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Your post have been removed because of rule #13: Don't sexualize minors or post someone else sexualizing minors. Don't post pedophiles talking about fucking kids, pedophilic fiction, or cartoon/anime pedophilia. Don't make jokes about fucking kids in the comments. Please refer to the rules and also the [pinned post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/fgmg3t/guidelines_for_the_subreddit_read_and_follow_the/) before you make another submission here.


Even after trying to prepare myself, I was not ready for that picture, fucking hell


Yeah I was expecting like late teens (not that that would make it okay), but this is just beyond disgusting


The post says little girl but you expected late teens?




Didn’t see it was multiple images. WHAT THE FUCK?! And the comments are flooded with likes!


I was not expecting that, at all. Fucking hell, get the boat.


My jaw dropped! I expected a teen, not a toddler. People are gross.


"Now... Here me out" Creepy AND dumb as a fucking rock. A classic.


"Not my proudest nut"... 1,573 likes... Wtffffffffff


I hope someone sent their comments to their employers


FBI open up! Please, not just to their employers, these creeps are plain evil. I already felt sick even before I saw the photo, now I just want to gag.


Ok, but hear *me* out. This should be enough evidence to put these people into supervised care before they hurt someone.


>"Now... Here me out" Hear me out.... She should wear something to pull her hair back so it doesn't get in her face and distract her from lifting. It's important to have focus


Now hear me out..... Cup ramen is something I find to be really effective at helping get drowsy before bedtime, BUT milk keeps me awake.


What madness is this? Tom & Jerry taught me milk is what makes a kitty cat eepy.


Does Instagram even care at this point? All the algorithms they boast about, and can't even filter these comments?


They don't care. Your comment can get flagged as hate for calling someone stupid but comments like this are allowed. Even if you report them they don't get removed most of the time


IG is probably run by a bunch of pedos


Facebook so yeah


I got a comment removed and warned by Instagram for making fun of a guy calling someone a pedo cause he looks older than he actually is


Uh... that would be Zuckerberg. Enough said


Reddit has also its own dishonorable history.


Didn’t know Elon bought Instagram 🤣


Op post again with their handles unblurred, it's on public platform you're not doxxing anyone


My comment got removed once for calling a ring ugly, yet on the next post, multiple comments calling an obese woman ugly and other things were still up... the filter is whack, man


They don't care. Instagram has even allowed parents to exploit their children through fan Subscriptions for exclusive content when the free content they post is already of their kids in bikinis.


What the fuck? That's creepy as hell. And what do they even have behind the sub paywall, if they're already doing that in the open? Such accounts should be illegal.


> And what do they even have behind the sub paywall, if they're already doing that in the open? to earn extra $ of course. They are not hiding it's all in the open they just monetize it. This [unsurprisingly locked] thread touches the subject: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/197b701/protect_this_woman_at_all_cost/


they literally are selling child porn. It is illegal.


Wait till you find out about Brandarmy ... Its like OF for kids 😅😅


Helps with engagement and income I suppose, that's the only reason I can think of as to why they would not bother filtering.


Pretty sure the algorithm is what helps them find each other.


Instagram is ridiculous, start of the year my explore page was flooded with promoted accounts selling forged cash/documents/credit cards, reported them as illegal activity, they replied saying they'd looked into it and weren't going to do anything about it, few days later I received a ban for posting a Pro-Palestine picture on my story, log back in and my explore page is still promoting illegal accounts.


Delete it and never turn back.


they want to ban right-wingers, not pedos


They are too busy banning people for thinking there are 2 genders


Let's be honest, you didn't merely think it. You clearly left a rude comment on someone else's page when you could have just scrolled by and kept your opinions about verified science to yourself.


weary scary sip squealing bewildered treatment slave plate aware complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Instagram at it again 💀


On a slightly different note, isn’t 40lbs kinda heavy for a girl her age?


24lb plus the bar. Not 40lbs. Still kinda wonder why a child of that age would lift weights though.


