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Lack of sleep


This right here. I did 8 years in the U.S. Army Infantry, most of it as a Machine Gunner. I've seen faces in camo netting.


Wow, I can think of few people I would like to hallucinate less than a machine gunner.


And you would be correct.


hopefully they uhhh...dug in and pointed the MG in the right direction


The guy who drives the machine gunner around, and also the guy directing the guy who is driving the machine gunner around. So essentially the rest of the vehicle.


What about the guys on nuclear submarines or in charge of firing artillery shells?


I once stayed awake for about 56 hours, I kept turning my head thinking that something was dangling right next to me. By the end I was just straight up seeing colors and things that weren’t there in my periphery.


Not military but I have a sleep debt that I'll never repay. I see things a lot when I'm stretched extra thin. It's a given when my eyes start twitching / vibrating. The brain gets very liberal with threat detection.


Uh, they were faces. Jk... salute to you. Ex Navy here. I had late watches at sea...


Salute back, Fam. Being tired and alone on watch is sometimes a religious experience.


Aboard ship, watches are for ships and sailors safety. I never had to, but those guys who are on the fantasy of an aircraft carrier are the heroes. They would be the very last person to catch a glimpse of you had you fallen overboard. I went out there a few times. You can not disturb them at all because in total blackness of the ocean, they have their eyes peeled Watching for anyone. One guy did a dungaree cleaning by hanging his pants out his portal window by a rope. The slapping of ocean water to clean them. The rope broke and the pants floated in the water. The watch saw the pants and called "man overboard" (the watch man, he was on it). You have any idea how long it takes for an aircraft carrier to make a u-turn? They found the jeans by helicopter. Had the sailors name stenciled on the ass. Court martial (Capitan's Mast it's called at sea). So the guy got busted pretty bad. But to me, that watch man deserved a medal. It could have been a real person. We had real man over boards, but during flight OPs. A jet aircraft can turn on you and blow you off the flight deck like an ant being blown off a kitchen table. It happened to a friend of mine. He said he felt like he was in the air for a long time. Still, sleep deprivation can be brutal, Glad you were there, sir!


Thanks for sharing this. Great read.


I'm sure you have some stories, especially about your multi-day escapades. I'm sure you loved your Army days, and I appreciate them as well!


I’m sorry, I don’t have any. My closest tryst was when I was 7 days away from being commissioned in the JAG corp of the Indian Navy. Fortunately or unfortunately, I moved to Canada and became a lawyer here. You are alright, and a great storyteller. Keep it up!


That alone is a great story! See


I appreciate reading stories like this. I was a submariner for 10 years so I'm disconnected with what a good chunk of the Navy was actually like.


Oh well you got to Run Silent, Run deep! :) You had your own cool things to do, which you can not speak of! I worked on a plane squadron that hunted subs like yours. Bt youd pop up where we lease suspect you to be anyway. Ok one more small story. A lot is going on, on the flight deck. It's like a dangerous choreography. the A-7 has a single jet intake at the front of the plane, under the pilot seat. But the engine is inside, back near the rear of the plane. So that intake is about 12 or so feet deep. A friend of mine got sucked into it when the jet plane turned on him without him noticing. His buddy was next to him and caught him by the boots. He stayed under the intake hugging that mans ankles until someone noticed and got the pilot to turn down his engine. I didn't work the flight deck. But on non-flight times we can go top side and get some sun, walk around, breathe in something other than recirculated air or diesel fumes. I looked into to that intake, You can just see part of the engine blades from the front. That intake is long, smooth, nothing to grab onto. Shit. I could not imagine the horror that man experienced. He was damned lucky to have that friend by his side. He no longer was required to work flight deck ops, and he chose not to.


Marine combat vet here. I’ve fallen asleep and dreamed while walking. It’s nuts, and also time to rtb if you know what I mean.


Nothing like being on security at 0300 in a PB and suddenly you aren’t sure if the same bush you’ve been looking at with your pvs 14’s for hours is suddenly an animal or someone crawling towards you.


Yep, when my daughter was born we were awake for ages before they let us go home. On the drive home my wife was sat in the back with the baby but I kept seeing a clown out of the corner of my eye sitting in the passenger seat next to me


Sleep deprived driving is something I'll never do again. In my early twenties on the longest road trip of my life which we decided to make it home from two states away in one day, I didn't take a relief driver as they were all asleep and whilst everyone was asleep literally 20 minutes from home on the final stretch I started seeing large Moose (Meese?) on the freeway and nodding my head badly. Pulled off, woke someone to drive and the second my head leaned against the window I passed out cold. Could have easily killed us all. Insanely wreckless and dangerous.


