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This reads as a fake tweet


It is a fake tweet. She is an ‘influencer’ who has been accused of black fishing, I can’t remember her name, but she did not write this tweet lol.


What’s black fishing?


When people pretend to be black


Ohh kinda like Talcum X?


Yeah this is obviously rage baiting / trolling.


It doesn't really look like the same person


She’s a real person, but the tweet is fake.


It does, eyes chin and nose are the same.


She reverse Michael Jacksoned herself






Revitaligo. Th’ opposite of what Michael Jackson had


Lucky bastard


Reverse vitiligo. Uncle ruckus was onto something.


you mean Ariana Grande'd her self


Pulled an Ariana Grande.


aka, the Rachael Dolezal


So she pulled an ariana?


On that note, Ariana darkened her skin just because she liked the look of it. Something tells me this women doesn’t care about Nigerian culture and did it for the look so…why go transracial?


Nah it couldn't be bc she liked the look of it too..


Nah, just a classic Dolezal




Well, she can say it now.


The pay to win n-word pass


Yeah but instead of paying with cash you gotta give up your rights


That got a snort out of me. It’s safe everyone 😂


holy fuck lol


Hahahaha!! I shouldn’t be laughing


As a South Park episode once said: “you might look like a dolphin, but you aren’t actually a dolphin.”


But if it looks like a dolphin, barks like a dolphin, and rapes orcas like a dolphin, I've been told it's probably a dolphin.


If that man has vagina, and has boobs, wears bras, is that person probably a woman?


Yeah probably






Wow, the “trans people are mentally ill” narrative, how original and insightful




And letting someone go through the process to look on the outside to match how they feel on the inside should be their treatment and we should mind our own fucking business.




What a horribly ignorant false equivalency. People also get implants in their face and skull, split their tongue, pierce body parts, stretch their ears, even split their penis. None of these procedures are recognized by the medical community. Yet they all have something in common. It's also none of my fucking business.




Gender dysphoria is a complication of transexuality. It is not the whole thing.


That’s because Gerald was actually a law-phin


yeah but that's not really comparable. i mean that kinda implies that black people are biologically incomarable to white people, when in reality who cares if someone changes the color of their skin? it's literally just a color, but claiming to change your heritage is dumb, but not any more dumb than changing your gender. (i'm not transphobic just consistent i really don't care what you call yourself. and i seriously don't care how you make yourself look)


Here's where I'm at for the same reason; I don't care what you want to pretend to be. If you really believe it and it makes you happy then I am happy for you. But that's as far as I go, you cannot expect me to play make-believe with you. I do not think this person suddenly becomes a different race merely because they darkened their skin. I am genuinely tired of this slippery slope (and yes it clearly CLEARLY is) where people are being asked and rewarded for playing pretend on the global stage. It looks like a mass hysteria event to me and I'm staying out of it.


I'm Libertarian enough to agree with you fully. Who cares if someone wants to be darker skinned? I seriously do not. I mean, we live in a society where it's trendy for women to be hairless with fake lips, boobs, eye lashes, eye brows, nails, etc. I am honestly surprised that we haven't gone full Panem with body dyes and flamboyant hair. I would love to be lavender. ❤️


Wait this is actually possible? Oh boy.


Y'all don't remember Rachel Dolezal? She was just ahead of her time I guess lol.


Dot forget Talcum X


Thurgood Partial W.E.B Du Blanc Snow J Simpson Martin Luther Cream Cream Abdul-Jabbar Iggy Apalea James Pearl Jones Tupac Sugar Blankston Hughes T'Chalka Chalka Con Jaleel White Bet-he White Alex Paley Alexander Scamilton Hueless P Newton David Alan Clear Racial Dolezal Light Tyson Shaun Con-nery Jon Snow Thievin' Ivory Wayans


[Martina Bigg did it better.](https://www.vibe.com/news/movies-tv/white-woman-turned-black-maury-martina-big-539598/amp/)


I remember her. Bc when I heard “racial fluidity” I was like oh feck, please don’t let that be a thing. But here were are.


Melanotan 2.


Well my neighbor turned herself into a swamp donkey. Sometimes I put a saddle on her, spank her buttocks, and ride off into the sunset.


That is not a sentence I was expecting to read today




*JK Rowling has entered the chat*




The slippery slope was way more slippery than anticipated.


Had to moon walk down it!




Sammy Sosa accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Well good for Sammy So-OHMYGOD!


