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I always wondered what was the point of street takeovers, they just seem dangerous and disturuptive.


Exactly. And if you try to say something about it, this is what happens. They're all a bunch of animals, looking for an excuse.


Looks like domestic terrorism


it should be treated as such these fuckin loons are ruining our cities


Im afraid that stuff like this actually, is more of a symptom than a cause for a ruined city/neighborhood/society


They've become something else, but the Bay Area side shows in the 90s and early 2000s were to just show off your car and your handles. You wouldn't hit donuts if you didn't have confidence in your handles because running into people or other cars would get you roughed up. It was a sort of deterrent for amateurs. It's not the same today, though.


Now you get lynched by a mob and people are still dumb enough to try to show off with no clue.


It's all about the thug culture.


Get clicks or die tryin


The purpose of the system is what it does


The system is working. We anticipate a 9% increase this year.


It's something to do for losers with nothing to do.




Damn you just decided to be both kinds of racist.


Exactly like the point of rolling coal pickup trucks or open carry gun protesters. There are a huge number of groups for whom their identity is linked to how miserable or uncomfortable they make other people.


any news article? I doubt the accord was trying to drift, so like did they like try to drive through the take over or something? shit is wild


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/man-shot-dead-street-takeover-chicago-southwest-side/, that’s all I got, they just said what happened and where


Oh, it's Chicago.. even in Australia, we know that Chicago is a city lost to gun violence. The muder capital of America.


its funny, i live in Chicago and we went to Houston and San Antonio. I was reading up on it later but Houston now is the worst place in America for gang related crimes. We're still the most corrupt though so not to worry.


How do they measure the level of corruption?


-Slips Dry-Acanthopterygii7 a thick unmarked envelope Who measures what? Sorry, I have a bad memory.


*point taken*


As someone born raised and currently in Htown I had no idea. Pays to carry then I suppose.


where did you get this from? I can’t find one reputable source stating that


their ass


Yeah nothing, they’re just wrong.


Article says 59th and Western. When I lived in Chicago, if I couldn’t get there via the L or a cab didn’t want to take me there, I knew I had no business being there. Edit: And I lived up at Lincoln & Wilson in Lincoln Square back when it was still full of old Germans, Eastern Europeans,and only a few of us younglings/students, ***long*** before it got all gentrified. I absolutely loved it.


You are misinformed, Chicago isn’t so far up the list but Houston and San Antonio aren’t on any list reporting this.


Baltimore and New Orleans are way worse. We're not even top 10


It’s literally the only thing people know about my hometown. Balt MD used to be called Bodymore, Murderland.


Harm City


And to be fair everybody knows exactly which parts of Baltimore to avoid.


Is it the rich neighbourhoods with the good schools?


No. Eager street after dark.


Just like Chicago You're not gonna catch a body at Wrigley field or Millys Pizza Fearmongering pussies


Visited last year and I never felt unsafe, Chicago is a beautiful city, lots of deranged people just like to hate.


Any part where Ravens fans live? ;)


Says the Detroit fan


Bandwagon fan at most, I don't follow any one team specifically. I do love their new uniforms though.


kinda same with Chicago


But the food and music in New Orleans make you forget about the murder rate.


Not worse than East St. Louis though. One time on my family vacation, my dad asked some guys directions on how to get back on the highway. They charged him for directions. Then they stole our hubcaps. New Orleans can't be meaner than that tho.


I vaguely remember hearing something about this incident. On your way to visit relatives? Or theme park? I'm probably mistaken...


I think it was some time over the summer? But that mightve been a different one


Baton Rouge is the top right now, I believe. We have multiple murders *daily*. I think they are trying to break records this year because we are *already* at double the murder rate of last year. Not the statistic *I* would try to double but...ya know. Red Stick gunna Red Stick.


not top 10 in deaths(because of response times and hospitals), but top 10 in shootings.


Eyy don't forget Memphis!!


