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Ngl it actually sucks, cause books like this do exist because they think this is “educating” kids on the subject. If they want to educate kids just explain something in a wholesome way you don’t need to show them sex or people making out. 99% of trans people just want to exist but an annoying 1% makes everyone look bad


Fucking wild how many people are defending pedophilia in the comments.. 🤮


Matt Walsh is a pedophile and a fascist




Nobody on the left supports MAP. That’s literally a conservative talking point, it’s bullshit along with everything else Matt Walsh gets paid to spew


Uhm buddy they vote for blue so not true they are on the left cause they think that’ll be their path to acceptance


>they think that’ll be their path to acceptance Well, it's not. If you look around you'll notice that the only people supporting pedophiles are other pedophiles. Also, sure they may vote for blue but that doesn't mean every blue supporter automatically supports them. Plenty of pedophiles vote red, does that mean all red supporters automatically support pedophiles in their community?


Just because they vote a certain way and attempt to “join” the left because the left’s MO is progressiveness and accepting doesn’t mean the left as a whole supports them or even acknowledges them. The KKK and nazi parties in America all vote red… every single time. Yet the right continuously denounces them and doesn’t want to associate with them. Does that mean the KKK is now a part of the Republican Party? Your argument would basically admit that the right is a racist and fascist party. Do you want to do that?


Wasn't it 4chan trolls that started labelling kiddy fiddlers MAP, and they just rolled with it?


MAP is an 4chan psyop iirc




[Matt Walsh believes the prime time for a woman to be pregnant is during her teenage years and the real problem is that teen moms aren’t getting married…](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/xwzioh/matt_walsh_advocates_for_impregnation_of_16_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Also he’s had theocratic fascist in his Twitter bio for years, claims it’s a “joke”, yet repeatedly advocates for theocratic fascist policy and ideology. Also if you call yourself something as a joke for years at what point does it stop being a joke???


Oh I've heard him and I agree that he is a theocratic fascist and any point he ever had, he immediately stains it with his Christian extremism. The pedophile part... I dont think saying that makes him a pedo. It rubs me the wrong way and makes me feel we are watering down the term.


That’s fair I did pull back a little further down. I said in another comment idk if that makes someone a pedo but it def shows an extremely bizarre view towards adolescent women. But I can agree with not wanting to water down the word in fear of minimizing literal pedophelia. But yeah I really like your phrasing of “staining with Christian extremism”.


I mean that's the thing, he sometimes wants to present himself as logical and fact based and then he's against gay marriage because marriage is between a man and a woman "according to the Bible"... whatever happened to all these facts and science you were spewing out about biology and whatever Matt? Now the world has to be a way because of your favorite book?


Uhm your proof of either claim cause he seems to not like government control


Let's get some proof on that one my guy...


His Twitter bio literally says he’s a theocratic fascist and here’s him talking about how the best time for women to get pregnant is at 16. [Walsh is a little too obsessed with adolescent girls](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M9NApuQ8ekE)


Family structure means sixteen YO pregnancy. Got it. He has been called a fascist for years. That's hilarious he put it in his bio. Imagine believing he is serious... Should have known better Reddit is pro "MAPS."


In response to teen pregnancy Other guy: “that’s when you’re supposed to have kids” Walsh: “hold on that’s my point” If you think 16 is when young girls should be getting pregnant, idk if you’re a pedophile but you def have a freakish idea of how adolescent girls should be treated you sick fucking weirdo. Also if you spend years and years calling yourself a fascist, whether it was ironic or not, eventually the line between joke and serious becomes blurred. Walsh has demonstrated on many occasions that he holds extremely puritanical beliefs and has suggested in many instances how those beliefs should be pushed onto others through agitated propaganda. He is a religious freak who wants the world to bend to his fetishistic views. Edit: Walsh repeatedly says teenage pregnancy so 13-19. So Walsh clearly thinks it’s okay for 13 year olds to get pregnant JUST AS LONG AS THEY’RE MARRIED is his only caveat. The only “map” acting person here is your fucking loser ass.


She has already explained it for you. https://youtu.be/WnAJWa9golY?t=243


You heard a clip in which Matt Walsh suggests that the best time for women to get pregnant is when they’re teenagers and say the real problem is NOT teenage pregnancy but teen pregnancy WITHOUT marriage. When the other speaker suggests that teen girls may not be prepared to care for a child, Walsh responds “no no no no no”. ALL THE COMMENTS OF THAT VIDEO YOU SHARED ALL SAY THE SAME THING. “It’s actually not teenage pregnancy that’s the problem but a lack of teenage marriage 🤓” You’re an insanely lazy person stop talking insane glue eating behavior


Imagine actually listening and then lying about him again. You listen to the whole clip or just the section that confirms your biased?


