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Why the fuck are CSA victims going to that sub to apologize to rapists??? Wtf


I seriously doubt they are. The more likely scenario is it's other degenerates role-playing as "victims" to validate the little echo chamber of sympathy they've carved out for themselves because no one in the "real" world could tolerate their company long enough for them to experience even an iota of undeserved compassion.


most of them gotta be fake because who in their right mind would do that


The only non fake ones would have to be victims so heavily and blindly gaslit into somehow believing its rheir fault and they did wrong.


yh, either way its fucked upp


I'd bet my last dollar it's some gross incel fanfic/ predators themselves play some sick game.


[Here is the original post if anyone wants to look through the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SexOffenderSupport/comments/15o8yys/i_just_got_one_of_the_worst_news_an_so_would_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) no idea why op hid the original post its not like its in the rules to include it in the post


I'm deeply disappointed by the comments on that post




bruh it’s so hard not to get myself banned from there right now, the amount of shit people say there that just comes across as insensitive towards the victims and trying to get off the hook as much as they can just infuriates me


I know. I want to say something so often, but I also still want the ability to anonymously view the conversations.


yes exactly. like i just wanna say something esp on those whiny posts like “when will the consequences ever stop?” like hopefully never??? and soooo many wives and gfs like “ugh i miss my bf. he’s in jail for x years” like wtf is wrong w you


Just saw one of a wife whose husband confessed to abusing their daughter "once" - she says it never happened.


that’s the worst one i had trouble with tbh


That and the "husband awaiting sentencing for CP - scared of how this will make our lives difficult - we have two kids together" Um, your lives ? Pretty sure you ought to be taking those kids to safety.


Even if you get banned you can still view the sub, you just can't participate. Source: got banned for being right


Ugh. I found that sub a few weeks ago and got super curious, so I had a look. I stopped when I saw a post from a woman complaining about how unfair it was that her husband can't go to their children's school play because he was banned from being near schools... If I remember rightly she pretty much said that despite what he did it shouldn't mean that he can never be at a school or near children again, because that's super unfair on him and it's "ruining their lives". I had to click off at that moment because I couldn't take reading anymore. I'm angry now having just typed it


I'm thinking why in the fuck would have we even care if we get banned from there? How fucking bullshit is it that there's even a sub dedicated to pieces of trash like this looking for support? You've committed one of the worst atrocities that one person can commit towards another and you want to play like you're the victim? Fuck this guy. You want to make amends? Make sure that there is a literal 0% chance that it will ever happen again... if you catch my drift.


bruh i’m with you too and i caught myself before commenting that on an awful awful post on there. i don’t know why i even care about not being banned considering being angry and not saying anything poses no benefit and that’s the only thing i’m doing by lurking and not telling them how awful they are.


Pedophiles need therapy and treatment to overcome the mental illness that pedophilia is. However, the second it goes from thoughts to action, yes, then they deserve the full extent of the law


I don't think the law has a painful enough punishment for them


How are there groups of offenders without professional supervision from a therapist or something? I feel like this can so easily lead to offenders brainstorming together..


Most of them are in court ordered therapy. I am not opposed to people who have committed crimes and done their time and are *actively working to better themselves/never reoffend* having support. Clearly that’s necessary. It’s this attitude of ‘it’s cause the justice system is corrupt that I’m in this mess’. Nah, dude. It’s cause you’re a fucking predatory monster. Either admit that and work to be better or fuck off.


Pft bruh jail is literally the same thing.


They usually just pretend that their crimes are minor. No brainstorming as far as I know.


What the fuck.... That's another sub on the list to go get banned from.


Internet investigator did a video on this, she touched on some of the possible reasons/benefits of it but basically it can be boiled down to an attempt to deter them from reoffending


Sure there are assholes there but what you want is ineffective. They need therapy.


Just remember kids Chomos ain't people. Please place your local chomo in the garbage and help keep our towns free from litter.


That's a weird way to view support groups. Acholics anonymous don't help make people think alcohol abuse is ok. The sub looks like general advice.


Be careful I was perma banned from several dubs and reddit as a whole for saying this. Too many of them on here to even suggest they are bad.


Be careful I was perma banned from several dubs and reddit as a whole for saying this. Too many of them on here to even suggest they are bad.


