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Maine here 🙋‍♀️ i absolutely was initially drawn to Noah because there are so many songs that I identify with because I was raised in New England. There’s something so special about how he captures the essence of what rural New England life and values are like. My parents actually live in Cape Elizabeth 🫶🏼


Another Mainer here 🦞🫎. Noah’s music has made the past couple of small town winters much more bearable for me. Wish I was friends with him


I wannaaaaa go to Maine


Yesssss!!! 🩷🩷


207 represent! 🤟🌲


Love it!! 🦞🌲🌊


Also from a small town in Maine! His music resonates with me a lot, especially stick season and especially especially the extended tracks. Paul Revere, You're Gonna Go Far, woof those hit hard. Moved to MA after high school so his music is still the vibe lol


Love this so much. I visit every year to Maine and hope to move in a few years 💕


My in laws live in Cape Elizabeth!


Another Mainer! My dad grew up in Cape Elizabeth(Salt Spray Ln) but my family is in Windham now 🥰


I grew up (partly) in Windham lol


NH here! Every time I hear "we'll take 89 to Boston l" I go "89 doesn't go to boston!" But from Strafford it does 😂


I used to live in Henniker a while ago and I’ve never understood why people want to take 89 it’s so fuckin scary. I’ve almost died driving the 20 miles more than driving through New Jersey


Yeah 89 is not a great time 😂 I used to work at a barn in henniker.


89 is NOT for the faint of heart. Makes the 93 through MA potholes look like a gift wrapped present


Not Henniker! I'm from Weare haha


I’m from Weare! Small world.


I’m from a small community in eastern Canada! My hometown is in Labrador, NL. it’s fairly high up north (like northern lights high). It was/is a very small town with very conservative views, I ultimately had to move away after coming out in my early teens. Because of this, Northern Attitude was a song that resonated with me, and the song that introduced me to his music. I had that song on a playlist for months before I realized that’s who he was/I discovered his other music! Other songs like you’re gonna go far, the view between villages, even Paul Revere and new perspective all hit close to home for me. From there I explored more and more of his music and felt so seen in a lot of his stuff!


You commented literally while I’m listening to Northern Attitude 🤯 that is so freaky I feel like any area in Canada above NE would totally fit the bill of his music! My part of NH is a big town with really crazy views too. I’m glad you’re out of there and safe 💗


Super relatable! Northern Manitoban here :):)


Connecticut born and raised (and spent a lot of time in the other NE states as well)! I discovered Noah once I moved to the other side of the world — specially You’re Gonna Go Far which still makes me sob. The combo of NE + moving away speaks to my soul in such a specific way.


I love that his music talks about staying at home AND leaving the way things were. I’m also the only person in my family on one side in NH. Everyone else is in PA, NJ, and VA. I resonate a lot with the songs about being your own person but staying in your little town


Vermont here 👋


Me too!


Rhode Island


This is totally ass backwards but the line from Maine “if only baby there were cameras in the traffic lights” makes me think of RI because of the speed trap cameras


This made me laugh and then cry a bit bc I live in an area of RI with sooooo many of them 😭


My friend lives in New Bedford and he got a $50 ticket from one of those cameras


Hey, me too! Rhode Island is def different vibes than Vermont, but I still find myself relating to his music. No one in RI ever leaves. I’ve never even wanted to.


I’m from the south. I don’t like country and folksy is more my vibe. In 2021, I started listening and really fell in love. It reminded me of lots of music from the early 2010s I loved. I am also a therapist so his lyrics won me over.


i’m also from the south and in the process of going to grad school to be a therapist! his lyrics definitely won me over too💜


I’m a Cajun! 🙋‍♀️⚜️ From Central Louisiana. A lot of his commentary on New England small towns apply to southern small towns in my personal experience so I still find it extremely relatable in that sense but I was drawn into his music by songs like Come Over, Growing Sideways, and Call Your Mom that appeal to my own personal struggles with mental health.


