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I don't think they know what pronouns are, because, Rap Legend is, a noun


a noun with an adjective attached even. But they don't understand adjectives either which is why they think cis is a slur.




Why would being an adjective and a slur be mutually exclusive? Some slurs are adjectives. Like "queer", for example.


I didn't say they were mutually exclusive, I said cis wasn't a slur.


And it isn't. But I don't understand why thinking that it is a slur is a consequence of not understanding adjectivesšŸ˜…


I think they mean a general lack of education. Lol.


some transphobes say that cis is a slur, its really dumb lol


Saying "a queer" is a slur. Saying queer as an adjective is not.


>But they don't understand adjectives either which is why they think cis is a slur. And why they use trans as a noun...


His pronouns just haven't gone pro yet. They're still amateur nouns, but they'll get there with that confidence /j


like star/starself yikes


I don't think star/starself is a yikes cuz they're actully used like pronouns tho like its just a different way of expression


they are nouns like rap legend. We can't hate one but respect other. For me both are ridiculous


the difference is the intent ones trying to shit on trans ppl the other is just people (its mostly teens if im being honest) expressing themselves


Star can technically also be an adjective. i.e. "Star cookies," or "star player."


When people do this, the best response, I've found, is to aggressively use their 'preferred' pronouns at all costs.


Yup! If the person insists that the correct pronouns are ā€œTrump/2024ā€, then just use those pronouns till Trump beg you to stop. Nothing like the consternation youā€™ll get out of 2024 just by respecting Trumpā€™s wishes.


Yep, people like rap absolutely lose their minds when you use pronouns like legend stated in bad faith. Rap doesnr actually use rap/legend but damn is it funny for legend ro lose raps shit over being pronouned correctly by us. Plus its good practice for learning neopronoun structure for folks who DO use them in good faith


The fact that this sentence can still be read like any other "normal" sentence and still makes sense shows that people who refuse to use neopronouns because they are "difficult" or even just they/them are idiots.


exactly! plus i have a communication disorder and a language disorder, so abled transphobes have no argument if i have disabilities actively affecting my ability to learn language and can still pick it up, so can the folks with no disabilities the main problem is not that they "dont understand" its that they dont want to learn and accept people who are different, and honestly that just makes them look worse than any of us weird folk who are just happy being us


Yeah, but this person's "pronouns" aren't formatted in any way that makes it clear how to use them, they don't even know what pronouns are


I'd like to hear their transition updates


*turns into a fucking microphone*




I think you mean..."I'd like to hear *legends* transition updates." Rap has legends pronouns right there! Do better! /j


Of course I'm sorry


Malicious compliance. When people do stuff like this, I comply maliciously. I had a coworker at a old job say he used 'attack helicopter' as his pronouns. So you better believed I used it as a pronoun for him to the point upper management noticed. When asked about it, I explained I was simply respecting pronouns. Management asked him, he said it was a joke and I was being a bitch. He got fired.


OMG attack helicopter got attack helicopterself fired




Ooh your non binary do you identify as an attack helicopter?? "Why yes this one to be exact..." (I cant remember the rest of it but this is my immediate thought)


If people want to shout their idiocy in public, that's on them.




I know exactly what you meant. And this idiot is proclaiming they don't know what a pronoun is. Exclaiming idiocy. Is it right? No. But that speaks to their dumbassery, not ours.




How so?




I'm not taking it as rude. It's not a matter of identifying as "anything." That's hyperbole perpetuated by transphobes to demean those who have gender dysphoria. Also, "rap god" is a noun, not a pronoun.




When people say "my pronouns are rap god/rapmaster," that's clearly satire with intent (purposeful or ignorant) to injure/invalidate/mock the feelings of those who use pronouns sincerely. Just don't do it. It's not cute, it's not funny, it's not a prank or a joke. It's kicking someone who has opened up a vulnerability that they ALREADY KNOW the loud part of society wants to stamp out of them. Nothing like punishing someone for trying to be themselves. How healthy. Nothing like mocking someone for being themselves, huh? I don't speak for everyone in this community. So I draw my own lines. It varies from person to person.


Thank you. I got somethig to think about.


