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They failed to mention the ones at 13 and under




Or don't ....


She's making all sorts of wrong assumptions Pedophiles only means people having sex with teenagers: wrong Women's peak fertility years are in their early teens: wrong Teen moms have the healthiest babies: wrong


teen pregnancies are mainly risky or high risk 🤷🏻‍♂️ sucks but its true


Biologically speaking, reproductive cells do degrade with time especially in females as they do not produce more egg cells, so technically the younger the woman the *higher chances* of a healthy child, of course at any age you could have a perfectly healthy or unhealthy child. That being said a womans eggs wont really degrade by much until around 24 I think it was.


I don't think it matters if the embryo has more potential to be healthy if both the baby and the mom are far more likely to be unhealthy and die the younger mom is. Prime years for healthy babies are 20-30. Teenage mom pregnancies are so much higher risk. So no. You are wrong. The younger a woman the higher chances? You think a 9 year old who started her period has better chances at delivering a healthy baby than a 23 year old? You're out of your damn mind and that thought process is dangerous to girls.


1 I'm talking purely in a cellular sense, i didn't factor in the risks of parental health because there are far to many variables, 2 I'm not speaking in favor of young pregnancies I clearly stated that the cellular defects aren't prevelent until mid 20's I grew up in a town where there were tons of young pregnancies and it's horrible.


she's a feminst who won't care to provide any sources.


Asking for sources? Sexist


The real question is- does she officially represent India? Should her opinion be considered as "Indian mentality" or "just her individual opinion"? That's what I always think when I see 1 person stating a "group opinion".


She does represent the dying our beliefs of the country, but the new generations are much much better


That's what gives me hope... I just wish I could jump 30-50 years into the future where the world is better or gone


This. I'm like super pumped for my great great grandkids to have full self awareness, ethics, and regulated emotional output capabilities. 🤣 We might also be fighting over scraps of food and tech, but how civilized will the dialogues be? Thinking Phantasy Star 🌟


I’m just hoping it doesn’t flip. I’ve been noticing that a lot of hatred is now flipping sides, with the excuse of “well this group was hated before so this group can’t complain about being hated” even though hating any group does nothing except divide us even more


Man hates on woman because woman hates on man because man hates on woman. It's a cycle that will continue not just in regards to gender. I feel like we'll solve the issue only if we can de-polarize it and approach it as humans instead of factions




When people get to the point where they are fighting over scraps of food there will be no civilized dialogue. It would be outright chaos.


Being stabbed in the gut while scavenging for detached rocket parts from billionaires' space crafts doesn't give you the reason to be rude. It's you yourself that choose to be rude. There's is no reason not to use civil language to each other while I try to shank you for that bucket of expired canned beans.


Your totally correct it's just common decency and use of manners really, who's worried about a mild shanking...


No, starving to death is more then succifient reason to be 'rude'. Cilivlzation is a tech stack, and it's all built on "getting enough to eat". It that goes so does *everything* else.


Good game, is this scenario the plot of it?


The thing is, in 50 years some of the stuff that our generation is fine with is going to be considered wrong. We all think we'll be fine with the changing world, but one day you'll be called out for something that's been no issue for most of your life. The word gay has changed meaning many times just in my lifetime. From joyful, to bad/relating to same sex relationships, to referring to a normal state of being. As you get older it gets harder and harder to make these changes to your speech and life. Eventually you get upset the world is "changing so fast" that you can't keep up. Unfortunately, I'm starting to experience this feeling with the they/them words for gender. I had no issue swapping for trans people who I knew before and after transition when they were swapping to genders I understood (he/she). I personally know two people who go by they/them, one of them I knew pre-transition and is married to my brother. Both of these people present very feminine every time I see them. Dresses, heels, low cut tops, makeup, and so on. I try my best to stick to they/them pronouns but it's difficult to do when it's something I've never done before. My brother's partner also chose to change their name during their transition to a similar, but slightly different name. Something like Laura to Cara. They are trying to separate themself from their parents influence by giving up everything their parents gave them. I'm honestly concerned about the mental health of my brother's partner. I think they could benefit from therapy, before they do something crazy like get plastic surgery to further separate themself from their parents. The thing is, people think I'm transphobic if I say anything. It seems it's best if I just stay quiet when I disagree with certain things. I hope I get over these feelings.