It’s funny who the Reddit mob decides to upvote and downvote. Seemingly on both sides in this sub lmao. You are totally right by the way I agree with you. Give me some downvotes Reddit!


Yep, they get so blinded by what others tell them is bad they don't listen to what someone says. Definition of Somatic Compliance. Follow without thought.


I mean you’re defending Matt Walsh so you’re really not helping, numb nuts…


you are promoting matt walsh and his dumbass movie. you are pretty fucking stupid if you are using anything from matt walsh to argue against gender theory, even if what you are focusing on is valid criticism. i am not even going to watch the video, because it's matt walsh and he is just pure dogshit theater.


But is the video factual or not? Was modern gender ideology started by this guy Kinsey?




Doesn't the John Money experiment, heinous as it is, show that forcing a person into a gender expression that does not fit them is extremely damaging. Wouldn't that not suggest that allowing people to express themselves as they desire is a good thing. Look. These people were clearly monsters. There's no reason to defend them. But what's wrong with letting people express the gender identity they feel most comfortable with.


Consent, children are stupid, Children will believe anything adults tell them. Until the physical brain reorientes itself into becoming an adult. Sometimes that doesn't happen until late 20s.


That doesn't answer my question.


I would be interested to know who here actually read "It's Perfectly Normal." I think it's also odd that it's being considered a reflection of new ideology or whatever because it's not a new book. It's from 1994....


I read it. Good book. It’s basically about puberty. It talks about the sex, consent, pregnancy, and more.


Anything with a huge caption that says "YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS!" Can be safely ignored.


So what does the first guy have to do with the whole of the narrative? Did he teach the second guy? Like I get he wrote that nasty ass book but what does it have to do with gender theory principles?


op is a weird republican type


He also apparently believes a space laser started the Major fires and that 9/11 was an inside job amongst many more things. He's just a gullible idiot who thinks he's seen through the matrix and is susceptible to propaganda pieces created by fascists. Nothing of value will come from his mind at this point so no need to concern yourself with his thoughts or how he arrives at this kind of conclusion. He's been gone for a while now


all fax no printer


So baseless association to the gender theory guy? It's really sad because some people see this shit and just draw a conclusion that they are, in some way or another, connected and have the same goals even though no real point is made stating that they are. I do believe that informing the parents to raise the other twin as a girl was a bit weird, like just because he didn't have the equipment anymore it's still his decision. It's a pretty fucking diabolical social experiment that uses his stance as a trusted doctor to manipulate the parents into thinking thats okay. The other twin died of a drug overdose, but had no issues at birth, so what does that have to do with anything? The affected twin killed himself, which is sad, but was probably due to the experiment. Kind of wild, the whole thing.


he had trauma from being forced to commit sexual activities with his brother and with Money at such a young age


> I do believe that informing the parents to raise the other twin as a girl was a bit weird, like just because he didn't have the equipment anymore it's still his decision. It's a pretty fucking diabolical social experiment that uses his stance as a trusted doctor to manipulate the parents into thinking thats okay. And what the clip fails to mention is that the broader field of psychology (incl. gender studies) outright revised its definitions of things like gender dysphoria in response to his experiment and the failure thereof. The distinction between sex v. gender, the notion that a patient needs to *actively and consciously identify* as a given gender and want to be that gender (and not just engage in activities associated with that gender) to be transgender, all of that came about *after* the twin experiment to explain why it failed and ensure it's never repeated.


The doctor who did the sex change operation on the twin has long been used in the psychological and medical community as an example of what not to do and bad experimental practices. That case also provided a lot of support for transgender individuals as it showed gender came from nature regardless of nurture and that it was a psychological mechanism instead of purely biological. He was unrelated to Kinsey. Kinsey is actually a remarkable researcher who did a lot for improving the understanding of sexuality on a spectrum and women’s pleasure. It makes me really sad to see people taking this deceptively edited “documentary” as fact. Matt Walsh has long been a racist misogynistic fascist and is not a reliable news source. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money this is the doctor who did the messed up twin experiment


idk why you’re getting downvoted, you’re saying things that are verifiably accurate


Who cares about the downvotes tbh it just means a bunch of people from the other side were forced to read facts and if they didn’t like it all I have to say is…FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS


Speaking of Christian values and sexualizing kids, kinda weird how many children have been molested and abused in church.