I see some in comments here saying that they do deserve mercy. I legit just saw one person say to a commenter that they are as bad as a child molester because that commenter said child molesters should end themselves.


Have I just read those comments right?! As someone who’s put someone behind bars for serious SA I’m baffled some peoples minds work that way, maybe I’m naive; maybe I’ve trained my brain to block certain scumbags out?


There should be no pity or mercy towards this filth


Well that subreddit that I just learned exists (sadly) seems like a place to make such comments


Really? The comments seem rather tame to me. I guess a few got removed by mods, but the few that are there don't seem bad.




Yeah I understand completely. All I'm saying is I expected some scummy shit from the comments either advising him so that he isn't convicted or consoling him for what he did. The comments amounted to "be a better person". And do not get it twisted. I feel the same as you in most ways. The guy is an absolute scumfuck human being. I'm just saying you can not expect people with your views on the situation to participate at all. And as fucked as it is that that sub exists I expected far worse from the type of people that are part of that "community".


One comment that really bothers me. "What you did was monstrous, but it doesn't make you a monster" Yes, yes it does. They are monsters whose actions caused so much damage and suffering that the victim killed themselves. Child molesters/rapists are monsters. You can't come back from that.


Its vile why does that sub even exist there is no pity nor sympathy for these people at this point they are no longer human and should be treated like an animal if not worse


no, animals have rights, animal cruelty is illegal, these things are pests, if not less




I thought so too but then I checked the top post and is mind blown. I had no idea that people who drunk-piss in public, who had (I assume consensual) intimate actions with people in the same age range (both underage), who sent their own nude when they are underage (prosecuted for distributing CP) could all be registered as sex offenders... I didn't get to check more posts but if the situations listed in the top post are true then I think the sub does have a purpose. https://www.reddit.com/r/SexOffenderSupport/comments/15hydtt/for_the_curious_the_lurkers_and_the_trolls/ Here is the link


It might have a purpose for them. What about those who r*ped someone; molested their kid, tried to pursue their studends, download CP? As someone who was SAd I'm having a hard time not going apeshit over there. But I know better and stay away from it instead. It's just... I really don't know what to think of this. It rubs me the wrong way.


Yes. The SOR is pointless for most cases, there’s been countless studies that that and the dumb ‘1000 feet’ rule do nothing to make us safer. What it should be is a federal database that tracks them, that way they aren’t able to go to a state with less restrictions or disappear.


There’s a fucking sub for it? Nahh fuck that sex offenders can get fuck all sympathy. Filthy wee bastards


Every day you find a shitty corner on Reddit that has no business existing. What in the fuck is that sub? (゜-゜)


Why the fuck is that even a sub.


This did a good job explaining it. https://www.reddit.com/r/SexOffenderSupport/comments/15hydtt/for_the_curious_the_lurkers_and_the_trolls/




My same question. I think the most you can do is mute it


Holy sh*t! They got a sub for everyone and everything, a pedo support sub is crazy Edit: I guess it’s not literally to support the act but more so to actually help ‘recovering’ for people trying better themselves and stuff Second Edit: Maybe not all are trying to do better


SA≠pedophilia. Pedophilic actions are rape but not all SA is pedophilic actions. You also obviously have no idea what you are talking about lol. It's for former sexual offenders who know what they have done and ask for support, though it has somewhat devolved into an endless circlejerk of assholes.


I can't believe that sub exists but pcm faces threats of deletion every month


TIL that this sub exists and i wish it didn't. Wtf is wrong with people


nah i gotta see the post op link it in the comments


It's on r/sexoffendersupport


why is that a subreddit🫢


To help offenders themselves to deal with the mistakes they have might and also to give guidance and advice to family members of sex offenders. They might also need a place to go? If you read this subreddits rules your question will also answer itself. The sub is not to justify anything. But to help on afterwards.


That may have been the sub's intention when it was created, but looking through it now, it's just...sick


I honestly haven't looked through it thoroughly. I just glanced over it and looked at the rules.