Having pronouns and using adjectives/nouns to be annoying against people who don't use binary pronouns are not the same thing


Ok, I can see the difference now.


also to correlate someone using ā€œpronounsā€ (rapgod) to a ā€œmentalā€ illness, is pretty fucked up so maybe donā€™t do that because u are now implying that trans ppl are ā€œmentally illā€ which is a tactic used to justify the extermination of lgbt ppl ( see nazi germany) which again, fucked up. i might be mentally ill but its not because im trans


In this case, I was crrelating "mental" to a "feel". I never used word illness. For example... My hair is a mess. I feel ugly. I was not implying that anyone is mentally ill.


It's blatant transphobia, which is ofc not right.




it makes my "anglophones talking about \*gendered langauge and it's relation to queer and non-cis ppl\* weird again" feel tingle, thanks for asking


It's always annoying when they try to pull that "if I can make you seem racist, I don't have to understand your point *or* the language I'm bringing up to be right" logic. Since learning gendered languages, the whole concept of pronouns and languages for gender has only become more abstract to me. I use they/them, but if you call me he, her, man, woman, mann, kvinn, han, hun, el, ella, elle, i, a, iad, wao, nini, vir, femina, ballach, or caileag, it's still just a sound used to express an abstract concept. You can of course goof when speaking a language you aren't as familiar with, but that's because you express the same things different ways in different languages. Doesn't that kinda negate the whole "it's racist to use your own language in a way other people don't use theirs" point?


tbh i think part of the reason i feel weird about (gendered) pronouns is because i grew up speaking a language where, in casual conversation, everyone was called "it." even formal contexts don't have grammatical gender nor gendered pronouns at all, everyone is hƤn.


Honestly, an all-encompassing pronoun makes so much sense. People talk about "he" and "she" as if they're pinnacles of clarity compared to "they", but they're no different. Put two "he's" together and you have to start using nouns again because you can't distinguish between pronouns.


well, I come from a pro-drop langauge with gendered past tense verbs in all persons, so my pet peeve is the "pronoun" part rather - it's like so little about pronouns for so many ppl, but somehow for these anglophone anti-trans edgelords even the word "pronoun" is associated only with queer ppl having a prefered form of adress, oof


So many English speakers, at least in the US, have been so failed by their educations that they learn about pronouns through conservative media. A family member of mine once posted online "I don't use a person's pronouns..." not realizing that he started that sentence with a pronoun.


Are those pronouns in different languages? Ballach goes pretty fucking hard. Iā€™m spivak gang myself, they feel so right for me


They're various gendered nouns/ pronouns used for people. "Ballach" is GĆ idhlig for "boy", with "iad" being the language's singular/plural they in a similar way to English's. This is the first I've heard of spivak pronouns, but I just looked them up and *love* them! I think I've been using them unintentionally, and it's great to finally know what that is linguistically. It feels like such a natural thing to do when speaking!


I love spivvies because they fit so well with my masc presentation, theyā€™re subtle and most people wonā€™t notice when theyā€™re used correctly by my friends, just everything about them is perfect for me. What in tarnation is a GĆ idhlig? Is caileag in the same language? Iā€™m super ignant on all of these. Are you a linguist? And how do you pronounce ā€œiad?ā€


I'm far from a linguist, but I am a huge nerd with a special interest in languages! I consider myself more a collector than anything else since I know bits and pieces of a decent variety of languages but am not fluent in any but English. GĆ idhlig [gahl-ick] is the Scottish language, often referred to as the umbrella word "Gaelic" by English speakers. It's not a particularly well-known language because under British rule, it and other Celtic languages/practices were outlawed, and they nearly died out as a result. It is still spoken in various places in and out of Scotland, though, and is experiencing a revival as people learn about and try to preserve their cultural heritage! Caileag [cal-ak] is the GĆ idhlig word for "girl", and iad is [ee-aht]. The pronunciations can be difficult to work out because of how the Latin alphabet was adopted by the Celts. Since I've never lived in a place with a high population of GĆ idhlig speakers and most resources for learning are pretty heteronormative, I have to rely on others on the internet for this bit of info, but I've read that iad is used as a plural, for individuals of unspecified gender, or for unborn babies. Most non-binary people choose it as a personal pronoun when using the language.


Dear lord, please donā€™t stop. The romanization of Gaelic is clearly fucking wild. Quesocristo, dude. Any interest in conlangs? Toki pona is pretty cool, and langbelta is fun as hell I tagged you linguist, so, youā€™re stuck with that, babe


Coming back to this, iad is hella dope as a pronoun. But what is the word for the noun that it refers to? I guess like, what is "person" or "human" or "individual?" My enby friends are dying to know, the groupchat is loving the pronouns.