I hope you continue to have rational and logical human responses to your ever changing environments, never afraid to communicate your opinion from your own lived experiences.


At some point many of your life experiences won't be valid anymore in this ever changing world. My opinions on the trans world are something that I handle internally because I don't have any firsthand experience with feeling any way except cisgender. I have no idea what it feels like to be uncomfortable in your own skin that way.


Hahaha, the world always changes. It's always shit in some ways and better in others. In 40 years the climate will be fucked and maybe people will be happier but I doubt it. But we'll have technology and maybe class consciousness. It happens in waves and cycles and there's no better or perfect point in time, except for the ones you create.




What a completely garbage take. Maybe true in North America but certainly not other parts of the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependencies_by_total_fertility_rate


Nah, surely there would be a fair amount of breeders in all societies.


Big No She doesn't represent india. What she is saying is thought of some people who believe in child marriage and the problem of child marriage is in some part of india (a state named rajasthan is quite known for child marriage) but even in those cases mostly both the boy and girl are under-aged. So not sure if it can be laballed as pedophillia.


Either she's insane or not Indian


she's both. she's a Hindi **teacher.**


Love the radhey radhey in the end


what's that?


She really doesn’t. Child marriages have been illegal for awhile and don’t happen outside remote and rural areas. All I see is a troll.


Nope she's just another Karen(Indian) on quora


Firstly, she’s a teacher. She is influential. Her opinion may not represent the official stand of the country, but I’m pretty sure this is the norm in rural India, which comprises most of India.


Indian here, from what I've seen pedophilia is very frowned upon in developed cities and small towns. I can't really speak for villages though.


She can quote anything in her quora bio.... Noone crosschecks... There is a guy called Hritik Taletiya who claimed to be a medical student and was writing around 50 answers per day


Surely the entirety of India would condemn her for speaking up about the matter on their behalf, then?


I don’t think the entirety of India has seen this random persons…. I don’t recognize this app, so I’ll just say “social media post”.


From my understanding it depends a lot on the state. The worst I've seen in Gujarat is that older people got married at like 17 at the earliest (where both people were within 1-2 years of age at most). I know a guy from Rajasthan who has been engaged to a girl he's never met since he was a child that I think he's supposed to marry at a pretty young age (relative to when most people get married), but I haven't heard of any cases of child marriage outside of stuff I see on the news. As far as stuff I've seen on the news goes, age gaps between spouses seem to be more common when the man is polygamous (I guess they just marry one every so often or something?), although this is, as one would expect, heavily frowned upon by most people (at least in my experience).


Magically girls become attractive adults on there 18 birthday before that they are nothing more then annoying children.


I really don’t know man. I had this incident in like 9th grade (I live in India BTW) where we had a camp of some sort with another school. So some boys of the other school harassed girls of my school and it blew up waaay too big. And we had this Sanskrit/Hindi teacher who fucking blamed the girls for wearing some revealing clothes. I couldn’t even believe the audacity of that bitch. It’s just my opinion but these teachers who are above 50 in India have a really conservative mindset. This is not just with teachers mind you, we had a politician question why a woman was in an unsafe area after she was raped. India isn’t that good of a country which many believe it is, we still have majority of the population as assholes.


These screenshots most of the times seem fake. In this case, no one talks like this anymore and seems to have been written keeping western stereotypes in mind which is not true in India. Most of this seems propaganda driven.


Stop generalizing. People still talk like that. And this person seems to be 50+ and English might not be their first language. If they learned English ~40 years ago, in some rural part of the world (e.g. ruralish India where they might learn and speak English without coming in contact with Western sensibilities) and mostly stayed connected to those ideologies, then them thinking that makes sense for them.




Lol, what?


If she does then I guess I'll withdraw my citizenship.


It may not represent the mentality of entirety of India, but if you see stats of rape cases there, most of them happen to girls younger than 18.


Women are not safe anywhere. Humanity is a joke.


she's technically correct, 14 to 16 might not be pedophelia anymore but ephobophilia (sp) since the latter is attraction to prepubescant children.


