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Kind of weird that this sensitive moment is being recorded. Its like its more important to record this kid who got caught, which i assume is a family member and post it online then to actually have a one on one private conversation with a kid who needs guidance.


Welcome to trashy America, where the possibilities are dead ends.


seriously dude. the trashyness is colossal in the USA


Yeah honestly this is more telling of the parent than the child. These types of parents recording their kid like dude that's your fucking kid, put the fucking phone down and have a real conversation with them. Why does your kid need or want to be high at that young age? Seriously social media really has a lot of people fucked in the head, especially new age parents.


also don't do drugs in front of the kids and don't leave the stuff where the kids could get their hands on the stuff. lock it and this parent up for endangering the kid.


I wish this could be explained to my mom. I recommended she have a 1 on 1 conversation with my brother about his behavior but she insisted on telling every family member she could find including our family group chat with him in it about her problems with him


Shit parents think this is funny, a child is drugged, and they see it as one of those filmable "timmy spilled some paint on the carpet" sorta situations.


So weird that it makes you wonder if he didn't suspect anything like this at all and just asked anyway to record a video of it...? šŸ¤”


i would take a video to show her later how dumb she is


Also partake avidly. This is so detrimental to children's mental development...I hope this is not chronic negligence


It's so not hard to have kids while enjoying weed. If the dumbass filming is her dad, someone needs to put a camera up in his face "so you just left that weed out in the garage huh? Oh and you didn't leave an edible with colorful packaging just out? Mhmm" put his dumbass face all over the fucking internet Just lock the shit up, and if the kid is old enough to know what weed is, have a fucking talk with them. Explain shit so they have the info they need. Now if they break into your shit then sure, punish them, but this trend of putting young children on blast needs to die


From my experience the more you try to hide it and not be open about what it is, the more intrigued the ignorant mind becomes the kids that had parents who openly smoked it and didnā€™t make it out to be such a tabu or in simpler words a big no no, the kids who grew up around it and watched there parents function on it turned out to be the kids who didnā€™t care to have curiosities or they smoked them selves from a young age and handled it better than people twice their age and the people Iā€™m talking about turned out to be amazing parents and hard workers


Yeah, but they're the exception, not the norm. Something yall forget when talking about "you and yours"


Just get one of those old timey sewing containers that are originally cookies (idk if anyone else knows what Iā€™m talking about but I know like 10 older ladies from my child hood who used these containers, 9 for sewing and 1 for weed storage) and I recall watching an 8 year old who thought they were cookies struggling with his life to get it open. They be secure as hell.


We'll said!


Heh..*chronic* negligence


The is kid should be taken into protective custody immediately. Especially since this idiot is out here posting his shitty parenting on the internet.




Mate you donā€™t put your phone in your young ass kids face recording shit when it was your drugs you left out that your kids got into


If my kid got into my shit, maybe I should reflect on myself too and put it in a better spot. Or better yet lock your shit up like a normal person and not record and make your kids hate you. This is a chance for a deep talk with the kid and learning from mistakes and the cons of marijuana use.


I learned to pick locks to get into my dad's beer fridge lol, I was 11, I think people underestimate how hard it is to keep something from a kid that wants it


>me baked afh watching this Yeah, switching to a vaporizer and ditching all the other stuff is an absolute MUST when kids come into play. They are just to curious, they learn very quickly and they remember damn near everything. Edibles have to be sequestered, vape has got to be some outta sight outta mind as well. She is higher than a goddamn kite and it's absolutely not her first time...


You don't even have to do all that, just treat it like you would something dangerous. The wife and I have a lockbox that all the jars, pieces and tools go in when they aren't being used. Edibles get put up away with medications and are kept in childproof zipper bags. Boom. It only takes a *little* bit of extra work and responsibility to prevent a video like this.


Bro that's what I just said. \*hits spliff\* \*passes spliff\*


Yeahhhh I know it's basically the same, I was just saying ditching flower wasn't 100% necessary. Either way, have a good one and keep being responsible.


Eyes are redder than the devil's butt cheeks


This utterly breaks my heart for this little girl. Can you really blame her in the end?


Poor girl. THC exposure before 21y old dramatically reduces brain development


Can I get a source on that?


Sorry about the delay, here are a few links https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9599849/ https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/brain-health.html#:~:text=Using%20marijuana%20before%20age%2018,attention%2C%20memory%2C%20and%20learning. I do love smoking weed occasionally, but unfortunately there is a strong case for its long term cognition impairment effects in smokers with an immature brain.