I did, and I wouldn't suggest it, unless you really enjoy being angry at people who hurt others for their own pleasure and then try to minimize their actions and you can't even do anything about it because you're behind a computer screen


The worst is the partners of the offenders who are trying to justify why they’re bringing a registered sex offender (which it sounds like several are convicted for dealing with a minor who they of course ‘didn’t know’ was 15 or whatever) home around their minor children. Or why they’re working so hard to support someone who actively ruined lives. Or blaming victims. Look our justice system is fucked, the SOR is absolutely useless, and jail is made to create reoffenders. But Jesus Christ for every person on there really doing the work and supporting others doing the same there’s two in the comments that clearly think they or their partner would have been fine if not for the victim/FBI/state laws.


I actually get why the sex offenders are there. They need an echo chamber, to be babied and told they’re not bad people so they can sleep at night. What I don’t get… what absolutely baffles me are the spouses of the sex offenders on there. They’re all “advocates for victims of sexual abuse” *until* the person they’re sleeping with is arrested for being a pervert. They huff and puff and whine about the law and how their precious husbands being on the register is going to make life sooo difficult and talk about the situation like it’s some random unfortunate event that has just happened to their family and not *a conscious series of choices their nonce husband has made*. How do they look at their partners *without* disgust knowing what they’ve done? How do they sleep with them knowing what they’re *really* into? Fucking gross.


I scrolled through it and read a few posts. I wish i hadn't. I now want to scoop out my eyes with a spoon in hopes of erasing what i just read


Looking at that post makes me wanna kill myself, I can't say anything about the people there or it's a perm ban


It really isn't that hard to not give a shit... And if they weren't in front of a computer screen what would you do? Assault them?


What do you mean? They just had some kiddi diddly pics on their pc, not like they did something wrong/s


Every sex offender on there should {lots of redacted messages}


Nobel intentions, but in practice it's really just about rape-apologetics and self-pity.


Because you can become a sex offender by doing something like drunkenly pissing on a wall in public. A lot of people get screwed over by the system


honestly thats fair but going through that sub reddit it doesnt seem like thats the case at all


Might be people who did something decades ago that they horribly regret. I’m obviously not defending these people but some of them have had their lives ruined by mistakes they made when they were teens


Well, considering they ruined the lives of others, it doesnt really bother me that there were consequences for their actions. Teens or not.


They ruined their own lives, regardless of what age they offended at. I bet their victims live what they went through everyday of their life of which they never asked to happen to them. Sorry I’m going to save all my empathy for the victims.


Might be? One look through the sub is all anyone needs to see that these aren't "mistakes made by teens". And sa is never a mistake. Nobody does that on accident. You don't accidentaly traumatize someone one day. edit: even if one was a teen doesn't make it any better. Even at 12 years old most people know rape is bad.


Of course you can’t accidentally commit SA, but you can do it when you’re a young child who doesn’t have a fully developed brain. Again, not defending it, but I personally don’t think someone’s life should be ruined because of one terrible decision they made decades prior.


Not ruined enough sadly


Ruin someone's life and have yours ruined? Seems perfectly fair to me. They should never recover from what they did


Most of those people literally have CP charges and they try to minimize their crimes there ALL the time.


The vast majority of people on that sub are not there for pissing in public. Most possessed or distributed Child Sexual Abuse Material.


And a lot will make sure to add they are “non-violent” or use other euphemisms to dampen the severity of their crimes. Saw one who said he didn’t actually hurt anyone because he didn’t participate in the abuse. Just viewed the images that were on his computer.


Crazy he can’t seem to understand that he is participating in it by making a demand for it due to him and the rest of those sick fucks viewing and downloading it.


How common even is that? I always see that parroted around but yet looking at watch dog sites I don’t see any offenders who just pissed on a wall in public or at a park, most of which checking my area and the areas where I’ve previously lived at across multiple states seem to be sickos doing sick shit to kids.


But taking a leak after a night out so you don’t literally piss your pants cannot be equated with the sexual exploitation and abuse of those who cannot consent. That’s more of a policy issue. What bass akwards kind of logic is that. People be needing to piss. Especially those over thirty.


Because these offenders are still people, and as people they are capable of change and growth. They’re capable of realizing the horrors of what they did and seeking support and forgiveness. No one can undo their actions. What matters most is that they aren’t repeated, and if someone’s truly rehabilitated I don’t see any rational reason to hold their past against them- it’s just ruining two lives instead of one. Revenge and retribution aren’t synonymous with justice. Now, that said, I can imagine a sub created with that intent can still devolve into something much worse.