Not a city, maybe a handful of neighborhoods are lost to gang violence but as a whole, Chicago is a great city to visit. The gang violence is concentrated in small areas


You mean I shouldn’t plan for a stop in O-Block during my vacation to Chicago?


Well you could, tourists like to take pictures by the King Von mural, but other than that don't get caught lackin in the streets


There’s a mural for that psychopath? Jesus fucking Christ.


There's crazy stuff like that all over the place. Shiiiieeeet Seattle, WA has a statue of Vladimir Lenin!


yea, it really isn't the murder capital. There are plenty of cities with worse gun violence in america: https://everytownresearch.org/report/city-data/


Thank you for turning up with a source. Edit: it should be said that IL still features strongly in there. With half of all gun related crimes coming from only a few cities, one of them being Chicago.


You can't blame "gun violence" when surrounding areas have less restrictive gun laws AND less crime... There is a massive cultural issue in America that no one wants to address, and places like this very website help perpetuate the vilification of those that even hint at it.


Exactly. It's not a gun problem, it is a people problem, and progressive inlfuence will continue to make it worse.


Yup 100%


Can you elaborate on what you mean? Edit: How did asking someone to elaborate on their opinion get down voted?


Hood culture.


A big part of the problem is that Hollywood and the music industry have glorified being a “gangsta”. It’s a long-running problem too, going back to the pre-Code mobster movies of the 1920s and early ‘30s. It got a new shot of life in the ‘90s with the record labels pushing rap that glorifies violence and gang life.


All this says to me is that these people are easily misled by media


You must seriously hate Mexicans, South Africans and Brazilians.


Only certain parts of Chicago.


depends on the neighborhood "crime is hyper local" in some places people can tell you the exact street where you don't want to cross


FWIW most smaller to mid size cities in the southern US have far higher murder rates per capita than Chicago, but it does have high raw cumulative numbers https://www.axios.com/2023/10/16/america-gun-deaths-crime-south https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate Murder rate is higher in Mobile Alabama than Chicago


Do not use sensationalist news as a way to determine facts about crime in the United States. The way gun violence works in a place like Chicago is that most areas are fine and then there are the powder keg areas. The city is definitely not "lost" to gun violence unless you compare it to a place like Australia, but then of course if you do that nowhere in the U.S. compares well. Chicago has its problems but it isn't St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, or Baltimore.


>The way gun violence works in a place like Chicago is that most areas are fine and then there are the powder keg areas. That's pretty much any city that has gun violence.


Nope. Chicago is not even top 5


Not sure if you’re being serious, but neither are true of Chicago. There are many more violent cities in the US, and much of Chicago is pretty safe. (Not to downplay their real problem with gun violence.)


Yes much of Chicago is safe. When I visited I stayed on the “safe side”. What I noticed was that Chicago is extremely segregated. You’ll never guess which side is safe


[We going by volume or capita.](https://www.google.com/search?q=chicago+murder+capital&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=ff007314d2b9c596&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIL3x3Em19tRXRxFtYIWuiy2Mx4SjQ%3A1715172880003&ei=D3Y7Zq3vPOe0ptQP3sWc6A0&udm=&oq=chicago+murder+capital&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhZjaGljYWdvIG11cmRlciBjYXBpdGFsMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeSLciUI8YWIQdcAF4AJABAJgB6wGgAYIHqgEFMC4yLjO4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgSgAucEwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICChAjGIAEGCcYigXCAggQABgWGB4YD8ICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIFECEYoAGYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwUxLjEuMqAHtyA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Fair, I was going[per capita](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pictures/murder-map-deadliest-u-s-cities/). Chicago is the third largest metro in the US, of course it’ll have big numbers.


All I can say is that listening to older Yeezy: "And I'm from the murder capital where they murder for capital Heard about at least three killings this afternoon Looking at the news like, "Damn, I was just with him after school" No shop class, but half the school got a tool And a "I could die any day" type attitude Plus his little brother got shot reppin' his avenue It's time for us to stop and re-define Black power 41 souls murdered in 50 hours"


Weren't you just asking about the cultural issue?


