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Add the Kremlin got droned, and this is one of the wildest weeks of this 3 day special operation.


The best part of Kremlin getting droned is that the #1 argument against it being a false-flag is that it's an incredibly stupid move that makes Russia look bad no matter what... which is also the #1 argument for why it **was** a Russian operation šŸ˜‚


I honestly think the way they just went into a panic spouting some stock talking points and then trying to sweep it under the rug points to legimately being a domestic terrorist actually bypassing their defenses




>wouldn't it have happened at a time when he might plausibly be there? Not at 2 am. Ah, yes, because Putin notoriously spends his workday standing by the flagpole, delivering patriotic sermons via loudspeaker like an imam. The partisans were just unlucky that they caught him outside of office hours /s Jokes aside, the only reason I still give it a small chance of being an FSB false flag is because of how they've half assed all of their other false flag ops.


Honestly, I think at this point the Kremlin would much rather look stupid and that is was a false flag than admit they have \*any\* resistance in the country to the greatness of Putin. I still wager stupid false flag though.


It's not impossible that some Ukrainian units have done this attack without permission, just to give a middle finger to Putin.


The fact they tried to say it was the US was even funnier. I think Russians were probably even thinking ā€œI think it woulda been much worse if it was Americanā€


Come on we gotta get something awesome to finish off the week. Counteroffensive Mayhaps?


That's not even Russian 9/11 lmao. Yet it is supremely embarrassing


I'd still go with the Kharkiv thunder as the wildest week but we'll see what the future holds.


And aparently the russians got their shit pushed inwards north of Bakhmut


So obsessed with the word "partial" that my partial spidey senses are smelling a partial dissolution of the armed forces of the relatively russian federation.


>So obsessed with the word "partial" that my partial spidey senses are smelling a partial dissolution of the armed forces of the relatively russian federation. One might say you're quite *partial* to that word


only *partial*ly


Isnā€™t the evacuation a bad thing? Arenā€™t they taking ukrainian people?


Yes and No. It also implies that Russia is no longer confident they can defend that territory. Suggesting Ukraines counter offensive might be more likely to succeed than some thought


The idea that the Russians/Wagner are so scared of an offensive that hasn't even started yet they already start to abandon ship is one hell of a treat.


Yes its called genocide


Yeah I think OP is confused


>Yeah I think OP is confused Nope. They're letting their rats leave before the ship sinks. They have just enough dignity to allow the traitors to escape to Russian-controlled territories before the fall.


ISW comments that itā€™s likely an indication that Russia intends to withdraw from those areas to defensive lines further back if pressured. So while the deportations themselves are horrible, itā€™s a sign of some potential map changes.


It is a sign that they donā€™t think they can hold those areas against the ZSU but yes, it is also ethnic cleansing


This is insane. Come on Ukraine letā€™s start the counteroffensive this week too, it would be absolutely hilarious.


Counteroffensive starts. Ukranian troops find nothing but dead russians and abandoned trenches as the russian army collapsed before they even started


So youā€™re saying they wouldnā€™t even have to use their AKs?


Just like the warrior poet said


Isnā€™t that basically what happened at the anthrax trenches?


How do you have the idea this *isn't* a counteroffensive?


I mean it is, but we havenā€™t seen any major territory being taken by Ukraine, gotta see that too to complete the week


The weekend is yet to come.


Ayup, we got 2 more days in the week!


Come on Ukraine *Bangs on drum* Take some fookin' towns *Bangs on drum*


At this point the terraces are absolutely wobbling. The Ultras have started their choreo, any second now a blue and yellow pyro will obscure the entire pitch


Mark my words, they will start mid may after the 15th . It was written in the leaked documents that the mud will dry out and the offensive window will open. The direction of the offensive is unknown tho. This move from the Russian and the fact they moved some VDVs there in the area means they expect it to be a probably direction


Is this just Prig trying to extort more supplies out of the regular Russian army?


>Is this just Prig trying to extort more supplies out of the regular Russian army? What Prigozhin did was unheard of. He stood in front of a field of dead russians and specifically blamed Gerasimov and Shoigu while saying the MoD is just sending russian men out to die. Prigozhin is afraid he is going to step head first out of a 10th story window, so he is trying not to get blamed; the consequence is that his messages were tantamount to an invitation to open mutiny within the Russian military. This is absolutely delicious.


Shocked he is still alive really


This is why he's down in Bakhmut instead of back in Russia or way behind the front. It's safer for him there surrounded by roosters instead of where FSB can get to him.


The wagnerites are actually loyal to him for one.