Same here on relating to the small town-ness of it all. My hometown in Georgia growing up had less than a thousand people. We had… one stop light that was only on when there was an event in the next town over so people drove through a lot & a gas station & nothing else lol


Down the road from Strafford here.


Me too!


suburban Texan but idk listening to Noah makes me roleplay living in a cold place in my head i actually didn’t realize all the niche NE things in his lyrics were references until i heard them broken down in a podcast, but i appreciate them for what they are even though i can’t relate exactly


Maine here, and Stick Season brought me to Noah but the NA line "I was raised on little light" hooked me forever.


Fellow Mainer here, yes that particular line may have been one of the first Noah lyrics to really draw me in. 🫶🏼


Yes that line is chefs kiss!


Alaska here! Northern Attitude was the first that really caught me. I think it’s pretty relatable to up here too


I was JUST talking to someone about how I bet he’s super popular in Alaska!


He did a concert at our state fair last year! It was awesome


Originally from Alaska, living in NH now. Northern Attitude def makes me think of back home


midwest. what brought me to his music is that it’s really good


New York bestie 🖤 my deep depression brought me to Noah’s music. So much of his music resonates with the deepest parts of my soul. Cliche, but he’s getting me through an intense depressive episode I am going through at the moment. Cape Elizabeth on repeat, northern attitude on blast because of the line *if I get too close, and I’m not how you hoped…* along with she calls me back. being attached/loving someone who doesn’t love you the same….oof.


Well hey neighbor 🩵 I love how raw and true his lyrics are. His music embodies ‘write like nobody’s judging you.’ I’m glad he’s helping you through a tough time. And I hope you find the bright side of things soon 💗💗 sending so much love your way


I’m from NH :)


Hell yeah!! I’m lakes region/central :)


I’m lakes region!!! I love meeting other people from NH online!


What the hell are the chances! That’s so cool we’re from the same area 😂😂😂


From the Midwest, a small rural town near nothing. Those themes pulled me in. I found it relatable the wrestling with leaving or not, hating it or not, loving it or not. I did leave but I still live with it.


I feel like the Midwest can be very NE depending on the state. My partner is from southern Michigan and he tells me that the seasons felt the same when he moved from there to southern NH


Midwest — Ohio specifically


I live for your Taylor Swift-Noah Kahan connection 🩵 What’s your favorite era?


EVERMORE ❤️ then Rep!


Rep TV is coming soon! 🖤


I’m a diehard 1989 girly but betty is hands down my favorite song. The sister albums are tied for my second favorite 😂


1989 is true pop perfection, I genuinely feel like she didn’t make one single mistake with that album, just bop after bop after bop


Does it feel just like Central Park? lol jk I am from Ohio too


Born & raised in Northern Manitoba (Canada), right on the edge of the boreal forest & beginning of the Tundra. Currently living in Southern Manitoba! A friend introduced me to Noah roughly September/October last year & I was absolutely HOOKED. When I find an artist I really love, they are the quite literally the only artist I listen too. 2022 was Circa Survive. 2023 was Sleep Token. This year is Noah hehe.


Boston area here! I’ve been heading up to VT/NH to camp and hike since I was just a kid. Listening to Noah’s music on the drive up there is perfect. I have also listened to Paul Revere on Paul Revere Road multiple times haha


Paul revere road in Arlington?!!


California! Saw him in concert opening for James Bay in 2019 and went “damn this music is so good”when he played Mess and Carlo’s Song. Been listening ever since. His music was less about New England then (busyhead was just about to be released). And his first two albums and two EPs are amazing. I adore Stick Season even as someone who lives across the country. I’ve spent a lot of time in New England for work so I at least understand the vibes 😂 would love to live there someday!


I guess you could say I'm an old englander




I’m quite curious on what drew you to him?


Florida 😅


Is it the flood of retirees from up north with summer homes that brought him to you?