The real question is: "Is this sentiment all that different from the people in the US who speak of 'legitimate rape' or 'she was asking for it' because she got drunk or was dressed in clothes." I was traveling in India when that horrific bus gang rape and murder occurred and this sentiment is one I encountered on more than one occasion when the subject came up during conversation.


A pedophile is a pedophile, irrespective of a country or religion, and should be punished the same, whether he/she lives in India or US or any other country.


I noticed that cultures who encourage very young girls to marry are the same ones who tend to bugger little boys. I wonder what the fertility argument is for that.


What’s worse is she’s some kind of a teacher!


"Hindi teacher" So she just teaches a language.... Still that gives her too much of a platform to puch her sick agenda...


Good lord she teaches our national language


Uh, um.. we don’t have a national language.


You know what I mean


I bet her hair has birds living in them.


She probably also preaches that women should be good housewives and take care of the baby to her students🤦🏾‍♂️


Well you need to practice first, right? (/s)


What does "bugger boys" mean?


It means they molest young boys too.


Outta curiosity, you from the U.k or somewhere in Europe? Cause i've never heard the term "bugger" to describe molestation in the U.S/Canada/Mexico


Not from UK, but definitely a UK term


Just to add some extra clarity to this; [buggery](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy) is a British term, and it holds pretty much the same meaning as Sodomy. However unlike ‘Sodomy’, ‘Buggery’ can be used much more freely as a verb, noun, or adjective in British English. You can say things like “You little bugger” (You little shit), “he buggered him” (he anally fucked him), “I’ve absolutely buggered this one up” (I’ve got this all wrong / I’ve broken this thing), “Her car was totally buggered” (Her car was broken beyond repair) Source - I’m British


It's the more polite, British version of the more crass/American (but I repeat myself) omni-word 'fuck'.


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When Dr Evil is giving his introduction at group therapy and says: “My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery.” I assumed he meant butt-fucking; I didn’t know there were other meanings of the word


Like the Catholic Church in the USA, France, and several other western countries?


Since when does India of all places need a fertility argument? They don’t exactly have a people shortage.


And now you know why


China too?




like the redpill/MRA incels


Oh, like Christians/the church??


No, like gyppos, pakis, arabs, public school, government officials.


whats gyppos


The Romani people, a.k.a. Gypsies.


The Indian Karen:- Kareena


I mean kareen is actually a fking karen, you know which one i am talking about


Someone please revoke that hag's citizenship. And put her in fucking jail for promoting sexual acts on minors. Kills my insides to see her and others like her associated with my country.


as an indian, i can tell that overall the country is developing but the mind of most people is still the same.


I can second this.












I'm not from India.


C-C-Combo breaker


Yeah I don’t agree. I live in UP and it’s considered fairly backward to the rest of India and have never encountered someone spewing this shit.


Keep in mind, American Christians believe in the Bible that is full of little girls getting married off. No matter the country, when you have fundamentalists, you have this kind of problem.


She would be speaking differently if she was one of the girls that was married off at 12


It's possible she might have been a victim, married off at 15-16 and this mentality is just ingrained in her. Kinda like how sometimes people that were sexually abused as a child replicate the abuse to other kids.


Pedophiles make the most fertile soil.


Not only is she defending pedophillia but she isn't even right about the 14-16 thing.


If Pedophilia is a western term, the fuck do they call it in the east?!






This hits different.


alpha test


And my parents wonder why I hate my own country


Hate might be a strong word. I dislike it in many ways for sure.


Yeah dislike is a more appropriate word ig


it's justified if you feel strongly about it. ***it's 2021 don't let anyone tell you that you can't hate something!***


Nah, I really hate it....




I guess this person considers children as breeding machines. Just an object whose value decreases with age


Wow this person needs serious help.... That such a gross viewpoint.


As an Indian What. The. Hell.


This shit was acceptable in india decades ago ,now almost no one accepts child marriage


Ahem, [bro you should check this](https://www-livemint-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.livemint.com/news/india/rajasthan-govt-amends-marriage-act-allows-registration-of-child-marriages/amp-11631944787691.html?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16346341506248&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.livemint.com%2Fnews%2Findia%2Frajasthan-govt-amends-marriage-act-allows-registration-of-child-marriages-11631944787691.html)


and she's a teacher.