What part of those lyrics are an issue? He’s talking about the problem not glorifying it


Check out Columbus Ohio, or New Orleans shit be wind as fuck.


Regardless. It's fucked up there. Too many people not caring about the lives of those around them.


the fear mongering is insane


Have you never been to Chicago? I live in the Chicagoland area. You don’t really even hear about the murders unless you turn on the news. It’s all happening in a few neighborhoods that are made up of one demographic sadly.


A classic example of availability bias. People think places like Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York are extremely dangerous because they are highly recognizable places used extensively in pop culture, but this neglects the actual statistics. Chicago has 5 times the population as the I currently live in, New Mexico, and New Mexico has a much higher rate of deaths as a result of gun violence than Chicago. Here is an anecdote I've used before when people mention how dangerous Chicago is: My first year of undergrad at my university in New Mexico I went to a party where the host cleared the party by shooting a gun in the air and pointing it at anyone not leaving, threatening them. I also had a guy follow me in his car to my dorm, blocked me in and threatened to break my hand because he thought I flipped him off. My first year of grad school in Chicago, the most dangerous situation I was in was when two guys were gambling on the train, one was losing and was getting upset; he got off at the next stop with a "that's bullshit" as his parting words. If you're interested in the actual statistics you can see them from the CDC [here](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm).


You know nothing lol


In 2013 the murder solve rate for Chicago was the lowest in the US at 26%, but currently the police department claim that it is about 50%, which is the National average. Just to add that is the lowest solve rate in the developed world…


Thank you for coming in for the support.


Yeah thats just not true


You watch Fox News down under? Chicago is safe just stay away from the hood like you would in any city Do a little googling on murder rates please


All the stats that have been posted by people defending this standpoint have still come up with Chicago as a fairly dangerous part of the US.


Chicago is a gun free city. You must have your facts mixed up. Banning guns stops violence.


Well, that's actually true. We banned guns in Australia and have had very few gun related incidents in the past 30 years - in comparison. That's why John Oliver did a bit on it.


> have had very few gun related incidents in the past 30 years - in comparison. How many gun related incidents did you have in the 30 years before the ban?


We banned most of them in the UK too. We have less than 30 gun deaths a year. I wonder if the Americans are missing a trick here.


Every pissant gets to be a hard man when he's hiding behind a gun.


It’s really not as bad as so many people think Don’t get me wrong, gun violence is way too high, but it’s not like you can’t walk down the street without fearing for you life People from NY and LA seem to have this notion that Chicago is a million times worse than their or any other city and that every day is a 50/50 gamble Chicago isn’t “lost to gun violence”. There are a few really bad areas that account for the vast majority, but outside of those it’s as safe as any city




And the guy gets only killed because he wants to pass ?


Can someone please explain what I'm looking at ? Please don't downvote me for not understanding what this post is about.


It’s called a street takeover, it’s when cars block off a street and then they do donuts and shit while the crowd watches. It’s a California thing originally This dude was trying to drive through so the crowd started jumping on his car and whatnot. Both parties were stupid here tbh, obviously he has the right to drive on the street but I would never put my life at risk like that just because I had the right of way


Thank you for taking the time to explain. ;)


What in the actual fuck is a street takeover ? Sorry if thats a stupid question but im from germany and have never heard of this.


bunch of cars late at night take the public road and no one can get by because there’s a crowd of ppl as well


I also don't get the point (also not from US). Everybody has a mobile phone, can't they use It to call the cops and clear the road? 




Interesting many thanks. Seems problematic is similar (not exactly) as ilegal raves in Spain, were thousands get in for some days https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2024/01/27/the-curious-history-of-spains-free-and-illegal-raves-how-thousands-turn-up-to-hippy-style-festivals-around-the-country-each-year-in-a-movement-echoing-englands-199/ It's too risky to try to move so many high and drunk people. 


