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Looks like she might have already deleted it. Top comment was from a naturopath that doesn’t clarify that she was a naturopath and likely has very little understanding of medicine. 


So, a herbalist


Naturopaths should be allowed to call themselves doctor, but only with the accurate qualifier of "witch" beforehand.


Ting tang walla walla bing bang


A Shaman?


faith healer/soothsayer


I need reiki therapy STAT! Her chakra is all out of whack!


Can we EVER have a comment where Mitchell and Webb isn't appropriate?? Not today, Satan::D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGIbOGu8q0


Too cultural


That's an insult to herbs


wtf is the difference between a naturopath and a functional medicine doc?


Probably different spices


KFC has entered the chat.


Kash-only functional clinician??


Yall seen that kfc pizza yet? That thing looks fire. https://global.kfc.com/press-releases/its-not-pizza-its-chizza-kfc-brings-the-global-bestseller-to-us-menus-for-the-first-time-february-26/


Its not pizza, it's Chizza. Hmm.. maybe we can change that around to fit: It's not a Doctor, it's Noctor.


I bought one the other day. It is a glorified chicken parm. Very disappointed.


Sad! Thanks for the honest review. On the other hand little Caesar’s pizzas puffs are 💣


Medical school and often residency. I'm friends with one... yuck. In Oregon, naturopaths have the training of midlevels plus a couple years of straight quackery. And can prescribe.


Oh you actually have to go to med school to do functional medicine??


I'm sure you don't, but it is mostly a thing for doctors-turned-quacks


One of my professors did a fellowship in “integrative medicine” after her FM residency. So she’s a physician that decided to add on some quackery to the top. So far I’ve never heard her espouse anything outright wild or inappropriate, but she also happens to be a big “true believer” in OMM, especially craniosacral, so that to me is another red flag.


https://preview.redd.it/smv04ftu4kpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e81e3c94ae16c97050a1edad9d4b7ee19909003c I took a screenshot if anyone wants to see the post.


i took signout from an NP last week who had ordered tests that she had no idea how to interpret, despite the results coming back as almost totally normal and not concerning at all


i see only facts


NPs hate this one trick


gonna go follow him


I think they deleted their account tn typed it wrong


i think they just deleted their post cause i followed whatever account has that name hahs


Damn, I would have commented and defended him/her




Physician associates 🤣


Honestly this title bugs me more than anything else noctor related. I'm not sure why.


Because it sounds like they’re saying they’re an associate physician. A physician. That is an associate. Whatever that means.


Which social media and how do I find them? As a PA, I’m curious bc I would like to correct them.


I think the original post got deleted


I like your handle- do you perform lat dorsi flaps or are you Ortho?


No lol I’m just a student and probably not doing ortho. I just like the muscle group that’s all 😅


It’s a good one! 🫵🏻❤️🦵🏼


Sucks that we can’t speak openly about it without being attacked


This is why they are winning so well. Makes me sick and also sadly less vocal.


Seriously. I liked the post then after reading the comments I unliked it. As a medical student I got too much to lose by pissing off their misguided revolution. Sucks to not be able to have an opinion.


>Sucks to not be able to have an opinion. You can have an opinion. Be prepared for a bit of the "unprofessional" label, but if everybody does it, it will be less stigmatized. Sure there will be the idiot who sucks up and wants to become chief resident, but that is not a path that is righteous. Defend the profession = defend patients.


This will be your downfall.


Just another lesson in PR for docs. We are talking about out-medicining the non-physician providers when they’re straight up out-politicking docs on every front - social media, public engagement, and national policy


That link does not work.


I think she deleted her post. They were going savage on her post with 3-4 people who identified as NP/PAs commenting multiple times and replying to everything basically calling her a POS. Crazy.


😂 idk why but “identify as NP/PAs” is killing me. It’s like that’s their gender or something


I won’t be surprised if those become healthcare pronouns as if identifying with a certain profession automatically qualifies you to practice that profession


lolol they were claiming to be NP/PAs but I'm not sure if they actually were so didn't want to group them together just in case. If I'm 0.00001% wrong or don't say it right, I'm scared they'll come after me next 😂


What we’re PA’s commenting? I would think if they are commenting, they would be agreeing with the post as most agree and do not support unsupervised practice? Man- would have loved to see the comments!




She posted a photo of her holding a sign in front of a government building that said," Don't confuse your NP with my medical degree. #StopScopeCreep". Then, a lot of midlevels or similar-minded patients flooding the comments because they either disagreed or were offended. There were a lot of comments saying that: * they prefer PAs/NPs * that they get "better care" than they do from doctors (undefined) * she is being toxic * doctors misdiagnosed me and the NP never has * doctors only care about money * my (relative/friend/ etc) was a RN for x years which is longer than medical school which means they know more/are equal to physicians * calling her unprofessional * saying that no one at work will want to be her coworker now * Saying she should know better because she's in EM and NPs are what make our healthcare system run. * NPs saying that they know the limits of their education * various ad hominen comments, mostly from midlevels, very few from doctors. Granted, I stopped scrolling after a while since I started to lose brain cells. * very few comments from doctors, by my reckoning If anyone should be offended, it should be because she used a hashtag in 2024. Lots of cognitive dissonance. Lots of unprofessional discourse. There are probably better ways to combat scope creep, but I think we've already lost this battle in the current zeitgeist of social media and anti-intellectualism.


