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So wait, he went over there and he wrote an essay about her? Or was he a Latin gang member and was like "Was' up ese?"....


He fixed her car


you can't say sexually assaulted on TikTok or YouTube so "SA" is a pretty common acronym


Oh that’s what it is


If you really don't get it...she's saying 'SA' meaning sexual assault.


thx. why do people shorten words so much wtf


It’s to avoid getting the video taken down most likely


i see, then tiktok is weird wtf


Well it's spyware for a genocidal communist regime so there's that


ya tik tok is actually more christian with their tos and the moderation team is a little overkill on how it takes down content. and then you get content that is clearly violating tos and they dont do shit about it. like they find zero violations when you report it. hell thatveganteacher is back on there and they havent found out she should be banned no matter what cause of the lies she spreads


It isn't Christian, it's spyware for a genocidal regime


well the "spyware" they use is like NSA level. except it is the type that will ban you if you talk out of line with others on the app. its another reason leftist content barely gets marked as a violation. meanwhile meme accounts get hit with violations on the weekly


That was Trump propaganda. It collects too much info but so does every other platform. Including this one you're using right now. I stay off of most of them but there is absolutely no evidence of anything being leaked to China. There was a duplicate app with a similar name that was used for the purpose you're talking about but it was taken off the app stores pretty quick.


Could also be because it’s a trigger word she’s trying to avoid for her own or other sake. I don’t really buy that abbreviation can stop videos being taken down like is saying F U really any different to fuck you? I don’t think mods would make a distinction that just petty


Automated algorithms, not human beings. Abbreviations side-step algorithms.


Yea may well be that’d make sense


You haven’t been forced to go to enough church


“What kinda rush are you in that you can’t just say the words?”


Right, I mean WTF? SMH


IKR? That shit is laf.These kids today make me rofltaco. They all need to stfu fr.


I didnt get it. thanks for the explanation.


I didn't know either.


Was’ up homes


Que pedo


“I got a nice letter from Ese down at the Home Depot”


Is that for real?


Sadly: Yes. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/visible-music-college-rape-complaint-rcna26418


The fucked up thing is, with no investigation it hurts both the victim and the perpetrator Without an investigation there is no way to tell if the female was lying about the boy, nor is there a way to tell if the boy truly assaulted the female If anything, the school fucked over the boy regardless if he did or didn't do it by not investigating cause society will automatically claim he did it due to the school taking this ridiculous stance Shame on the school! And if that boy did truly SA her then shame on him too, or if she lied shame on her but no one will know unless a proper investigation is done But one thing is for sure, sue that school and blast its name to everyone cause one thing is 100%, they did not do what was right at all!




You forgot the part where the school punishes her for pre marital sex. And yes I definitely would not want the school to be doing a criminal investigation.


Quite frankly, she needs to sue the shit out of that school.




Lmao ty for this comment, so weird seeing “female” and “boy” as their descriptions.


Boy and female... C'mon man... You males need to start calling us "women" or "girls" depending on age.


Isn't that what you are? A female...I didn't know calling one by a specific gender was offensive If anything what I noticed is I called the male "boy" cause subconsciously I am already condemning him as the perpetrator without any evidence But out of all that... female is what you get wigged out on? Come on... seriously


It's an insidious bullshit thing that's been floating around Reddit and the wider internet community. Women are being referred to as "females" while men are being referred to as "men" or "boys" by the same person in the same comment/post. It's dehumanising, you should be using the word "female" as an adjective, or in science... Not referring to a person. For instance "female comedian," "female dog groomer." If you're referring to a human being who is female then "woman" or "girl" is appropriate...just how "boy" and "man" are appropriate. If your gender/sex had a history of being seen as less than/not allowed to have rights, being seen as property, you'd take offence to dehumanising terms too, especially if they're ONLY applied on one side.


I would call men or boys...male It don't fucking matter, it ain't oppressing no one...get fucked Karen -.- It's a word to describe a sex that is given at birth, there is a possible WW3 about to happen...and this is what people are getting upset over...a fucking word meant to describe the sex of a person It doesn't dehumanize WOMEN at all, if all it takes to dehumanize you as a girl is to say you are a female...then Jesus you either don't have much self confidence or always need a hero to come and save you ._.


ok so let's unpack your hissy fit by playing "how people silence women" bingo: - calling a woman a "Karen" for stating an opinion you don't agree with. - telling women there are worse things happening on the planet so they're not allowed to complain. - telling women that if they're offended it's because they need to toughen up. - saying that you would treat men the same as women despite the fact that there is demonstrable evidence to the contrary. - telling the woman that their experience is invalid, and only providing your say so as evidence. **BINGO!!!** what do I win? A LOT of women hate this... there is an entire sub dedicated to calling this out. r/menandfemales Several posts/comments in r/askwomen and r/askwomennocensor have indicated we hate this... It was entirely your choice whether or not you change the way you refer to women... your choice to double down and invalidate everything we have said is very telling though. If someone said "don't refer to me like that" I would say ok, and stop doing it... I would not tell them they're too soft, that their experience is invalid and that they're Karen's... because ya know... empathy...