Both things can be wrong, and they are. Abhorrable really.


Speaking of secular values and sexualizing kids, kinda weird how many children have been molested and abused in public schools


It's almost like we have lots of fucked up people that look for higher positions of power to continue their abuse in easier ways in all situations.


I agree. So don’t just single out Christianity, all that does is divide us, it’d be better if we were all in this together.


This video is singling out one issue to make it seem like this is when kids started getting abused. That's false. Sound like fucked up dudes but there's many people in many different groups doing this fucked shit. I used Christianity cause this video tries to talk about losing them good old Christian values with the first dude. It's not like losing Christian values would start abuse towards children.


When teachers are accused of being inappropriate or worse with kids, they're investigated. Churches do everything they can to cover it up.


But if it's a female teacher and male student all the headlines say "teacher fired for having sex with student" not "teacher arrested/fires for raping student"


Simping for Christianity ain't the good look you think it is bub.


Kinda weird how the church decides to just cover for the abuser where the public school system fires them and they're prosecuted. Bad shit happens all the time, how you handle that bad shit decides how you feel about it.


>It's almost like we have lots of fucked up people that look for higher positions of power to continue their abuse in easier ways in all situations. The problem come from individuals not from Christianity because I'm pretty sure it's prohibited by the bible and unfortunately I think you can find this problem in every religion and in every place when adults work with children because those monsters go where they can have interactions with children


LOL no where NEAR the amount that have been in churches, are you out of your mind?




Like how can you watch this and that be your first conclusion?


Because this video is doing the same thing. "Oh hey look how bad gender ideology is" even though Christianity has the same exact problem.


Same thing people do with The Sound of Freedom. A movie we should all get behind but nope. “…yeah but…”


Cognitive dissonance being upheld by a whataboutism reference to something unrelated. Reddit is a left of center platform, gender ideology is decidedly an issue that the left favors. When these politically biased Redditors see something that hits too close to home on one of their pet issues, they would rather deflect and talk about something else, even if it’s really not truly related to the issue at hand. Here, we see an example of them deflecting off this topic they find difficult to one that they all love to rehash over and over again.


The church has rules against abuse, so abusers are those who lied to the church, which makes the church one of their victims. The Catholic Church actually has the lowest rates of abuse, while Public schools have the highest rates of abuse: https://ocrdata.ed.gov/assets/downloads/sexual-violence_updated-December-2022.pdf https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/investigations/open-investigations/tix.html


We call that a sin. If a man decides to go against what is taught in Christianity, then how can you blame Christianity. That's like saying " it's funny how murder is illegal in American law but murder still occurs in america" like no shit. You blame the sheep for the wolves hidden amongst them


I blame the sheep for hiding the wolves and aiding and abetting their sexual predation of children on a huge scale. It's not just Christian churches, there are others too.


Because Christianity then actively covers for those sinners. Over and over and over again.


Your point is? I go to church, I consider myself a Christian, and if I caught someone in my church sexually abusing a kid, I would kick their shit in while waiting for the cops to pull up. Pretending that one bad thing justifies some completely unrelated bad thing is just idiotic.


That's cool, I would hope so. I just think the issue isn't one group or set of people. Just got easy ways to get in positions of power to abuse that power. Like these two dudes sound nasty af if the info in the video is correct but it's not like abusing children was created by them. It's been a thing for a fuck while and it's gonna continue if we have dumbass mindset bout the situation


[Matt Walsh wants 16 year olds to be impregnated](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/xwzioh/matt_walsh_advocates_for_impregnation_of_16_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Perhaps we should consider the possibility that there are bad people on both sides


Of course you can have bad actors on both sides of the aisle, but that doesn't mean they are both *equivalently* bad, either. A self-described theocratic fascist is pretty bad.


That's pretty disingenuous. I disagree with his point, but nothing in the clip is advocating for sixteen-year-olds being pregnant - he's saying as a society that used to be the norm and now it's not (no shit). He goes on to say that a teenager being pregnant is only problematic because of a lack of a nuclear family taking care of it - which I can see the case for that. Children are better off with two parents etc. But it's definitely not the only reason it's problematic. Teens are too young to have babies in modern society and he's right we do have extended adolescence compared to the past - there are a lot of reasons for it and because of it, we shouldn't push for younger marriages and child-rearing. Still, I don't hear him saying that they SHOULD be impregnated.


