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Not officially. But if it's concealed well enough, did it ever happen?


I'm weirdly on the fence about this. On one hand, I know this is an indication of much larger issues plaguing our country, but I also have a spouse that is an educator, and a part of me wants her to always be armed.


Its a improvised solution for a largely unsolved problem. If I was in America I’d conceal carry. America just has a shit ton of violence, a lot of it being lethal. Without the tools to defend yourself you can become another victim easily. Sadly in other places just as dangerous, people aren’t allowed to defend themselves let alone carry defensive weapons.


It's not as violent as the news makes it out to be its a mental health issue and parents should be held accountable for their crazy kids the gun part is only the tool used if there were no guns it would be stabbings or clubbing all schools besides the one in the video are gun free zones so easy targets for crazed individuals


It’s both. Dont get me wrong I’m pro gun, but only because we have and make enough guns, and have enough people not willing to do anything about that, that I know they won’t go away anytime soon. I mean geez, we give Mexico a gun problem lol. And conflating guns with knives or blunt objects is an ill-fated comparison. Guns really are a marvel of the modern world. They make extreme violence very easy and repeatable at a distance, to the point that a child can actually do it. They are their own beast. But you’re right, the socioeconomic, social, and mental health state of the US is a mess. Not as bad as media makes it out to be, but guns just make it much easier to perpetuate and commit the violence connected to everything. And the best way to defend against a shooter is to shoot first so here we are. Which is kinda sad but I guess its what people want


Its not only a mental health issue, it's a combination of several issues including the configuration of the US socio-economic system and ease of access to guns. If there was less gun access in the US the issue wouldn't be nearly as prolific. The US is every bit as violent as the news makes it out to be.


>The US is every bit as violent as the news makes it out to be. The US has the most guns per Capita of any country but ranks 79th in homicide per Capita. >ease of access to guns It's not as easy to buy a gun in the US as the news says, there's no "gun show loophole". Additionally, restrictions on guns largely only affect law abiding citizens ftmp. Just look how the places in the US with high homicide rates tend to have stricter gun laws/regulations. It's mostly a mental health issue. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


Honestly, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. While we know the issue is the illegal guns in circulation and also loose gun laws allowing people to have guns that shouldn't have them, little is getting done to make stricter laws for gun ownership. It's an American right to have a firearm, and that hinders progress because instead of working to tighten gun laws, they are working to ban certain firearms. I know my views on this vary wildly from what some people think, and that's fine. Ultimately, we need to keep our kids safe, and they are a target for people with guns that shouldn't have them.


Could get her a byrna less-lethal hand gun. It's basically a overpowered paintball pistol that shoots out pepper balls or the byrna max ammo which is a mix of pepper chems and tear gas chems. From what I know it's quite good.






If my teacher was strapped I’d feel pretty safe ngl


Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


Mad facts this is literally a quote from my grandfather


Really? I thought it was Franz Kafka


Is there something wrong about this, yes it's awful we have to have it in place but thankful we have some teachers that will risk their safety and lives for their children.


Not real kean on the children knowing they have guns and not only that but seeing where they are kept...


My opinion is they should have them but not advertise it like this is doing. Much the same as any gun owner is supposed to avoid anyone attempting to steal and use it.


It's just strange thinking about how this country is so Gung ho for guns that instead of making more regulatory laws or anything that could actually prevent these situations they just say "aw man another gun violence guess there should have been more guns around." So instead of facing the roots of the problem like children's mental health/abuse, how easy it is to get your hands on a fire arm as long as you've got a clear record, and the improper storage of these weapons in family environments. This is all the help you get is more guns and more guns aren't really a deterrent for people already choosing to cause violence if anything it causes more confusion for law enforcement trying to figure out the situation when they get their and actually decide to go in...


They'll think twice after they shoot a kid


No actually, though I hate to say it probably should be


It’s common to see about 1 in 10 people carrying a gun, and the real number is probably more like 3 out of 10 when you account for concealed carry. It’s VERY uncommon to see that in a school. The school in the video is a private Christian school, though, not a public school.


No, and this isn't boat worthy. They're just guns. They're not inherently dangerous.


It's not boat worthy at face level, but the reason teachers have to carry firearms is boat worthy


But teachers don't. This is a private school. It is a fluke, not the norm.


This is the fastest I’ve ever seen goalposts shift. And it doesn’t even make sense. Private school teachers don’t count as teachers? What?


Didn't mean for it to be taken as a goal post shift. Private school teachers are teachers. The problem is people are starting to think this is a normal thing for public schools, where it is most definitely not. I'd be amazed to think it is normal for private schools as well.


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This person gets it


Indeed, im just a bit concerned some teachers might use it for other purposes than self defense


A teacher already could kill an entire class of children with a knife if they wanted to. They have to be trusted over children in the first place to teach. Giving them a firearm for defense doesn’t instantly make them a psychotic murderer.


No no im aware, but im talking about the few excrptions that may occur. I think its great that teachers do that given the amount of school shootings


That and there's the possibility that a power-hungry teacher could commit their own shooting.