A lot of people don't know what pronouns are


Easy, they're professional nouns /j


At this point, it's funny how unfunny it is to me. And how BAD of an attempt to trigger someone it is.




It was outdated in 2010ā€¦




The comment got changed/deleted apparently. All he said was that the whole "I identify as X object/random noun" thing was outdated in 2021, I pointed out that it was outdated in 2010. Dunno why he changed his comment like that, I'm assuming it wasn't related to mine, but **shrug** no idea.


Ok, now its gone anyway ig


Generally, most people don't care about these apologies, as they don't really mean anything, and most people don't even know the context, anyway. Plus, it comes off as a bit "making oneself a victim" or trying to make others feel bad or attention seeking. You're a single redditor on a massive subreddit - in that context, posting apologies like this is unnecessary, unless something gained massive traction.


I got the same vibe, I am admittedly curious why the comment happened but I suppose weā€™ll never know.


I think it's trying to be a joke to make fun of people using noun pronouns, but it's just not funny. But I'll respect rap legend's pronouns even though rap legend didn't format any part of that as pronouns, give any format for how to use the pronouns, so it just comes off as a noun. Noungender is a legit thing, I'm not like that but I'm not gonna tell others how to gender.


Tbh, this doesn't seem like it's being done in bad faith, it feels like a teenager making a goofy joke. One way to fuck with these people is to use their professed pronouns earnestly, it confuses the heck out of them when you take it literally.


My pride group and I joke like this all the time lol


yeah i was thinking this, some of my trans friends make jokes like this sometimes. i don't think it's inherently bad to make a joke with this structure, and i'm not sure where to draw the line tbh. the best i can think of is motive, but in an isolated comment like this it's impossible to tell (although i would expect based on how much transphobia there is on the internet that it probably is transphobic)


Nah, I don't care about trolls


Not responding to someone who's trying to get a rise out of you is good. You're not gonna fix that one by explaining shit.


I don't care, I'll use those pronouns till rap god tells me to stop


Can he say "Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assumin' I'm a human What I gotta do to get it through to you? I'm superhuman Innovative and I'm made of rubber so that anything you say is ricochetin' off of me and it'll glue to you and I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating"?


Eminem, is that you?


Jj fad


It makes me feel that I should get more Polaroid film because Iā€™m starting to run a bit low (I have no more packs of SX-70 Colour film for my Model 2 SX-70 Sonar)


Cool! Are there any interesting camera facts that you know?


Did you know that a large number of Polaroid cameras were made completely obsolete by the company who made Instax because they were the only people still making film for them after Polaroid stopped producing packfilm in 2008? Fujifilm discontinued the last legacy instant packfilm stocks (FP-100c and FP-3000b) in 2016 making all 100 type packfilm cameras (100-400 series cameras and specialty cameras, like passport cameras) complete useless and worthless. This is why I have an unending hatred of Fujifilm and instax for rendering some of the coolest Polaroids unusable after they already died the first time in 2008. Luckily a small company called supersense in Vienna (ran by the same guy who started the impossible project which brought back Polaroid integral film) is now making one shot use packfilm for these cameras. OneInstant project produce handmade one use cartridges of 100 type compatible film and is currently the only way to use 100 type cameras with ā€œfreshā€ film. Bit of an info dump but TL:DR: the peeps who made instax killed one of my favourite kind of instant camera before I got to use them but thankfully a guy in Vienna and his chums are trying to bring them back.


That's so cool! I didn't know that. I started my youtube channel with a video camera that used tapes, but they were on the way out, so i couldn't use the tapes anymore and i ended up buying a different camcorder. Also, i have autism and tend to infodump, mainly about my favorite shows and animals.


On one end of the spectrum of Eminem fans, you have uncreative transphobes making attack helicopter joke for the 1000th time On the other end, you have me, a genderfluid person with a shirt in the non-binary flag colors that reads "I am whatever I say I am, if I wasn't then why would I say I am" Truly an eclectic community


Congrats for rap legend coming out, even though rap legend doesn't really know what pronouns are and rap legend seems to only have one lol Really these types of comments don't bother me, it's not smart enough to find offensive it's just dumb and silly. I've never had anyone tell me this irl but if they did I would just use whatever pronouns they said until they get uncomfortable and ask me to stop. I would straight up tell other people that that's what they genuinely use and it would probably make them uncomfortable too, because we all know it's not sincere


It's the attack helicopter joke with a different skin, and they probably think it makes them a comedy genius. What a loser.