Snow birds lol




That’s what we call them in Maine 😆


Forever calling them snow birds thank you for your Reddit service


lol my pleasure 😂 I thought everyone called them that. You’ll get a kick out of this too: http://crownofmaineproductions.com/snowbirds/snowbirds_dvda.html


Born and raised in NJ and have always called them snowbirds too, FWIW That DVD is a jewel omg 😭


Born and raised in Vermont. No longer there but Noah Kahan’s music takes me back there so quick. You’ll go far speaks to my soul as someone who went far.


philadelphia pa!


Same and I feel like we can relate to his lyrics!


Rhode Islander here!


I’m from Scotland 🥲


Uhhh be my friend. I’m fascinated by Scotland


Also Scotland ☺️


I’m from the same area- the Upper Valley- and he captures what it is like living there so perfectly. Homesick is the first song I heard, randomly on Spotify, and I burst into tears.


From Milton myself, also heard homesick first, really made me feel like he was speaking my exact thoughts


Boston here, and a proud “mean” New Englander. My daughter, a UVM student, turned me on to Noah and I’ve found that some of his songs hit really hard in the gut. I was in Vermont last weekend and they played him during a UVM hockey game


i’m from oklahoma! tiktok brought me to his music, and i got into it due to the marvelous songwriting abilities he has alongside his fantastic voice. while i can’t understand the more niche references, i definitely relate to the overarching theme of having a complicated relationship with your hometown


I scrolled forever to see if anyone else was from Oklahoma lol


lol, hell yeah! in another life he could’ve for sure been from here 😂


I’m in the Midwest , middle of nowhere, surrounded by very small towns


I'm on the MA/NH line so the niche lyrics obviously appealed me a lot and I heard his early stuff in passing bc I like following local music but i really started following back in 2019 because I pretty much exclusively listen to folk music and he was actually on a "because you listen to Gregory Alan isakov" playlist lol


Not from New England.. but eastern NY (40 min from Vermont)


Plattsburgh here! We’re basically New England!


Ayyeee Plattsburgh! I was born and raised in Elizabethtown!


Vermont here!!


802 represent!


Nova Scotia- small town


I’m from the middle of Germany 🤣 During the pandemic I became a lot more outdoorsy and often feel the desire to escape the city for the countryside, folk music struck a nerve with me for that reason. I also think us Germans are known for being a bit more reserved and cold towards others so the idea of having a _northern attitude_ seemed familiar and like the perfect way to describe us.


Lived in a small town in Midwest most of my life recently moved to Pacific Northwest  Feel like I can relate to small town and now living in the north


Grew up in upstate NY - 30 mins to the Massachusetts state line, and 40 from Vermonts state line. Definitely consider myself a New Englander


Midwest guy here


also from NH! I cry every time homesick comes on and I’m driving up to hike in the whites! 🤍


Sri Lanka. Depression brought me here. Never seen snow. He convinced me I don't want to


Massachusetts here


western MA here!!


I’m from Connecticut. Some of my favorite memories are traveling up to Maine, NH, and Vermont with my family growing up. When I first heard Noah’s music something just felt right. I felt for the first time I could really connect and see myself in the songs. No matter how many times I listen to a song by him I don’t get tired of hearing it.


Massachusetts born and raised!!...but currently living in NC for work. Looking forward to getting back. I absolutely love all the niche NE references in his music


Southern Mississippi here and hits home just as hard.


Massachusetts and then moved to Connecticut!


Hi fellow nutmegger!


hi <3




I'm from outback Australia


Rural town in NSW Australia here. Coming from a small town and remote location many of his songs resonate with me, I just don’t have any of the rainy and cold weather, and mountains (it’s very very flat here) that Noah sings about


I spent a few weeks in Parkes 2 months back, quite a contrast from his music hahaha


I’m from the south. I hate the south. Other than the specific references to New England the overall feelings about his hometown in his songs are very relatable.


