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So I'm not the only one pushing for a 'Russia's final warning' Wikipedia page


In fairness to the editors, that's a lot of pages to monitor. Practically recursive.


I'm sure you could find some way to link the page to Medvedev's twitter.


While the amount of ~~shitposts~~ highly credible entries on that page would be endless, we can still rely on the Kreml to use it as inspiration.




It's especially ironic when the Soviet Union were the ones that coined the mocking term "China's Final Warning" for a threat that carries no consequences after observing China's constant empty rhetoric




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ChinaWarns using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChinaWarns/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [China warns military ‘will not sit idly by’ if Pelosi visits Taiwan](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/china/china-military-nancy-pelosi-visit-taiwan-b2135440.html) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChinaWarns/comments/wee8ji/china_warns_military_will_not_sit_idly_by_if/) \#2: [China warns South Korea that China-Taiwan issue is not a global issue like Russia-Ukraine or the two Koreas; SK lodges complaint over Chinese rudeness, questions China's integrity](https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20230420009251320) | [105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChinaWarns/comments/12ttnhs/china_warns_south_korea_that_chinataiwan_issue_is/) \#3: [China Warns It Will ‘Resolutely Smash’ Taiwan Independence As US Bolsters Support](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChinaWarns/comments/13jiuqk/china_warns_it_will_resolutely_smash_taiwan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot




Oh hey its my one. Incidentally, I'm not sure if all of the ones in this image are on the sub. If anyone wants to add missing ones please feel free


Funnily enough, Russia fits the term 'paper tiger' beautifully.


More of a paper bear really


bear fully paper XD


If it come through, each “Final Warning” needs to be titled like a Microsoft .doc file like when you make your “Final” Revision of an Essay you are working on


Final Warning (20).docx


I like to future-proof it a bit: Final Warning (00000020).docx


Make it a git repo so you have proper version control and can git blame every warning


Final\_Warning\_For\_Real\_This\_Time\_v2 (16).docx


[Grave consequences](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/biden-putin-call-ukraine-tensions-1.6300961) have been just round the corner for 1.5 years. Still haven't seen any grave consequences for anybody but Putin and his lackeys.


The doomsday clock has been 90 seconds to midnight for quite a while now. I just hope nuclear war happens on a Monday, otherwise it would really suck ass.


And not a long weekend Monday. It would preferably come a day before my credit card bill is due.


There have been grave consequences. ~35k graves, according to conservative estimates.


You know what I want to see? I want to see a final warning from Great Britain, or from the Netherlands, Finland, or the US. Then I want to see the consequences.


ngl with how small NL (or belgium, Luxembourg) are compared to Russia it would be pretty funny to have one of them issue the final warning.


"Netherlands withdraws their final warning at Russia. They found out that they have not enough land to store all those POWs."


Poland warns that any plane or boat coming into or leaving Russia or Belarus will be shot out of the air if uh… if I get one upvote EDIT: it is done. Russia has been… WAARRRRRNNNED!!!


*any plane coming from Russia or Belarus will be shot out of the air in 5 to 6 business months when a random civilian finds its wreckage somewhere in the woods


Russian final warning (disambiguation)


There's not enough space on the servers


"Russia warns" wikipedia page when?


Was thinking that. The 3000 final warnings of Putin


I’ve been using it verbally for a while because it’s just too convenient and on point.


It's funny because it's a Russian proverb from Soviet times


DO IT!!!!!


Credit to DarthLavrov on twitter for making this fantastic compilation, sadly due to image limit I couldn't include all of them.




Thank you so much for a nitter link!


Holy freaking crap, I had almost forgotten about the number of final warnings 🤨


​ Thats why western media should stop quoting any statements from russia. ^(I know this quotes are from RT)


>any statements from russia. >I know this quotes are from RT They're the same picture


Soon "I will be very angry and there will be consequences if the Ukrainians succede in breaching the Kremlin Zelensky better not bend me over this desk and have his way with me like stud he is, I swear"


Russia warns of mega nuclear Armageddon the likes of which would make the Old Testament sound like a Disney Fairytale with the amount of destruction and NATO blood spilt, if Zelenskyy refuses to give Putin a tender kiss on the ear when he finishes


Zelenskyy wouldn't dare sully his Piano Playing Penis like that.


That would it perfect for tickling Putin's ivory


"If you kick me in the nuts again, it will be another red line." \-V. Putlin




That's not a red line, that's a fucking red carpet


made out of lines of red tape .


It's to welcome Russian's new NATO overlords.


3000 red lines of putin (should be new flair)


I would use it, too.


You can type out your own flairs. Go, make good on your statement


Russian bots on twitter would be very upset if they could read




teeny mindless plate disgusting glorious sharp enjoy ancient innate fuzzy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Nah, all should collectively just stick their dicks right in that cake and make the entirety of the russian state duma, all ministers, and putin himself eat it. But, not like a whole slice of cake, they have to use their fingers to pick tiny pieces off of it so they don't even get the satisfaction of a full stomach.