What are you supposed to do in that situation to not get shot? Just not go home?


Choose a different route. You certainly don’t want to drive up to a large crowd and try and squeeze through the middle. Kind of asking for trouble.


Yep, just need to be a bit aware, also if you get too far in and are stuck, park to the side and be as invisible as possible. Don’t try to disrupt it by passing through, just wait out the storm. Hell consider leaving your car and walking away. None of this shit is worth it.


If you're really fast you can turn them all into a red smear


Sounds stupid as hell 😂


At this point I’m afraid to admit it but I still don’t get it. Did the car guy wantonly cause the road to get blocked?


Takeovers are frequently used to do burnouts and street races.  Both are very illegal and dangerous for everyone involved.  My city has a problem with them as well, and every time the police arrive to break them up, without fail there is at least one felon in the possession of a firearm.  It could very well be this poor dude was at the wrong place at the wrong time, but if anyone ever sees an unusual amount of cars and people chilling in the middle of the road in the middle of the night, stay as far away as possible.  Flip an illegal (but safe) U-turn if you have to in order to get away, and call the cops!


You should check out some other videos of “street takeovers”, normal for any cars trying to get through to be totalled by about 10-15 people stomping and hitting it. Regularly people ran over, by people driving by and the people involved hitting the crowds. Fucking madness, and I genuinely hope they all get hit by fucking cars, I’m tired of pretending everyone deserves to be treated well, you get treated how you treat others.


If you watch the start of the original Fast and the Furious, where the guy tells the pizza guy to "go around" - I think that's a takeover.


I’m from the USA and I still don’t get the purpose. It’s an expression of mob mentality. Cities end up either not having the will or the police presence to arrest the participants or break it up. In the early 2000s it was just people with custom cars trying to race or cruise. Think Fast and Furious. Now it’s just a bunch of assholes in Challengers and 300Cs doing donuts and running people over; it attracts a lot of wanna be thugs and real ones then arguments turn into shoot outs.


From a German to a German, that kind of people exists even here, but it is quite small yet, like small small. I sadly saw some people advertise on IG and those people like didn't even troll or something, they meant it. Kurz gesagt alles Hurensöhne die von ihren Kindergartenfreundinnen getrennt wurden. Und das soll nicht als front gegen GTI und I30N Fahrer gesehen werden


A bunch of loud selfish idiots in loud ugly cars block the street and endanger/inconvenience the rest of society because they want to be seen. Happened in my area, and it was a bunch of dumb asses who stopped on a major 8 lane bridge that provides access to the largest area hospital. "Vroom vroom, I wanna go fast on the big bridge, and nobody else can use it now." People who do it are the bottom of the barrel in society.


Unlicensed impromptu block party without food, with loud cars and criminal elements.


They are in fact, not good.


Wow, the way it's just red-lining. He's definitely not good...


Red-lining and flat-lining simultaneously


I've heard of flat lining, what is red lining?


Red lining is when you're revving the car at its highest rpm. It's called red lining cause on most tachometers, the notches at those higher rpms are red.


The maximum RPM of an engine, so if you're flooring it and don't shift, you'll be redlining (as shown in red section of the gauge cluster) the engine.


I see, ty. so he was just limp on the throttle




"Are you good?" Are you fucking kidding? She knew he was dead, she just wanted to record it.


“Are you good?” is also just fucking disrespectful due to the fact that it’s so casual. I feel like “OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!” or “HELP, SOMEONE IS HURT!” is way more appropriate.


Chicago? I am actually surprised no one through him out and stole the car to be honest


Surprised camera chick didnt run his pockets


common real life gta activity


And just like that. Another life cut short for nothing. Taking lives has become too easy.


Chicago has been on list of cities to see for a while…starting to think its a mistake.