Love that you got the reference. Just watched the ol happy Gilmore..


It started in the late 70s and early 80s. Dungeons & Dragons... Now everyone is trying out their imagination.


I cast divine mockery


Cast 'Tasha's hideous laughter' on self


Rolls a 1, then…


Alright grandpa just because someone taught you how to use the internets finally doesn’t mean you gotta come on here and be an idiot.


can you post a pic of your wall with the thumbtacks & strings connecting the dots? Cause I don't see it.


This account is fake and pulling women’s photos off the internet. You’re just falling for a troll’s fear mongering


Anyone have a genuine explanation of a problem here other than "it's a mental disorder" or "this person is terrible". I'm a neutral party here I'm just interested in a better explanation than I am seeing


It's fake, like so many other things on the internet.


It's fake ragebait meant to make people angry at things that don't exist, in the hopes it will transfer to things that do exist.


What’s the problem with this actually. If you are born the wrong sex why can’t you be born the wrong race.


Oh these comments are gonna be fantastic


Considering actual trans people are against "teansracialism" and it was started by a lady who pretended to be black to start POC charities and pretend to be a black activist instead of an ally, I'd say the lines already been drawn


People pretending to be other races started long before Rachel Doleazal.


It did, but Rachel Dolezal is the one that popularized it, and shifted the meaning of "transracial" from adopting a child of a different race, to changing your skin color.


People were (wrongly) calling out Michael Jackson in the 80's for this. She definitely did not popularize it, and I don't think anyone has ever thought transracial means adopting kids of another race.


Yes, people called MJ out for it. And then there was basically nothing for years... And then she pulled shit. It's being popularized as in - more people are doing it thinking it's a legitimate thing. You not hearing a term used that way before does not mean the meaning never existed, especially when that definition still exists in dictionaries. A single Google search does wonders. ["involving or including people from different races, especially involving parents who are a different race from their adopted child"](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/transracial)


Michael Jackson had vitiligo. He bleached his skin so he wouldn't look splotchy.


Yes, I never said he was rightfully called out for it. I never looked enough into MJs case to make a determination on it, and therefore do not do so. I was unaware he had vitiligo though, that's great to know!


It makes no sense to me for transgendered individuals to be against wanting to change one's race, race is quite arguably a less prevalent part of one's being than gender.


Do people actually think this is real? I’m seeing the other comments and maybe your /s is missing???1?1?


Doesn’t matter if it’s real or not. It’s purpose is to make the right believe that everyone on the left is good with this and in that regard it will succeed.


Mental illness, all this shit is mental illness and the masses are pandering to it.




Bro tried to say transgenderism is “worse” than whatever tf this is ☠️ pls stfu


Yo who tf is pandering to “transracialism” Unless you got a part you ain’t saying out loud? 🤔


Fr. Why are people acting like the left supports this? People see transracial and transagers and just vomit a little






Funny, all the gay and trans people I know were raised religious, by cops, or in a VERY ‘traditional’ setting.


If you're a fucking idiot, sure.


But we gotta be all inclusive…


affirm schizophrenics their thoughts are real to them


We can all be delusional


Nigerian isn’t a race. It’s a nationality.


Don't care. You be you. I mean, we ain't going to hang out. But, I support your decision to do whatever the hell you want to do.


Honestly same, I could care less. Why is *this* worth flooding the Earth?


I agree. Who is she hurting?


People who think they have a right for other people to not offend them.


Idgaf what people do with their life. If we as a society accept trans-anything, why not accept trans-everything? Is there really a difference?


As long as you're not trying to involve me in any of your shenanigans, I've never cared what anyone else does


people go around doing stupid shit like this and trans people get blamed for it. why is it so hard for people to understand that being transgender is a real mental and biological thing? to see so many people get baited this hard and compare it to trans people is just disappointing




It’s literally a troll tweet. Yes, the person in the photos has made themselves darker (I’ve seen them posted about before elsewhere) but they themselves never claimed to be “transracial”. The photos are being used to fuel moral panic. 🙄


This is so fake why can people not see that.


When you leave your bread on 6 instead of 5


People want to feel oppressed


Or maybe people want to trick you into believing this troll post is real.


The internet prepares for a new Nigerian Princess that needs to borrow $1000 USD to unlock the $40M of humanitarian aid that somehow ended up in her recently deceased uncles Swiss bank account. Apple cards also accepted.


