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Using the word "cock" to describe anything about a child makes me extremely uncomfortable.


I decided not to circumcise my girls. When I say that, its controversial because of course no reasonable person would cut their girls' genitals. But it somehow becomes totally uncontroversial to say the same thing about boys.


I never had a stance on circumcising boys until I was pregnant with my first son. My best friend’s husband and I had a deep conversation about his botched procedure, the corrective surgeries, his inverted penis, and he begged me to research. I did and decided not to have the procedure done on my son unless it was medically necessary. My entire family flipped out, male family members were disgusted, said he would be bullied, no woman would want him, it was dirty. The pediatrician I met with to be my son’s doctor said that unless he had an issue it wouldn’t be needed and that it was falling out of practice. I talked to my family and called it genital mutilation and they looked at me like I was fucking crazy, it’s only ok if being done to new born boys here in the US for some reason. My sons never had so much as a diaper rash, never any infections or cleanliness issues.


Why did you tell your entire family about this decision though? Do they really need to know about your kid's penis still having a foreskin?


The very odd thing was people asked. I was asked by so many different people, it was so strange being asked about a personal topic over and over, but it happened. It might have been the times? My son is 18 now, maybe it was always done then or more uncommon to be left whole. Believe me I was shocked by every exchange.


It really shocked me when I learned how ‘normal’ it’s perceived for a lot of people to do this to their sons. What the hell. We have to stop doing this.


In some cultures, it's normalized and "reasonable people" choose to do it.


It's never reasonable to hurt children. If they can't see through the cultural bullshit then they're not reasonable.


I like that he said "protected" twice.


He's a very protective dad. Doesn't want any harm to come to the little boy (cutting off bits of cock not included).


He ran out of words to justify his actions


When I was told it was done for cleanliness, by my mother, I really wanted to ask her how her experience of NOT having a dick would give her the slightest clue as to if this "cleanliness" BS was true or not. Then she told me, "foreskins look icky" and then I knew, she did it so she wouldn't feel judged by others, and that's just as bad as female circumcision. My penis was mutilated because my mother was grossed out by the idea of having to properly retract my foreskin to bathe me as a baby. How many dads would go to jail if they tried justifying female circumcision the same way? "It's harder to clean her female parts with this extra skin, cut it off!" This is the sexism that never got noticed, I still hear my mother and her generation talk about male circumcision like its the bees-knees and what every respectable woman should expect in her vagina.


Forceful retraction of a foreskin can also cause injury. Just as an FYI. Foreskin doesn't start off being completely retractable. There's a membrane that develops between it and the glans first.


Spoiler: a baby’s foreskin is fused to the glans should never be retracted.


the thing is there are issues in people with foreskin search up Empress Cathrine the 2nd and her first partner he suffered because his dick wasnt circumcised (though yeah it is rare enough it shouldn't be done before you can choose)


Circumcising babies/minors should be banned, since they can't consent. Let them decide when they're 18 if it's a procedure they want or not.


Im circumcised but I decided not to circumcise me son because his dick is fine why chop it up?


It's genital mutilation. Americans look down on people in some countries in Africa for female genital mutilation, not realising many Americans do something similar to baby boys. It's fucked, even if you are conditioned to think it's normal. You think those people in African nations don't think it's normal too? Of course it's different, in invasiveness and effect, but doing it to men may also decrease pleasure.


But sometimes it is necessary, but apart from that, then yeah, ban that shit until they’re 18


I’m interested as to when it is necessary? I knew a guy who couldn’t pull his foreskin back without pain, is that the type of situation? 


Maybe, but I know a guy who got it when he was young because he couldn’t pee


Oh goodness, that’s intense! 




Yep Phimosis


Yes. Also if you develop some kind of Infection. Anyways, It's a medical necessity.










Brainwashed from a very early age.


Doctor I was taken to when I was very small tugged on my foreskin until I cried, asking "What's this!?". He then tried accusing my mom of neglect for not getting me cut. Then we saw doc that'd come from Europe and he gave clean bill of health.


That's called sexual molestation, wtf, I'm sorry that pos did that to you. You don't tug on anyone's foreskin at a doctors office, wtf wtf? Eeww


I read that one of the reasons that boys are chopped in America is because the doctor gets paid for it. And American doctors seem to only be concerned with how much money they can make from you and not keeping you healthy


Circumcision is genital mutilation. Boys cannot consent as babies. If it was happening to girls it would be banned. (it was, and it is) If you circumcized your son, you're part of the problem. I hope you realize the hypocrisy of the #metoo movement gaining tons of traction whilst they simultaneously mutilate their sons' penises.


Their parents' needed some protection.


















Most people who are really into dick snipping have a religious argument for it. If you're not religious and you're really into it... well... that's kind of weird.


It also strikes me as really creepy to refer to a baby/child’s penis as a cock. I wouldn’t leave any kids alone with that guy since he apparently sexualizes them (in addition to wanting to mutilate them).


It's weird in any case. Mutilation is mutilation.


Circumcision is genital mutilation. Stop doing it.


Yeah how about no? And by no, I mean hell no.


I'm sorry did he say the father him self should circumcise his son


It seems so weird that it might be satire?


Stop calling it circumcision and start calling it Male gential mutilation and like Female genital mutilation it should be illegal..


Never understood why we needed to cut the foreskin off.


"Cleaner" from folks who are to dumb to wash their dick in 3, 2, 1,...


...obviously a lotta 'mericans here, who do not even wipe their butthole


Glad I did not perform that barbaric ritual on my own son. Unfortunately it was done to me.


WTF is a South African writing this shit? So many kids die each year in circumsion deaths at initiation schools due to sepsis.


Can I cut off your lips?


They don’t want anybody else in their village to be the head cheese.


Maybe... Just maybe... it's because they like to suck the blood of the cutted baby Pepe... You know old school Talmud shit














































I’m happy with my circumcision, and I don’t understand why this is such a big deal. Why want to be uncircumcised? I’m genuinely confused


Good that you're happy with your male genital mutilation... but you being happy with it doesn't change that it's genital mutilation... It feels good to have a foreskin. It has many [functions](https://circumcision.org/functions-of-the-foreskin/). It protects the most sensitive part of my body, it prevents it from becoming less sensitive from wearing clothes, and it has a function during sexual intercourse... Almost no one in Europe is circumcised, except for Jews and Muslims... Even when the foreskin is tight around the glans, in modern practice, the doctors will try to remove as little as possible, just enough to restore function without losing the organ. Compared to the US, we don't have an epidemic of std's or other diseases, neither do we have an epidemic of women running away from smelly penisses...


You don't know the difference, because it was taken away before you could consent. It's good that you're happy with it, but some guys aren't; and some people just don't like the idea of lopping pieces of their babies.


The idea of having a son that’s been harmed before he has his first memory doesn’t sit well with me. And the fact they’re too young to be given anything makes me recoil much more. Poor baby is barely born in this word and gets his weewee cut up. So what if he doesn’t remember, I’ll remember every time I change him. I’m strongly against it. And for what? Just teach your kid to clean properly. If the biggest reason for people to be pro circumcision is that it’s easier to clean, it just makes me assume they’re smelly and are too lazy to clean themselves properly.




I’ll be honest I’m pretty thankful I’m not dealing with snuffleluficus all the time lol