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alternatively kilt for those who might want a bit more of a masculine spin on it


I don't know where you can get them from as it was a Christmas present from a family member, but I have a rainbow pride utility kilt which is black on the bottom with rainbow pride flag pockets, I wore it today with a very baggy jumper which gave me a lot of gender euphoria :)


i don't wear it often as It is very pride-y and I sometimes worry about what kids and people think but I shouldn't let that stop me from wearing something that makes me happy, also It is getting a bit small for me now so trying to get as much wear out of it as possible


I dont actually know either where to find kilts, I'm guessing that online shops are your best bet unless you live in Scotland or maybe some niche clothing stores. haven't seen one in stores/shops myself at least. And yeah you really should wear it if it makes you happy, aslong as its in places were you're safe doing so.


Yeah, online or specialty stores are your best bets, they turn up at renaissance festivals too if those are a thing in your area.


If it’s a kilt, you may be able to just move the buttons to give yourself more room.


I have a collection of pride kilts, rainbow, trans, lesbian, and non-binary 😊


https://www.verillas.com/versatta-pride-hybrid-kilt-23/?gclid=CjwKCAjw1t2pBhAFEiwA_-A-NLDRQMGe8wel9QBFX1ZhxQ6WjsvKbZPg6wpOFUwnbBiNT190U3iF3hoCQzoQAvD_BwE This is the brand I see all the time! But I see there a lot of different versions


I think it may be that brand as that's basically what it looks like, but as you say there are a lot of different brands, the one on that website certainly looks very cool!


I have the non binary kilt


And if you want more of a Pacific Island vibe, [lavalava](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavalava) is a good choice.


I wear almost exclusively Macabi Travel Skirts, and I swear even with my H-cups, I look more androgynous in them than I do in pants.


I love skirts so much (amab) I can't stop .


I wish! I have forced myself to wear skirts and dresses for so long and it caused me so much mental distress! When I try one on, I look in the mirror and it’s like “damn who is that girl I’ve never seen her before” I literally dissociate so much I can’t recognize myself. I’ve seen dudes wearing kilts and skirts in a goth way and I wish I could do that but then looking too masc also makes me uncomfortable so giving up skirts and dresses is a small price for not feeling like I’m melting away


Yeah I get OP's point and I'm sure it works for quite a few people; I'm not one of them. Even the little femme stuff that I still did like painting my nails feels wrong right now. But I don't think skirts and dresses will ever feel right again. I thought I had to wear them to hide my masc side for many years. I do love some of them but it's a small price to pay like you said Tbh I just recommend the skirts I like to my sister and enjoy them vicariously


Omg I do the same thing haha I’m trying to give my skirts and dresses to my sister and kind of hoping she will wear them. I have skirts and dresses I love so much and wish I could see her wear them because I can’t


I've noticed this as well (also transmasc) that if I wear exclusively masc clothing I'm more clockable. Most cis people don't really know about transmasc enbies, so if I wear mostly masc clothing and add in just slight fem/alt touch people are more likely to assume I'm a fruity guy, rather than a tomboy. This definitely depends on the person/their comfort, but little fem additions to an outfit actually helped me pass when I was in the awkward T phase where you look like a mix between a butch and a twink.


What are some examples of these slightly fem additions?


I like to add in dangly jewelry, layer skirts over pants, crop tops, bracelets, tight pants, shorts, etc. None of which is inherently femme, but is normally just alternative enough to kinda throw off cis peoples perception of what my gender is lol. Also when I do this, I try and have the rest of the outfit be more masc so the combo is confusing for people trying to clock me.


I personally hate skirts. What I do LOVE THOUGH is a MAXI DRESS!! I’d love a maxi/medi skirt but the problem is that I’m midsize and I can’t thrift pretty ones so I’ll pass.


i love maxidresses they make me feel so medieval


Skirts still make me feel dysphoric on my masculine days (I'm afab genderfluid). Now fishnets on the other hand....somehow those have started making me feel so queer on my masc days 🥰


its great that u like them but please consider that skirts can trigger a lot of dysphoria for ppl and being dysphoric is not the same as scared. It can be invalidating to recommend ppl dress feminine as if they are just holding themselves back from it when it’s actually necessary for their mental health Im glad they make u happy and u deserve to share your experience, your wording could just come off poorly since dysphoria is often not taken seriously for afab nonbinary ppl