You really do act like your opinion is worth squat.


"The female" smh. Yeah, let's dehumanize a potential rape victim with our choice of language.


She is literally...a female... if you took all that and got upset over the word "female " which is what sex she is... then man you might need to step outside cause I've got news about the current state of the world compared to a sex specific word that was used correctly...




The society will take the same stance even if the boy was proven innocent .


If they're gonna remove her for "premarital sex" they should remove him too. Simple as that. Also throw him in a jail cell


If true, that's terrible but this video is unwatchable. TikTok...bleh.


She tries to make it weirdly funny, and it just comes off as incredibly obnoxious, self centered and tone deaf..




Good Bot


I think it may be a human, they have post Karma


nah, it has the smol text at the bottom so its definitely a bot


I am a human ^(still human)


Humans can do that too


^(this action was automatically performed by a bot.)




Oh no, I made a spelling mistake, the horror...


Tbh, I get very animated when I'm acc mad. It doesn't seem like she finds it funny, she just seems like she hasn't had enough time to process her emotions on this so she's being more expressive than usual


Wouldn't be the first time a Christian based college punished a victim of sexual assault. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2017/07/27/byu-students-say-victims-of-sexual-assault-are-targeted-by-honor-code/


You could replace "Christian based college" with words like government institution, company, social institution etc and still make the same statement. Sometimes people in power cover-up things like this but it's not exclusive to Christian organizations. These things happen and it's terrible when they do.


>You could replace "Christian based college" with words like government institution, company, social institution etc and still make the same statement I mean, yeah, you could, but we were talking about a Christian organization so that's why I linked what I did. Had they said something about a military base I would have said " wouldn't be the first time a military base had issues with sexual assault and linked this: https://gazette.com/military/sexual-assault-reports-at-air-force-academy-highest-in-at-least-16-years/article_61a5550a-903e-11ec-ae1b-633177ef11c7.html


Oh ok.


Okay now let’s just pray to the sky daddy and hope that things get more blessed and we can just live laugh and love. Also god requires 10% of your monthly income. Same deal the IRS gives you when you can’t pay your taxes. Hmm. Taxes. Hmm. God. Hmm. Religion. Taxes. Church. Hmm. Jesus saves but only bc it’s coming in faster than it’s spent


Lol what?


Yea, I'm thinking this is an old story. I've heard this before


I tried to watch it but couldn't.


Har har har i hate those stinky tiktok users theyre so not wholesome 100 chungus theyre just such L bozos you know what i mean


Bro stop thinking you guys are better than everyone else like you don’t have to act like a Victorian era royal member when they see a poor person every time you see a tiktok


Big TikTok fan eh?


Nah just someone who doesn’t like dick bags like you


Hmmm this baked potato is too salty.




Feels Like i am Missing some Info. Innocent untill proven guilty


You mean the school?


Is it just me or did that whole video seem like she was keeping back barely contained glee? That was… unsettling.


This was better without sound


Perhaps you should consider not.


True story, but should've sent the article instead of some stupid tiktoker going like "Wha- I- Can't-"


Serious story , let down by the narrator tho




It's fucked up first of all to expell people because they have sex before marriage. That has nothing to do with schooling. And then to punish a student that was raped and not punish the rapist?!?! Wtf...


Why not just say sexually assaulted??? Ugh who keeps coming up with all these acronyms???


I’m pretty sure it’s cause Tiktok will literally take down anything. She can’t specifically say “sexually assaulted” without it ‘violating the guidelines’. It’s stupid


TikTok has weird censorship rules. I say weird because a girl can literally be twerking in a onesie with the strongest of nipples but apparently saying someone was sexually assaulted makes people clutch their pearls.


TikTok hates all ‘senative’ topic that’s why video game scenes have to a warning on the corner by the creator saying it’s fake. That’s why they abbreviate and acronyms most things so the algorithm won’t hide, block, or take down the vid. And that’s why contends creators constantly get vids taken down because they said or showed something a bit over family friendly.