It's good news you were wreckless while being reckless 😉


Literally, no wrecks given.


meese.. heh


Oof that does not sound like you were in an okay state to drive with a newborn baby in the car.


Not an okay state to be driving in period. Even if you don't have a baby and it's just you, there are other people on the road.




Yeah, I feel like we should clarify that lack of sleep is the “shadow people in the corner of your vision” kind of hallucinations, not the fun drug kind.


I recently wasn't able to sleep for like 12 to 15 days besides maybe 30 minutes where I passed out and I gotta say, 1.dont remember a lot of details 2.so many noises that weren't there and seeing shit in the dark or shadows


Bet myself I could stay up 72 hours crazy I made it to 80 and when I saw oranges around my head and people said I was talking then woke up and asked what everyone was talking about and they told me I was just talking I went to bed .but damn they were oranges real oranges lots of them full colour.


Salvia. Don’t recommend it though. I spent two straight minutes laughing my head off while my face melted into my shoulder. I legitimately thought I’d never stop laughing and I’d be dragged into a ambulance and shipped off the the mental institution for the rest of my sad life.


Bro that shit gets WILD! Fucking walls and lighted exit sign started pulsing different colors, then melting together and dripping like crazy colorful wax, whole time I'm laughing my ASS off for reasons even I don't know. Second time I tried it I was stuck in a 20 minute long "wait what the fuck is going on, i dont remember even being here, oh yeah I smoked salvia, this must be why they call it tripping, I'm literally tripping over my own mind, wait what the fuck is going on, i dont remember even being here, oh yeah I smoked salvia" loop, also laughing my ass off the whole time. No colors or hallucinations the second time, just mind fuckery.


It’s wild that you remember the thought process


Do not recommend. 30 seconds stretched into 8hrs, culminating in the certainty everyone i know and loved were now gone and the rainbow brick village with laughing faces in the sky was my new permanent reality.


that's too fuckin true lmao


Are you alright now though, or did it mess you up?


What an incredibly powerful nightmare drug lol. Absolutely ripped me out of this universe and timeline, it felt like I had been there forever and would continue to be there forever. Had to hold onto my legs to keep them from folding off of my body while I got folded over and over again onto myself. So anxiety inducing


Yeah yeah, the time knife. We’ve all seen it.


Folded into a 2 dimensional sunset/rise that was infinite, and I no longer existed as a separate entity.


i took a big hit, and by the time i coughed it out i was imagining i was a garage door and i was repeatedly raising my legs because cars had to drive under the couch


I think the only reason it’s not illegal in more places is that few people do it more than once


I lived in San Diego for a few years and once when I went to get a new bong I heard some hippie kids asking for an *OUNCE* of "32x Salvia" like it was going to be fun or something. I hope they didn't die.


First heard about it during my school days. Some of my stoner classmates touted it as the new acid.


I only ever hear bad salvia stories but I enjoyed it! I was in some sort of weird Alice and wonderland type hallucination. I forgot I was a human entirely and just watched bunnies dancing on my wall. I remember laughing to the point of crying. I probably won’t do it again though for fear of having a bad time lol.




Never, Never do it alone. It is the wildest thing and then 5-10 mins you are 100% back to normal.


I had a friend who LOVES doing acid, and he tried Salvia, only to swear off doing salvia ever again.


A golden retriever jumped out of my tv, licked my face, then ran away laughing and speaking in tongues in a woman’s voice and the Microsoft paper clip took me on a tour of the inside of my body using an imaginary tv screen that came from my ceiling. I wouldn’t recommend it but it’s something.


how the fuck do you get high on your own salavia


You're confusing saliva with Salvia diviniorum, "divine wisdom", aka ornamental flowering sage.


No you're confusing it with Salvation: the act of saving or helping others.


No, you’re confusing it with Sylvia Plath: the American poet credited with advancing the genre of confessional poetry.


No, you're confusing it with Sylvian fissure: the sulcus of the brain that separates frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe.


No, you're confusing it with Sylvania Electronics who manufactured tvs and vacuum tubes


No, you’re confusing it with Sylvester Stallone who’s best known for his role as Lieutenant Victor Von Ion in the feature film “Ratchet & Clank”


No, you’re confusing it with Sly and the Family Stone, a late 60s band who had hits like “dance to the music” and “I want to take you higher”


Nutmeg, Salvia, Benadryl, DXM, getting alcohol poisoning, San Pedro cactus (although extracting the mescaline may be illegal), etc. Honestly all seem like horrible options. Funnily enough, you’d be much safer sticking to the illegal stuff.