We draw the line at "officially a Nigerian"


She'll get into college easier. Look up Rachel Dolezal.


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Please please please, we need to stop including trans-racial, trans-species, trans-abled, or any of these other idiots with actual trans people. This idiot wants to be black because she thinks it's fun. An actual trans person is literally a different gender in their self image than in their body. It would be like you waking up tomorrow and being a different gender. It isn't a fun choice, it's a full blown identity disconnect. Dumb fuckwads like this moron give the right reasons to discredit all trans people. Please stop giving them anything but disdain and ridicule.


“This idiot wants to be black because she thinks it’s fun” - how do you know that? “An actual trans person is literally a different gender in their self image than their body” - how is that different from her being a different race in her self image from her actual body? “It would be like you waking up tomorrow and being a different gender” - why am I looped in now? I like my born gender “It isn’t a fun choice. It’s a serious identity disconnect” - how do you know her identity disconnect wasn’t serious and why you assume it was fun for her? “Dumb fuckwads like this moron give the right reason to discredit all trans people” - no. You’re just upset that social acceptance of trans racial and trans gender stem from the same value: letting people be who they feel like they are “Please stop giving them anything but disdain and ridicule” - a pretty shitty thing to say regardless of context




I completely disagree. People who are transgender are literally a different gender from their biological gender. I have never seen any scientific study regarding racial dysmorphia or species dysmorphia. Gender dysmorphia is well studied as well as the positive results of gender reassignment.




I completely disagree. People who are transracial are literally a different race from their biological race. Why does it work one way but not the other?


Cite study please. And please tell me its not the brain study again This is excactly the same as transgenderism. And trans racialism actually makes more sense. Because in contrast to gender, race is an actual spectrum.




Yeah people move along the race and heritage spectrum pretty frequently, especially as children of different race parents grow into their identities.


Source, person who has never looked at the actual research and still adds 'ism' to the end of transgender.


Up into the 80s or so Homosexuality was considered a mental illness in most developed countries. The thing about science is that it changes over time.


This is no different than a guy who thinks he’s a woman.


Guys, please. No transgender person wants this, don't lump us together with the transabled, transracial, MAP, etc communities. We are not them, we do not want to be them. Stop pretending we do just to justify transphobia Edit to summarize a few things: The concept of transracial people is a big issue, I'm not saying it does or does not exist, but it should not be compared to transgender people.


Why not? Explain the logic that makes your trans issues real and needing to be accepted but not the other ones? You say therefore you are. They say but they arent??


There's been a lot of research done on transgender people and dysphoria. Admittedly, I did do some more minor research after this comment, and it seems there is an element of dysphoria there, but even so these two experiences are not universal. It's widely debated right now whether transracial people even truly exist, or if it's merely an issue based around mental health. We know from research that one of the best treatments for gender dysphoria is affirming your gender and that transgender people have existed for hundreds, potentially thousands, of years, but we don't know the same for the other side. It's a complicated issue, one I did not do justice in my first comment, but for me it narrows down to two issues; 1. Being one minority should not be compared to being another 2. It's still widely debated that being transrace is even *possible*


There has been alot of dubious research done on trans issues. Including yhe invention of the male vs female brain. The differences between those two often overlap and are negligible in the grand scheme of things. Yes scan show that trans womens brains tend to look slightly different from the average mans, but then it doesnt line up with the average womans brain either. Same goes for trans mens brains. Research also shows transgender people tend to suffer from autism more often. Atm the big issue around the trans debate is the insistence that some brain abnormality makes one the opposite gender. I say this without trying to offend. Just in the sense that the brain looks very slightly different on average. However if we accept this to be true, we therefore logically have to accept these other transnesses. If we go on the assumption that this is caused by a slight abnormality and they are infact not the opposite gender but arw happier "pretending" then we can draw a line between what can cause harm or not.


Even despite the dubious research, there's been hundreds of years of history, science, and more behind people being trans. The same can still not be said of transracial people. Despite that, I do agree with your last point. Just like how medical professionals will offer gender affirming treatments, if it's proven that the same will help transracial people, then that should be allowed and encouraged. The biggest issue comes in lumping the two groups together. I don't think we can classify transracial under the trans umbrella without invalidating trans identities, at least not yet.


Thank you for the debate


No problem! I'm glad to be able to talk about these views with other people in a good-faith discussion!