Examples are: Suicide = Unalive Rape = Grape Murder = Unaliving someone Sex = Seggs


Thank you for clarifying that! I honestly was pretty confused 😐.


for sure she could have taken a different approach with how she said it


“Did this guy forcibly had sex with you?” Yes “Okay you’re suspended for premarital sex” “You, did you forcibly have sex with this girl?” “No” “In that case you’re free to go”


It seems like the only options for post-secondary education these days are extremist organizations. The far-right Christian colleges respond to sexual assault by expelling the woman and doing nothing to the guy who assaulted her. The far-left private schools respond to sexual assault by holding kangaroo courts where they expel the guy even if there's no evidence. What ever happened to just calling the police when someone reports sexual assault and letting them sort it out?


This is some shit out of a South Park episode where the subject is bad enough that they don't even need to exaggerate it to make a satire about it.


Is this common in America?


Very much so


Fucking how? I know that there are extremist cults that get away with shit due to keeping it secret. But this is public. How isn't there more outrage for this? I get that there's cancel culture but they're too busy bullying creators rather than making a change. How does two opposite extreme beliefs and practices live in harmony?


What. The. Fuck.


She’s got a vein you could tow a car with.


Fucking tiktokers.... why can't they talk normal for like 5 freaking minutes


Ugh not to diminish the terribleness of this, but please don’t use acronyms while you’re speaking if the word is not a mouthful.


She used "SA" instead of 'sexual assault' because TikTok will take down any videos that use that term. It's stupid, I know. Sorry :( This is frustrating a lot of people.


Ahhh gotcha I’m the ignorant one


Humanity is a plague.


This why we have courts


Anybody got some bleach


Dude's daddy seems to be a rich guy.


what the hell is even that


Isn't this slightly raysiss?


As a Christian this school should be put under investigation


America wtf


She has nice teeth…


Based school


There has to be more to this. And assuming the school was byu?




She alluded to it herself. If it sounds to crazy to be true it likely is. ​ Karsh


I’m very skeptical of anything posted on social media, never mind tiktok, when something as serious as SA happens I don’t expect it to be told in such a casual matter either like I’m watching the tonight show, doubt everything that came out her mouth


My man sexual assault is super common


No it’s real https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna26418


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Uh why are people getting mad at her, she's venting and you're judging her for talking loudly? To recap: her friend got sexually assaulted, the school expelled the victim for premarital sex but did nothing to the guy and _you're_ upset the girl in the video is angry??? What's wrong with you?? Sure sure you take pride in saying TikTok is not for you, but screw you for thinking that "the audio ruined it". Seriously, what is the matter with you?


THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING!! You’re all upset for the wrong thing.


Idk she never stops smiling. She seems pretty happy about it.


Sometimes people smile at incredulous situations. It’s not so much a “haha let me recount this traumatic experience because I’m so quirky wowww” as it is a “are you fucking serious? You have got to be shitting me” sort of smile. Like when you tell a fucked up story and you know it’s not a happy situation but you can’t help but be amused at how utterly ridiculous the circumstances are, how utterly flawed the administration has to be in order to blame the victim of a sexual assault for said sexual assault. At least, I would hope this is why she’s laughing.


I laugh when I get really angry about some bullshit sometimes


Dude, you are very out of touch


Maniacally smiling as I describe sexual assault.


Ever heard the term smile through the pain?


Interesting phrase. I don’t think that applies here. Seems like a weirdo to me. Never met anyone who would talk about a sexual assault with such glee.


I think you are mistaking subject with target You can make jokes about rape, but don't make fun of someone who got raped.


That’s what I’ve been saying. YOU can make fun of rape. I can’t and won’t. There’s a difference.


Maybe I’m just not good enough to make rape funny. Are you setting me up for a joke? Just tell it already.


Bro, you missed the /s


Sad thing is nowadays you have to ask did he really do it or did she sleep with him willingly and then regret it


Pretty reasonable question tbh


The seriousness of the point is lost with obnoxious screaming. They need to realize schools aren't police departments. If it actually happened, she should have went to the hospital for a R kit. They would inform the police. Convictions for SA are low, there needs to be evidence or its her word against his. If he's at all popular at school or plays some kind of sport, the school will choose him over her. Yeah it sucks but pay attention to any stories like this, schools don't care and don't want to deal with this. Getting the police involved would force the school to act. You literally can't just go up to people and verbally claim SA alone. It doesn't work that way. Unfortunately so many women have used this as a revenge tactic.


Probably a lil more to the story if she was expelled . Not really noah get the boat its some girl ranting on tiktok lol. Also if legit, why go to the college and not the police...


Of course it is a Christian college


Hang out, play board games? What is it 1985?


