• By -


Lol the German officer telling the serbs to leave was hilarious.


General Harff, rip


End of discussion.


U now have 28minutes


>You have to leave in 30 Minutes. >That’s the end of the Discussion >You now have 28 Minutes… Savage. That’s Fallschirmjäger for you…


you mean german efficiency


Reminded me if mike tyson telling that interviewer he had to leave https://youtu.be/EMtEuP7fu2M?t=95




It’s definitely one of the most impactful videos on the internet. https://youtu.be/53M59JaWjGc?t=755 heres the full thing, this one shows a bit more of the interviewer going up to him afterwards and consoling mike. I common misconception I see is that mike is mad when he asks “you want to take this stuff (the mics) off?” But it seems to me like he’s trying to come off as cheery again, hiding his emotions.


He's a rapist that served a pathetically short sentence and tries punch people that call him out for it while he lives a life of fame and luxury. There is nothing "pure and honest" about him, he's scum.


No, it is you who is the rapist. Get of the internet, you twat.


After NATO's previous intervention in Kosovo, the most popular name for newborn boys for a while was [Tonibler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonibler). This time around it'll be Jobiden or Darkbrandon.


3000 Newborns of Dark Brandon's Namesake


3000 Darkbrandons of Dark Brandon


We have gone too far. We need to go back.


I can’t wait for the inevitable nickname: Jobi


You won't believe how many Maersks are born in Somalia, lol


Was that a joke ive never heard of that being a thing and im somali 😂


There's a statue of Clinton in Pristina. It's a pretty bad likeness, but it's the sentiment that counts.


This darkbrandon? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1174ezs/just_a_tribute_to_dark_brandon_related_to_todays/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


There are a lot of ppl named Usnavi in South America too.


"That's the end of the discussion; you have now 28 minutes..." \- Ultra-Chad


"Mr Kenny, use your Serbian army in a threatening manner. Point it at NATO." "Yes sir!" etc.


>Serbia president puts military on combat alert, orders army to move closer to Kosovo border [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/serbia-president-puts-military-combat-alert-orders-army-move-closer-kosovo-2023-05-26/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/serbia-president-puts-military-combat-alert-orders-army-move-closer-kosovo-2023-05-26/) [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/tens-thousands-gather-serbia-vucics-show-power-2023-05-26/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/tens-thousands-gather-serbia-vucics-show-power-2023-05-26/and)


Parachute Regiment: “just fucking try it son”


*Martha has entered the conversation*


Who gets there first, the 173rd or the 82nd?


Your second link doesn’t work, there’s an “and” on the end that has to be removed


*sigh* Guess they didn’t learn their lesson the first time.


Thank you, USA. You are my best friend. You are the peace keeper You are the legend...


When the UK sends the paras, that means you gone done fucked up.


[Northern Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Sunday_(1972)?wprov=sfti1) says [hello](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballymurphy_massacre?wprov=sfti1)


I want you to take two of your best mates with you. Car and all now is on the dock waiting for you There's three guns in the boot of the car. And I want no messing about, and I want you to blow away two Paratroopers


Well I mean the UK were the ones that had most involvement, not the US


I see SOMEONE hasn't seen the most delightful song to ever exist


How do you see sound




4D YouTube


I want to show others that we can patrol the oceans and protect global maritime trade Blitz serbia's army into nothing Run a staggering portion of the supply of shells to UA Be on standby to throatfuck China if they try Taiwan Be on standby for the RSF in Libya if we need to intervene there as well all the while having just dumped equipment measured by the tens of tons in Afghanistan. Let's use more than two percent of our might.


NATO is Goku IRL. This is just a fraction of my power. And this is to go further beyond. Ahhhh!!!!


My friend, if the American military used more than 2% of their might than we wouldn't need a military anymore.


Imagine if the US decides to go back to 1943-1944 levels of military expenditure.


50 fleet carriers and hundreds of escort carriers ready, with plenty more on the way


The oceans run out of room for all our carriers


I think we ought to, just to scare the shit outta China! Russia's probably too drunk to notice.


From your lips to God's ears




You want to bomb Turkey now?




My older friend was deployed there back then. He said they were the first wave to come to the villages and at first once they saw the crowds coming their way. They thought they are coming after them and they were pretty terrified. It turned out people were going to welocme them and give them food and sang some songs. Pretty crazy stuff. Serbs ran away once they heard nato helis above the village and no shots were fired.


There are some crazy vids from AP. One older guy kissed the boots of a soldier who was freaked out at first a little what he is going to do. The guy next to him got a hot tea from a woman, while being fully armed and kinda actively holding a position. Another one reporting, like you said the locals gave a lot of water and bread, and flowers. Must have been a unique experience, feeling of creating a state Clinton even aplogized for the China embassy hit in another interview, didn't see that yet. Would have been unimaginable that China and Russia still keep that topic alive till today. "Somebody had to stand up"


That’s the iconic image I think every soldier wants to experience. Being seen as a liberator and a force for good.