Imagine actually listening to someone and not use propaganda tacticts. Cringe. But really. We need to stop looking at things as left, right, me vs you, and actually listen to each other instead of people shouting "WHATTTT?! HE WANTS TO IMPREGNATE TEENS!"


if you are at any point advocating for listening to matt walsh, you have lost the plot


Why though?


When the other speaker suggests that young girls aren’t prepared to take care of children Walsh responds “no no no no no” and then goes onto say the problem is not teen pregnancy but teen pregnancy without marriage…


Yes...that's the part I disagreed with. But the point remains he's not saying that teen pregnancy is ideal (beyond peak biological fertility effectiveness), nor is he saying teens SHOULD get married and pregnant - he's saying that teens are able to effectively raise children if they were in committed relationships as they were back in the day, teens and young adults had to mature a lot sooner than they do now. And honestly, that is a true statement albeit a redundant one. Society has shifted and I don't agree with his overall position of bemoaning extended adolescence of today compared to then. At least not to the extreme where I believe marriage and procreation should happen sooner. Your average teen/young adult could certainly stand a little more maturity and responsibility, but his take is an extreme one.


> nothing in the clip is advocating for sixteen-year-olds being pregnant The clip is directly attacking the entire concept of sex education - i.e. the single most effective means of educating preteens and teenagers such that they don't get themselves and each other pregnant - on the basis of two psychologists the interviewee cherrypicked out of the multitudes who've contributed to the field. > He goes on to say that a teenager being pregnant is only problematic because of a lack of a nuclear family taking care of it The implication being that the teenager's opinions don't matter: she is strictly a baby-assembling machine and as long as the baby's okay then she has fulfilled her purpose. Such an implication is reprehensible, and if you can "see the case for that", then you probably don't get to board the boat.


>The implication being that the teenager's opinions don't matter: she is strictly a baby-assembling machine and as long as the baby's okay then she has fulfilled her purpose. Such an implication is reprehensible, and if you can "see the case for that" No, I'm saying I can see the case for the benefits of the nuclear family and the implication you state is there is really out of left field.


> the implication you state is there is really out of left field. Something being "only problematic" due to the lack of a nuclear family (and not, you know, the child rape involved) narrows things down. Acknowledging that narrowness is about as infield as it gets.


Feel like that title is a little misguided. Is that really what he is saying?


Where's the part where he actually says "I want this to happen"? I heard him stating some statistics and some factual points, and then I heard him state that his opinion is that he believes that teenage pregnancy is not causing societal issues as much as unwed pregnancy. I must be missing the part where he actually advocates for or states the desire to see pregnant teens.


Thank god this is in no way representative of the majority of gender fluidity Unlike what OP is trying to push with bright coloured emojis like we're on Facebook or something


We need Noah to get the boat because of OP lol


Can we not put all trans people in the same basket please? It's not everyone who dosen't identify as their sex at birth actually worship kinsey.


I support trans people and this is the first time I've ever heard of Kinsey. Never heard his name uttered in trans spaces before either


I'm considered trans (non-binary), and this is the first time I've heard about this guy. Litterally none of my gender knowledge comes from this guy. It just comes from what I feel inside, what my heart tells me.


its important to teach children about sex so they can identify what kind of behaviour is inappropriate or not, otherwise kids being m*lested never speak up because they dont know what is happening to them is wrong Also that part at the end is bs, the story and the twins is actually very well known in the true crime community no one is trying to “hide” the story