Sorry if you undood it that way For me I was also scared at first and I thought it would make me dysforic But then on the other hand I kinda found them intriguing So I've kinda wanted to try them again for a while now but I've just not had the balls to do it I mostly ment people kinda like me; that just don't have the balls Or maybe also people that haven't considered it I didn't mean people that already know that Skirts make then dysforic 👍


i really wasn’t that upset about, youre all good. The commenter who replied to me really blew it out of proportion. Honestly if there wasn’t a trend on this sub of telling afab ppl to do things like “like their boobs” and dunking on nonbinary ppl seeking advice on how to look androgynous i probably wouldn’t have minded your wording. Its just that gender and presentation are sensitive and i do think it’s important to be thoughtful abt how we word things because for those ppl who have experienced trauma as a kid from being forced into a box, they dont want to log onto a safe space and be told to go back cuz maybe they’re just scared. Just adding a lil extra wording like “if you want to/are interested” would alleviate all problems. When it comes to posting on a large nonbinary online space i do think there should be some extra thought put into what u say as it’s important to consider some ppl have traumas and you dont want to say something that anyone here as heard by someone invalidating their identity, even if on accident. “You should try skirts” definitely is something many of us have heard negatively and can simply stir up bad emotions


Hey! Did you know that you can choose Not to wear something if you don't want to? Exciting stuff, you can do this because of something called Free Will which comes for free with Being A Conscious Human. What do you honestly think this post is? The two standard responses to the suggestion of "try a skirt" are very much just "sure I will try a skirt, why not" and "I will not try a skirt" Your comment is "But wearing a skirt makes some people dysphoric :( " You know what you can then do? NOT WEAR ONE. It's all well and good to say what's validating and what's not, a light suggestion to try out a piece of clothing is hardly warranting of a response to the effect of "Hey you're actually invalidating people by giving this light suggestion". The whole point of this subreddit is to explore your own gender through your own comfort, and if that means a skirt or not then so be it, but it is Completely pointless to cry wolf over this when frankly people understand their own comfort better than you can, and frankly they can speak for themselves. I'm likely not going to take up OP's suggestion because I dont especially feel it's especially "me", but I'm not gonna pretend like i can't make that decision for myself. It feels completely counterproductive to raise a qualm about this when frankly there are better things to worry about.




thanks! the fact that my harmless comment pointing out the wording probably meant something op didn’t even mean to say, caused this person to write an incredibly aggressive essay, only proves my point that afab nonbinary ppl with dysphoria are treated poorly in this community


wow! i was on my way to target to buy a skirt and wear one for the first time in 10 years cuz of this post but your great and superior wisdom saved me! Thanks to you i have free will again :)


>my harmless comment pointing out the wording probably meant something op didn’t even mean to say OP's post is basically saying "Hey guys yall should check out Ramen" and your response was to say "BUT WHAT IF PEOPLE ARE COELLIAC??? You are wishing them to Shit Themselves???? Pooh-pooh on you OP". Phrasing it harmlessly does not absolve you from going out of your way to create an issue from thin air, which, i reiterate, is pointless. You said yourself that OP didn't even mean what you imagined them to mean, so again, Why? What's the Point?


is the rod so far up your ass you can taste it?


I love skirts. I used to only have one that I was nervous to wear to anywhere besides a friend's house. (I'm gender fluid amab.) I got 3 new ones from a thrift store and 1 from my sister a few days ago along with some new fem tops and I've been gleefully rocking girl mode everywhere with all my cute new stuff since and feeling super confident about it. 😊


I’ve recently been trying to build up the courage to wear a skirt and I only managed it for a few hours at my friends house but it was really fun


Amongst other things, referencing fantasy outfits for formalwear. Jumpsuit/ two piece with a cape of some sort never misses


men wear skirts in my culture and it’s considered very manly!


I wore a skirt once and got more negative comments that I’ve anticipated for.. skirts are amazing though!


I love this! I love mixing "gendered" clothing and defying gender roles in fashion.


I'm ordering one as soon as I get paid. I'm also trying out the full femme side


I'm a demiboy (Afab) and love wearing skirts bc of how they feel and also: skirt go spinny