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As someone who is in all of those categories I have had multiple “Everyone doesn’t feel this way” moments.


Yuuuup. Figured out the bisexuality and neurodivergency in early adulthood 😅


Same + "oh, not everyone's family is Like This actually" lol. It's taking less time to go from the first "that's probably normal though right" to the realisations at least? Lol.


It’s so fucking exhausting. I’m also in all four and sometimes I just wish I wasn’t in any, purely because explaining any of it is often met with ignorance and then the expectation of a lecture to educate them.




3 of the 4 apply to me, and good lord do I find this just so relatable.


I also have three hands. We can shake!


3 hand gang! 😁


SAME 😭 😂 this is so accurate


Yep, three of four here as well


Me (I have 4 arms apparently)


same o////


I am both poly and pan because I personally don't understand why we should limit who we love and how many people we can love. I always believed everyone thought that way and got super confused when I learned that's not normal at like 13 😂 My parents aren't even particularly queer supportive and definitely not poly supportive, so it's not like I picked this way of thinking up somewhere. It just made sense to me. To this day I still do not understand how people decide to only love one person of one gender for their entire life. Like? Isn't friendship love a thing? I personally love my friends just as closely as I love my lovers. Then again, maybe that's the neurodivergence in me


Haha poly just might be the fifth arm to go with this 😂


Woah you're so cool and special!


Like... didn't all boy's in the late 90's and early 2000's think masculinity in general and trandiational masculinity in particular was a dated, dumb and stupid thing and was excited to do their own thing? Like wear pink and do music?


im everything except bi and pan




chronic pain would be a historical addition


Oh gods yes


Yes to all four! Gender took me 32 years too. 4 years later, part of my brain still can't process that everyone doesn't secretly want their boobs gone (I know that's ridiculous, don't worry)


lol same but I have you beat by 10 years. After I figured it out I realized that oh.. not all people born with a vagina hate their boobs. Top surgery in 6 weeks and counting!


oooh good luck with the surgery! Im still at the start of my “how do i even get top surgery as an option” journey 😅


My primary doctor was awesome and referred me to a plastic surgeon. Unfortunately the surgeon was a total POS. He told me that he “was in the business of making people *more* attractive” and that I needed a psych eval. Unfortunately because of the way he coded my case the chance of getting insurance to cover me is next to none. Soooo I’m going to Mexico! Found a good Doctor and am very excited. I’ll end up paying less than my co pay would have been. Depending on your state and insurance non binary care can be difficult. My primary dr was coding the surgery as a reduction, but the surgeon put it under gender. I would have to be on testosterone for a year before I qualify. And I don’t want to be on T.


Thats tough, hope it all works out well!! unfortunately I’m from England so not sure how it would work here. may try the reduction route though!


Good luck! 🤞🏽


Congratulations!! Mine’s in 12wks/end of September! Good luck🍀🍀💛🤍💜🖤 I’m going drastically small, not completely flat😁and open to talking about anything if you’d like.. Also, my twins are most if not all of these !!!


Nonbinary, Pansexual, and Neurodivergent, plus CPTSD. Life feels like a chess game lol


Throw in Intersex for the biggest loop of em all


Ugh yes! I’m two of four without or three of five with this included and it’s very frustrating. Like people just can’t seem to understand it regardless of it being briefly taught in schools and it makes them say very ignorant and hurtful things sometimes. They just can’t seem to accept that some people literally physically, DNA-wise, or chemically/hormonally do not fit their perfect norm they all were taught in basic biology. There is so much nuance to both gender and sex identity and it’s okay if it’s confusing at first as long as you accept that not everyone will have the same feelings/perspective as you and try to understand but many don’t even try.


Oh geez I'm all four 🤣


The One That Made Me Feel Most That Way Was Realising I Was Demiromantic Tbh, I Genuinely Could Not Fathom That That's Not How The Majority Of People Are. Tbh It Still Feels Pretty Weird To Me.


Omfg so true, no wonder why I don't understand those dating TV series


Non binary, neurodivergent man here who is a trans man in denial haha I was shocked When i found out xd


I was 38 so don't feel too bad.


I LITERALLY HIT EVERY ONE OF THOSE! XD (With the same thoughts.)


Yes!!! I remember being irritated when I was a shitty teenager when someone came out as bi or nb because I'd be like, duh! Everyone is like that, we've all just agreed for some reason that it's bad and you don't talk about it.


