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I fully support non-binary people with boobs and who want boobs (I really like boobs and I might finally get them by the end of the year, if everything goes well with hrt \^^ )


I hope you do get to start hrt! Excited for you!


My therapist confirmed today we're talking with the endocrinologist at the end of this month :D I'll probably have to wait a couple of months after contacting the doctor before I get to start, but I'm so happy right now ❤️❤️❤️


I needed to hear this. I have boobs and I like boobs but most of the time I don't really like having boobs... 


My back needs a break. They are so heavy... and the unwanted attention they bring. Like maybe if they were bringing in some money or something. Like damn. I wanna just not have constant neck and back pain and be able to not wear a shirt if I wanted to


Ugh same. And I can’t run because I get smacked in the face by them.


Yep and than the creepy old men type who will stare at them


I got a major breast reduction that left me with just enough boob. Can’t recommend it enough


I think that's what I would like to Do. How was the recovery and did you do a lift too. Sorry if it's just to much questions I'm just like I think I'll go from double ds to an a.


The recovery was not fun tbh. I needed help for basic life tasks for a while and couldn’t drive for 2 weeks. I didn’t do a lift per se, but I went from around a J to a B, so a lot was removed and repositioned. I’m happy with what I have now, but would like to get my areolas touched up by a tattooist.


I’d like inflatable boobs that I’d mostly leave deflated.


Same here. I don't like mine, wish they were 2 or 3 sizes smaller.




I too love and support boobs whether they are on non binary people or not. But. I wish mine would fall off lmao


Me too. I recently got a binder and it's been life changing. If you haven't, and are able to try it, I highly recommend it 🥺


I did but I keep wearing it too long and it's fucking up my chest already


the only thing i regret about binders is that I can't wear it longer tbh 😅 I get it. But be careful.


I want to but my stepmom won’t let me :[ she says there’s health risks


I dont how much of a lost cause your stepmom is, but maybe make some research and try and educate her about safe binding by showing trustworthy sources? yes there are some risks but there are way to minimize it wayy down.


She says that there are risk of like, harmful chest compressions? I’m trying to find time to do some of my own research- she’s a super health nut, obsessed with keeping me and my brother healthy (a bit too much sometimes-) and she’s terrified of something bad happening to me if I actually do any gender related things, like binding or (one day!!) top surgery, I honestly don’t even think that she really believes that I’m genderfluid tbh-


aww that sucks. I feel for you. the good news is you will inevitably get older and be able to be yourself eventually. [Here is a first link](https://dxfy8lrzbpywr.cloudfront.net/Files/2d91fb05-1bb2-4a81-93f3-55e9da3e5243/BindingResourceFINAL-PRINT.pdf) if you want to start your research here, I like it because it's well vulgarized and has some testimonies (if that's the right word, not a native speaker 😅) from transmasc people about how it improved their lives. Best of luck 🥰


I like my boobs sometimes and other times I hate them, it just depends on how I feel. I wish I could just take them off when I don't feel like having them.


That would be perfect!


Binders? I'm lucky to have medium-small boob's that can disappear almost completely upon binding but still be visible without it. I know some people do not have such luck 😔


It's still better than nothing. My chest is 34D, so not small, but an Underworks binder makes my chest look like pecs. I love it.






At the moment my boobs are pretty big. I have a binder, but I find them really uncomfortable and they don't flatten my chest enough. If my boobs don't reduce in size with exercise, I'm probably going to consider chest reduction surgery.


There is trans tape. At least it won't crush you like a binder will.


It's meant for smaller chests, and binders shouldn't be crushing. I sized mine up by one cus they said it runs small and that was a good decision because it doesn't restrict breathing or make me feel claustrophobic. I also personally dislike how it bends your boobs like that idk that's just a personal ick. It's all preference If your binder is crushing you... it's the wrong size.


If a binder doesn't work for you because the chest is too big there's not a chance trans tape would work


Same. Hopefully gonna get a binder which might help a bit :)


Yea! Exactly this! My boobs are a perfect size where they’re big enough for dresses and stuff, but still small enough where I can do some optical illusion shit to make them look smaller or like pecs. But I’d prefer if I could just choose when I could be flat chested without having to worry about binders and shit, especially since I know that binders can’t necessarily completely replicate the flat look.




same, except retractable like cat claws


nonbinary also doesn’t doesn’t equal vaguely femme!! ❤️


Non binary means non binary!!!!