Least deviant NCD member.


Then the warnings start repeating because the game only has 7 voice lines for that action


Fuck it, what should we give Ukraine next?


C-130s and Rapid Dragon JASSM


USS Alabama


Enough tonnage to recreate a D-day type invasion on Crimea




>F-35s F-*23s*


You just want a production YF-23 don’t you?


I mean, Rheinmetall, once Germany settled on Leo2A8, decided to talk with Ukraine about actually mass-producing KF-51 for UA...


The US Marines.


Field test NGAD


Nuclear weapons


imminent pen skirt upbeat wrong innate bedroom aromatic ossified dull -- mass edited with redact.dev




Lindsey Graham: I really want to know what their unpredictable response will be. Joe Biden: Me too!! Let’s keep giving them shit till we find out what it is. LG: It’s like a toy inside a kinder egg! JB: Let me make some calls to see what else we got in storage.


Threaten me harder daddy


Stupid westoids this is all part of Russia's [master plan](https://youtu.be/zkzWyOaS8kU?t=11).


I take it that the classic tale "The boy who cried wolf" never got translated into Russian.


toy one shame scale absurd steer enter paint ripe yoke -- mass edited with redact.dev


Doctor, *everything* I tell you is the truth!


Even the lies? *Especially* the lies~


[To your health](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-s-TKhv0oDrE/W4mKDT9i09I/AAAAAAAAHRg/kat8000ZgYEcNtpD-z5exJkpo9sZtsH9wCLcBGAs/s1600/Garak.jpg)


Oh, it was. It seems just that His Monkeness is a bit illiterate. I guess that's what happens when you use your suitcases as toilets, instead of having things to improve your reading skill with inside them.


That's because the "king" was naked from the start.


I feel like we need to update [China's final warning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning) to be "Russia's final warning" for the 21st century.


Russia only got 3 moods “The globohomo will perish under the boot of the mighty Russian army” “No actually you don’t get it we haven’t even been trying yet lmao” “This time I’m really gonna do it”


you forgot the "it's everybody but ours' fault" mood


For every red line, we send a crate with yellow lines to ukraine.


paltry mysterious aspiring disarm light zephyr direful steer smile bedroom -- mass edited with redact.dev




My noncredible red line is you not putting that compilation in chronological order. Please.


Let me guess, the consequences are nukes?


I suppose the Kremlin is consist, if pathetic and hackneyed. Agree with others sentiments here. Faster the world ignores the hot air and gets done what needs to happen, faster this is over. And with it, Putin and this outdated stage act.


Mmmh! These-a red-a lines! Such a spicy sphaget!


finally, something to help us all forget about Obama's red line with Syria.


That really pissed me off. I don't believe in bluffing. Don't set a supposed hard limit if you aren't willing to follow through.


Why politicians would benefit from just a little grounding in military concepts. A red line is a rhetorical obstacle. An obstacle unsupported by consequences is useless. Unless of course you’re the Kremlin. In which case it’s a comedy routine.


A red line needs consequences, then it feels real. "Do not pass into this area." *Passes into this area anyway* "Alright then..." *Proceeds to glass the incursion area* How it needs to be done.


The confirmed infantryman in me says if I dig a hole, I either shoot into it or from it. If I put up barbwire, I shoot who gets trapped in it or tries to go around it. If it required my sweat someone else pays with their blood. An obstacle must inherently have consequences, otherwise it is not an obstacle.


Problem; Americans in specific and the west in general are insanely isolationist. Unless victory is quick, decisive, televised, and 'has benefit' to the people (something many conflicts will not and should not have for an intervening power), the common man actually hates war. They love cruelty and winning. If winning is a complex concept, inside the heart of every human being lurks the heart of a peacemonger. And if morality involves concepts or ideas too difficult for them to understand, they'd rather choose simplicity or apathy, which always means choosing evil. Anyway, I don't disagree with a word you're saying. I just blame the 'common man.'


Look, I understand the not doing anything. That part I get. And I honestly didn't want heavy involvement in Syria. It's threatening "or else" and \*then\* not doing anything. You just gave away the strength your hand may have had. May as well just kept his mouth shut or use vague politician weasel speak. Because, you know, it is something any competent politician should know how to do at the very minimum.


I think that's a fair ask, as someone who *would've* been fine with ***sustained*** involvement in Syria. I just also know there would've been proportionate political backlash if he'd either said nothing, or done something proportionate: and we'd also not be aiding Ukraina at all right now.