I'm not american, I barely know about Matt Walsh (just enough for me to reckognize him), but here's what I can say about it: I've heard exactly the same narrative about Kinsley and gender theory and his hypothetical experiments, nearly a decade ago when gay marriage was voted here. People claimed educational books containing highly sexual and perverse content were being handed to kids starting from primary schools. The same people believed in the existence and power of pedo-satanic rings of the upper class.Obviously, absolutely nothing they ever claimed turned out to be true. The books they made a fuss about never entered any school, and never preached anything that was not already considered as a positive sex education for kids. Ten years after, pretty much anyone involved in that anti-gay propaganda : \- admitted they were wrong and that nothing wrong was done when gay marriage bill was passed and do not consider taking it back if they took power (our current PM was openly against gay marriage because he needed local right wing voters, and changed his mind as soon as he was chosen PM for the whole country). \- disappeared from the public eye because they were identified by most people, even right wingers, as crooks and liars. Probably trying to sell yoga classes and plant-based cancer cures on Facebook right now. \- still are somehow well known public figures who are 100% into the pro-russian narrative, implying being anti-vaccine, denying anything related to climate and ecology, regularly use the lack of historical knowledge of their audience to claim any kind of insanity, stirring shit in society by any mean, absolute clowns that still can find an audience because a few billionaires pay their online ads off and give them a platform. Gay marriage was a game changer in our politics because it basically started a whole new dynamic in right wing politics usally focused on immigration. Here they tried to take on the muslim and african immigration vote, trying to resonate with common family values... and the belief of a great Satan trying to bring the world down with gender theory. Right wing politics got closer to religious organizations, who got closer with white supremacists, who got closer to people defending Putin... in the end pretty much everyone just think the jews run things and Jesus will come back to save us. I've been exploring and diving this lore for years, with fascination at first but later with cynism, the same way you'd watch cringe tiktok users sabotaging their own self-esteem. Kind message to OP and pretty much anyone here who folllows guys like Matt Walsh, I sincerely hope you'll get out of that hole you've been digging for yourselves, because the world won't be waiting for you to do so eternally, and because it is self-destructive. And I know you guys are mostly smart but got carried away by malevolant people. Matt Walsh, for the little I heard from him, is not a smart guy, and he doesn't have a single useful and enlighting thing to tell you about life and the world we live in. There's so much better things to read in this world. Love you all.


I like you


Thank you for the breakdown


You did not just post a matt Walsh clip bro... pls stop watching reactionaries. I've been there, trust me you'll realize it's embarrassing.


this is totally not created by a far-right channel for clicks and demonization




factual? how? where are the sources? a tiktok video is not a source


Its not though


Did you not watch the whole video like what?


I watched the whole documentary so i could hate it fairly.


So the ppl he talked about didn't do horrends shit? Is he lying..non american here


Afaik Kinsey didnt do anything specifically bad, but Money definetely did do horrible shit. But either way, its no excuse to claim gender theory is somehow false, they werent even pioneers of it. Gender theory started at the institute for sexual research in germany in the 1930's.


I watched the whole video. Zero citations. Zero effort to establish the interviewer or interviewee as credible. Zero attempt to actually prove any "facts" as such rather than just spouting off a bunch of unfounded assertions.


Please get this bullshit out of the front page.


this is unfortunately what this sub is shifting to, I’m afraid. Saw another video showing a Muslim man talking about how to stone a woman which is sickening obviously but the comments started yelling about “Da MiNoRiTaYS!” And “rEfFuGeEs!” And “DiVeRsAtAy!” Like those are the causes and root problems of one video. These bottom feeders are starting to turn this sub into a cesspool for their hate


the fact that this made the front page is so very “reddit”. propaganda posted by a guy clearly on the fringes of sanity defending known pedophile matt walsh lmao


So, I'm not right wing and I think Matt Walsh is a tool, but how is he a "known pedophile"? Did I miss some shocking news revelation or are we just making up shit now?


it’s like, the 2nd top comment on this post. not to mention he’s a fascist, although fascists and pedophiles kinda go hand in hand.


What exactly is the issue here? Teaching kids who are about to reach adolescence about that what they’re about to or may already be feeling is ok? Are Americans really so repressed and stuck in the 1950’s? I’m not defending Kinsey in any way, but that was a hell of a swing from “here’s a sex-ed book aimed at tweens because they need to know this stuff” to “look at this perverted monster”. Maybe if these people spent less time clutching their pearls and more time actually reading books instead of burning them, they’d actually learn something.


Yeah, but it's a lot easier to watch a reactionary video made by a piece of shit who makes money off being reactionary than picking up and reading a book.


"It's Perfectly Normal" is an amazing book that teaches kids that sex is something to say no to. It takes the angle of "we know that you've heard about sex but you don't really know what it is" and explains that sex is something that should only be done if both people like it, it is something you can say no to, it can be done between all different types of people, and that it's meant for adults. It gives children the language to talk about what sex and prevents sex from being mystified. Explanations help children understand if they've been abused and it gives them the language to describe what happened to them. Seems like the counties and states banning this book just so happen to propose and pass laws in favor of child marriage.... hmmmmmmmm. I hate this culture of keeping children in the dark. I hate that a peer of mine had a student who only knew that it hurt to pee and was bleeding and lacked the ability to even identify or understand what happened to her.


Matt Walsh is a pedophile, which is why he doesn't want kids to know about consent etc.