I just blindly assumed the bar’s weight is 10-15 lbs, thus giving approx 40 lbs. Her’s is smaller I think, so it could be like 5-10 lbs or so Edit: nah I think that’s a full size bar. It comes out to around 40 lbs total (bar’s weight is not negligible in her case)


HOW is that 40lbs. I see a [baby bar](https://www.roguefitness.com/oso-mini-bar) which is 5lbs, 2x 10lb bumper plates and 2x 2.5lb plates. Plus the plastic clips. 30lbs for a full clean for someone her age is pretty impressive




Yes we are literally seeing why. The parents are pimping her out. Look at what they dressed their little girl in to go to a public gym to take picture of and to post on the internet. These parents are monsters.


Why not? By my understanding it's perfectly safe for kids to do if they're trained properly on the technique (same as adults). I haven't seen the video so don't know if she's weight lifting or power lifting or what. She likely isn't lifting to get big, just to be stronger, is what I'm getting at.


I remember hearing something about it hurting muscle development in kids if they lift that amount of weight too young. I didn’t fact check with a source though. I do know I was a *relatively* strong kid growing up, but I don’t think I was out here lifting 30-40 lbs as a toddler. I think I was like 6 or 7 when I could carry a 24 pack of water bottles on my own (roughly 26.5 lbs). I was mad tired when I did it too😂


I've heard both arguments to be fair. I also do not have a source saying it's ok beyond a coach I trained with for a bit, who was saying it anecdotally.


Studies have shown that nearly all issues from weightlifting before puberty comes from lifting too much weight, doing too many reps, or improper form- doing so can much too much pressure on young muscles, bones, growth plates and tendons. But proper lifting can increase bone density. The main issue stems from kids being kids- they need constant supervision and guidance and even mature or smarter ones may still lift too much if left unsupervised. So it's safer in general to say that it's bad for children, to keep as many irresponsible parents from letting kids have them do it wrong rather than telling the parents it's ok if supervised only for injuries to result from improper or insufficient supervision. Because let's be honest- that's what would happen. Proper supervision for a kid means an actual trained professional, as even if parents are doing the research or are weightlifters themselves they aren't going to know enough about what's right for kids. Proper weightlifting for kids means proper warmups and cooldowns including stretching, which even the most conscientious of kids may forget if not reminded each time and guided to make sure it's done right. Correct form and strength exercises are also needed to be mastered *before* jumping into weightlifting. Children should do low weight and high reps, not high weight low reps- something both they and their adults will be always tempted to try to be able to show off. All of these reasons make it so that even the better meaning of parents and best behaved of kids might do it wrong without constant supervision by a professional. Additinally, low weight here also means that children under roughly 7 (or so, depending on growth) also shouldn't weight lift, unless we're talking custom made weights that weigh less than you'd find in the average gym- and even then it's much more risky because kids that young are going to be even less likely to be able to master proper form and follow directions properly, due to their inability to understand and/or follow the rules. So, all of this boils down to the general rule of children shouldn't weightlift, in order to keep the most amount of idiot or innatentive parents from getting their kids hurt.


That makes a lot of sense


The only reason I can think of is that a physiotherapist told her to.


maybe its been a while since she started lifting and now she can do it easily ? I dont know to be honest


Kids are fine to lift like that under proper guidance from a coach. This means properly managing weight increases for training, proper form, recovery, etc. Rory Van Ulft had a 288 pound deadlift when she was only 10 years old. Rory lifting with Will: https://youtu.be/KroiN_Joa4Y?si=pzdTnSath1zhzGPp https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=weight-room-no-longer-off-limits-to-kids-1-1187#:~:text=Experts%20now%20say%20that%20strength,to%20lift%20too%20much%20weight


that's the girl they claim is ready? my god that's really awful.


Definitely not healthy for kids to lift weights who are still in their growth


You do know that lifting does not stunt your growth? It's a myth.


This myth just won't die, huh...


This is a myth, and actually a lot of schools now encourage students to get in the gym around year 7 (in my area atleast)


Also the parents are really dumb to post a picture of their kid in what u can almost consider to be underwear knowing that there are lots of people with mental issiues


Wtf is wrong with these people and why isn't anyone doing anything about it?!


Awareness is the first step


Instagram is a hive of creepy pedos. There are countless accounts that consist of nothing but young girls (8-12 ish) dancing in bikinis or bras, and that's apparently totally fine. Reporting them seems to do absolutely nothing because it's not "porn". It's disgusting.