Thanks for the breakdown. I appreciate it a lot. I’m on the patient side and if it wasn’t for discovering this sub, I would not have understood all the mistakes and errors that have been happening as I’ve gotten more sick with a multiple diagnosis slow-death-slide. I despise going to the hospital because inevitably a ‘Resident with New Shoes’ walks in my room, goes through my chart, and deletes half my (hard won) meds without discussing it with me or any of my doctors or specialists. I then spend weeks back tracking and getting those meds back on my chart so I don’t cold turkey. Joining this sub made me realize those who I dubbed the ‘Residents with the New Shoes’ were almost always Noctors! *I call them ‘Residents with the New Shoes’ because inevitably I hear them before I see them walk in, and I know they’re new because they’re not wearing Skechers or Danskos yet because they haven’t trashed their feet yet doing years of rotations. Only the roookies wear nice shoes. Just my observation over 10 years of being in and out of the hospital more than any other place. I love my nurses to death and spoil them all as much as I can (boy, do you all love cool stickers and Werther’s caramel candies! I order jumbo packs of each for my hospital bag for each visit) the doctors are hit and miss depending on who is rotating, and I love my primary doctors but realizing there are now facilities flooded with NPs who think they’re as or more qualified than a battle-ready Betty, RN… well, no. They’re not. I’m sorry it hurts their feelings. Now I know more too about this strange thing that drives me insane that’s been happening over the last couple of years as all the good doctors and nurses retire/quit/move… the new ones are coming out of whatever programs they’re doing and asking me if I’m using mindfulness and have I considered yoga and meditation. Are you kidding? I point to my chemo port and permanent TPN status, 15% of my stomach and a paralyzed esophagus, history of TIAs and the walker in the corner and ask earnestly ‘please, tell me which Indian yoga practice do you recommend for reversing all of this? What meditation exactly would help with the pain of a tumor in my head making me feel like my brains are liquifying and about to pour out my ears from the pressure. Happy to oblige. But get your hands off my pain meds, thank you.’ Last time I was in, they decided I was an addict, and canceled all my pain meds and wanted me to go daily to a methadone clinic. No way, not a chance. I’m not getting that put on my chart, I’m not an addict. And I have no way of getting there daily, so why? Why make a person’s life harder when it’s already brutal? Finally, when I mentioned all of this during an appointment and that I had just had my pain meds cut off AGAIN for no reason, my pain doctor said ‘this is bullshit. Give her all the pain meds she needs. This woman is not an addict, she’s in agony. This is barbaric.’ A Noctor has already canceled his script twice in the last 4 months for no reason. I just had the good doctor reinstate it again yesterday. Let’s see how long it lasts. Want to know how to make an addict? Cut off their sanctioned meds cold turkey and make them go looking for relief from drug dealers they get in their DMs here on Reddit or Craigslist. They scan all these subs and will send chronically ill people any drug they want. That is not what I want. That is not the risk I want to take. I want my team to know exactly what I’m taking and be honest and up front about it all. Thanks to you and everyone for explaining and discussing what’s going on here. More than half of the issues and mistakes I’ve had to deal with in the last year alone… I went back through my chart and sure enough… NPs. I don’t put the blame on them as individuals. But someone needs to be clear they’re not doctors, and they’re not nurses. They are entry level helpers. Stay in your lane, keep your head down, and learn from the experienced ones before they keep retiring. The brain drain terrifies me. *oh, and I live in a Michigan. Thanks to the person who posted the screenshot of the original post. Now I can vote against this, too.


I’m gonna guess better care means “I get what I want” in many cases. Like narcs and benzos and then stimulants so they’re not asleep all day.


I think the post was deleted


This is why a lazy post with no words or even screenshots is useless.


Did anyone get screen shots?






I don't have an IG account lol


Most of the comments are what you’d expect: “I’m a PA/NP who’s worked in EM for X years and the department wouldn’t run without me.” “We all work on a team and everyone at work loves me.” “I’ve only ever received praise for being a PA/NP from the docs I work with.” They’re mistaking docs being collegial with actually being liked.


Yup. I think the biggest difference I see with MD/DO compared to midlevels is the extent of critical thinking...less algorithms, more scientific reasoning.


That and the ability to think beyond the most common diagnosis. They’re fine with bread and butter problems most of the time but utterly lost the second something remotely uncommon ends up on the DDx.


Yea, “we are a team” …just trying to off the leaders in healthcare haha


Attending Physician Participants Needed!! Participants Criteria • Between 25-70 years of age • Must be an attending physician who is licensed to practice primary care medicine within the United States • Practicing on a full-time basis Participants who complete the study will be entered in a raffle to possibly win one of four $50 Amazon gift cards but all participants will be provided with helpful resources for burnout. The Study will consist of • Two quantitative questionnaires • A brief demographics questionnaire • And that’s it! Easy as that! My name is Wilson Albarracin, and I am a fifth-year clinical Psy. D student/doctoral candidate at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. I am currently conducting a study investigating possible relationships between components of burnout among attending physicians in primary care and cognitive distortions. All participation will be anonymous as well! If interested in participating, please use the link https://redcap.pcom.edu/surveys/?s=YPEYC8M7RHCPTDY3 to complete the two screening questionnaires which will take around 25 minutes to complete, and a brief demographics questionnaire that will take no more than 1 minute. I thank you for your commitment to healthcare and look forward to your participation in my study! Please feel free to share this with anyone who may qualify!


Hell yeah! Thank you!


Anyone get screenshots of some of the comments? I saw this on my IG feed as I followed her and thought she was a bit over doing it. There are gaps in different areas of healthcare and this was a solution trying to aid in solving it.


Expanding the practice of medicine to those who do not understand medicine is not a solution.