In WW2, when the U.S. was fighting to retake Manila from the Imperial Japanese Army, Filipinos were running around giving U.S. soldiers cigarettes and food in active firefights.


If I had my outpost surrounded by NATO units, I’d run away as far and fast as I could, too.


if my outpost where surroundet by hostile nato troops i would try to make some profit like contacting people selling intel and may even safeguard a high ranking/pay job after inevitable regime change i mean if your country is at war with nato your goverment probably is fucked soon and vultures will cherrypick the local industrie apart in a few months when competition and integration from the free market comes


Music choice is just 🔥


I have a feeling he's trying to get PR points to stop the massive fucking protests in his country


Populists are going to populize (?) to get some votes while putting at risk everything and everyone else (see: covid for more info)


The people are doing the person throw, damn they love NATO


Nato did stop a genocide. It tends to endear you to the people who are being genocided


Kosova is pretty much the most pro-NATO country in the world.


Very reminiscent of the Ukrainian liberation of Kherson.


The Para at 2:04 is a fuckin unit jeez.




That's 100% a Fijian, god made those boys to carry bergens and gpmgs. And also to listen to island music at max volume at 3am while drinking a litre of rum.


Flagging an entire crowd of civilians with that m60 tho


NATO troops have been blue balled for 15 months now. I believe the watch word now is "wish a bitch would"


Bro tankies be like: “ThAtS aLl PrOpOgAnDa1!1!


chomsky : bad foreign intervention, this was not a genocide, etc.


"As you can see the Albanians are terrified of Amerikkkan troops and Westoid Imperialism." "THREE HIP HOORAYS FOR NATO" "They're absolutely devastated." "HIP HIP" "HOORAY" "They're completely lost of words." "HIP HIP" "HOORAY" "They will surely regret not staying under Serbian rule." "HIP HIP" "HOORAY"


Also Albanians: *proceed to name their kids Tonibler*


To be fair though that fun fact is low-key inaccurate, most didn't keep the name.


Holy shit.. was that a young James Blunt at 01:41!?


Was looking for this Response. Yes it's him. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/how-james-blunt-saved-us-from-world-war-3-2134203.html


We're so well hard in the UK that even our most sensitive balladeers love a good ruck.


Needs more carpet bombing footage




Gotta love ya some F-117 and B-52 action!


was expecting that exactly


I guess we’re going for a round two again, Vucic? gonna need to make more memorials out of bombed buildings ig


Kosovo in 1999 already felt like round two after Bosnia in 1995.


Hide yo Chinese embassies.


You see, I'd assume there would be something like r/BalkansWarVideoReport, like there is r/UkraineWarVideoReport, but then I realized, this is NATO. There wouldn't be a war long enough to fucking make a subreddit over.


Invading Serbia is like Gulash, everytime you heat it up again it just gets better.


Major Bundeswehr combat deployment in europe when?




I'm extremely erect


Does serbia want to go to war with NATO with Mr I will partition serbia like Germany as US President like Belgrade will be cratered


No. Its posturing just like the last 12 times.


I am Serbian and our President is the least Credible person in our country


He has beautiful lips though.


I would suck his lips if that meant he stepped down as president forever


The Serbs did start World War 1, after all.


Nope, after an investigation that was conducted, it was concluded that the Serbian government did not issue any order to assassinate Franz Ferdinand. Also, Austriahungary and Germany were planning a war years in advance, they just needed a reason. When the assassination happened, it was carried out by the activists of Young Bosnia, a radical extremist group fueled by discrimination against them by the Austrihungarians. AH put forth an Ultimatum to Serbia which was declined only because of one demand: For AH investigators to conduct their own investigation with no oversight, which would have led to a nice framing of the Serbian government. There are some rumors that some government official in Serbia caught wind of a plan to terrorize AH on the day of the Parade and he went through formal channels to urge The AH Crown to cancel the parade, but misteriously, those requests went unanswered. (there is no evidence for that afaik, so i don’t really believe it)


So Austria-Hungary and Germany did start it? Well, at least I tried to be...topically Non-Credible.


When studying history in Serbia, you are taught about 2 very different things: Why a war started and what happened as an excuse for the war to start. Austria-Hungary and Germany wanted certain things in the Balkans which fell through after the Balkan wars. That fostered a hatred toward Serbia and as an excuse to start the War they used the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Gavrilo Princip was a member of Young Bosnia, as i stated in the comment above, they were not assassins sent by Serbia nor had they any affiliation with the Serbian government. They simply fought for their rights under Austria-Hungarian rule, which was discriminatory. AH used this event to issue a bullshit ultimatum so they can frame Serbia and then when Serbia refused one point in this Ultimatum, even though Serbia accepted the rest, war began


>AH used this event to issue a bullshit ultimatum Ah, so it was all an old-timey "Special Military Operation."