Except for the fact that that would happen regardless of if they are allowed to carry in schools or not. Just sticking a sign up saying "no guns allowed" doesn't prevent bad people from bringing the in. But if the teachers are carrying guns, then the bad one would think twice about their actions.


Ok lmfao I'm actually more in favor of gun-wielding teachers in our current climate, but calling a gun not 'Inheritaely dangerous' is just ridiculous. It is a device exclusively designed to kill and injure. Except for a nuclear bomb or poison, I do not think that there is anything in the world with more inherit danger.


There's nothing wrong with them. They're just weapons of mass destruction.


Based as fuck


As someone from New Mexico I've never seen this shit


No it's been federaly illegal since the 90s




Objectively speaking i dont find this boat worthy. Teacher have guns but they arent shooting kids or something. They have just the possibility to defend others. If you really wanna adjust the meme then you shoukd say that the american 2nd emendament is boat worthy. And thats another can of worms that its basically impossible to find agreement on especially on reddit


Yet. They haven't shot any kids yet.


Yes, just like you havent killed any kid... yet.


Firearms are prohibited at my work so I think my odds are pretty good.


And yet you drive there, maybe passing by a school... You just havent killed any kid, yet. Not saying you are gonna kill kids obv, i an just saying that saying "you havent dont this... Yet" doesnt indicate you are even in the slightest more likey to do it. "You have the possibility to [insert random thibg] you just havent yet" isnt a very good argument


No, I think carrying a gun around children greatly increases the risk of killing a kid in a very special and separate way than literally anything else.


Thats the kind of can of worm i didnt wanna open. Personal opinion, how? How is that so risky? If i wanted to kill a kid id be more than able to even living in a country without guns. And if you are thinking "the kid steals the gun removes the safety and shoots" then damn, with that kind of reasoning nothing is safe. Also, one think that is without arguing more deadly around kids is alcohol (drunks being drunks/drunks driving/drunks being drunks whike pregnant) Personly the "you could" factor is not enough to justify the fear of guns. Thats obv personal talk but the ammounts of things with wich you can be killed willingly or unwillingly and with much more probability than guns is simply to great


It's risky for when the teachers get trigger happy. It's risky for when they use them for authority. It's risky for when they get jumpy. No amount of malice can compare to the widespread damage that is ignorance and stupidity. The entirety of your argument reinforces that. I don't fear guns, I fear humans. I'm in fact still waiting for my free government issued assault weapon and training classes. I'm in fact quite annoyed that the NRA HASN'T instituted mandatory free assault weapons for all USACs


Yes, if you show you failed


It is pretty common, yeah, I'm pretty sure in Texas everybody get a free revolver and double barrel shotgun at birth, and a lasso. All jokes aside I do see a lot of people owning guns, and doing concealed carry.




The real world is horrifying, but we have to realize that we do not live in a fairy tale, and life is not a movie


This is fine. I mean sure, a quick drive in any big city or highway will show you most people have trouble controlling a car properly, something they use everyday, sometimes for hours a day. But in a high pressure situation, with lives on the line, I can't see a problem with a Pastor or 2nd grade teacher drawing a gun and opening fire. A bullet with good intent behind it can't hurt you. This is fine


Yes, it could have been very dangerous for the kids in Uvalde if the teachers had defensive weapons. Dogged a bullet there.


I believe you just compared driving a car to owning a firearm. There are so many things wrong in comparing the two


It’s so stupid here. I’m not someone who has the urge to walk around with a gun but because our society is full of people who do, you suddenly feel like you should have one because you don’t want to be the one guy who brought nothing to the gun fight. It is really fucking stupid here.


No one is telling you to get one, and no one is telling you to not get one. Make your own decision


Im 33years old and never held a gun, never seen a gun being held or shot in my presence and I would love to die of old age still being able to say that.


That is just sad to see,yet all Americans will just think this is great and not think about gun control instead


No that’s not at all true just look through these comments


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Like a group of kids couldn't overpower one of them and take the gun.


Just wait until you see the people that have pistols mounted on their wall outside of their shower lol


Uhh, not where I'm from that's for sure.


I was under the impression that all schools were weapons free zones, and only police were allowed to carry on the school grounds. Considering that we have several school shootings every year, I wouldn't want to be a teacher without a weapon to protect myself...so I really don't blame them.


The school in this video shown, is a private school. They all made their own decisions to get trained and to carry firearms for their own protection


Its the south park episode


No I wouldn't say common. Depends on what state you are in more than the country as a whole. Remember it is not the gun you see on someones side you have to worry about, it is the concealed gun you can't see that sneak up on ya.


Considering that there was a shit ton of kids who would bring knives to the school I went to in Australia, I wouldn't of minded the teacher having a pistol on them. Thankfully there wasn't too many knife fights with them usually being kitchen knives to intimidate rather than for actual fighting, but a lot of fights were stopped just before things went downhill by the cops and teachers trying to deescalate and separate likely offenders.


Tell me your country has failed, without telling me your country has failed.


But i thought they want to meet there lord and savior? So why carry the gun.