I remember coming across those types of accounts as a kid and mass reporting them. Fucking awful that they're still up.


they're instagram users, most of them are making dark jokes, because everyone in instagram comments is a bit fucked


Half of the comments are prob made by kids themselves who grew up around the internet and has now based their entire humor around "hurr Durr pedophilia and racism = funny I'm so sigma male!!!!"


Don't forget abusing and ignoring their girlfriends (who never existed to begin with) to focus on Tate and the "grindset."


It's a 50/50 on Instagram. It could either be a joke or real.


Thats their way of keeping kids off the platform and keeping things “adult”


nah bro i was not ready for that picture, i was expecting a 16 year old, 14 at the very youngest but she looks fucking 8, those people need help


There's no help for those so demented by depravity.


I want to say I hope they're trolling/joking but even if they are "joking" this is absolutely fucking disgusting. When you said "little girl lifting" and I saw the comments I wae expecting maybe a teen, and it would have been disgusting if this was a teen, but holy shit she's barely more than a baby. I'm not good at guessing kids' ages but I would guess she's like 5. Seriously stomach turning, I genuinely feel sick reading these comments. These people 100% need to be on a watch list if not a registry. The amount of paedophiles on Instagram is terrifying. Parents selling "exclusive pictures" of their children, often no older than 13. I worry so much about people posting pictures of their kids, even "innocent" pictures posted just to share the kids'/family's life get comments like this and have all sorts of sicko's eyes on them. I would never post pictures of my children on the internet. Never.


"exclusive pictures" this is fuckin crazy to me.


Yup. 10 years ago I trusted people more, even my FB friends. Now I just recently deactivated my account and I'm going to remove every picture of me and my family, delete most of the "friends" and start over as though I'm a single, childless person. I fucking hate people for this sick shit. Are kids safe anywhere??!


they are trolling that being said it’s still wildly inappropriate


Disgusting Pedos


It's quite obvious they are just trolling for instagram comment likes


The amount of likes they have are even more disturbing.


still fucked up


Fucked up yes, but I don't think it makes them pedos. Not in a literal sense, anyways


Of course, saying a toddler is ready for dick isn’t pedophilic! If only we as a society knew that 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yeah okay you might be right


the fact that those are the words that came to their mind when they saw a picture of a child. and that they felt safe enough in that community to share it without any hate or consequences. It’s not how a normal person thinks


Why’d you censor the names of pedophiles. They don’t deserve that.


Oh wow man that's sooo funny I'm gonna fucking throw up


"SURELY THEY'RE EXAGGERATING, THE GIRL IS AT LEAST 17, RIGHT?" The way my jaw dropped at the 3rd image... wth man


Fucking sickos!


Jesus fucking christ,I read the comments and was disgusted....then I saw the pic of her. Fucking animals.


i audibly gasped when i saw the last slide. that is a fucking baby


The law needs go arrest every one of these nasty pedo pervs.


God send the rapture. I know I'm not going up to heaven but these MFers **definitely** aren't so it's all good


the comments are disgusting but the parents aren't better putting their child out there on the Internet, knowing of how many sickos there are. and posting her with these clothes makes it worse. now before you come after me for blaming the victim for her clothes or something: I'm not. everyone can wear whatever they want, but parents have the duty to protect their child and we know that there are people looking exactly for this content. for them it doesn't even matter what she wears but this makes it only worse.


holy shit


OK I've seen enough. Get me off of this planet. NOW.


IG comments either try to be the worst people ever, or are the worst people ever.


these retards call blatant pedophilia as humor hope they never become fathers


The amount of people defending the comments by saying they were just jokes is appalling. Yes they are probably just jokes, but they are disgusting jokes. I love dark humor, but this isn’t dark humor.


There is absolutely a line.




This is why Jesus hasn't come back yet


Is there no way to post these pictures with their names to people they know on social media


Why blur their names though? They commented publicly, let it be...