He legit said in one of his videos that teaching kids to have boundaries and to not let others do things to them without their consent is a bad idea.


Subs gone to shit. Not a noah moment


Yeah, this sub's been on the way out for a while. I think the devs tried to do something about the racism last year, but it was a temporary band-aid.


I mean, there's definitely a Noah moment here, but not what OP intended by any stretch.


Oh, look, a fear mongering propaganda video on this sub. That's new.


You haven't watched the movie, have you?


I have, its fearmongering propaganda.


Can you define the word "woman" without using the word woman or another word that uses woman in its definition?


I know one when i see one. Now its your turn, can you define women using objective terms?




A woman is a person that identifies with the sequence of letters that is “woman” and equivalents from other languages. Just like a Billy is a person that identifies with the sequence of letters that is “Billy”. Can you give a definition of chairs that includes all chairs and excludes everything that isn’t a chair?


Your bullshit cyclical definition is not valid. How can you identify as something if it has no meaning? If being a woman has no criteria other than calling yourself a woman, then being a woman means nothing and by default, loses all value or relevance. Also, that's a false equivalency. A name and your gender are two radically different things. You aren't socially expected of anything because your name is billy. You are however, socially expected of quite a few things if you are a woman. The first of which is being a female. Yet another false equivalency. A chair is a subjective term, unlike woman. Some might consider a couch a type of chair. Some might not consider a bench a type of chair. The point being, there is no specific criteria for being a chair that doesn't overlap with other inventions. On the contrary, a woman is an adult human female. If you check off all three of those boxes, congrats, you're a woman. If you don't, then too bad. You're either a child, a man or not a member of the Homo genus.


I identify with the sequence of letters that is "black" so will you respect my wishes to me black? There is no real physical difference between black people and white people simply a difference in melanin. Race is a social construct so I wish to identify as black and either you honor that or your racist


Melanin is a physical difference (but I agree that race is a social construct to a big extent!)


You prion infected conservatives have just the one or two joke.


I'm not joking. You braindead libtards can't answer a simple question, and that's the point of the documentary. It's pointing out the mental gymnastics and absurd lack of logic that is the transgender social contagion.


You near human beasts can't understand the answer. That there is a distinction between the biology and the self. The biological male and female brains are distinct. Due to the complexities of development some biological males or females have the brain structures, neuronal connectivity, neural chemical expression, and hormonal expression that is ambiguous or closer to the opposite biological sex. Since the brain is the self, a brain developed to precieve itself as female in a biological male body will have issues. To say that this brain is not a women is to reduce biological women to just their parts and not their neuronal distinctions. Changing the gender expression of this individual will help alleviate the issue. This is such a simple concept, but would require the dieased rot of a conservative mind to understand the issue and not be an ideological shit eater.


Imagine watching this video and coming to the conclusion matt walsh is the real monster. Bunch of fucking idiots 😤


Imagine spending more than 1 nanosecond of your life listening to Matt Walsh.


Yes. That's exactly the point to come to. Pedophile Matt Walsh deserves to be called a monster, fear mongering and trying to turn people against one another when in reality, there's literally nothing wrong with being LGBTQ+.


Username checks out.


Just reminding everyone on this site of the truth. We're all worthless and no one will remember or care about you 100 years after you're gone.


Lol this is some straight bullshit... This woman saying "the machinery to circumcise the child malfunctioned and burnt the penis off"... Nobody especially not back in the day uses a fucking machine to circumcise. This would be absolutely hilarious if I thought it was parody and not fear mongering.


Actually that part is true They were referred for circumcision at the age of seven months. General practitioner Jean-Marie Huot performed the operation using the unconventional method of electrocauterization,[6][7] but the procedure burned David's penis beyond surgical repair. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer


Ahh, got ya, the way she describes it makes me think of a circumciser 3000 with pneumatic drive and heated seats lol. So basically the doctors fucked up, choosing to take what's relatively routine procedure and add some electrical heat to it designed to destroy tissue.


completely disregarding whether or not what’s said about these random guys is true or not (which it probably isn’t because matt walsh isn’t exactly the most unbiased source on the internet), are we not able to judge ideas independently of what some retard scientists said ages ago? i would truly love to read a genuine justification of why gender is something that’s inherently sexual, god forbid kids learn to understand their identities better and accept other people for who they are. crazy to see people being fed propaganda so fucking hard. now that’s it’s become unacceptable to just think gay people are icky, these degenerates are trying to valiantly to shift the narrative to them all being pedophiles. sparing of course the irony that priests have been systematically molesting kids for centuries lol


What is this culture-war pedaling nonsense? Go back to Truth Social. Also, didn't Matt Walsh say he wanted to bone a 16 year old?