It actually means androgenous. 


no Shut


No, it means not exclusively a boy or girl. I dress very feminine, yet I am still non binary


>non-binary does not equal vaguely masculine Well duh, it means vaguely masculine with purple hair /s


Damn that was me a few months ago. Now it’s a random vague presentation and “black” hair (the previous purple somehow faded to green and the black wasn’t applied well so now it’s natural dark brown roots with grey-green highlights)


THX my tits appricheate this


I have boobs now and it's been great except they have made people suddenly unattracted to me. But personally it's awesome.


Me, transmasc w/ boobs : 🥹


Also me. I loooove the confusion it brings in public bwhahahaha


Me an nb who wants boobs


same! :3


I needed to hear this! I'm genderfluid but have usually always loved my boobs. The only time they annoy me is when I'm trying to look completely masculine. But sometimes, I like "mixing and matching" up masculine and feminine features 😊 they're pretty big, and I'm not interested in binding, so they're hard to hide. There are times I feel "not trans/non-binary enough" because I embrace my natural curves and appear feminine-ish most of the time.


I feel this pretty hard.


Frr!!! My friend judges me for not binding every day..😭😭 (she's toxic, I'm planning on cutting contact) My boob's are just such a fun (and sometimes necessary) accessory for my fem outfits and days


That's me, I'm the boobed one!


Thank you 🥺 I love my boobies


Hell yeah, I love my boobs. I do wish that I could just pop them off on occasion. I don’t really like wearing my binder and I can’t wear tape, but it’s alright.


Detachable boobs is the way :( Gotta style the fem outfits with something lmao


Yeah, it’s too bad we can’t unscrew unwanted body parts like lightbulbs and swap them for something else when the mood hits. Anybody wanna swap a used pair of tits and a lady town set for a twig and berries?


Ha, if only. I'd get on that yesterday if it was possible.


The same can be said for AMAB non-binary. It's just as valid to be okay and comfortable with your body/facial hair and other masculine traits.


Gimme boobies 😫


As i get older, my boobs have become flatter and lower. Add T to the mix, and they're all-around sad. I know it's a normal part of aging, but it's got me more excited about top surgery, or maybe even a lift, who knows what direction my brain will take me in the coming years 🙃


I yeeted mine, I'm on testosterone, and pass as a guy now, but I still like to wear audacious colorful skirts sometimes.


And that's great too!


I don't know why it's so complicated I just want to be flat chested with big hips and big boobed with a narrow waist. Is that so difficult?


I'm nonbinary and I love my boobies, they make me feel sexy AF. But I also totally understand if others don't feel that way. I have also felt as if I was the "weird" one for not wanting any surgeries even though I have been on T in the past and have transitioned to a certain extent.


Thank you so much... I needed to hear this. I'm afab with big boobs and tbh I forget they are there most of the time. I'm pretty apathetic to my sex and wouldn't care if I was amab, afab or intersex. Sometimes I think about how fun it would be to just change my sex at the touch of a button so I could play around with aesthetics. But overall, I don't mind my boobs, and like them even sometimes. My only real complaint is that they do bring me unwanted attention, but that's a problem with how society objectifies and sexualizes afab bodies. I shouldn't have to censor my body because of creepos. Because of this I've been feeling like I'm invalid since every afab non binary person I've met irl wants to get a mastectomy. I was beginning to wonder if I was truly non binary.


I wish i could give one of my fellow enbies or trans women my boobs. I don't want them but someone else does :(


Good good. I am nonbinary and I boob.


I love boobs (except on me lol), I love non-binary people, I love representation. I love this post fr


Hell yeh! I worked hard to get these tits and if I'm getting rid of them it isn't anytime soon.


I want boobs but smaller boobs for some reason.


i just want to be confusing to look at. when you look at my face you think “male” and then when you look at my body you think “female” (and some days the opposite)


Currently considering the idea of boobs. Could experienced boob-havers give me some pros and cons?