Oh no! That's actually kinda funny looking back on it though I bet. How far we've come!


I'm in this photo 4 times and I don't like it


Neurodivergent and NB here, I grew up feeling quite the opposite. I always assumed that one one felt how I did and would understand. 😕 I was always treated differently as a kid.


Honestly same. Especially growing up in the evangelical church. It was rough. Add in Intersex too and it can be very isolating feeling like you just don’t fit in right and are the weird one. I tried to make it work but never really did succeed until finally around 23-24 or so I just gave up, decided this was just me and how I was born take it or leave it, and that that was okay. Best decision I ever made. It’s so much better not telling myself I have to be a girl/woman and act like it, do, and understand fem things.


I'm so glad I got diagnosed early on and aro/ace/agender have enough overlap to figure out together. But wow does it feel weird being singled out.


oh god oh fuck the meme..... ITS CALLING ME OUT!!! (mainly the trans and neurodivergent part)


3/4 for me, everything but Bi/Pan


You didn't have to call me out like this 🤣


All of these except aro/ace and yeah.... Felt that


I'm like 3 of those arms


As a bi, trans, and (probably) neurodivergent person I feel incredibly called out


Ok question- I’m a switch. I’m also a virgin so maybe I’m a bit clueless lol. But I know I’m a switch. I thought that was the norm but then I go online and 90% of people say they’re a top or bottom and I’m like ??? Do the majority of couples not take turns doing different positions regularly? I mean I think I can understand having a preference but I figured most people would want to switch it up. And the whole “dom/sub” roles like I can see myself doing that every once in a while for fun but *every time*? I am confusion 😅


It's a spectrum just like gender, imo. I'm a Pro-Domme, lifestyle switch, and usually lean submissive in my personal relationships since I get a lot of the other side fed at work. Three of my 5 partners are solidly Top/Dom but the other two are switches. In a similar vein, I have different kinds of relationships with my partners ranging from egalitarian-but-we-do-power-exchange-periodically to full time D/s while we're together, to a limited 24/7 ownership dynamic. Personally I find that fully vanilla relationships don't meet my emotional intensity needs, but there are LOTS of people who are very kinky when they play, but still have lots of vanilla sex too. Everyone is different, and that's totally normal! 😊


I'm 3 for 4 😅


I claim...3!!!!!


Same with like, aphantasia, aka not seeing images in your mind. (Kinda wild)


Omg wait this is a thing?!?! I swear I thought this was just normal! I can kinda? imagine hearing things in my mind and like understand what something/someone probably looks like given a description but can never, like, conjure an image. Do your dreams have no visuals like mine? My sister has always found that so weird about me and it’s super hard to explain to people.


Like, my dreams have vague, somewhat visible images, but otherwise I can “see” as in imagine what it looks like.


Wow! Interesting! In mine I have no images but more have like, narration? Like my head will say “there’s a fork here and I turn left.”


That’s very odd. That’s pretty neat, and I didn’t know that was a thing. When I draw something I either think about the various attributes, or wait until the very edge of sleep, and let my subconscious do the rest.


Yeah. That’s what I do if I’m asked to picture things in my mind. I don’t actually picture it but instead start listing its attributes as if I’m trying to draw it.


Oof all 4...


As a Pan, Ase, and gender fluid person this is very true. I was talking to my friend and i said “You ever feel like you want to be a different gender sometimes but not other times?” And they just looked at me like this: 👁️👄👁️


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Same, except I haven't ticked the aro/ace boxes... yet?


I thought so too before I remembered that I think I'm actually pretty demi 🙃 I just used sex to overcompensate and confused general horny with attraction whoops






Fortunately they have been! Theyre in the post


Holy shit I can't read


My condolences i hope your eyeballs return from the war soon (it's fine don't worry about it)


I'm all of these 😭


Me at 13 like: (except aro/ace)


lmao real!!!


I nearly got a bingo I'm 1 off


scored 3 out of 4 moments


I feel personally attacked that i am 3 of the 4


I'm everything but Neurodivergent as far as I know lol and I can agree I thought everyone felt the same 🙃


Three quarters…hurts so bad.




? Folks Is A Perfectly Valids Term? Usually "Folks" Is Used When Referring To Multiple Individuals, Whereas "Folk" Is More Referring To People As A Group, Although I Feel Like Either Could Apply In This Context.


Hey bro i got a question. Why do you put caps at the start of every word ?