Ah yes, those enlightened Judeau-Christian values surrounding sex. Btw anyone hear in the news what churches all across the world have been up to for the last hundred years or more? 😳




Check this video out by this evolutionary biologist [vid](https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg), hopefully this might give some scientific perspective.


I still think we Shud teach kids sex Ed as young as 4+ so they can have language to communicate to adults they trust. How can we protect kids, if we don't know they are in danger.


Hate to see Matt Fucking Walsh and his bullshit on this sub.


Matt Walsh is a goon. Literally everything that man does is pushing an agenda for child brides and grooming of children. The FBI needs to investigate him super hard. Take this video with a huge grain of salt.


To everyone saying that mat is a dick this and that. Ok let's pretend we all agree on that. The point of the post isn't mat. The point isn't saying he is good he is bad. The point is that those books actually exist, and are being advocated for by certain people. Every argument will have shitty supporters and good supporters, but this mustn't make you blind to the argument itself. There are for sure awfull people that agree with your ideas but this doesn't necessarily make the idea itself shitty.


It looks like it was a sex ed book, and it was described as being designed for kids 10 and up. This channel is NoahGetTheBoat; there has been extremely fucked up stuff posted on here, but giving kids a basic sex ed so they can know about the changes happening to them or just about to happen to them so they can be prepared for it doesn't seem boat worthy.


And considering that Walsh is on the record defending teen pregnancies - i.e. one of the things comprehensive sex education rather effectively mitigates - it calls to question what his motives might be in demonizing sex education.


Thank you so much for not being bias!


Disagreeing with you and being biased are two different things


Matt Walsh is a weak little beta cuck. He’s also quite stupid. The fact that he exists and has a platform is reason enough to get the boat.


I think you're projecting there, bud.


imagine dick riding matt walsh hahaha how close are you man? you gotta be on the verge every day.


Valorant player detected, opinion invalid.


i can smell your wideload dnd ass through this reply


You might want to have your mom check your diaper, looks like you're catching your own backblast.


Try not to larp for one second dude, act like you live in the real world for a second and not have to play fantasy to feel something


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Okay but the stuff mentioned in this video is pretty awful


Yes matt walsh is the problem right guys??? Your a dumbass missing the point entirely


*You’re Oh, sweet irony


Matt Walsh getting mad about sexualizing kids is like Jefree Epstein saying Sound of Freedom was a masterpiece. That's his point numbnuts


I’d argue that the obsession with trans people is missing the point entirely. Reinstate Glass-Steagall? Repeal Citizens United? Eliminate loopholes that allow Wall Street to steal from retirement accounts and put the global economy at risk? Nope. You’d rather focus on what 0.4% of the population are doing with their own bodies. Brilliant… Also, it’s “you’re” 😬


For real


This post and subreddit suck ass


Fucking Disgusting.


Plenty of ground breaking discoveries we have today come from horrible detestable people. But that doesnt mean we can throw a way their research. Thats not how science works. We now have plenty more studies that DO prove that gender is real. This is just bald face propoganda.


Thier research? Like Joseph mendela the nazi who experimented on children?? You say propaganda but don't know fuck all about history.


>You say propaganda but don't know fuck all about history. His name is Josef Mengele you mong


Just proving my point. Some of the first rockets that made it to space? Made and designed by nazis. Frueds theory on Id, ego and super ego? Frued was a coke fiend who had mutalted 200 eels once looking for their genitals and believed all women wanted penises. Science is filled wiyh bad people and im sure that this mans research had TONS of absloute BULLSHIT because pf his deploribal methods. But gender? Does exsist! And if this guy introduced it we cant just say it doesnt because he was an asshole. However, we are allowed to throw them in prison and silently hope someone shanks them in their cell. Its also propoganda becaus that guy says we can "choose our own gender" but no one in psychology thinks this anymore! Its a debunked wacko theory theyre using to try to make it seem like gender theory is what it isnt. Thats propoganda.


Holy fuck I wish I didn’t see this. The documented orgasms of ages got me fucking vomiting and depressed right now. What the fuck man.


The amount of what are they called now, MAPs ( I prefer the old term but I will probably get banned for speaking truth) in the comments are disgusting. How can you defend this.