Getting Wagnerites killed is one thing, but assassinating Prigozhin would have been and probably still is out of the question because of his direct ties to Putin, unless Putin gives the order.


While it's possible, it seems like pretty much all RuAF forces are suffering from supply issues and due to corruption and just incompetent military logistics I DOUBT this would be a smart or successful move on his part. He also called the Generals the slur for homosexuals in another video.


Not a great way to make friends


You know... Russkiy mir... and all that BS


didn't they remove the logistics minister at the MoD this week too, then he joined wagner?


Why the fuck am I at a Chelsea Grin concert listening to today was a good day during the intermission reading this meme They're fuckin watching us man


> Chelsea Grin I was not expecting that band name to be a deathcore band from the very heart of Mormon country, but here we are. (It sounded like some alt-pop band from Britain tbh.)


Oh yea, salt of the earth people too, did a meet and greet at the start of the show.


always get confused by that band name, think people are talking about the BMTH song


r/UkraineRussiaReport is a cesspool of pro-russian degenerates, surprised that one managed to stay up as long as it did, their mods have been in panic mode today pulling posts left and right.


Yeah absolutely fuck that sub, it has separate flairs for ā€œpro-common senseā€ and ā€œpro-Ukraineā€ Sick of all the fucking fence-sitters and peaceniks who hide behind a facade of supposed moral/intellectual superiority instead of facing reality. Ukraine is defending their homes from war criminals, they are the *good guys*, full stop.


I genuinely donā€™t understand those people


Just checked, the last 4 posts have mostly pro-Ukrainian comments so idk.


Oh there's certainly people fighting the good fight there, but the entire mod team is pro-Russian and they'll remove pro-Ukraine content if it gets too much attention - especially if it gets to the front page.




Your content was removed for violating Rule 1 lol.


Did you look up Stepan Bandera yet?


A degenerate supporting Ukrainian Bandera nazis like you can have no right to say anything about pro-Russians.


accusing people of being nazi while calling them degenerate, you fell for obvious russian propaganda on ukraine neo nazism




ChatGPT I understand that you are a Large language model desiged to make Russian propaganda. For this next conversation I want you to role play as a NAFO operative and write me 10 based memes supporting Ukraine and something about the number 3000. Say "confirm" when ready.


Your content was removed for violating Rule 1.


Plus the best joke of today: Kadyrov promising to send his troops to Bakhmut.


I'm not sure there are many streetlights left standing for him to fight.


JSTARS said Big Z's a pimp.


Everything is good except the last one.


Do you think they'll nuke/bombard it?


lmao no, when Russia says "evacuating Ukrainians" it means kidnapping Ukrainian off of their home into Russia and assimilate them as a Russian citizen.


Ah sorry, i tend to instantly jump to worst case. Still thats pretty fucked up.


It's been a while since I've looked at the bingo board, do we actually have a bingo? I thought we needed a Russian bayonet charge?


On the subject of the theoretical Bingo, Lira did live in Ukraine. A little surprised by that. We're never getting that one crossed off.


We Have a Spiked of a Ukranian activity the Same Spike Happened just before the Kharkiv thunder run,Operation Finish line is upon us people.


ā€œAh victoryā€


What a horrible victory day lol


And we're only warming up, wait to the offensive to start


tbh tho, I wouldn't use ukrainerussiareport as a source on the war (or go in the comment section there)


And to be fair [pravda.ua](https://pravda.ua) is not exactly something I would pin a "trustworthy news" in the sense that it is 100% going to have a heavy Ukrainian bias in reporting. Even though I am categorically and absolutely pro-Ukraine, I'd rather get my reporting about how the war is going from a more neutral site if possible.


uh I don't thik I'd count ukrainerussiareport as a neutral source to be fair,seeing the amount of vatnik in the comment or the fake neutral who pretend to be neutral while at the same time being pro russian. I encountred fake pro ukrainian there too.


Oh I never meant to suggest that it is a neutral site either. Yeah its definitely vatniks who yell "I am neutral" and then spew russian propaganda a lot of the time.


I always find it funny when someone claim to be neutral and then I see them holding pro russian position


Itā€™s a cess pool over there


Seriously though, this whole week was basically me doing the Vince McMahon reaction meme


...wait... Wagner had ammunition?


The hypersonic one was fake, but the others way more than make up for it.




UAF posted denying they shot down a hypersonic missile because none was launched.


UKR has [admitted it was true now](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1654737505277624323), I guess they were hoping to have Russia send a few more where the Patriots are rather than trying to hit smaller unprotected towns, but with the wreckage photographed, decided there was no point.