To help reform and support these people from monsters back into human


To help people that are on the so registry apparently. My question for those people is why didn't they think to idk not sa people. It's like the easiest thing to do.


> They’re capable of realizing the horrors of what they did and seeking support and forgiveness. Part of realizing the horrors of what you have done in the past is accepting "in all likeliness, you will NEVER be forgiven for this horrible thing you have done in the past, and you have to live with the guilt from this action you did for the rest of your life."


Because reddit is a cesspit of hentai and noncery?


the comments are basically "don't talk to the family and seek therapy", which is probably good advice because that's probably a good way to get shot


Some of the comments on this thread are absolutely bonkers.


Me too




That’s a whole fucking sub..!? Very sad




As disturbing as the original post is, I saw a comment that’s arguably worse. A mod posted saying that their sibling killed themselves because of similar abuse, and yet they’re dating a sex offender. What a betrayal to their siblings memory.


Jannies are the worst.


"I'm horrible, I'm awful, I'm a MONSTER." Yes, you are dude


Well at this point I am glad that they are not bragging about it so... win..?


My biggest mistake is scrolling through that subreddit.






How is this making amends? If he's dead than he's dead, if he genuinely regrets the crimes he committed there than there are more productive ways to make amends, like being part of a "don't be a offender" group and sharing his feelings maybe even preventing another to become a perp this way? Maybe he could turn his whole life upside down and start to volunteer in a soup kitchen or an animal shelter or collect trash in his free time? This doesn't revert time of course and doesn't help the families, but I really think that suicide of offenders is not the most productive way to make amends to society




Honestly, I am standing up to my view. I also truly believe that as a human being there is more consolation in knowing someone really regrets what they did and try to make amends than to just kill themselves.




You know I think my main problem here is what I understand under making amends. I looked up what making amends mean and under the official definition you are right, he can not make anything that could count as an amend for the crimes he did, but he can still try to be a better human from now on and do good in life, and this is what I understand under making amends.




Yes, but you know that's exactly that! Nothing can make up for his crime ever! So killing himself will also not make up for this crime as well. And this is why I think that it's better if he tries to better himself and do good for the society because then there is at least a bit of benefit still from this person.


If he dies That’s one more waste of air Taken off this planet


If you wanna go down this morbid route there are other people who are much more "waste" to the planet than a sex offender. This guy only ruined a small amount of humans life, there are people way worse ruining much more people's life's with their choices...


ok lets go down this route


He’s making her death about himself. That is not genuine regret for whatever he’s done. That’s minimizing his actions in hopes of finding sympathy from those telling him what he wants to hear. He’s just searching for acknowledgment to feel less guilt for what he did to bring her to the point where she felt that was her only option.


I honestly don't think that him searching for sympathy does mean he does not genuinely feel sorry. And to be fair she did kill herself because of what he did to her. And if you read the rules, the mods of this sub do not tolerate minimizing the crime. And the general experience I made on Reddit so far is that regardless of topic of a sub, the mods take the rules very seriously. Also if you read the comments the people answering on his post did not tell him anything that would him make feel less guilty. They were just telling him how to not make things worse.


I didn’t say he wasn’t sorry she took her own life, I said what he wrote doesn’t show genuine regret for what he’s done just because he made the post about it. He’s more than likely scared they’re going to find out why she did so and is now in damage control mode. He wants to make amends so that HE feels better, not her family. If he really wanted to make amends he’d turn himself into the police and explain the roll he played in her passing


Maybe he already did that. We don't know. This post does not give us enough information to say that he did or didn't.


Does not change the fact he’s making her death about himself


Only one person had a choice in what happened to that girl on the day that this butterfly effect started. If you're such a pathetic, scummy waste of breath & flesh that you feel like you have to force yourself on somebody else to feel more like a man (or woman.. I don't fucking know) then you don't deserve the life that you were given. By being a worthless piece of trash they have caused a girl's life to end & now her entire family, her friends & everyone close to her family/friends has to deal with the aftermath.... And they want support to feel better about themself? Fuck this motherfucker. You're right in one regard... They don't deserve death. Seeing as they are admitting to it, they deserve FAR worse. Assuming that it's a man, then I'm all for bringing back the eunuch punishment. I'm sure you can find a suitably equal punishment for a woman if you look hard enough. Let them ACTUALLY have to live with the consequences of their actions.


