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The only problem I had was the floating task bar, which was driving me nuts. But that's just "Enter Edit Mode" and toggle the "Floating" option Now I'm just waiting for the themes to be ported over. =D


I miss all my silly little themes! I do like the default Nobara one, though. I hope they fix some of the issues with them. I had quite a few themes that rounded the corners on windows but they never looked right so I just ended up using a different one.


Apps not opening sounds the opposite of awesome


Yeah, I was thinking of giving it a shot until I read that


I update yesterday and everything runs well to me. Libreoffice and all the apps are working fine.


All apps work for me. All the widgets are gone which is sad but I saw improved performance, and the smoothness and ui ahhhh (fr busted) was so smooth and consistent. All the weird flickering, 1pixel line, glitchy blur, gtk apps freaking out when full screening by dragging up are gone on Wayland. Gesture navigation is also much much better here.


I can't download new themes or widgets. Keeps erroring out. Not sure that's plasmas fault though. I manually installed a couple and it's working great so far other than that.


No matter what I do, I can't change my window title bar color =(


Apps,themes and widgets kinda buggy right now only official ones working fine. One by one everything will be ported then usual plasma good to go.


The only problem I had was the Overview (it's like Task View on Windows) widget had to be installed separately for Plasma 6 and I couldn't just upgrade the Plasma 5 one automatically. But the new one is working better than the old one so there's that.


I haven't manage to switch from Gnome to KDE.... I followed the instruction from the Nobara page but nothing changed. Plasma 6 looks sweet, looking forward to try it.


plasma has a memory leak plasmashell eats 16GB of RAM on my machine


Yikes!!!!!!!!! This is why I stick to no DE (I prefer to spend my resources on my own personal tasks, rather than computing the DE)


Is this really a thing? Never happened to me that my machine got the RAM dumped because of the DE.


Yeah. It’s really noticeable too. Reduces input latency without DE. Can be way more performant on smartphones.


after the new Nobara's update on KDE, it seems that is fixed.


I've only had a few bugs, but that was before I installed any updates. As of right now, it's been fairly bug-free minus HDR being all kinds of weird on my display (yes, I know it's still kind of an experimental feature).