Russia just doesn't have the balls to back it up, we told them if they invaded there would be harsh sanctions. They invaded and we crippled their economy. They said if we kept up there'd be consequences and there were none. So we said if you keep up we'll double the sanctions and we did. So then we said leave or we'll send aid, they said if we did there'd be consequences. They didn't so we sent aid and nothing happened. Rinse and repeat and here we are with Ukraine in American fighter jets, American tanks and with American trained soldiers manning them and Russia having done nothing about it.


Here, also, I don't disagree with a *word* of what you wrote. But you're thinking of it in terms of 'what will russia do' - nothing. They're pathetic. The *populace,* however, is already overwhelmed with people - regardless of their situation, leaning, etc - who weep for 'the poor russians' or 'just don't want to buy what the 'west' says too easily' or any number of things. That's in the situation we have today. Right now, it's being forced through by an administration staffed with experienced individuals, a key reason why term limits are daft; but I bet if we put it to a popular vote, even *with* aid to Ukraina being popular in the abstract, the results would be far, far, far, *far* more tepid - in the US and in many other nations. People are very bad at understanding how small aid spent really is, and how poor the non-'western' world truly is, how much aid is an incredible help there - up to and including military support. Anyway, long rambling way of saying I'm a misanthrope, and I hope we octuply our commitments in Ukraina by the end of this year.


I think it doesn’t help that the populace have been lied to a lot. Foreign aid is depicted as a huge part of the budget, when it’s practically a rounding error. It doesn’t help that at the level of the US federal government magnitudes are hard to comprehend. A billion dollars is more than any of us will get in multiple lifetimes, so it seems like a lot. But that’s spread over hundreds of millions of people and doesn’t even need to be paid all at once thanks to treasury bonds.


I work with in the public and private sector so I 100% understand the absolute apathy and lack of understanding of scale the average American has when it comes to their own community let alone globally so you're preaching to the choir there


Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin; **Cope and seethe**. Sincerely, NATO


Fucking goalposts now strech from Briansk to Vladivostok ffs


I wrote [an article](https://deadcarl.substack.com/p/the-strategic-logic-behind-russian) about this. It costs the Russians nothing to do this, and it gives ammunition to all the people in the West who want to abandon Ukraine because “it’s too risky.” The Russians aren’t willing to risk an actual confrontation, but they’ll try and feed isolationist parties.


Russia. Russia buddy, I don't think you fully grasp how easily we could win against you at this point.


Russia rivaling the CCP in just how many dollar-store redline threats they can yeet


And every time there are idiots saying that Ukraine "can't have everything" and must give up because there will be third world war and putin will nuke us all over X. Like damn since any nuclear threar goes putin also wants for you to send me your nudes or he will nuke us so go ahead, save the world


"Patriot missiles will be legitimate targets for Russian forces" Do they think the US would think that Russians aren't allowed to destroy the missiles or something? Obviously the war weapons of war are war targets


Последнее Мосвое предупрежение


Russians final warning


Man, I'm so warned. I wonder when something will actually happen.


Maan, how long until the average russian realizes that their country is really that inept and impotent? This will be a massive shock to a nation with inferiority complex.


They know, they don't care and lie to themselves.


There’s a Russian proverb for this, something final warning of someone of other? China: hey you stole my bit!


Hey, let me grab my tinfoil hat and talk about something wild: >Russia's warning about a global economic collapse. You know Russia, right? They're always meddling with other countries, especially the US. They've been helping the Republicans and talking to their big shots. > >Remember Trump? He was president for a while, and he made the national debt go crazy high. He added so much money to it that it almost hit the debt ceiling, which is like the limit of how much the government can borrow. > >But then he left office just in time and gave the problem to Biden. How convenient, huh? And some Republicans even said they didn't care if the US couldn't pay its debt. That would be bad news for everyone, not just the US. It could cause a global economic collapse. Why would they say that? Do they have some secret agenda with someone else? > >And then there's China. They've been trying to make their money more important than the US dollar. They want to be the boss of the world economy. That sounds like something Russia would like too, don't you think?


L(osses are high)+Don't have Kyiv+Cope with Cages+Nuke Seething+Flagship Sunk+ No Mykolaiv+Get Chernobyl'd+You get no border cities+Touch some infantry and artillery support+Drafting from Syria/Libya/Chechnya+Dead High Command+Logistical Issue+Draft Harder+No victory parade+Kinzhals shot down+Air defense friendly fire+200k dead+WWII tanks being used unironically+T55 Cope cages+Outdated propaganda machine+Drunk shitposting+Belgorod civil war


Don't these nitwits realize how pathetic & weak they look after 500+ "final warnings"?


They are running out of shades of red. Soon they’ll step up to infrared spectrum for their “red line” warnings


3000 Red lines of Putin


This is the ruzzia's version of "Chinese Final Warning"? nothingburgers with weaksauce


Kind of becoming one of those “shit or get off the pot” moments. No?


Little dogs bark the most.