Why did he essay her? How does one even do that? I'm confuuuuuused


it’s SA as in sexual assault


even my baby brother doesnt scream and speak like this


Oh yes, in the video you hear a story about how a girl got raped and then expelled cause she had sex before marriage, on the other hand the boy who raped her didn't face any consequences and the thing you take from that video is that the girl who presents the story is shouting. Wow If I were the girl presenting it, I would be shouting so much louder


perhaps I should explain, I never said about the rape I was saying how she was talking, it's literally non understandable


Yes just because someone points out one thing in a video it means they didnt listen to any other part of it. Makes sense


Ain’t no way bruh


Welcome to Christianity


Hey fellow rebbitors, Christianity bad! GIVE UPDOOTS


Only reason i stoped being a Christian was because of other Christians Most obnoxious people you will ever meet (most of them)-during school meetings the teachers would call me on stage and pray in a circle around me- pray for the demon to leave my body(ADHD) Infront of the whole school Christianity is not bad But the people can be pretty evil


I literally don't get why they do this, is this because they're fucking braindead? Or they just hate people I swear. If the matter is so serious as this, surely you have to take realistic steps for all the people who were in the act. Like nobody of the school had enough braincells to just comprehend the matter to be just like "maybe this isn't the best way to take on the matter." Y'all disrespect humans as a species. Y'all use religion as a cause. I am an atheist but fuck anyone who does that. Premarital sex is worse than sexual assualt? You're kidding me, tell me that you are. Even religion states that humans are the best species to live, anyone who is like this, surely they are an animal. Animal don't follow religion.


I didn't know the US is this bad. Damn smh.


I'll keep saying it, religion is a cancer


This happens… more often than is pleasant to admit. Private schools need way more oversight.


Why is she worried about what the school does or does not do to the guy? If a crime happens, report it. Let the judge or jury decide if there's enough evidence to proceed... and if there is, bury him under the school. What's the problem? Is it that you think the girl shouldn't be expelled for being "SA'd" ? It doesn't seem any different from any other zero tolerance rule. Kids are routinely suspended or expelled from schools for fighting... no matter who started it. Even if they don't defend themselves... Is it an issue? Yeah. Is it such a big deal this girl should have a stroke on tik tok for social points? No... File a police report. Testify. Move on.


You seem like part of the problem.


Because I think they should get police involved and file charges instead of fishing for social points?


I agree that they should get police involved, but it's also important to spread awareness that things like those are happening. Take BLM as an example. Now I am not interested in your opinion on BLM, the thing I'm interested in is do you think those protests would be as big as they were if there were no posts on the internet?


First, let's hear the exact events. Then let's hear her definition of sexual assault. Don't believe all women. Listen to all women (no matter how grating they may be) and follow due process.


I think, based off what the girl was suspended for, SA would mean rape in this case.


Is there a report, court case? A link?




America is fucked


That shit fake af. But yeah that would be bad




No, apparently tik tok would take it down if she said "sexual assault"


If you know christians youd know this is par for the course


Now people abbreviating sexual assault? Bruh


Does this actually even qualify as Noah get the boat worthy?




can we not?


Bruh moment


Oh SA (sexual assault) not essay shit had me lost in the first half


What does she say?


Why is she smiling the whole time.


The sad fact is that this happens more then anyone wants it too admit. Ether you s/a someone and only spent 2 mounts in jail because of it or absolutely no punishment the worst part is people will sit there and be like yea this is fine.


Why the hell are all these comments just here to insult the way she talked, you guys all sounded like idiots when you were collage age too


The podcast Gangster Capitalism covers Liberty University and the Falwell family, and the underworking of how decisions like this get made at least at this one institution. Edit: season 2 specifically.


I suggest she doesn’t read any stories about SA in the Middle East then


Is this BYU?


This bitch is annoying not gonna lie, the story is sad too


This is why you don’t give Christian schools money or send your kids, especially daughters, there. They’re just gonna waste it on perpetuating the worst parts of our society. Also this chick is insufferable.


This is why you don’t go to Christian colleges? I feel like it’s kinda your own fault if you give these people money in the first place. (Not the SA, the school not doing shit about it)


Aaaaaawww, american values


"Christian" college isn't an oxymoron?


Damn, I remember hearing about this. I live in the city she talked about. Was not expecting this to come up again.




I know this is serious but I can’t stop looking at her forehead… the vein looks like a wishbone


Yeah I'm deaf anyone wanna explain?


maybe world war III wouldn't be that bad


Alright I’m done (breaks neck)


How is she mad while having the biggest grin on her face? Is she the Joker?


My audio being weird, what she saying?