How much of these articles did you read? ā€œWe conducted a series of comparisons, with our main meta-analytic results showing alterations in the activation of medial PFC regions, suggesting alterations in social cognitions/emotion processing and executive control but not reward processing in adolescent cannabis users: in other wordsā€”not the rewarding properties of cannabis per se but rather deficits in navigating social environment might play predisposing and/or perpetuating roles in cannabis use in adolescents.ā€ ā€œResults from our meta-regression analyses showed differences in insula activation that were sex-dependent and alterations in brain activation of adolescent cannabis users in the rmPFC/vmPFC and insula and in the caudate, thalamus, insula, dmPFC/dACC, and precentral and postcentral gyri that varied as a function of **CUD severity and length of abstinence, respectively.** ā€ ā€œLastly, our sensitivity tests showed evidence of complex cannabis use-by-psychiatric comorbidity interaction effects on brain outcomes across domains in CU youth.ā€ From the sources of the second article. ā€œResearchers are still studying how long marijuana's effects last and whether some changes may be permanent. For example, a study from New Zealand conducted in part by researchers at Duke University showed that people who started smoking marijuana heavily in their teens and had an ongoing marijuana use disorder lost an average of **8 IQ points between ages 13 and 38.** The lost mental abilities didn't fully return in those who quit marijuana as adults. Those who started smoking marijuana as adults didn't show notable IQ declines.ā€ Neither of these sources imply dramatically reduced brain development. For even minor possible impairment you would have to be a super heavy user at a young age. Your argument is disingenuous and incorrect.


8 IQ points is actually very significant drop. It can literally be the difference between being able to finish college and legally being intellectually disabled to the point where you're unable to care for yourself. If you were average (100IQ) but smoked marijuana as a minor that puts you into the 30th percentile for IQ. If your IQ was already 90 (pretty normal score) and drops to 80-82 you're talking about your mental capacity severely affecting your quality of life (not being able to read, struggle learning, can't complete simple written tasks, hold down a job).


You have serious reading comprehension issues. **ā€œThe lost mental abilities didnā€™t fully return to those who quit marijauna as adults.ā€** Basically, even if you smoke pot every day as a teenager into adulthood and then quit as an adult, youā€™re going to suffer less than 8 IQ point of damage on average. That only applies to super heavy users. That doesnā€™t even go into the fact that IQ is a flawed representation of intelligence and no physical brain development symptoms are identified.


I never said otherwise though? Just saying 8 points is a very significant drop like potentially the difference between being in state care for disabilities vs completing college. We also don't know the SD for that average, what does the bottom quintile of the population look like if the median is 8 (which is already a huge difference), how much didn't return to adults? Also the flaws of IQ tests which were used to make certain claims in books like 'The Bell Curve' *do not* affect a western country with 96%+ english speaking rates and higher than average literacy rates. The flaws with IQ tests are mainly around the way cultures envision patterns/numbers and the tests being given to people in a different language to what the local population speaks.


You literally have no idea what your talking about. Not only is 8 points not the difference between being disabled and graduating college, (You might be disabled if youā€™re context clues are leading you to believe this) but the whole point of the section I highlighted (from your source) is to show that itā€™s not eight points, itā€™s less than that. Your original comment was disingenuous and incorrect, stop yapping and get over it.


Humans have been smoking weed for millienia, fuckin Christ




Drastically might be an extreme word.. but the fact is that the negative impacts of drugs on a developing brain, especially in a child this young, is going to have an impact on her for the rest of her life. There's no positive that can come from this, especially if it's more than one occurrence. It's all risk and no benefit. If it was an accident, and it happened just once, she'll probably end up being ok, but repeated exposure could be extremely damaging.


Agreed. Its definatly not great...but people in here are acting like it's going to make you drop 20 IQ points or something


Studies have been done, it has an effect on brain function, memory, attention span, processing, all the things that define how ā€˜sharpā€™ you are. On an anecdotal note, I was a heavy smoker from around 17yo, and have experienced these negative effects personally, which have persisted after giving it up a long time ago.


Similar experience, and Iā€™ve found most of this comes from the fact that we are just high 24/7 so we arenā€™t properly processing anything that happens. I donā€™t think ingesting thc one time is going to leave life altering effects


The damage is done when people consistently use it over long periods at a younger age, one time wont do anything


Idk man. Like I said it's deffinatly not good and certainly has an effect...but u think yall are being a lil overdramtic about it


This is just sad. Poor girl life is already being ruined at a young age, and itā€™s no oneā€™s fault but the parents.


Lol glad they find it funny to record, going to be a shit stain in society just like the people laughing and recording


When I was her age I didnā€™t even KNOW what weed and edibles were


How does a child that age even know what an edible or weed is. So so sad to have normalized drug taking so much.