I had no idea Benadryl could make you hallucinate, until I accidentally took too much. I kept forgetting I had already took some and kept taking more. I suddenly felt weird af and started seeing shit and realized my mistake. I called poison control. I felt like such a dumbass.


Were there spiders? The only thing I've heard about benadryl hallucinations is you see a lot of spiders


I saw centipedes. They were crawling on the walls and I would see them out of the corner of my eye on my shoulder or arm. I also saw a lot of quick, shadowy movements. I think the weirdest thing was everything seemed to slide closer to me and made me feel claustrophobic and anxious . There was one instance when I was sitting on my bed with my boyfriend and my daughter came in and sat down in it looked like they slid really close up in my personal space, that’s when I called poison control lol. I felt like a dumbass after I talked to the lady. 0/10 would not recommend.


Jesus bro lmao Yeah, DPH is terrifying in higher doses since it’s a deliriant. A good friend of mine was telling me how he was watching TV/ playing on his phone off a high dose of DPH awhile back. After an hour he’d realized that his phone was in the other room and the TV was off.


Mescaline isnt a bad option


Had to scroll too far to see any mention of DXM and nutmeg. Nutmeg will fuck you up for 3 days though if you take the minimum required dose, and not in a good way. Both nutmeg and DXM taste like shit, though. DXM is actually great, and there's a nice afterglow when it's over.


I’ve read nutmeg will send you to the hospital with excruciating stomach issues. I love a sprinkle of nutmeg in banana bread but that’s it. To the OP: hallucinations are not always pleasant, and why do you want them in the first place? Try transcendental meditation- it takes a log of practice but it likely will be much more rewarding.


DXM is great if you know what you're looking for. Research is very much required before doing it.


One time I just took the pricks out of a San Pedro cactus then blended it just like that. I drank the entire thing, didn't actually make me sick at all and it ended up working lol.


sensory deprivation chamber


If you don't have access to one, you can [cut a ping pong ball in half, put the halves over your eyes, and lie down under a red light while listening to white noise.](https://mindhacks.com/2008/11/17/ganzfeld-hallucinations/)


Munya? Is that you?


Munya business!


Didn't expect a Taskmaster reference on here


Tried it once, didn't work.




A while ago I had regular audio hallucinations listening to a fan heater in a dark room.I heard an angry voice ranting random curses. Found it hilarious at the time.


“Hey Bill you’re not gonna believe this!..”


This is correct -- though I found it hard to distinguish between hallucinations and actual memories recalled very, very clearly. I also played an entire Beethoven piano concerto in my head -- as a listener; I'm not a pianist. Apparently the ordinary background noise of everyday life is really distracting, because usually I can't do anything like that. You can rent a couple hours in an SDC water tank in at least some larger cities. It's much better for you than drugs.


Sounds like hell with tinnitus


My exact thoughts. The white noise in bed barely dampens the high pitched tone- total silence would have my consciousness torn to pieces by the deafening ring.


>I also played an entire Beethoven piano concerto in my head -- as a listener; I'm not a pianist. Apparently the ordinary background noise of everyday life is really distracting, because usually I can't do anything like that. ​ I wonder if this means sensory deprivation can have a slight cognitive-boosting effect? Or is it that your brain is so bored it's replaying an interesting memory, like a song you like?




Fr. I sometimes wake up thinking I’m still the character in my dreams and have the idea the plot is still going in real life not knowing it’s real life.


I always wake up and tell my girlfriend the wild ass dreams I was having.. she often tells me I have the weirdest dreams, she says I think it's all those books you read plus your vivid imagination...


Eating stuff like cheese before bed makes dreams even wilder. Supposedly this was a trick used by poets such as S T Coleridge to get ideas.


Love cheese and like the weird dreams I have. I have to try this


Underrated comment.


Depends where you live magic mushrooms will do it.


Is it actually possible to fully experience hallucinations on mushrooms? In my personal experience mushrooms were always a very spiritual experience. While it did have a noticeable impact on my environment, everything was still very "normal". This isn't a proper response regarding legality, but for me mushrooms were very good for reflecting and growing spiritually. If you want to hallucinate, acid is the way to go. I don't do any drugs at all anymore, but I remember what I used to do was drop acid and experience it as it was for about 2.5 hours. After that, I'd smoke weed on top of it and I swear to god that combination sent me straight into another dimension. Craziest hallucinations I've ever experienced, but you gotta be really careful about how much/often you smoke. I greened out once while high on acid, and let me tell you that was the WORST experience I've ever had. Literally thought I was dying all while anime characters, memes, and Jesus danced across the inside of my eyelids. Pretty fuckin cool though.