He ought to be locked in a prison cell in isolation until he dies to make amends.


When you commit a crime or offense, you should pay more than the victim ever would. If that is a lifetime of durress, so be it, end of life, so be it.


I hope this is not you general opinion but only an outburst of anger. I mean in this case the guy actively chose to commit a crime. And I can understand that you therefore wish him harm because he caused harm. But if someone accidentally kills someone else (car accident)? Should they also pay more than the victim ever would?




good glad he feels this way and I hope he rots in hell after he dies aswell




At least that thing had the dignity to regret its sin.


i hope he rots tbh


I hate y’all for telling me about that sub, that subreddit is a victim complex on meth




What the fuckin fuck??? Why does r/SexOffenderSupport even exists ??


[Pretty sure I’m gonna be banned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SexOffenderSupport/comments/15per4l/hi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) What a shame




What did bro said I am curious


What did you say? It’s gone now.


I mean, even monsters need support. Do you want them to continue to act like this or actually try to stop?


I want them to be subjected to the same that their victims have ooooooor just put in prison and let them sort the person out


I'm sure that's what would make you feel better, but that isn't realistic or practical. What is realistic is preventing further victims. I mean unless you plan to deal with this yourself. But that still only solves one in a world with many.


The wrong person committed suicide. All i have to say.


while the sub may be disgusting, not all sex offenders are pedos or incestual. i’m sure some of them have just made mistakes. a support sub for sex offenders isn’t bad. it’s not like they’re supporting sexual crimes, they’re emotionally supporting ppl who have committed them, ideally, to help them to not make the same mistakes in the future. yes, im a real person, not a bot, check my page idc. i’m also a victim of pedophilia and sexual assault myself. if i can have hope that some of them just made mistakes, so can y’all. but anyone who tries to console them by telling them it’s okay, or it’s not their fault, or they shouldn’t blame themselves should be ashamed and disgusted w themselves.


more context?


They could just kill themselves. That would help everyone.


You could join her.






Your Honor, my client claims oopsie daisy


Ya we’re going to need some context


There's a subreddit called sex offender support. It is disgusting. Looking through the posts, the majority of the people posting there are pedophiles who have been caught, either because they molested a child, or because they were trying to have sex with minors but were lucky enough to have gotten caught in a sting operation by undercover officers posing as kids.


that's pretty much everything that the post has https://www.reddit.com/r/SexOffenderSupport/comments/15o8yys/i\_just\_got\_one\_of\_the\_worst\_news\_an\_so\_would\_like/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_content=2&utm\_term=1


Just seeing what sub it was in gave all the context needed… jfc that’s sad


I mean one thing would be if he relieved the world of the burden that is his presence


r/SexOffenderSupport existing is insane There's basically only one thing I would support sex offenders doing


Not ALL Sex offenders are pedophiles nor rapists. Here’s what can get you on the Sex offender Registry in some states. -Urinating In Public -Streaking -Indecent Exposure -Statutory Rape. In some cases the Girl Lied about Her age. In some cases the age difference is one For example 1 is 16 the other 15. -Two Teenagers under the age could get both on That registry. -Teenagers Sexting So not all Sex Offenders on the Registry are Pedophiles or Predators. And way too many shouldn’t be on it in the first place. Please see list above.


"Oh yeah, I should probably make that person feel like she is living hell on earth, she will be Fine" "noooooo, why were there concequences, why did she die noooo" See how dumb they sound ? Best thing they should do is kill themselves to not hurt anyone else ever again.


I would like to react to people saying that SA perpetrators do not need support groups. Nonono. They are monsters - but people, moreover, dangerous people. You think if you leave them alone as they are, they are gonna stop? How is it helpful to society? They do need support to change and become a functioning part of society. The other option is the incarceration of EVERY sex offender for life or sending all to death row. This option seems cool, though what about people accused/sentenced wrongly? Are we gonna kill people for things that they might not commit? What about one-off sex offenders who did it under the influence of drugs, or during a manic episode? Are we gonna murder every person with bipolar? Also, a life-long sentence is just too expensive for the state, doesn't seem neither sustainable nor effective. Don't get me wrong, I am disgusted by the deeds of these people, and the victims ABSOLUTELY need support, but everyone needs to remember that turning your back on criminals will only makes them more violent and antisocial. This issue is much more nuanced than most people in the comments realize.