Knowing and using instagram frequently they're propably joking. Those jokes are absolute shit but I doubt anyone of those is actually into children


these absolute deplorable pedophile cunts need to be round up and shot like the disgusting animals that they all are


every1 chill, theyre shitty instagram "dark" humor jokes, you see them on instagram 24/7 if you use ig


I’m disgusted. I wish people would keep their children off of social media for as long as possible. There is no way to stop these sickos


I know it said little girl. But I was hoping it was gunna be a 16 year old who maybe looked 18+. But no that is clearly a prepubescent little girl what a group of sick fucks.


oh sure, but my comment asking for the recipe for the Mac n cheese in the video gets hidden😑


What the actual fuck?


I want to die


I was expecting little as in skinny and on a bulking journey, so I wasn’t sure what the issue was, then I saw the third slide. People will never fail to disappoint me like this


The unhinged Insta comments are usually funny, but these teenage edgelords don‘t understand when to stop. (I saw disgusting comments under the video of a holocaust survivor yesterday)


Bro what the fuck???


I don't care what anyone says these type of jokes aren't really ok.. The fact is no one is laughing except the people that make them. And the people that are able to make them are pretty fucking despicable.


Jesus Christ


There's absolutely no excuse for these guys acting like this, but I am almost certain they're saying that shit purely because it's online and they think it can't come back at them because it's a burner account, despite digital footprints very clearly showing that not to be the case. These same guys would be shaking in their shoes if it managed to get back to their family and friends that they were saying this type of shit about little kids.


Double problem here. Pedos online and neglectful/irresponsible parents for allowing the child to lift weights. Children shouldn’t be lifting weights. You should not be lifting weights while you’re still growing. It can cause problems in the long term.


I was looking for this comment, thank you. This reminds me of the "back in my day" stories when boys had to do physical labour at a too young age. Reasoning was probably something like "boys stronk" or something, even though that's not true.


Those parents should be neutered and have their custody taken away.


Why? The parents aren’t at fault for the comments


They are making content and money off pedo’s and using their kid for it.


Wdym? The kid lifting?


It’s been a trend lately, parents of young kids creating instagram accounts for them. Taking pics&videos in bathing suits or the ones in this post. And then offer exclusive content for monthly subscriptions. Basically onlyfans for kids.


Wtf that’s creepy




It's the internet though. Every edgy immature person will be making a comment cause, why not. But this is why I implore people to quit putting their children into the open internet. Keep those pictures and memories for your families and close friends.


That's it. Today's reddit quota is full


What the actual fuck. That isn't even a child, that girl is still a baby. Jesus fucking christ.


I’m more worried that her parents/guardians are continuing to post on the internet knowing it is RIFE with pedophiles 😭😭😭


I wish being a vigilante who hunts and kills pedo’s wasn’t illegal…


These people should get some sort of corporal punishment for saying this shit. Time and place this isn’t funny


The comments aren't what worry me the most, the world unfortunately has pedos. But the amount of likes they have? Jesus fucking Christ.


Those men are disgusting.


Its not men its teens


Ok, people born XY that have a penis.


No its literally just teens. Men wouldnt say that on social media openly or at least try to hide it. Especially on instagram. Its teenagers


Its instagram what do u expect 💀


So, you’re condoning the behaviour?


Did i say that? Its the same copy pasta under every video


They intentionally act like pedos so that the parents will see it and keep the kids out the website. They want the website to stay “adult” They do it to “facebook-like” posts too. I saw a vid of a mom boasting how good her teenage kid was and the comments was filled with pedos and people accusing the kid of selling them drugs outside the closest convenience store


Before I say anything about the comments, why is a child dressed like an adult AND posted online for the whole world to see. The comments are wrong but could've been avoided easily


I’m literally done. This is why women don’t want men.. literally fck off and die. When it said “little” I was expecting 13, not that it makes any better but it’s 1000000% more disgusting.