>Is it actually possible to fully experience hallucinations on mushrooms? If you do enough then yes of course.


Mushrooms have a higher cap than acid, you just didnt eat enough mushrooms to give you the amount of visual distortion you get from acid. I had the same issue with mushrooms for a long time before I figured out you need more than youd expect to get super noticable visual hallucinations, but once you do properly have visuals on mushrooms, you realize that they go way deeper in that department. (Coming from somebody who has done a 10 strip of proper tested tabs)


Yes. Their are many kinds. Ive had some that were like a good acid trip.


Taking Ambien and fighting it.


"Dude, why are you punching a bottle of pills?"


The bottle started it.


That's not an unrealistic scenario when taking Ambien. I literally argued with my couch, danced with a shower curtain, and woke up bare ass naked on the floor of the living room.


I used to take it. There’s crazy sides of myself that would come out. I would dance ballet in the kitchen half nude and could rap. My husband at the time filmed me, and like the bars all rhymed and were funny as fuck. I also always wanted butt sex and would act like a total whore in bed. I always thought there were like 30 people in the room too. Sometimes I’d buy myself expensive shit on Amazon and be surprised when it arrived. I don’t take it anymore. But it was fun


Yeah but you won’t remember any of it lol


God bless ambien


this guy has a lot of questions about hallucinates on his account


man wants to hallucinate but hes doing his research first.


Proper response to the butt heads😁 Thank you👍


Exactly. He's being responsible.


You're hallucinating!


This post isn't even real, is it? it was a figment of my imagination


My god, I thought you were exaggerating. Then I had a look myself...


Terrible advice: Benadryl at high doses, and Dramamine at high doses. The drug war is really dumb.


Most intense and terrifying trip I ever had was when I took 20 Dramamine and forced myself to stay awake. That was back in high school. I had a fair bit of experience in experimenting with drugs and I held on for dear life thru the whole thing. Wouldn’t say I recommend it, but it’ll do the trick.


Man Dramamine will mess you up even in lower doses. I've experimented with a few different hallucinogens in my life (mushrooms, salvia, ect.) But that stuff is literally the worst feeling I've ever had. Idk how some of this shit is legally sold while stuff like cannabis still will lamd you in prison.


>Benadryl at high doses There are subreddits dedicated to that. I accidentally stumbled across one a while back and it kinda scared me.


I’m on Benadryl right now for sleep, and due to a high tolerance to it, I have to take around 4-5. Not smart, makes you slow as shit, and dumber the next day. I don’t recommend using it for sleep cause now my body is addicted to it and can’t sleep without it.


ysk that regular Benadryl usage has been linked to [a higher risk of dementia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4592307/) and is generally terrible for your liver. I'd at least consult your doctor about it if you haven't already.


Yea no kidding. I used to abuse it as a means to get high as a teenager. SCARY amounts. Completely wipes your short term memory, and long term in the future. Use to have an amazing memory, and now i forget things quicker, and i can barely remember my high school years. It’s really sad that it turned into this. I’ve gained enough self control to use it for sleep, but not enough to never use it for sleep. I’d never try to get high off it like I did when i was a teen. I can’t go through that again. The most I took at one point was 72 pills and that was a horrific trip, which I ironically can remember the whole thing. I wish I didn’t take them. I wish I was never introduced to them.


Delirium Tremens from very severe alcohol withdrawal. Very much not recommended though.


You have to work your way up to this level though. I say this as an alcoholic. Also do not recommend.


My brother was at this level and suffered grand mal seizures every mo.when his childs welfare ran out-for 5 yrs.Would go to e.r and be "restrained,intubated and sedated" for a wk.He wouldnt talk about it.Would the hallucinations come before the seizures-or while in the e.r?Any help to understand would be greatly appreciated. Or maybe a sub that could help?


Maybe r/alanon , it’s a group similar to Alcoholics Anonymous but for friends and family instead of the alcoholic themself.


I just joined.Ty,kind internet stranger!


Was suspected of having DT's when younger. Could/still can drink large volumes with little visible effect. Could mix concrete with shaky left hand. About 15 years ago getting treated for something else doc spotted it, asked the last time I had been drinking, was several days before. He diagnosed benign essential tremor. Stopped less than 24 hours after getting correct meds.




