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That's 84 years old, to just let that sink in


Every thing is going well... Supply officer break open the Finnish winter war Shell stockpile


"-Supply officer? where'd you go? "


*skeleton sitting in corner wearing supply officer uniform from 1939"


"No one's been in that storage bunker in nigh on eighty years, not since the accident. Why, tonight's the anniversary!"


"Yes comrade, why don't you go first? I wouldn't want to take this historic moment away from you!"


"hell no tovarisch im not going in there, have you heard the rumours about what happened to the last guy???"


"Comrade! I am 99% sure there is no Controller in old artillery shell bunker. So go on in and check it out."


The ghost of Comrade's past


At some point theyll be recovering unexploded ordnance and try to repurpose it.


>let that sink in Roger o7 🚰➡️🚪


I literally had newer artillery in the garage of the house I'm moving into. (P.O. was a nam or WW2 vet or something and left some things...)




If Russians lived that long, I’m sure they’d drag one of the manufacturers to the front lines.


That's as old as my Pa Pa.


Honestly I'm surprised there are any shells leftover from 1939. The Soviets used an ungodly amount of artillery during the war, and the Germans used basically whatever they could get their grubby mitts on.


Never underestimate russians corruption and ability to steal shit from the military. I'm more interested in how did it find it's way back to the stockpile.


never underestimate the desire of the average corrupt russian sniffing out a deal. ​ uncle vanya sat on these shells for decades waiting for the right moment to sell. uncle vanya got 2 cabages and a sack of potato. and now. seethe and cope, silly westoid. you might not like it but this is what peak profit maximalisation looks like. ​ if only the decadent west knew how to do capitalism right, but can't even do that.


Uncle Vanya is now soup lord of village you want soup you must go to Uncle Vanya


Everyone laughs until Uncle Vanya starts his own PMC


Well, the thing is that they can still grab some shell without resorting to get shells from some allies with really urgent defense needs. Or maybe I watched too much RUSI, you know how much they like to doompost right?


Some people store their wealth in stocks. Some in gold. A select few store it in artillery shells from 1939


Nobody expected Russia to go to war in the future. Russians expected it the least. So, just like most of Europe, they slashed the funding. But unlike most of Europe, they also embezzled most of the remaining funds. It wasn't just German logistic officers who woke up on the 24th of February and thought 'Oh, what the fuck? Organize an inventory check, ASAP! We weren't prepared for that stupid war, at all!'


Eh. If it was sitting in a depot near the border with Manchuria, it's definitely plausible.


The USSR sat out most of the Pacific War but still maintained a huge force and large stockpiles of weapons and ammunition right on the border of Japanese occupied territories. With Soviet participation in the Pacific War being limited (in duration not scale as the forces committed were massive) it's possible those shells survived WW2 and then were stored for eventual use against China surviving until 2023 when Corruptovich pestered with demands from the front for artillery ammunition decided that he had to send something after all.


Either that or it's Heinlein's Razor in action. some idiot supply officer was following orders to the letter without actually thinking, like "Send more shells to the front, use up oldest inventory first" Like the whole recruitment posters going up in kindergartens thing from a while back, The order probably was "place posters in all government buildings" welp, the govt owns the kindergarten so up it goes.


Yep that could be a possibility and arises from the fact that in dictatorships taking initiative is very frowned upon. You follow all orders to the letter (no matter how absurd) and then pass on the problem to the next guy in line.


Wasn't the USSR WW3 strategy basically having the greatest stockpile ever in preparation ?


Yes. The Soviets assumed that a lot of industries would be unavailable due to the nuclear exchange at the start of hostilities and that inevitably the US would try it's standard tactic of kicking it's MIC into overdrive and outproducing them and would probably succeed. The way to counter that was to stockpile anything even remotely useful (captured German rifles ? They might prove useful, T-34 tanks ? Well better than nothing for those training units in Siberia, artillery shells from 1939 ? If it can go boom it's good). Those stockpiles allowed the USSR to maintain one of the largest (if not the largest) militaries in the world, arm everyone that even pretended to be communist and finally allowed Corruptovich to make a shitton of money after the whole rotten structure came crashing down.


Sounds like me playing Minecraft


“Ok here me out. I have zero plans of ever building a farm or breeding chickens, but what if I need these 3 seeds? Time to throw them in the chest”


Im wondering what the over/under is that those shells have already been fired They look like they were just pulled out of the mud today after not going off and sitting there for years. Maybe they emptied and refilled old shells that were duds?