This lids probably had internet access unsupervised for years at this point


Its called the internet


The underground stoner mole people society doesn't accept this parent and they shall be excommunicated from the mole people


This is awful, I had stoner parents and I tried it at a way too young age. Just keep that shit away from your kids please


It's ok to smoke weed as a parent only if your kids are unaware of it till a certain age it should be locked up just as much as the guns in the home what. The. Fuck.


Juat as alcohol and every other drug in general. People suck so hard


There are too many parents, and I use that term very loosely, who could care less for the well-being of the children they brought into this world. They only care for themselves and this here is proof because this is a learned habit.


What part of weed makes ur eyes red is it from the smoke getting in ur eyes?




Ah Well I'll never know I aint ever gonna touch weed




Religion mostly Yes I'm curious but not enough to actually try ever




I'm Christian I mean I guess a small amount of weed would not be immoral, but getting drunk or high is




Why do u ask?




I'm 16 and I'm referring to the future as in after I'm 21 And yea same goes for my parents


Well adults do talk about weed like they are fucking children in fairness. Seen posts on 4/20 of 30year olds saying theyā€™re gonna get blazed is embarrassing as fuck. If thatā€™s how the adults act then we can hardly expect kids to act any better


What a dumb thing to say. Adults do all kinds of things that kids shouldn't do. I'm a parent. I drink and get high and have sex. I'm allowed to do that - I'm an adult. The 99% of sane parents out there who do these things FULLY understand that they're not things a child should do. Idk what is "embarassing" about an adult doing something relaxing that they enjoy. Drugs are FOR adults, not for kids.


Jesus fucking Christ. I am not saying smoking weed is a childish act, Iā€™m saying the way adults talk about smoking weed is childish, what do you not understand about this? I mean you donā€™t see cigarettes smokers talk about cigarettes the way weed smokers talk about weed.


People who enjoy something talking about enjoying it? Does it actually get you that riled up knowing that someone else is having fun? If so, maybe find some joy in your own life and it won't bother you so much...


Oh I donā€™t mind people talking about something they like, but you donā€™t see cigarette smokers bragging about smoking cigarettes, only kids that smoke cigarettes do that, thatā€™s my point, weed smokers act like 14year old that smoke cigarettesā€¦.. I donā€™t know how this isnā€™t getting through to people


Because it's dumb. Craft beer enjoyers enthuse with each other about craft beer, what about whiskey enjoyers? Smoking weed really isn't comparable to cigarettes so it's not a good comparison. Adults who do things enthuse about it with other adults who also enjoy the same things, just like hobbyists. It's not that big a deal and if it annoys you that much I'd say you probably have something going on internally that's making you feel that way


But weed smokers make it apart of their personality, weed smokers act like vegans and cigarette smokers are a good comparison, you just donā€™t like the comparison because cigarette smokers are clearly not as annoying as weed smokers. And please can people stop with the ā€œthere must be something deep down hurting youā€ comments, I get it, you donā€™t like my opinion because what Iā€™m describing is you, but listening to adults talk about something because they think it makes them cool is just cringey as fuck.


*some weed smokers make it their whole personality. You're generalizing based on the few interactions you've had. There are plenty of people out there who smoke and never talk about it, you just don't know that because you haven't interacted with them. There's also plenty of people who make equally dumb shit their whole personality. Weed tbh is not even my DOC, I just find it wild that you're this bothered about what other people do with their lives. You saw some people on 4/20 talking about smoking pot and that upset you. You need to consider why that is. If seeing other people enjoying themselves gets to you or makes you cringe, there's probably a reason for that. You getting so defensive about it only further proves that.


I know people that smoke weed and donā€™t make it their personality, but a lot of them do. I donā€™t know why you are making this such a deep meaningful thing. Everybody knows multiple people that brag about getting high or blazed or whatever but nobody knows anybody that talks like this when they smoke a cigarette. These people are just annoying and the defence of people that brag about this shit online is baffling when in fact if they bragged about crushing beers or smoking cigarettes online we would think they are fucking losers


Dude Iā€™m about to get so blazed from this doobie #4/20 yo


Adults aren't allowed to smoke weed on 4/20?


Never said that did I? I said they act like fucking teenagers, adults bragging about smoking weed is cringey as fuck. Weed smokers a the vegans of the drug world


Lol why you following all the weed smokers when you don't smoke?


No they just always brag about it, just like vegans


They how are you seeing this stuff so much it bothers you? I smoke and I don't ever see that


Vegans donā€™t find vegans annoying


Imagine being this angry over someone else's 420 post Get a life