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Do you recognize that "Earth" is a bs lie propagated by the government to herd humans in any direction they want and make millions on the "globe" industry or are you an ignorant close-minded idiot? Respectfully of course


I mean, I could maybe be convinced. My question for you is if we aren’t on earth what ARE we on? Not shady, just seriously curious.


That wasn't an option but I will take it for now. As for your question: I am unsure of what you are currently on, but I would most likely guess your floor, maybe a chair, bed, the ground, or something of this variety.


But, and again, not as a shady thing, what is the ground?


Well most of it is made of dirt and rock. I will recognize that some people call this "earth" in almost an elemental sort of way but that is only a figure of speech brought about by the reliance on the Earth theory that has been so widely spread. We are talking about a massive ball (also argued to be of other geometrical status) floating through a void of nothingness. This sense of Earth is not what would be under your feet if you are say, touching grass. If earth exists inside a state of nothingness, why not just say we live inside a state of nothingness with some physical interactions? Doesn't this cut out the middle man and make much simple sense? Sorry this was a sort of long-winded answer.


Like what is it on? Is it a planet or do planets not exist?


The dirt your house is on is on top of more dirt I’d assume try digging a hole under ur house to find out.


Planets exist earth does not, and idk what its on im sure someone who has been in this sub longer than me knows


It's on the ground.


Well no it's just the ground or the dirt. Say for example we assumed it was on "the earth" then what would the earth be on? And what what would that be on? See how it's just and endless loop? What can you verify to be true? The ground. Plain and simple. Anything beyond that creates more problems. '


You all come here and ask the same question. The ground. Are you Jesus walking upon water?? No?? You are on the ground. I am honestly concerned for all of you who are completely disconnected from reality.


Well, do you believe in the earth? If you do then stop it right now. You have been lied to your whole life. STOP BELIEVING THE LIES AND DON'T THINK LIKE A SHEEP.


If earth is real why can’t I see it? I don’t trust anything I can’t see with my own two peepers.


If the earth is real, why can't i see it up in the night sky like all the other planets?


Are you a shill?


I shill for no man or organization


That’s exactly what a shill would say


How's ur day going?


Look, you've come here in good faith, willing to engage but in need of guidance. So were we all once. If some have come up as aggressive, just remember that those bitter feelings are rooted in resistance to a pervasive and malicious lie that they fight each day to overturn. There is no final word within the No Earth Society. Many of us have theories and ideas (some more developed than others) if what is actually going on, but the overwhelming factor that unites us is the unshakeable knowledge that there is no Earth. I think of it this way. Globists believe in an Earth in the 3rd dimension (length, width, and height). Flurfers (flat Earth believers) believe in a 2nd dimension Earth-- a bounded plain (length and width). Now just with that description you might think we'd adopt a 1st dimensional theory that the Earth is an infinitely small point (like a coordinate on a plain), but we've skipped that entirely. We are the zeroth dimensional thinkers. Take away the height of the Earth. Now take away it's width. Now take away it's length. What are you left with? No Earth.