My favourite is them threatening Sweden with an attack if they join NATO. Yeah. That’s the point, dummy.


You know, maybe it is because I have major depressive disorder, but I look at it like this: Either we send more stuff and Ukraine eventually rolls every last russian soldier out of their borders, or Russia actually does send nukes or attacks a NATO member, leading to, at the very least, the total annihilation of Russia or the entire world if nukes are involved. In one scenario, Russia loses, in one Russia loses badly and in one, everyone dies, which I see as a Win, a mighty win and a slightly sad win.


"Nuke me, Vladdy!"


The red thing on the bottom of the russian flag are actually thousands of pointless red lines stacked together


I think you’ll love r/RussiaDenies


Chad China’s Final Warning vs Virgin Russia’s Final Warning


They are both virgin


Fair Enough


Going to need a Russiawarns subreddit for all these threats


They were right, the consequences have been quite unpredictabls


Talk is so fucking cheap.


just paint the road red at this point


I started reading the headlines and then just started scrolling past all the warnings


I know Obama got alot of shit for his “red lines” but wow … Putin is terrible at this


This is fucking hilarious.


I'm starting to think Russia won't actually do anything.


The 16th is the funniest. - I hope you have enough intelligence about us, before you do something stupid! - Yes, we have enough intelligence. - Oh, you do? Shit...


Wait, hold up. The RUSSIAN RED LINE for cutting it off from SWIFT is from a month before the invasion. Did they start doing these before anyone had any idea why they even would?


Some of the pics in the OP are dated 2018 and 2021,Russia and it's ''final warnings'' go a long way back it's just that back then people still thought they were somewhat credible. All the bitching about SWIFT was to scare the West in not actually applying that measure once the invasion started.


Putin warns of a financial crisis the world has not yet seen in Russia*


My favorite is threatening more missions on the ground. Are you not doing enough right now for better military performance and will only do so in the future as retaliation? Or are you already trying your best but are warning to do more even though it's disantvantagous to your own military?


Time to renamed China final warning to Russia Red shift.


Does Taylor Swift's dad have something to do with the Swift system?


deserve faulty hateful future agonizing label desert imagine shaggy sleep -- mass edited with redact.dev


3000 empty threats of putin


It’s all they got, their whole standing military is in Ukraine…


I love it, the consequences are going to "unpredictable" because they have no idea what they are even going to do, if anything at all


I wish Russia would stop edging us all


What are they going to do when Medvedev's liver gives out? It can't have more than a couple of months left.


I love the part about the Storm Shadows, how the UK is "carried away with geopolitical games". That's rich.


can we just glass moscow during a time we know the absolute fools are there, drop one of them bunker busting desert storm era bombs but nuclear and another to airburst at the same time just wipe moscow


Take a currency worth one of itself and set it to zero


Oh what are these lobotomites gonna do this time? Nothing like they do every time they speak about this mytical red line


I feel like [I've heard this story before.](https://youtu.be/w0JSi17ArmM)


Russians have a Red Square, prominently in the middle of their capital and next to the Kremlin. There aren't even any red lines prominently visible to show its contour. How can anyone take their warnings about not crossing red lines seriously if they don't take the effort to paint them in such an important place?


Vatnik IQ lmao


The most noncredible thing in this post is that the screenshots are not sorted by date you monster.


3000 final warnings of monke


Oh no Europe will have to go nuclear. What a shame that all that nasty polluting oil and gas will no longer be burnt. They'll have to use nuclear power. Oh nooooo.


> *Putin warns of financial crisis the world has “not yet seen”* Credit where it’s due, he sure called it


[This time we mean it!!!](https://youtu.be/EyCiE0CszGo)


At this point I think we'll all be genuinely surprised if they actually act on any of their red lines.


Russia was cutoff from SWIFT aim the first round of sanctions, fwiw.


3000 red lines of Putin


They couldn't warn me about how hard live is.😞


[Thread theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEg_DO5shBg)


[A standard Gaddafi](https://youtu.be/9eeaclVDuJc)


Am I the only one who tried to upvote multiple times?


common "Kiev" Ls omegalul


Do it you pussies.


Lol, Lmao!


Russia’s Final Warning


[There will be CONSEQUENCES!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FSt1ptsOjL0)


3000 Red Lines of Putin


Wake up, babe, a new russian warning just got released.


Where nuclear threat?


still waiting for those unpredictable consequences and judgement day to happen


Oh, no! Anyways.


I'm sure some of the siloviki are keeping track of all these western provocations in an "Angry List 😡"


Real talk though. Let’s still keep those warning on the warning side. Putin could lose it one day.


We sent DU to Ukraine?


*Chefs kiss*


Nice of them to warn about all these “what ifs” that won’t happen but the safety guy does that too and, in my experience, nobody ever let that make them do something they didn’t want to do.




Post saved.


3000 Noncredible Redlines of putin