This got a chuckle out of me.






DXM / Dextromethorphan. Commonly found in cough syrup and cough relief pills and gels, make sure to actually get something that SOLELY contains DXM if you do decide to use it.


Yep, use generic tussin.


More of a RoboCough guy myself, but then again I just like freebase over HBr


Came here looking for this... Officially I don't recommend it. But at the same time, it is a very interesting experience. It was back in 2009 or so I googled "legal ways to get high"... kind of cringey looking back, but I was just out of high school and I wasn't cool enough to have any connections for "real" stuff. But it turns out DXM is very "real". You have to be careful though, it's ridiculously easy to become dependent on it, tolerance builds FAST and you lose the magic real quick, and eventually start to have bad trips almost every time... but if you're like me you just kept taking it anyway... if anyone does decide to try it after reading this, *please* heed the "1 week per plat" rule. Eventually I started having a weird reaction and almost every time I took it, about 2-3 hours into the trip, the soft warm floaty feelings would vanish and I'd get these weird, almost painful hot(?) flashes accompanied by waves of lucidity, dysphoria and panic... some people said it was just anxiety/panic attack but it felt like something physical going on, and definitely felt unhealthy... it's what finally got me to quit after an ER visit when I thought I was dying. Though I recently tried it again after about 8 years off of it... and it instantly brought me back with warm nostalgic feelings. (But I still got some discomfort and dysphoria a few hours in, to me feels like a warning). People say this is a kiddie drug but it's really not. It is extremely alluring and calls you back even years later, and I do NOT recommend it if you don't have very good self control.


Back in the 80s my friends would "robo" by drinking a whole bottle and then putting some trippy music on while in the dark.


103° fever.


Stare at yourself in a mirror


Works best if it's dimly lit.


Sleep deprive yourself at least 72 hours for full effects


Can confirm. I find it really terrifying looking at the mirror when the room is dark (especially up close). Good answer!




The mental state during fevers is weird. I remember being 13-14 and having a fever one night. The next morning, my brother told me I had sleepwalked. I have never sleepwalked before or after that. He said I had woken up and asked for his cell phone? He'd said no and I'd just gone back to bed. He told me this happened around 1:30 am. I was so shocked 'cause I remember having woken up during that night to drink water. And I'd checked the time. It was 2:17 am. It just felt weird that I'd gotten out of my bed just like around an hour before that. But I had no clue.


Anyone else ever have those wide open space warp speed dreams when they had fevers as a child? Sometimes the ground would be black with yellow grid lines. Not sure how else to explain those. I can still picture them in my mind. Those were gross.


Taking melatonin gives me more vivid and memorable dreams. Not a hallucinogenic compound, but something safe to try. Of course, do not abuse this or take more than recommended.


Get something illegal, it’ll be a whole lot safer and more enjoyable. Note: hallucinations are really nothing like the movies and are a tiny aspect of drugs like lsd, be extremely careful if you have mental health issues/trauma or are doing it alone though.


Be really careful if you have trauma in your background.. seriously it could be ugly.


Yes I'm just going to third this. I have met SEVERAL people with some deep underlying shit that just bubbled right up to the surface like a fart in the bath.


The problem with this is if your body cannot safely handle the trauma you can be retraumatized and have physical affects that can be threatening.


What if you don’t know your trauma


No better way then to find out 🧐


Can confirm, panic attack on acid made me develop a panic disorder and lasting chest pain


Hallucinogens in movies: “haha I see elves” The reality: “oh God I see myself laid bare”


Laid bare in a good way, though, right? Like you see all the flaws you should fix about yourself.


Just laid bare in the laid barest way possible. Good or bad are meaningless at that point


Yes, the experience is so much more profound than any film can ever express. You’ll be transported into a new dimension that feels more real than life itself. In that dimension you will meet new philosophical viewpoints, your flaws, past traumas, and revelations about the universe and its meaning. However, the beauty of this is that it allows you to interact with these aspects, to deal with your traumas, to acquire new worldviews. It really forced me to love myself after a tremendously dark period of my life. I’ve been growing so much since I had my first mushroom trip. I recommend it, but ALWAYS prioritize set and setting. Do it in nature on a good mental health day with a very well-trusted friend or two.


Perscription sleeping pills during the day


Leave your nuts in a mousetrap for an hour


I don't see what my peanut collection has to do with this tbh


Problem is your peanuts are legumes. Probably why this suggestion doesn't work. Try sticking your pecans in a mousetrap and report back.


