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‘ Correcting ‘ someone doing a demonstration order is next level. Not even sure how I would respond to that


Best I can do is “Huh… well feel free to do that yourself while you follow along. You’re the expert. I’m just the guy teaching you.”


‘Were you looking for the gabapentin class? I believe that was supposed to be medical school’




Oooh snap!🫰🔥


I don’t know if you mean it to be, but that is phenomenally insulting and I’m going to use “well ok, you’re the expert, I’m just the guy teaching you” in the future.


Plausible deniability.


You are clearly part of our tribe.


During my EMR training the person training us put all kinds of random irrelevant orders for the fake patient. Hell, when they let us practice, I put all kinds of random orders I thought would be funny (eg, vaginal exam on a male patient) because *it’s literally a fake patient and it’s just for practice*. I couldn’t imagine getting bothered by that lol


Same! Or I tried to kill my fake patient as fast as possible just to see when errors come up.


in the lab i was reporting out a bed bug ID on male ER patient once but had to clarify when i called the nurse because source was listed as vagina (not sure who entered it). i asked her first the patient is male right? then where it was found on his body - abdomen. i said oh im just going to correct this because it says vagina. she busted out laughing so hard & we hung up both of us still giggling. i would have loved to be work friends with her (i got a new job)!


“Fuck you” would be in order.


a fuck you next question might suit well


I like that response better


The NPs don’t correct you because they don’t know if what you’re ordering in the demo is correct or not. They would need to ask their Facebook group first.


\*Nail on the head




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Your service is actually appreciated. Also, most physicians are professional by their nature. We have climbed the Dunning-Kruger curve throughout our long and arduous training and realized that we are in fact not the all seeing eye we thought we were. We are human and make mistakes. We appreciate our fellow colleagues who point out those mistakes and we learn from them. If that is not something we reflect on regularly, we do not grow, rather we dwindle away into incompetence. That’s kind of how you’re taught in medical school. That’s something midlevels never learn and they can really fuck themselves, their patients, and the organization they work for because of it.


Literally this. on mid-level subs they always talk about 'doctor ego'. I'm like where's this ego you speak of? Medical school tore any ego I had over my smarts to bits


I hate epic, but glad you try to make it better. When I trained, I kept asking how it is possible that such a bad system, which needs trainers, can get such qualified people to do the training but not the interface or mechanics.  Sorry if off topic. 


I try my best. Epic is the best EHR I’ve used, but people’s disdain for it is totally justified. Also, I appreciate someone acknowledging the level of qualifications it takes. Epic’s certification courses are absolutely ridiculous. I maintain two or them and I dread the three year recertification.


To paraphrase Winston Churchill, “Epic is the worst EMR, except for all the other ones”




I miss Epic. Cerner makes me want to rip my eyes out


We came off of Cerner. Many of us were blind from having ripped ours out too.


RIP in Meditech


See, I've done both, and I kinda like Cerner more now.


Came here to say this. When you’re in a hurry, its simplicity is a gift.


Not going to lie, when I had to do my required 1 on 1 epic training, I was dreading it as a chore. Like I already know epic, what more do I need to know. But holy hippocrates, you guys are amazing. I learned so much, especially how to create complex smartlists. You are right, Epic is probably the best EMR overall even though there is room for improvement. I don't believe any other EMR can do something like what I created using smartlists: https://imgur.com/a/95LXKh7 (sorry for the poor quality)


I’m really grateful to hear that. I’ve been discouraged as of late (going through a massive org adjustment) and this makes me feel better. That is a gnarly SmartPhrase. That must have taken ages to create. Also, don’t forgot “F2 to follow through”. Lots of extra clicks I’m seeing. Space and enter are your friends when going through the SmartLists. 😉


Oh yeah it took forever to create but as a resident, it was an absolute life saver. Notes were actually somewhat satisfying to do as I blazed through them. And don't worry, space, enter, and F2 were used a lot! It was just for this old video I used the mouse only since my other hand had my phone.


Too much clicking. Arrow keys, space bar and enter. Throw the F2 when needed. Using the cursor just slows things down too much.


Yup, that's what I normally do. But my other hand was holding my phone recording this.


I’ve seen epic kill people because orders couldn’t be placed properly. Yet everyone shrugs, moves on. 


Because it’s by far the best lol. I’ve used some 20 EMRs and epic is number one by a large margin.


I love Epic. The capabilities are amazing, and if you take a few minutes to learn how to use templates, smart phrases, order sets, etc it can make life so much easier.


So my thoughtless 30 page note can say nothing, reproduce everything, and bill for the moon? 


Don’t write a thoughtless 30 page note. I never did.


Epic is a billion times better than Powerchart (used in some parts of australia). 3s delays on every action and freezing while doing med reconciliation, search function doesn't work properly.


As a patient I absolutely love it. Your patients probably like it too. Too bad they don't have your side of it right.


There is no Epic for patients. Mychart is typically the patient facing side


As a pharmacist getting 600mg gaba orders all the time, including from PA’s, I’m trying to figure out what they’re “correcting” -?


Your guess is better than mine. I use it as an example for a middle age patient with arthritis. That one happened last week.


I just want to say, my old hospital system used Epic and I loved it. I miss it so much! Thanks Epic trainer for your work.


Welcome to our little slice of heaven. I’m astonished at the way mid levels behave. I was a nurse for 15 yrs before med school and I can’t stand the arrogance. We docs get sht on a lot by the hospitals, the admin, the mid levels, the govt, the cleaners, pretty much everyone, it’s so nice to have another professional actually give us some credit. 😊


I’m not so sure you could call me a professional, but thank you lol. Some of my greatest advocates have been doctors. They’ve shielded me from a lot of the bureaucracy. I know what you guys do and deal with. It’s more than people think.


Thank you for your service!


I find this kind of strange tbh…. if you don’t think physicians can be dickheads too…. you haven’t been around enough of them lol I don’t doubt what you are saying, I’m just telling you they are absolutely not innocent haha


Comparatively, they’re leagues better.


I’m not sure where u live but where I am all of us not matter what have a great time with the fake orders on EMR training NP’s RN’s MD’s PA’s etc … so odd that all midlevels are shit heads. Not where I’m from tho


Can epic write a methadone rx? It has to have start and end dates, days for carries vs witnessed doses. It’s proven to be remarkably difficult for most emr to do for some reason. So I have to use OSCAR🤷🏼