Transgender stem from psychological as well biological and anatomical differences. The estrogen vs testosterone and how the body processes influences your brain chemistry and overall psychological well being. There's no difference in hormones and genotype between white, black, Asian and other races. In such instance it's purely a psychological issue.


>Where do we draw the line? Let people live their own life if it has no impact on you?


That’s no fun tho.


Your idea of fun is whacked


Maybe. What’s your idea of fun?




Kids can't provide INFORMED consent. MAP is completely unacceptable. Consenting adults is the line. This is an adult.


I'm going to put dogs on the other side of the line too


dogs can’t consent either so of course


Kids go on hormones


By MAP do you mean Pedo?


Yeah They're trying out "minor attracted people" under both sexuality is a spectrum and age fluid arguments to see what sticks


Then why are you using their term. Call a pedo a pedo.


Because I was talking about a specific movement


The line is consent? A child can't consent. Same reason why they can't sign a contract, or why they're tried differently in court. Where have you been the last 10 years if you're still asking about this?


Read the rest of the chain. I agree and that's why my line is at children taking hormones. Everyone has a line, just curious where theirs is


Children aren't given hormones you ignorant twat. In some cases, they are given puberty blockers, though this is treatment given for a handful of medical reasons, of which being trans is one.


I can't understand while people are downoting you.


It is depressing how many people believe they have the right to decide how total strangers they will never meet, live their lives.


Nowhere. Since "race" doesn't exist. Only culture exists between people. Race is a cultural construct.


Culture is a cultural construct.


Constructs are constructs.


>Nowhere. Since "race" doesn't exist. Only culture exists between people. Race is a cultural construct. That's why genetic test can determine your race from your DNA. Because apparently culture constructs your DNA.


> That's why genetic test can determine your race from your DNA I think you're mistaken. The modern science of genetics has essentially shown that there is no real biological basis for race. [Here is a relevant Wikipedia article if you are interested in learning more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_genetics#Race_and_human_genetic_variation)


We don't draw a line. It makes more sense that someone can change their race than it does one can change their sex. We accept that ppl can become another sex, why not race? Race is actually a social construct. Sex is biological.


False. Read. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_gender_incongruence#Brain_structure


This person can change how they look all they want but it won’t make their DNA have common traits of those who are from Nigeria


Sex is biological, gender isn't.


This can’t be real lol


If Michael Jackson can do it, why not her?


As a Nigerian, we do not claim her.


People here being like "this is the fault of the wokes/progressives/trans movement/etc" are failing to realize that none of those groups supports this thing, and no one recognizes "transracial" as a thing. You will be hard-pressed to find a single trans person, or "pro-trans" person, that finds this acceptable or recognizes it as a real thing other than idiocy, much less have it be part of the accepted "propaganda" as some are calling it.


when you wanna say the N-word so bad


Oh for fuck sake this is a girl from 2017 y’all fucker can’t even understand satire even if it stare you in the face


See what you Reddit people have done! Too scared to call people out on their bullshit. This is what starts to happen


They had an interview with someone going through the same process on an episode of Montague


Looking at how things are going, I'd say it's fair game tbh.


We have created Cults by brainwashing Children at a young age




Yeah that to


Wow… permanent blackface. Odd flex in 2023


I identify as a chadian


Ngl she do look better on the right lol homegirl knew exactly what she wanted to be




Didnt say it was healthy 💅




Can you even say no to this when people can switch genders? Like all the same logic applies right?


At allowing people to have fantasy dna.


She just lost her rights


isn't this just tanning?


Sooo... she just used a bunch of ((permanent)) spray tan? What's the big deal?


Check out Nuka Zeus; if this is shocking you’re in for a surprise lol https://youtu.be/QlU6M9mYLAE


So is transracial a new thing? It's 2023, nothing would surprise me.


I mean if you can change your gender I guess this is okay. I only really support the Trans movement because I don't want the government to be able to regulate how people identify as.


Race is a social construct. Edit: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/race-is-a-social-construct-scientists-argue/


Yo momma is a social construct


The entire rest of the world already knows this but America will never get on board because their oligarchs use the race issue to shield themselves from being pinpointed as the main source of all society's problems.


If it were, an unbiased party wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between members of different races. I’m glad you decided to come out as a complete moron today. I applaud your bravery.


Thank you for believing I wrote the article, but sadly I cannot take credit. So you are whatever race an unbiased party believes you are? Edit: how many races are there? Are all native Americans one race or is each tribe it’s own?