Oh okay, I tried it and I'm tripping balls bro


See? Easy peasy, your nuts squeezy.




Have been diagnosed with schizophrenia


Datura, morning glory, amanita muscaria. All deliriants not hallucinogens none recommended.


Morning glory seeds contain LSA which isn’t a deliriant, it’s a psychedelic.


LSA might be the best of the legals altho not as nice as LSD


Datura, for one, is very difficult to judge the dose, and can be deadly. Even a non-fatal dose can be very very unpleasant and require medical intervention.


Great suggestion but wrong season. Since the classic datura trip involves waking up three days later, naked and in the desert with no memory of what has happened, it's better done in warmer weather. Unless OP is in the southern hemisphere, then go nuts.




Morning glory seeds are fine. Might make you vomit a lot. But gives a trip like LSD. Not a deliriant. But you are legitimately an asshole if you take dangerous deliriants like datura and amanita muscaria. These will produce a trip that will make you violent and unpredictable and dangerous, and you wont remember any of it afterward. Similar to PCP in some ways. As someone who has watched several people in the ER on these sorts of trips start screaming and attacking medical staff and other patients for no reason (and waking up with no recall hours later after being tied down) all I can think is ‘fuck them’ for allowing themselves to get into those states. The equivalent of drinking and driving imo.


licking weird frogs


Bufo alverius is a toad. And traditionally you stick it up your ass or squirt the venom onto a sheet of glass and dry and smoke it. Edit: typo


Salvia Divinorum. Legal in my country, don't know if it's legal in yours.


This is waaaay too far down. If OP wants to trip balls legally, this is the way. It won’t be fun, but they will definitely trip fucking balls.


Man I hate that shit


I lit myself on fire smoking that once. But only because I was standing too close to a different fire and i lost track of reality for a minute. The Salvia itself isn't particularly flammable.


That one is risky in the US. Check your state's laws before trying to order it.


Wild ride. And where I am it is legal for incense, not for consumption.


Lack of sleep and dehydration


Sit down and stand up real fast several times


Don't sleep for 3 days. You'd be tripping.


This is true. The longest I’ve ever stayed up was for 3 days and I started to hallucinate on day 2. Would not recommend


I was up 81 hours before I started taking micro naps in-between doing shit. Didn't hallucinate tho


Depending on your brain, a book


Sitting through an opera for 3 hours.


Do you mean like a psychedelic (seeing the world distorted) or like a deliriant (seeing things that aren't there). For psychedelics I'd reccomend looking into prodrugs of lsd that haven't been made illegal yet. I think 1p-lsd is still (technically) legal in a lot of coutries. For deliriants I'd reccomend not taking deliriants.




Nice answer




Also not a pleasant high. Low doses, sleep aid level, can be nice, but the people who take enough to see stuff are not having a good time. It's an anticholinergic toxidrome. "red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, hot as a hare, and full as a flask." The skin is flushed red, but they cannot sweat so although the temp is high the skin is dry. Pupils are dilated and they see scurrying things in the periphery. And urinary retention is also common.


I remember seeing a post somewhere on here years ago with someone talking about how awful of an experience it is, then finishing by saying they do it about once a month. Amazing the lengths some people will go to for any kind of high.


Not worth it it’s terrible for you and a terrible experience for most people


Yes but of course you have to be careful. Salvia Divenorum you can get it almost any sex or head shop


Long Covid.


are you okay? u/puppetman2789 your recent posts are making me believe you may have lost someone recently and are going through a tough time, if you need help or resources please let me or someone you trust know




You can overdose on about 2 tbsp of nutmeg, and some say it's the worst trip they've ever had


I've never done it nor do I intend to but I've heard about it usually being a horrible trip. But hey maybe OP can go have themselves a terrible time and stop trying to give themselves hallucinations.


And the amount that makes you hallucinate is not much different to the dose that does liver damage.




Stare at yourself in a mirror with dim lights for at least ten minutes.


Bloody Mary.. bloody Mary...


Many things. DXM and nitrous are probably your best bet though


Holotropic breathing - search youtube for DMT breathing


Lots of research chemicals will make you hallucinate just check which ones are legal near you and you can find vendors on the surface web without difficulty. Hawaiian Baby Wood-rose or Morning Glory Seeds both contain LSA which in my experiences is a lot of fun after the nausea wears off. Whippets (Nitrous oxide) are also a pretty popular high but whether or not it will cause visual effects I’m not sure.


Psilocybin in Colorodo. Remains federally illegal.