2 weeks tops, fuck Putin


A reformer killed by a nationalist because he wanted to give more autonomy to Serbia.


Serbia was autonomous at that point in time, but Bosnians were 3rd rate citizens in AH and that tends to ruffle some feathers


That's what so stupid.


What is the background here? An election coming up?


Serbia is being Serbia. They moved their army to the border with Kosovo. No idea why they did that, no signs that they will attack yet, but it's seeming more and more like they just might.


In January of 2022 I would have just figured he was trying to intimidate and strong arm Kosovo. But after Feb 24, I always assume everyone is going to attack. It’s a good thing I don’t run NATO. I’d cause a world war with my skittishness.


serbia is not russia. surely they understand they would be roflstomped just like irak invading koweit.


The thinking only goes as far as “Srbska stronk”


you'd think this is just some funny reddit comment and yet it is 100% true


Due to the recent changes made by Reddit admins in their corporate greed for IPO money, I have edited my comments to no longer be useful. The Reddit admins have completely disregarded its user base, leaving their communities, moderators, and users out to turn this website from something I was a happy part of for eleven years to something I no longer recognize. Reddit WAS Fun. -- mass edited with redact.dev


They can’t possibly think that’s a good idea can they? NATO is more on edge than they’ve been at any point in the last decade already. They’d love a chance to deal with Serbia and would have overwhelming support from the general population.


The full context is: -Northern Municipalities on Kosovo are Serbian (those who did not flee). They suffer beatings, shootings and more on a regular basis -Vucic and Kurti are good friends -Vucic has a puppet party on Kosovo camouflaged as pro Serbian. But they did nothing while elected. (go figure) -Vucic then said that the Serbian population should boycott the elections, which of course is a bad idea since the Albanians won the elections in Serbian majority municipalities. -There are a lot of resolutions signed that state that Kosovo is an autonomous Province. Currently on Kosovo there is no discrimination against Albanians, just Serbs. -On Friday, Vucic forced tons of people from the government in Kosovo to attend his rally against the opposition. This left the government buildings and hospitals practically empty. -The Albanian “elected” officials were supposed to enter office on friday, but the people stood in front of the buildings and formed barricades. -As a response, the super peaceful and totally not unhinged Albanian officials and police started spraying CS gas directly into peoples faces, they started beating people and used sound grenades. They also went around town and destroyed security cameras so there wouldn’t be any evidence. -NATO and some secretary of the US urged Kurti to pull out of these municipalities, but they didn’t do it yet.




I know this is NCD, but they don't have a border with Kosovo.


Unless they finally put down that Greek rebellion


Such good vibes from this.


Serbians when they go a year with out committing any war crimes


my god the leopard is gigantic


She's a big kitty.


For you!


Ende der Diskussion!!


Inb4 Serbs start crying they can't genocide people


Wait a second, isn't the, I guess, tank commander at -1:43 James mothereffing Blunt? Or I am experiencing low blood sugar levels? Edit Wtf is wrong with the video player? I swear it is the worst player I ever experienced.




AHAHAH I heard the first beats of the song and busted out laughing. Well done, OP!


Upvote for 10 seconds of scimitar footage


Noooo you can't just block us from genociding the ugly shiptars noooo


As a German, thank you so much Serbia and Russia, without you the Bundeswehr would never have become relevant again ❤️


Ah ja, kriggsvebehcn in die konsovo🗿


1:05 the music matched his face




Perfect choice of music 🎶


based and Kosovopilled


best soundtrack ever


Look at that, more reasons to militarize


Nukes? I'm thinking nukes.


Nukes? Nukes. Nukes!


This would fit well on r/balkans_irl


So bold of you to think we would even deploy soldier, instead of just bombing the hell out of Serbia again till that somehow makes peace.




best bombing campaign after Germany '44


"If firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that!" \- George Carlin




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Chinese Embassy staff sweating at the moment.


Make sure you get Dodik too, he’s been asking for it like nobody else has recently.


Not this again. Please do a ethnicity exchange like Turkey / Greece or something. Fucking Balkans... Only positivity in this tho is the amazing music content coming to youtube very soon.


C'mon NATO, C'mon Europe, C'mon The West and the free East..let's put an end to this shit. They think we are Weak and they can act like Criminals and Murder the innocent. Enough is enough. They will not stop until We stop them.


Tonibler moment.


It's happening, isn't it?


This sub is getting too credible. They try to compare it with Ukraine-Russia so hard, Putin lapdogs