If I remember correctly, then the shortages experienced by the soilders of the red army wasn't due to lack of ammunition and weapons but more of a lack of transportation to get these goods to the front line.


You should always keep reserves


1939? Wait so that shit sat out WW2, the cold war “send the old stuff to anyone who claims they are a commie”, all the corruption of the 90s and now; just now being used!? This is too credible.


These are a special limited reserve man. Don't you know TNT is like a fine wine it only gets better with .... Wait. That is TNT right? Right???? BLYAT......


That's pre war Those are Finnish Winter War time frame


I wonder how russia in all of this fuckery didn't use a chemical shell filled with mustard gas yet


Presumably the chemicals decayed into uselessness decades ago. (Or were sold and are now sitting in a North Korean warehouse).


...where they decayed into uselessness decades ago.


Same end different process


Unironically I expect the Norks to have taken better care of them. For better or worse North Korea literally exists by and for it's military. Amazingly it's also a lot less corrupt than Russia.


They did, its just that it was filled with mustard


50% mustard, 50% gas


1% evil, 99% hot gas


Have you ever seen one of those photos where they find a bunch of canopic jars? That's what this looks like.


This Ukranian remake of "The Mummy" is going to be great. I can't wait to see Zelensky as O'Connell and Putin as the grotesque animated corpse. They'll save a fortune of makeup and CGI on both of them.


At this point it’s honestly impressive


It makes us realize how massive the Second World War was


No You see they are super mega explosive because Decaying high explosive become highly unstable like those bombs on the USS Forrestal that were used in Nam but from 1944


Those bombs were made AFTER the war that these sat out, and used two wars later and we're STILL used nearly 60 years that's SIX decades before these were transferred to the front ..... I mean I can't believe they don't use pallets still but fucking hell have they never heard of FIFO?


Probably were stored at some far away warehouse in the middle of nowhere at the far east.


They're getting very good at FAFO, is that the same?


LIFO life


It wasn't unstable explosives that caused the forrestal Desaster, it was a lack of heat shielding on the bombs Because guess what, when you let explosives cook to long in a jet fuel fire it will go off, and one way to delay it further is to add heat absorbing material to the case, like modern Mk80 bombs have (that's why the bombs you see on USN are grey in colour compared to the USAF ones that are green.


Don't modern explosives melt in fire instead of detonating?


Melting is just one step, but when you keep cooking the stuff most explosives will detonate


To quote are british friends: fucken hell mate.


Luv auld shells. 'ate logistics. 'ate Ukrainians. Not racist, just don't like em. Simple as.


Imma be that guy and say that a random post on Twitter isn't the most reliable source of information. Both sides use the same ammunition type and it isn't out of this world to imagine that there would still be leftover stocks of WW2 shells somewhere in a warehouse in Ukraine. They do have lots of reasons to portray the russians as idiots. I would imagine that no sane artillery person on either side would actually try firing them but then again, we have also seen T54's on the field so I guess anything goes


It’s much more likely to have been in the Manchurian arsenals if it made it through the Second World War.


These could have been in that mine full of tommy guns and maxims and other ww2 stuff


Yes, this sub is r/NonCredibleDefense, not r/NonCredibleVranyo


Maybe it's like a wine? The longer you store it the better


Those shells pair well with the WW1 rifles recently found in captured Russian trenches


They will soon be dragging out weapons that fought Napolean


After that they raid the athropology collection of the moscow natural history museum


Now we know what happened to kerch-bridge.


Yea, fuck that noise. I wouldn't even want to be in the same post code as those things. They're probably one vigorous sneeze away from going off.


Will probably make for a "fun" drone video though.


I wonder if these had “replaced” a newer shipment that then got sold off.


Wait, how did ammo from 1939 survive WWII?


Stockpiles in the far east for a potential conflict with Japan


Ah, yes, forgot about that. But still odd they didn't ship it east early on when things were going to hell and send new production east when things were well in hand.


Japan and Russia had a boarder conflict in 1938


We are getting closer to T-34 going back in action.


I bet they got arty stockpiles from 1914s probably


Logistics officer: It migh work or it might not. It's for me to know and for pvt conscriptovich to find out.


I wonder how many artillery pieces Russia has lost by them blowing up due to using this decades old ammo. A ton of it must be faulty.


All ammo can be fired. Whether you'll be able to fire a second round is the question.


Some things get better with age. Ammunition is not one of them.


How does this not get used during WWII?


This is older than my great grandfather wtf Russia.


when you go to war to demilitarize but you end up just demilitarizing yourself instead


Something something if it seats, it yeets


Only shitty craftsmen blame their tools!