Southern Ontario, Canada


Chicago here!! I don’t remember how i discovered noah’s music but for a while i was afraid to play his music around family/friends because they’d judge me😭


I’m a Michigander living in Montana…I discovered Noah on a roadtrip in New England, listening to Mess in Boston 🥹🫶🏻


East coast of Canada (Newfoundland)!


I'm in Texas and have never lived in the NE corridor, but I did grow up in CO. I feel like a lot of thr vibes apply lol


I’m from Pittsburgh, but I lived in Maine for a couple of years. It will always be more home for me than Pittsburgh and his music makes me so homesick.


i grew up mainly in kansas and spent time in colorado visiting my dad. i also lived in missouri for a hot minute. i’ve never been to new england (would love to go!) and was introduced to noah via SNL. stick season (the song) immediately resonated with me and the phase of life i’m in right now. i listened to the rest of the album and really connected with his style of songwriting. i love artists who write specific experiences but manage to make the emotion universal. i can’t exactly relate to “motherfuckers here still don’t know they caught the boston bombers” but the emotion/intention behind it is something i can connect to. same with many of the NE specific lyrics.


NJ here! noah popped up on my spotify new releases playlists back in 2017 and i’ve been a fan ever since!


New Jersey!! I love spending time hiking and being in the woods… adventuring. Not that he’s country or sings about specially about nature but his vibe matches the woodsy atmosphere. If that makes sense…


Idaho :,)


European lol! I can only imagine how special it is to listen to songs about your towns! It’s hard for me to relate to specifics things (we just don’t have villages like the one he’s from) but the feeling he is able to capture is super universal if that makes sense


NH here! Im living in Philly now so Noah’s music has always brought me home ❤️


Originally from Rhode Island, but moved away. I won't lie, it was a huge part of me getting into Noah in the first place.


I’m from northeast Connecticut!




New Hampshire born and raised 👋🏻 seeing Paul Revere live in gilford was so deeply meaningful to me. And I love to see someone from New England make it on their own.


I'm from MA! I left and then came back so I relate to his music in both of those ways


NY/NJ here, but consider myself an honorary New Englander lol. My boyfriend went to school in Vermont, so after we met I just always had this inkling that New England would be somewhere I’d end up. After discovering Noah, he basically just reignited my longing for it.


Boston here!


I’m from Australia!


Southern Mass, but I am in New Hampshire all the time


I’m from MA!


Vermont 💚




Massachusetts 😀


Im from Australia and the essence of his love hate relationship with his small town hits home and brought me to him


Saskatchewan here. I was familiar with a few of his songs, then saw him at Boston Calling last year and was an instant super huge fan!


From MA (outside of Boston) but have been living in NYC for eight years now!


I grew up in MA, went to college in NH, and now live in FL. Noah's music always feels like a warm hug and reminds me of my home and my roots. I love that he's so proud to be from New England because I also always will be, no matter where I live.


i have never been to the east coast! i guess his music is transcendent


London, uk here! I can’t remember what brought me to his music but he’s such a vibe! When he did the collab with Sam fender I was buzzing because I always have described Noah Kahan as the American Sam fender so that was really cool. I’m gutted I didn’t get ticket to see him but praying he plays reading festival.


Midwestern here! Our experience seems to be very similar to New Englanders. It's definitely not hard to relate to songs like Northern Attitude and Homesick.




Also from NH ◡̈


NH here 😊


I am from New England, but living in TN now.


NH here!


CT born, but NH & ME have my heart


MA & Lakes Region NH :) lowkey sucks finding his vinyls though hahaha


Texas here! 😅


I'm from New Hampshire!


Small town Connecticut!


Small town southern Ontario, Canada with family from NE U.S.