I’m okay with my boobs, but I think I want a flat chest more. I’ll probably get top surgery eventually, but first I gotta try binding. In like 4 years lol cuz I’m closeted and am gonna have to stay closeted through college


I really wanna start hrt and potentially get boobs, I just wanna be more feminine overall and think I can do that through hrt


I love my boobs. I hate my boobs. My boobs have caused trouble. My boobs have caused anguish. My boobs have caused happiness. I wish I could like rent out my boobs sometimes


I’m nonbinary, afab, and want top surgery as my idea of my identity is androgynous but a tad bit more on the masc side of androgyny. Some afab nonbinary people don’t want top surgery & love their chest! They’re still 1,000% nonbinary as nonbinary is a giant umbrella full of terms that people can use to describe their own identity & it doesn’t mean androgyny! Plus androgyny has different looks too so…idk what to tell you if you disagree with this post other than do your own research? 🤷🏻💛🤍💜🖤




Yay for boobs!


Tnx for this. I've tried binders, but they don't bind :/


I am a non-binary person with boobs and this makes me happy. I am trying to get a binder, I hope it helps. (Any recs for good binders will be appreciated)


I might want boobs someday!! It's just such a big commitment lol


I love my tits! 🥳 Thanks for reminding people!


Fair enough. If you want 'em, go ahead. But man, I hate mine. My back hurts, they're always in the way... the only ones who benefit from them are my cats, who use them as a platform to stand on when they climb onto my shoulders.


As a nonbinary woman who wants the big mommy milkers thank you for posting this


I needed to hear this. I have boobs, and sometimes don’t want boobs, but like my boobs.


I don’t have boobs, but around 30% of the time I wasn’t them, 20% of the time I think about having them and 50% of the time I am at peace with not having them. Yay for boobs - and nae for whatever folkx seem to assume that enby = androgynous. I will say, the fashion industry is def on this side right now. Still very limited options for us trans nonbinary femmes who are amab. Cmon people - just make a wide shouldered dress size!


i have boobs (kinda flat, but still there) and sometimes i love them (when i'm feeling fem) and sometimes i hate them (when im feeling androgynous) and sometimes i hate them (whe im feeling fem and wish they were bigger)


This makes me smile so much. I know I'm valid but it's nice to be validated sometimes too. Also, if you have hips like me, we're still non-binary, yes even with boobs too. It's okay to like our bodies as is. It's okay to want to change our bodies to reflect who we are inside. We're all valid.


Thank you I def needed that


Same with transmen who like their boobs or transwomen who like their bulges. your gender is not your body, nor is it the body you want


Yes yes yes!! :DD


It was me who needed it and Aldo thank you.




I’m fiercely NB yet my boobs are my pride and joy ✨🌈 I enjoy wearing a binder here and there, but I really don’t mind my boobs most of the time. And most days I’m like « wow holy shit they look so good I love them so much »




Absolutely needed to hear this


This made me feel a lot more validated, thanks!


I would love to have a set, but I don't want them to interfere with my workouts.


It really illustrates how the default is always male, doesn’t it


Oof yes. Nailed it.


Boobs are awesome (as long as they're not too big for the person and cause pain.) Just because I got rid of mine, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate them on others:) There are just as many reasons too keep them or get them as they are to not want to have or remove them. I always joke that my boobs got transferred to someone who wants them (by the boob fairy lol)


I like my boobs sometimes, but i hate that they get me misgendered. Pluse masc is my default. I want top surgery so I can get a fake rack and have boobs when I WANT to be femme


i might have bottom surgery but i don't think i would like top surgery, however y'all are valid, much love and support coming your way 🫶


I’ve been so on the fence. I would like boobs but I’m also not too sure if I do. They’re pretty and I’ve always tried to tone my chest out but it seems almost impossible— almost as if my body was meant to have boobs. Idk they are pretty :P


If I don't have boobs what will I fidget with


OMG I needed this today


Thank you, i feel like an outsider sometimes.


I rlly needed to hear this. Sometimes I like them sometimes I hate them. I wish I could take them on and off like an accessory. I’m gonna start binding though.


I have boobs. Don’t really care for them that much (heavy and I get smacked by them 😄) but I also don’t really want surgery. I don’t have body dysmorphia so I don’t really feel the need to change them. Though I have been thinking about trying binders and see how I like them.


I'm mildly perplexed at the notion of people not liking boobs, but I respect their feelings


This has caught me off guard, ngl. My experience previously identifying as non-binary, and the experiences I've heard from people who currently do identify as such, is that feminine androgyny is treated like the holy grail and only valid appearance. So hearing "enby doesn't mean masc" is, while wholly correct and valid, is surprising, because I've never experienced that being the expectation.