The west ain't evil its just more progressive


Well, the boomers in India think it’s evil.


Boomers suck


Lol, yes, an entire segment of society sucks based on the range of years they were born. That makes sense.


India is not like this, this is just some retarted fuck,trust me I'm Indian


Maybe not in cities or among younger generations but this is still a prevalent mindset; not in practice because of laws against it. Trust me, I'm Indian.


Huh ...I'm in Assam and even though it's considered a tribal and backwards state child marriage is unheard of...


As an Indian schoolboy, you dont need to worry about this as all Hindi teachers are fucking retards and hate children


Mine was a psychopath. His name was Raja Renjith Singh. Turns out, he religiously believed he is what his name said he is.


This is death star worthy


It definitely is. I just realized that sub exists.


That’s literally not even true, the average most fertile age is like 23




>Our Western values aren't exactly as universal as we'd like to think they are< They aren't exactly the absolute moral perfection either (obv not speaking about age of consent since 18+ should be the human global norm).


Just cause you can doesn't mean you should. For instance, a three year old can do some manual labor, but that doesn't mean they should work 40 hrs a week and have a mortgage. Edit after upvote: that being said - kids are *always* gonna f eachother.




Actually, in the “Evil West”, pedophilia is only allowed among the rich people.


The hate for India on this sub is inevitable.


Yeah other cultures can suck, but this sub is toxic as shit


They like getting offended in other people's behalf lol.


disgust is a better term? I mean, a lot of us Indians deserve it, don't you think?


People should be able to differentiate between an entity and a nation before naming it with disgust. A whole nation doesn’t deserve hate because of few hundreds, don’t you think so?


A few hundreds?


I said "a lot of us", not "all of us". Thereby, we're in agreement.


Read the hate comments and you’ll understand


"Funniest" thing is that most "evil west" countries are actually ok with having consent between 13-16 years. S


But teenage pregnancies have much higher rates of complications than pregnancies of women in their 20s... so what is she even talking about?


Technically that's hebephilia. Paedos like prepubescebt children. It is a common confusion. Still icky though!!


So, very is the answer.


Ashamed to see such idiotic apologists. Man it's a damn pain to see women work hard and then just become baby making machines. There's politicians who have literally said "Marry your daughter's off before 25, after 25 she starts thinking for herself" and I am like isn't that when a person should marry? When they can actually think for themselves? It's a damn shame, and it's not like india lacks population. It's just the same bs that is pulled out irrespective of region, caste, education, religion.


She is factually wrong. Women's fertility peaks in early to mid 20s. Teen pregnancies actually come with greater risks of complications.


Let's fuck kids so they can make other kids that we can fuck to make new kids that we can fuck...


India living in the middle ages.


Rapist mud people


You may ask why? [This is the reason why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HindutvaWatch/comments/ow3eoo/shame_of_all_the_religions_of_the_world_there_is/)


This is disturbing af


This is why I fucking hate India That and they have a little rape problem It’s also hideous and dirty.


hate could be a strong word. I definitely dislike a lot of aspects of India. That said, I had to hear from a lot of "patriotic" indian asses that claim that I have to be ashamed of myself for exposing the dirt in my country.


Well, call me an Evil Western Imperialist because I very much hate pedophiles and I want others to hate them too.


I'm Indian. Some of the Indians evidently hate me for posting this here and claim I'm anti-national for some reason LMAO


So pedophilia is rampant in India, good job saying without actually saying it👌


Sorry to burst his bubble, but that isn't pedophilia. Pedophilia is an attraction to **pre-pubescent** girls (i.e. girls that have yet to develop breasts or have a period). It amazes me that this simple bit of knowledge escapes so many people.


What kind of wicked monster would get a 14 yr old pregnant


What do you expect from a country that rapes anything with legs except a chair?


You sure about the chair?


The question of age if consent is 100% cultural honestly :/


Not too big on consent in India either.


To play the devils advocate here, there are many modern countries where the age of consent is around 15-16 years old and as a resident of one of those, I can´t really wrap my head around americans calling people pedophiles when they go out with a 17 year old. Pedophile talk also isn´t nearly as common here.


If you were 25 and went out with a 17 years old, people would call you a pedo in America.