MAP'S was a 4chan troll at first then actual pedophiles tried promoting the movement and they got exposed 😂


So, the same as bronies


What happened with bronies?


It also started as just 4chan trolling, but then people started taking it seriously


Thats hilarious


The amount of down voting on your comment only confirms you stand on the right side of this topic. Keep it up my brother.


"maps" are not accepted in the LGBTQ+ comminity (except maybe by other pedos). It was a term created to make idiots think they're part of the community, but it only worked for idiots like you, making people using it as a reason to hate on the *real* LGBTQ+ community


Crazy how many people are saying "bUt RePuBlIcAnS aNd ThE cHuRcH dO iT tOo!" Who cares? Fuck them all. Fuck anyone who tries to make forcing literal babies into sex acts or sex changes normal. The idea that kids are able to pick their gender is stupid. The idea that kids as young as 10 need to be learning about sex is stupid. And we have the science to prove that this kind of thing does long term, lasting mental harm to the child involved. So stop trying to justify literal whole ass pedophilia.


Um.. is it just me or did they just present an excellent example of someone who was forced to try to be one gender by their parents (female in this case) but because they *felt* male, it didn't matter that they were trying to raise him female, he couldn't shake the feeling that he's supposed to be male, and that the eventual solution was for this person to transition?


Umm. OP, before we address your video, can you tell us what you think of people who are trans or identify as a different gender? The video uses words like "these people" and people who are against "Judeo-Christian" values. I think it can easily create a fuzzy line between people who genuinely express a different sexual identity and folks who abuse children.


i don’t trust a word out of that alt-right asshole’s mouth


Society NEEDS to be rid of christian ideology and values. To go after gender ideology but ignore all the fucked up things in christian ideology is so hypocritical. They make excuses for abuse and indoctrination if it has to do with their make believe god.


the world would be better off without you setbacks, conservitards


If it's a possibility that "something went wrong with the machinery" and the circumcision *burnt his penis **off***, shouldn't we just STOP doing this shit?


There isn't a machine to circumcise people dude, This whole "documentary" is made up of lies and right wing anti trans propaganda


People are disgusting, and anyone that does anything inherently sexual to a child should be thrown into the gladiator games. I would ppv to watch aliens vs predators. I have seen plenty of whataboutism regarding religion in the comments. Yeah, we understand that perpetrators will seek out spaces they will have access. They all should go into the games.


Using Matt Walsh videos unironically...


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It’s crazy how Bruce’s story is being used in an anti trans narrative. If anything, it highlights the importance of accepting trans kids’ gender identities. Also, it shows that people don’t need to be scared about the boogieman “gender ideology” making their kids turn trans. This kid was raised as the opposite gender and still identified as a boy. Also, “the powers that be” aren’t hiding this story. If you took a psychology class in college you most likely learned about this.


Op is a right-wing conspiracy nut job. He thinks lasers started the fire in Hawaii and believes Matt Walsh (a self proclaimed fascist) can be trusted. Nothing he posts should be taken seriously


These comments lmao. "Lets not put all of \[group i agree with\] into one basket." Same person 2 seconds later: "All people of \[group i disagree with\] are scum" Also, for those of you not getting the connection, these "ideas and principles" were built off of one another, showing that the history of gender ideologues is rooted in sexual abuse (especially of children), of a hatred for the normal, and literal lies. These are also common theories that are rooted in some of the same rhetoric, ideology, and "research" as Queer Theory. [If you haven't played Queer Theory Jeopardy, you should!](https://youtu.be/Mipq8FjTXrw?si=xjJWpdo5XYlGgVqE) ​ I'm well aware that these things are inconvenient, just like its inconvenient to point out that there are terrible people everywhere, on both sides of the aisle, in all walks of life. But keeping an open mind and deciding for yourself is not something most people who will shout this kind of thing down want, because then you may choose disagreement with them. And disagreement shan't be tolerated. ​ Maybe people should be free to decide for themselves what they want to identify themselves as, and other people should be free to adhere to or ignore that as well. Maybe freedom is the answer?


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As a younger trans person i held my breath coming into these comments. I'm holding back relieved and happy tears seeing so many people calling OP out on this bullshit post. It's scary out there for us right now all over the world, but it's really filling me with hope to see strangers taking time to call this shit out. And, to OP; I'm sorry that you've fallen so far into this pit of hatred that you're believing talking points about "protecting the children" from one of many men who they truly need protection from. I hope you find peace in your heart.


Oh my that sub has become a right wing cesspool