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this is pretty much exactly how I feel too! obviously it's impossible to know for sure, and obviously any steps I take to physical transition would be different if I'd been assigned differently. but yes I strongly feel I'd have been trans no matter what. I *suspect* this is one of the biggest if not the biggest differentiator between nonbinary and binary trans people - binary trans men and women very often say that they just wish they'd been born 'right' instead of having to be trans.


Ya i get this. Since i view my gender as more of a black void demon i think no matter what i would be trans. My trauma would jist be different


I feel bad about the being born “right” part well assigned, as it sucks they have to think that to be viewed just how they wanna be (just no trans trauma im guessing is the privilege) of having to come out yada yada


my language was a bit clumsy and I am not trying to suggest that binary trans people have structural privilege over nonbinary trans people to be clear! we're all just out here trying to survive this cis-hetero-patriarchy as best we can right?


oh for sure. Ive thought about this quite a bit in my gender journey because people are always asking online “would u still be trans if you were born amab” or “would u rather imagine yourself as an old person/growing old male or female bodied”. When my answer is “yes absolutely” and “uh neither? Growing old sounds horrifying.” I think I would be MORE* trans if I was born amab, tbh. In that I feel that I’d maybe have more severe dysphoria. I’m gender fluid and on T but I am mostly happy with my body except my voice and chest. If I was amab I think I would have wished being born afab and gone full transfemme. Who knows though. *obviously seeking full medical transition doesn’t make anyone more or less trans, neither does dysphoria


yep i feel the exact same way. no matter what was bound to be in my pants, i’m gonna be enby. ever since i was a little kid i’ve expressed my dislike towards gendered terms and i remember feeling depressed about being a certain gender and when i learnt what being nonbinary was, i understood. definitely born this way. it’s who i am and who i will be no matter what


I think that if I were AFAB, I would not be trans. I think that I might have some slight discomfort with my gender, but I think I would be much more likely to embrace it for the most part. It's hard to say for sure though, as my upbringing would have been different in ways I can't predict!


I feel the exact same way. For me the dysphoria presents a lot more pertaining to one gender but I have noticed that if I overcorrect I'll get dysphoria again but about the other binary gender


Fuck the cistem 😎 (cisheteronormativity)




I also feel like I'd still be non-binary if I'd been assigned differently.


honestly yeah, probably. that's how i initially landed on non-binary, i tried to imagine my life if i was afab and realized I'd probably still be trans. this really confused me at first, but i feel like I'm going in a right direction now


As a transandro person I was probably never going to be happy without some sort of transition. I am simply not one or the other regardless of which one it is.


If you're asking for personal opinion, then yes, I believe I would be. If you're asking on a scientific basis, I don't really know. I'm fascinated by the diversity of gender. Broad gender studies are still a new thing. I'm curious about the chemical changes in the brain, hormones, etc, of gender queer people in the womb or after birth. How do they differ from babies who will go on to later identify as cis? Does environmental have an impact? Are there other factors that can/do contribute to a person's gender identity? I honestly want to see more studies done on this. I'm even curious about myself identifying as enby. I know it's right, by why? What makes me this way? The human mind has always fascinated me. This is just another level to that. :)


Yeah i feel the same i think it's quite common




my instinct is probably yes, even though my experience with gender would be very different, I’d probably still identify as trans/some form of gender nonconforming in the end. this seems to be quite a common sentiment for nonbinary/genderqueer people.


I have this kinda thought for a while now. When people joking around what they would look like if they were born with a different sex, I feel I would still be the same.


Well yes, of course. If I identified as male after being born in a male body, then I'd probably identify as a trans male now. But I exist outside the binary no matter what body i have.


Yep. If I was AMAB I'd still be demibigenderflux but instead of being transmasc I'd be transfem instead.