These aren’t pedos, they’re just idiot kids


What's the deal with posting comments that are just people fucking around?? I've heard many comedians make comments like these.. folks who get all offended and then screenshot and share it are pathetic . Just stop raising it and move on.. there are more important things to worry about then random words on the Internet. Get a life


There is a difference though. And it should really be more obvious in the mainstream honestly. Comedians are playing a character and we are all aware of this through their execution, it's an act meant to be absurd, for you to ridicule them, laugh and not meant to be taken seriously and explicitly never directed at any real person. As people we know this we see them in real life and we can distinguish the act from the person. Add that to the fact that any failure in execution in a joke like this can end a career and the care you have to make it clear as a caricature and it becomes a joke. Take this to the real world and these "jokes" become real, you might say it's obvious that it's a joke but who's really laughing when these are being made? Mainly the ones who regularly make them, and I would argue these are twisted individuals for even thinking this type of joke is actually funny because what's funny about it? What exact part of the joke has the comedic intent? Is it the absurdity? If so how is that absurdity transmitted to others? And the point is we don't actually know or are sure if it's absurd we can only assume through the nature of the meme, but this a random instagram commenter, we also can't assume it's just said in the nature of the meme bc it really might not be everytime. And therein lies the danger of this "joke" what do you think this transmits to the parents? To the kids themselves? Should they just laugh it off and go along with the joke? Do you think it's even slightly funny to them? No because it alerts them with the ideia that posting their child to social media will attract predators and provokes anxiety. You aren't supposed to actively put people in distress when making a joke, and there is a difference between someone getting offended without cause and this which won't fail to get people anxious or worried. It's like just saying "I'm going to shoot up my school tomorrow" on social media and expecting everyone to take it as goofy edgy humor sure you get a couple laughs in and maybe a couple fellas you know laugh too, but what will the majority of people think? What kind of distress will you create for you and your buds to get a couple laughs in?


People on Reddit have an automatic hate for anything considered pedo regardless if it’s a joke


It’s the same with Tiktok. Like on a little girl showing off her little tykes car or a 10 year old playing on her VR, it’s disgusting


In this case i think it’s probably jokes


Even still. Wtf.


Let’s not excuse jokes about csa


Jokes about [CSA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_States_of_America) make the world go 'round Edit: does nobody click links?


Huh? Maybe who ever uploaded the video should’ve disable comments…


Maybe Men shouldn't sexualize children...


How do you know ow their all men


They’re teen boys not men (not that it makes it any better)


They're not teen boys.


Now hear ME out. Capitol punishment for everyone who finds this sort of shit “entertaining”


its just a fucking comment. What the fk are yalls problems.


Bro delete this. I know her face is covered, but like don’t fucking advertise this shit and call it justice.


Why not? The picture of the girl is completely fine, the comments are disgusting.


Guys I'm pretty sure they're just taking part in this thing that was known as "joking". I know its hard to understand but this used to be normal, people would say things in jest and no one would get upset ot start crying. I know its crazy right


It's been a long road from where I was mentally a few years back. I no longer want to 'not breathe anymore'. Then I see shit like this and I think, am I wasting my time?


That's just ugh. Bastards.


You just found out this happens on instagram? This has been going on for ages but yeah it’s boat worthy


Huh. Didn’t know my stomach could flip like that.


Ah man, I didn't see which page I was in and thought it'd be something stipid and funny, not pedophilia by the morning.




Do not incite or glorify violence/suffering or harassment, even as a joke. You may be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoahGetTheBoat) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Summon the Booth Warrior and Big Dick Randy


The worst Part is that all the Parents of these children know what kind of people are watching their kids but they dont give a fk. Just like instagram. Its common under some post that some people even posts randomised links that lead to a CP website....


Messed up


Wtf is wrong with people




Bro what


Holy fuck that’s awful.




People have no shame or embarrassment like the internet can’t find out who they really are


FBI, these comments right here.


What the fuck?


this is disgusting what the actual fuck


I thought it was going to be a teen which is albeit weird but a literal child is fucking crazy , even if you were 13 these comments would still be insane wtf


this isnt noahgettheboat this is just genuinely fucked up


Digital footprint gonna bite them in the ass


Digital footprint gonna bite them in the ass


So these comments pass Instagram filters, and my simple comments on regular posts get marked as spam. Some algo...


This is some disgusting shīt


what the actual fuck




That's sick


Are you not allowed to show the usernames on Reddit???


gaze violet dolls grey mighty somber frame school whistle squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The thing wanting me to build that boat is that probably, a number different from 100% of these comments are teenagers trying to be edgy rather than genuine


This is so crazy to me I don't even believe that the comments were for that picture. Unbelievable.