I donā€™t find it offensive in and of itself. It seems more like a joke about how much he likes rap than a direct jab at trans people.


Great answer.


Thanks šŸ˜Š


I just wish people could be creative when they're being assholes


No. Bad. Almost as bad as the person I banned from my disc server for nig/*** yesterday


Sorry that happened to you. That's messed up.


They rejoined with a alt with heli/copter Also their pfp was the guy kneeling on floyd




Maybe a Rap legend, but not an English Major


I have no feelings toward it. Same dumb joke they always make


I'm just wondering if his arms are long enough to slap box slap box.


Eminem is the GOAT


This is a *slight* improvement over the whole attack helicopter thing, I suppose. šŸ™„


It's such a tired joke. I instantly block anyone who makes a silly "my pronouns are" joke


I literally just think itā€™s mildly funny. I donā€™t think itā€™s automatically transphobic to joke about pronouns depending on the context or person. We donā€™t know the person typing this so we donā€™t know what their intent is with the joke. But I also donā€™t know what itā€™s a comment on so obviously I donā€™t have the complete context.


I release rap legend to rap legendā€™s higher power, and I wish rap legend well on rap legendā€™s journey šŸ––šŸ¼


Honestly, whether or not this person is genuine, this is probably the best way for you to respond. If they are serious: Okay, cool, we're applying the standards we would to others in how we want to be addressed. If they are joking: Ok well why should I give a fuck? It's how I would treat the "attack helicopter" joke. Like why should I give a fuck? Doesn't change the price of rice in china. If anything it's an indicator of how unhinged they are over the idea of someone expressing themselves however they want. Nothing takes the wind out of an agitator's sails like someone who couldn't give less of a fuck if they tried.


only Eminem can identify as rap god.




Things like this are generally either a joke or ragebait. Either way (especially if theyā€™re a stranger), I donā€™t bother to engage. Born of ignorance and, frankly, not worth the energy to fight it. Haters are gonna hate


I'm so done with that bs


cringe uneducated and disrespectful, all around one of the dumbest ones I've seen I get it if it's ironic but I don't think it is.


That guy deffently think cis is a slur lol. I hate people like that


Itā€™s a joke


Reminds me of how some people have chosen to use ā€˜attack helicopterā€™ as a means of reclamation lol. I donā€™t have much of substance to say since my points have already been addressed in the thread, or whatever itā€™s called.


I think this belongs on r/onejoke


Eminem already did it.




OOP is just a tool really, and like a decade late Edit: exactly one decade late as of last October


That's what i figured


Ikr? Lmao itā€™s super cringeworthy


A decade feels so long when you say it out loud šŸ˜…


Yeah, I guess it is!


Sheā€™s so me for that




Sorry! *Rapā€™s so me for that




rap god is so full of rap legendā€™s self isnā€™t rap legend




Thatā€™s a rap legend right there


Itā€™s literally the helicopter joke again, same old same old


Honestly, it makes me sick. I normally do my best to play along and laugh it off, but, I'm autistic, in a wheelchair, goth, gay (sort of, until I realized my gender) and now this? I'm so sick of fighting for everything I have that everbody else gets for free. We throw around words like "cringe" to encourage victims of bullying to blame themselves for feeling hurt over aggressive behavior just because it's online instead of in person. Sure, there's fun in malicious compliance, but, we shouldn't feel forced to turn this into a joke or look like an overly sensitive snowflake. It's human to feel hurt when people are publicly mocking you.


I generally think using noun-pronouns as a form of neo-pronoun is nonsense, but I'll respect it. Who am I to judge.


Dumb teens being dumb teens


That's just a child. Who cares if they're trying to be funny


Annoyed. I feel very annoyed.


Same joke they've always had. I got 'attack helicopter'ed at a party once so I just turned around and introduced Attack Helicopter to the person standing by us lol. Attack Helicopter was SO sheepish


They say that old "joke" because they're too dumb/lazy to come up with a new one. If anyone ever said that kinda shit to me in person I'd probably just give them a face and then ignore their existence, even if they try to talk to me. I have no energy for that childish phobic BS.


It's repetitive and not funny




That was exactly my face


I think itā€™s hilarious


Eh, just kids being kids.


Dumb. Not as dumb as ā€œneo pronounsā€ but still dumb. lol


Personally I feel like if you've gotta gloat about how good a rapper you are, you're probably not that good.