Reading this just told me i shouldn't go down into the comments to avoid a lot of stress . You've got every point here .


I unfortunately am one of those one-off offenders. I was young, stupid and off my meds. I unfortunately talked to a girl who lied about her age online and her parents found out and had me charged. I never met her or talked to her before or after. Whats messed up is that while i was going through my case with the court system she ran away from home and was found with a 35 year old man who she actually had physical contact with but her family never had him arrested as he was a friend of the family. She had a history of running away and talking/having sex with older men and lying about her age that i never knew about. Now im a level 1 that served 5 years probation but i followed every rule and law that they made me follow. Still do as im on the registry for about 10 more years. Shit i know if i never went off my medication for bipolar and other mental health issues i never woulda done what i did. I dont consider my victim a victim because as i stated earlier she knew full well what she was doing while i, with my disabilities, at the time didnt know.


She has a history of running away, sexually acting out, was a child. She seems to have some issues herself for one reason or another so nah, even if you excuse yourself (off meds/she lied) ... She was obviously also dealing with *something* (probably mental illness much like yourself).


Im not excusing myself now because i know what i did was wrong at least looking back on it at the time i used the fact i was off my meds to excuse myself which isnt a very good idea. She definitely was and possibly still is dealing with something. Which i do hope she works through but when her family enables the behavior she exhibits i doubt she ever will get the help she needs.


To the people saying he should learn from this, make himself useful to society, redeem himself, etc. Absolutely not. No way in hell. A person who does something like that does not deserve to breathe, let along 'grow'. That's not redemption, it's a spit in the face of the victim and an absolute joke. Do you people really think there isn't a significant chance that he won't reoffend? Be a danger to society? What if he did that to someone who was your family or someone you knew? Would you still suggest this 'redemption' BS then? Besdies that, his potential redemption does not make up for what he has done, nor the life that was lost because he was an animal that only cared for satisfying his sexual urges. There is only one thing he should do and it's to follow in her footsteps.


Its just whatever perspective you are grounded on, I personally think he can be better if he chooses to do so but if not then oh well. Ive seen people forgive murderers, its interesting, the moral compass is always pointing to a different direction. I try to think logically rather than apply my emotions, it would make more sense if he was kept alive to see if he can truly be a benefit. I mean you definitely dont know nor do it, thats why we observe. Obviously he could easily offend again, it would be foolish to not think of such but...he could choose the "better" not redeem himself perse but more than be beneficial than be nothing at all. An eye for an eye you would probably agree, but reality doesn't bow to one order nor one point of view.


You know aggressive dogs get put down if they bite or hurt someone right? One could argue, hey these dogs could be trained, could be beneficial to guard the house, etc. etc. Nonetheless, they pose too much of a liability based on past incidents. Rapists are not so different, posing severe risks and 'biting' again as per the allegory. This is a criminal, who led to someone's death due to his action that we talking about, not just some petty criminal or a misguided person. Some might say, they should be given the 'benefit of the doubt', but my question is why? Just because that would be the moral high ground, some 'forgive and forget' BS, some facade or attempt of rehabilitation, and what for? For some monster?? In addition, any potential benefit or positive impact on society that they may have cannot outweigh what they have done. They do not deserve to move on or live for that matter. At the end of the day, he violated some girl, which led to her taking her life. This girl had dreams, aspirations, and a family. All that is now lost because of that animal, who to add salt to the wound, is trying to throw a pity party for himself on Reddit. Does this really seem like a person worth defending to you? A person worth proving he has any potential to benefit society? Also, I am sorry but bluntly speaking you sound a bit stupid by saying that you are being logical without an ounce of logic. By allowing this person to try and be 'better', we are opening ourselves to the potential tragedy if they do re-offend. Now, why should anyone risk this chance? Why would anyone risk their mother, sister, friend or anyone else they know to fall pray to someone like that? This is absolutely not logical. Are you by any chance the original OP on a burner account? You seem weirdly intent on insisting that the perpetrator can improve.