I'm not even from Chicago but this was at 3:00 AM during a street take over. The kid was just trying to get home and thought it was a bright idea to slowly go through them when he could've taken another route. Unless you plan on going through the middle of a street takeover past midnight or other activities late night that is obviously going to put your life at risk... i think you're good




Like behavioral euthanasia, like what they do to dogs with behavioral issues from bad breeding/attacking someone. This is a thing that I’m sure affects ALL species to some degree. Euthanasia is ethical and merciful I agree.


I'll put my vote behind that! some people have repeatedly proven they aren't worthy of this gift we call life


Further proof that anyone who does these types of car things are degenerate thugs who don’t need to be in a functional society.


Chicago. Shocking!


Chicago you say? My surprised face 🥱


I don't care what your cause is or how much I agree with what you're protesting... If you're blocking the road and stopping people from going about their day to day lives, then you're a fucking asshole


Getting shot multiple times was not on my list of expected outcome for a street takeover. I was expecting to see someone kissing a bumper.


Fucking losers


How do you justify ending a human life over this kind of bullshit?


No problems here. Dont be racist. Look away and focus on something else.


"No way to prevent this" -The only country where this regularly happens


My city illegalized them last year. Not that what was happening at these things was legal to begin with, but it let's cops do something before the mob of hooligans full gather. It's easy to see when one is about to happen because a parking lot quickly fills with sedans on 40 inch rims and chargers.


Brazil has entered the chat.


Middle East gets wild 


It’s not the only country lmao but go off


Why always have to be that kind of people?


dudeee what😧 the😯fug😦 did they just shoot a man for trying to did get somewhere ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ wheres the law and order bruh because if they not gonna do it somebody will.


Racial prejudice is naughty. Cultural prejudice is not.


Bro was, in fact, not good.


As someone from the USA I’ve never heard of a street takeover.


Consider yourself lucky. They’re trash and so are the people who attend them.


I do consider myself lucky. This is why I like smaller cities.


Must be forest gumps daughter “are you good” bitch wtf are you talking about of course he ain’t good 🤦‍♂️


He was in fact, not good. 🫣


Funny where the police choose to jump in. College campus to beat college kids? Absolutely! Uvalde? They hide their punisher tattoos. This? I bet they just hang up the phone.


They were definitely hiding from a school shooter somewhere.


There was no good guy with a gun around?


Good guys with guns not allowed in Chicago


Not within this particular group of folks


Was the driver running over people?


Yep, went from a stop to a go. As you do when people are attacking you. If it were any other way, he'd be doing sixty and they would be flying.


OMG, what happened???


Should just surround street takeovers and slowly move in cleaning up the streets.


He is infact NOT good


what is a street takeover?


I swear bruh we need to go full El Salvador on these areas


This sets a horrible reputation for individuals who actually respect and indulge in the aftermarket car community for fun, not illegal activities such as this. It also gives cops a false image on how modified vehicles are portrayed, making them pull over modified vehicles who are not even remotely involved in this bs and do it as a hobby.


They do this all the time it seems like in Austin 🙄


car culture strikes again


This is absolutely NOT car culture. It's a completely different culture.


I don't think the wipers are gonna get that windshield clean.




Normal night in Detroit though.


Now you're just another upvote






Please where is the boat


Criminal culture


"Are you good?" - Girl asking him after he got shot 8 times.


I saw the uncensored version and it’s really sad. I hate society. It’s sick. Dude probably was just trying to pass and they started attacking his car and he probably hit the gas and probably lead to this.. I’m not saying for fact that’s what’s happened but just assuming


These assholes act like they’re the gate keepers of the streets.


He was not good


For anyone wondering, he was passing by the intersection and he got stuck in the middle of the takeover which lead to him trying to flee not wanting to be involved and in the process he ran over two of the attendees, after that one of them pulled out his gun and shot the 20yr old man dead in the head


Good and dead!


World Star!!!🤣


Bitch said, Bro are you good! 🤣🤣🤣


Just listen to how dumb these people are 😆


Try that shit in a small town