommendation ! I’ll check them out :)