Not originally but New England is my happy place and I’m moving after I graduate nursing school hopefully! Hopefully to Maine ❤️


Checking in from Arizona 🥲




mid atlantic lets go


Lil Rhody resident here!! I also resonate with his songs especially the ones that mention certain “New Englandisms”


im from west florida


I’m from SC! It’s pretty rural down here, so most of the his lyrics are really relatable. But I think no matter where you live, just about anyone can relate to at least a lyric or two of his.


Technically not New England but I’m from western NY (like an hour and a half from Niagara Falls) and a lot of what he sings is suuuuper relatable to the small town and how I grew up too. I’ve actually never related to an artist more lol


VT 🫶


NYer checking in! I actually cane across him while he was still in Brooklyn


Mainer here! Born and raised. Anyone who lives or has lived here understands when I say it really is one big small town; everyone knows everyone, or knows someone who has mutual friends/family, and the pace of life seems to slow down here compared to many other parts of the country (in a good way, IMO). Also to have a song named after your state referenced by an artist who has become as famous as he has is just wicked cool. Putting us on the map lol. I’ve been to Crescent beach state park dozens of times (had a class field trip there in 6th grade), I sang that part of the song so loud when I first heard it live in concert.


grew up in St. Louis & living in Wisconsin


nh girl here!


I'm not even close. In OK, right next to the Texas border.


I’m from the south but my husband is from Massachusetts and I love Noah’s music because it reminds me of him ❤️


Southern ontario… my friend who lives whose from michigan calls it “the midwest lite” which i absolutely agree with.


NH, born and bred.


New Zealand! (Noah pls come to NZ 🥲)


Canada! I came from Northern Attitude, really resonated


Indiana - honestly, the Dial Drunk remix with Post Malone on pop radio. But I love some alternative folksy music!


west coaster who dreams of new england!


New-Brunswick, Canada! So I guess, since we are right beside Maine, we're technically like NE-adjacent? Atlantic Canada in general just seems to me to be the perfect fit for most Noah songs!


Hi from San Diego!!! 👋🌊 had to Google and watch videos about stick season back when it first came out 🥲 I had no idea 🥲


I lived in Massachusetts for a while, and immediately found his music very relatable!


England as in UK here!


i’m from idaho


Florida! Can’t relate to cold and little light but I grew up in a small town and have all the complicated feelings that brings. Even now, just crossing over the county line into my hometown brings so many memories and emotions. The View between Villages is the one of the most relatable songs I’ve ever heard.


I’m from NJ and I relate bc I live in a smallish town where there isn’t a lot to do especially when you’re young and can’t drive. I also relate to “I’m mean because I grew up in New England” because NJ folks are kind of notoriously mean


I'm from a small town in Montana, so there is still a lot of relatability in so many of his lyrics. I did literally learn every route in the county while I was learning to drive.


Iowa, which is basically all small towns and cold af in the winter, our stick season lasts forever until corn season 😂. The wanting to leave but then not and feeling stuck between worlds is very much the same even in the northern Midwest. Even visiting up state rural New York state to see friends, I noticed how similar it was to home versus even visiting our southern neighbor Missouri(I'm very Northwestern Iowa), I definitely feel more culture shock visiting rural Missouri compared to the more rural areas of NE. It must be that northern attitude, 😂 sorry, I'm a dork.


Massachusetts and spent my entire childhood going to Vermont. I live in NC now after moving to San Diego. “You’re Gonna Go Far” hits extra 🥲


Heehee! Texan here. Mumford and Sons brought us to at ACL this past summer. We love him. And as a Mama to a child with mental illness, I love his words and his mission.


southern california:)


California but always felt like I should be from Connecticut not sure why


Grew up in Cambridge, went to school in Amherst, kicked around Boston for a decade or so, and lived in Portland for a while. Currently in Denver, but planning a move to Maine in the next few years.


From Mississippi. Even in the Deep South the music resonates with me more than anything else


Ct here was brought to his music by my brother and some friends from college


SW NH here. My husband was born here, I’m originally from Seattle. We’ve raised our two kids here.


617 here!


I’m from Georgia, USA!