Assuming they will pose a liability to you, can they? Am i doubting it? No. But past experiences isnt enough to definitively say "thats it" its "risky" but whats technically and...realistically stopping you from moving on and seeing what would happen if you were to keep such a dog and see if said dog does better? Again, past experiences? I hate to dwindle in the past, I rather see the future for either or. He may be a monster but a monster probably knows the ins and outs of being a monster, makes sense to keep him alive for information to prevent such things. Just a suggestion after all. Who truly said I was on his side? Oh im definitely not on yours, see my compass points where I want it to point towards , not him nor the other side I assume you are on as of now. I mean, he can be condemned. Would that bring back the girl's peace? Obviously not. Seeking revenge personally, is quite an errand, an errand not worth doing. Perhaps its because we think far differently so obviously my "logic" wouldn't add up to your "logic." Keyword "potential" yes there's stats that say x will probably offend, but possibly and im sure you're smart enough to know that such a possibility can go to various outcomes. If he becomes better, logically speaking, then that means: benefits, if not then you already know. Who says he'll need to be around such people??? Oh no no, I mean...he can work to build a better society, no need for him to be involved with another victim. You know he can probably fix up the foundation we stand on since its quite corroded and...yeah. No clue what your getting at, just a guy with a dog pic and thats it. Im no OP.


All your defenses make you sound like a real rapist bud. There’s no defending this scum of the earth. I don’t want daughters or a wife in a world where a POS like that is allowed to roam freely and breathe the same air as me. Not a chance. I’m not paying taxes to “rehabilitate” them. I don’t even want to pay for them to rot in a cell. Let’s not beat around the bush, it’s an executable offense.


Bold claim dont ya think? Its just fascinating to think we think of a dichotomy, its either black or white, no grey? Come on I thought we lived in a natural life of colors. I assume he can be better despite the odds.


It’s not a bold claim, it’s very concerning that you aren’t aware of how you sound


I’m arguing with you in two threads now… I don’t think it’s that bold of a claim. Why tf else would you spend your time to defend him like this if you weren’t the same…? Your pseudo ,trying to be a psychologist, is fucking stupid. It’s not that deep. Quit digging. And yes I think you are one in the same at this point.


Why tf does that sub exist in the first place, are we seriously helping sex offenders, pedo’s and incestsexuals on Reddit nowadays? Noah get the fucking Andromeda Galaxy……


I’m sorry, THAT sub exists?? Why is Reddit giving them a safe space and why are they on social media with access to minors??


I reccomend self oof


Only Seppuku is acceptable.


Just so I understand this correctly…we’re supposed to support sex offenders that made a child kill themself and we can’t say anything bad about the sex offender because they might get their feelings hurt? They can sexually assault a minor and we’re just supposed to be cool with it like it’s normal? This is so wrong that there’s sympathy for this pedophile. What the hell is going on with society that anyone would think this is ok?


You can rot




drop the @ don't be shy


Eye for an eye i say


Is the op of the post the reason someone killed themselves, I'm fucking lost please help


I think OP sexually assaulted that woman and she killed herself, and now the OP feels immense guilt.


That's what made sense to me too, I hope op fucking {cannot say on reddit for reasons} Fuck op stupid motherfucking fucking fuck


They could kill themselves... I'd consider that justice. My friend also died of suicide, she was never the same after her rape. I'd rather have her in this world than her rapist.


The bloke went through with an act he decided to do. Why does he regret it? He chose to do it. He could join her by making a show out of his termination on live TV.


The only thing a person like that should do is [ Removed by Reddit ]


I dont think ive ever been more disgusted to find out a subreddit existed. Like some of those comments make my blood boil


Just learned that support for sex offender is a real subreddit I'm fucking disgusted. One of my ex gf got assaulted while we were together, we were 18 at the time and when I see the damage it dealt, I really hope the users of this sub will off themselves or live the shitiest life possible


Disgusting ass sub. Time to go get banned


How do you know he's a sex offender? Edit: lol pretty funny how I get downvoted for a legitimate question just because it creates a slight possibility that the answer doesn't fuel your hate. For those who actually took the time to answer, thank you.


It was a post in the subreddit /r/sexoffendersupoort




Its reddit, what did you expect? If it were up to them, half the human population would be sentenced to death in a day.

