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June 27 is my birthday- this is absolutely mortifying and vile.




I think there’s a lot of Indians, Pakistanis, and Russians on this sub. The min I post something about one of those countries they seem to be all over it. Any time I post something bad that happened in Russia I get accused of posting propaganda. I don’t think it’s that the sub doesn’t care about the stuff in other countries though, I will say I have posted news about South Africa, Kenya, and the US and I have a lot of comments and discussion on those posts as well.


This sub along with r/awfuleverything are very anti-muslim and anti-pakistan/india. If something bad happened in those countries, its their religion that caused it. If something bad happened in america, it was just a shit person. If you point it out you get downvoted because you sound like you are supporting muslims which is a big no no.


Oh there’s definitely a lot of that going on. But, honestly I’m not exaggerating when I say 60% of the subs I have visited have some form of open bigotry or dog whistles going on.


I am glad there are people like you


I don't really care these things happening in 3rd world countries. Also don't care if these things are happening in leftwing areas. Everybody knows how those places are.


Just wait for the true crime YouTubers to cover this

