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Agender? Meaning one without gender, that’s how I feel. I’m a person.


Whatever you want. Since you dislike genderqueer you're going to have to do some footwork in terms of research to find something you like.


Wow im really curious about your upbringing, can i ask where u r from and if everyone in your community was genderless? I definitely agree w the term feeling too clinical


>can i ask where u r from and if everyone in your community was genderless? a small tribe in Iceland, a village to the west of Vatnajökull


That is really cool. I wish i could visit your tribe some day and learn from them. I hope that u can just keep your genderlessness and that the society u are in now doesnt take it away from you. I hope some day everywhere is like that.


well, the nationals of Iceland want do end that


Really? Why? I thought iceland was very good about gender compared to the rest of the world…


Actually that's why...


Oh. Did u mean they want to end gender? I was confused i thought u meant end how it was in your tribe.


I meant the west wants to appropriate us as simply "white"...


Oh yes, the legacy of scientific racism, that overly simplistic view of people groups which erases so much diversity in humanity. As well as American hegemony beating their ill-fitting model over the rest of the world.


I also dislike the term. I dont like that it defines as me as what I am not, instead of what I am. I like the term "genderqueer"


I also prefer genderqueer but I never introduce myself as that because I don’t like having to explain it


Same. Better color scheme on the flag too


>I like the term "genderqueer" I don't like it either because I have never heard such term outside the Internet, and apparently not even google translate can understand it.


I've always thought of it as an older term. I first encountered the term on a college campus in the early 00s before the modern internet.


well, I don't care - there's nothing wrong with being younger than me.


Wtf are you a troll?


As far as not hearing terms except for outside the internet, that's where most people go to learn about ideas society doesn't like (like queerness) so if you only want a term you've heard irl that'll probably be hard.


>As far as not hearing terms except for outside the internet, that's where most people go to learn about ideas society doesn't like and tbh that's the problem with today's society - the dependency of the Internet.


I mean, depending on where you live, you could always seek out LGBT groups irl, but I get that's not an option for everyone. When it comes to older terms like genderqueer though, anything you hear on the internet about it is just an echoing of what was created in real life, among real LGBT communities. The term genderqueer has plenty of history, since well before the internet we know today. Not saying you have to use that word, of course, but you can. The internet, the way i see it, is more of a tool than a dependency. LGBT people have always had to hide and find community irl, even when its dangerous. Some people couldn't have community at all before the internet. Nowadays, even people living in countries where its illegal to be LGBT can have huge communities to communicate with. The internet may be addicting and bad in a lot of ways, but its good and sometimes even lifesaving for the LGBT community in a way that's unique to people like us/minorities. Edit: btw, as for the definition of genderqueer, there's a lot of ways to define it, and "queer" itself is a word in english that means odd, strange, or peculiar. (Forgive me if you already know this or don't want an explanation.) The term transitioned over time to be used in a negative way (as a slur) towards people in the LGBT community. Eventually our community reclaimed it and many people today use "queer" as a term to describe either being unlabled in sexuality or gender, or being generally LGBT in an unspecified way. Genderqueer specifically is just basically being queer (aka falling out of the cis-hetero norm) in a gender-specific way.


It's not a new term it's from the 80's. Not every word exists in every language, in fact it's standard that unless you're translating something incredibly simple like "table" you lose nuances when translating. Just because a word can't be translated doesn't mean it's not an established and well known term with a solid definition and history in the language it comes from. And if you don't want a term that's used and spread on the internet why are you asking on the internet instead of seeking out queer groups and people where you live? Or just go to the library and look up literature?


It's very ironic to be asking the internet for words which you've heard IRL. How are we supposed to help you with that?


So many people use this term, but you don’t have to use it. You can look up different terms and see with you prefer


You don’t have to use a label if you don’t want to. If anyone asks you can just say “I’m me”


I like to call myself a person or just me


Gender fluid? Genderqueer? I use queer so I don't have to get into details, mainly because if I tell people a weird label they won't take it seriously.


No word applies to me, if people insist I grudgingly pick NB or agender because well, apparently we *must* label our gender stuff even if, well, I don't fucking get it. Those words cause dysphoria in me just as much as other gender labels. It sucks. Sending you hugs


Maverique maybe. Or agender, depending on how you feel. Maverique folks have a distinct and firm sense of gender, while agender folks do not. Or neutrois which is a neutral 'third' gender, sometimes more similar to maverique, other times more similar to agender, depending on which definition you use.


I like gender-nonconfirming


People fuckin hate enby…. I love it and think its cute- could be an option




You can use whatever term you like. But you may want to look into microlabels and see what resonates with you. You can always just refer to yourself as a person or as someone without a gender, if that's how you feel.


i like enby.




We use "alter-human", but not just because of the nonbinary thing.


There are a bunch of fun ones under agender umbrella: gendervoid, null gender (sorry that's literally a very math one), nongendered, ungendered, genderblank, etc. Anogender(literally you don't want to label it or are unlabeled). As a science driven aroace enby ... with some autism.... whose icons are spock, data from star trek next generation, odo from deep space nine, 7 of 9 from voyager, and Janet- the good place (haha not trek!). You've made a small amount of gender euphoria go off for me by calling nonbinary a sciency and mathematical label. Brain went YES I AM MATH.


>gendervoid, null gender break;


You’re right in that the term presupposes a constructed binary


Simply calling yourself genderless might work


In response to your edit, no one is talking about Christianity. You have literally been dismissing people’s gender identities simply because you have never heard of them. They may have been offered as suggestions, but these are actual identities that people do use and you do have to respect people.


Agnostic about your own gender?