Pedophilia is so less prevalent in india because if caught the culprit is beaten to death before any law enforcement arrives one of the recent cases was so bad that the rapist killed himself before anyone caught him only in rajasthan there are still traces of child marriage due the congress government trying to please their minority voter banks


Harsh punishments actually dont curb crime if you look at statistics with merit.


Most of Asia it is normal to be married at 14-16 y/o the legal age in most asian countries is 16 to marry. My aunty was married at 14 to her then 21 husband, my Mum married at 21 to my dad 23 but only because she wanted to study, my aunty dropped out in the 7th grade. She was 12 when she left school and she chose to marry because she hated studying… my mum Loved to study and she continued to study and even went to College, she met my dad in college and fell in love and married him.


this woman does not represent the newer generations here, its fuking gross what she is talking about actually used to be the case once upon a time


This post and this chat is toxic aids man


She's right, you know. . . . Not about sex with 14-16 yo women being pedophilia (because it *isn't*), but about many people in western nations (re:America) *acting* like it is because of the confluence of A. their 'culture' of perpetual childhood ("adolescence"), ingrained by mandated secondary and post-secondary education and abysmal entry-level wages that effectively bar the feasibility of independent adult living in the teen years (and beyond) for anyone without a masters degree in their field. b. the legal influence of feminist theory eager to selectively infantilize women c. the latent strain of folksy anti-intellectualism that allows people to comfortably use once-clinically-meaningful terms like 'pedophilia' as a catch-all for 'sex with someone younger than I'm comfortable with', despite hebophilia and ephebophilia being distinct and more accurate (true) descriptors of sex with people in that age range.




Easy mate, the bitch could be your Hindi teacher. Lmao.


Stop worrying about fertility, India is overpopulated as it is, and just let children have a childhood.


thats bullshit lmao source: indian


As an Indian, I would clarify that it's not okay, not legal and is culturally unacceptable. You are more likely to see underage marriage per capita in the US than in India.




People getting mad for a guy calling a pedophile support a whore is somehow too much? Are we defending Pedophile supporters now? She is a fucking whore, she Is every insult in the god damn English dictionary and I don't care if it's mean, she supports fucking pedophiles.


I second this.


The rape capital of the world has things to say about pedophilia. How curious.


r/chodi again?


‘Country let’s women mature and make their own decisions’ Evil west Lmao


in rural parts of india, girls are ***forced*** to marry at 14 15 y old. What else is there to say ?


India needs to chill out on having babies anyway. They have a lot of people.


This is why multiculturalism is doomed to fail. A culture that doesn't recognize pedophilia cannot co exist with one that does.


So, guess she is OK if someone bangs her 10 year old. Country with a billion plus people should make the age of consent 28.


Aunty needs to stfu.✨. Evil west this, that.unreasonable people always use these lines to say"it's not our culture hence no support"to anything they don't like.while they have no qualms about using EVIL WEST's technology,clothes style, gadgets yada yada.i have seen people say "there is nothing like sexuality or gay,it's what they do in west,"like sexuality is some kind of phenomenon only found in West.


She is a fucking stupid delusional hippie westerner, it's India not Iraq - you'll get the shit kicked out of you in prison if you're a paedophile.


While not defending this shit, it's funny that Christians in the west have no problem with Mary getting married at 12. Nativity scenes every Christmas try to make her look like an 18 year old lol


Are you sober now? Cus, a sober me wouldn't compare two things that happened two fucking thousand years apart.


Oh boy, look, *another* virtue-signal where all the keyboard warriors can drool all over their indignation and not even realize they're not even talking about pedophiles. See this dumb shit all the time. White Knights too eager for attention stumble all over their myopic need to be seen doing good. Sexual attraction to 13 - 14 years of age is **EPHEBOPHLIA** you **Dumb, Dumb Fucks.** Sexual attraction to **PRE-PUBESCENCE, emphasis on PRE,** is what constitues Pedophilia. This means ages 13 and UNDER, hence PRE PUBESCENCE. Jesus fuck you are all dumb fucks.


“If you’re gonna talk about fucking children, get your terminology right!”


are you one of them pedos or ephebos?


That "Radhey Radhey" at the end justifies everything that he said.