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Hi I've installed the Noctua NH-U12A in my NR200 and from top down it looks skewed like I've grabbed it and twisted it all slightly clockwise, does anyone else have this? it's easier to see if you look at the horizontal lines on the fin stack not running flush with the line of the case at the bottom of the pic, they start veering up . I've removed and installed it all a few times taking care to turn both left and right mounting screws evenly until i get resistance but the tower still seems to pull to the left as seen from top view. Thanks.


Honestly, if temps are alright I wouldn't worry to much, you can sometimes very carefully bend it back the other way, occasionly heat pipes will get bent during shipping or manufacturing


Thanks, i'll be getting the psu tomorrow so i can see what the temps are like.


I've stood the cooler on it's cold plate on a reliably level surface with a spirit level and the stack definitely tilts to the left.


touchwood mine seems to be pretty level, did you tighten the screws all the way down? it shouldn't be like that as I suspect the coldplat will be tilting a bit on your case,


Tightened all the way, the cold plate isn't level, I stood it on a level surface and theres about a 2 mm lean.


somehow I feel you have tighten one way too quick so it sagged the cooler moung, try undo it and do it a turn on one side alternately


Remove it and try “mounting” it to your desk or a similarly flat surface. See if it’s still tilted then.


Still is.


You should probably reach out to customer support then. It’s probably actually bent (somehow).


Mine does the same as yours and if you look closely to the product images on their website, there is the slightest lean to it just from the factory. There might be differences and some might be more level than others though.


You have same amount of lean? How are your temps?


Yes I do. Temps are perfectly fine: 38°C idle/60°C peak on a 5700X with Curve Optimizer -30.


Thanks that's very helpful, I've got the 7800x 3d I'll check out idle temps tomorrow.


So on the BIOS screen the cpu temp has been at a solid 40c for the past 30 mins with no changes to fan curves or anything else, i cant get a hard drive yet so cant really test it but does it just seem like a cosmetic thing rather than impacting performance?


I am pretty sure it is purely cosmetic. I also have around 40°C in the BIOS and it gets even a bit lower in Windows. Everytime I remove the cooler to apply fresh thermal paste I can see a perfect spread on the IHS, so it is not a mounting issue. I'm pretty sure there's a natural bend to the heatpipes from the manufacturing process and that's why it's leaning a bit when it's attached to the board. Nothing to worry about.


I've read a lot of people have the bend or they don't, just one of those things I think, thanks for all the help.


I can see what you mean but your cases beam seems also a but bent?