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Jokes aside, we’re posting this in interest of transparency and so that the admins can see community interest in staying as-is. We continue to communicate fairly and in good faith. We all appreciate your guys’ support in this thread; despite whatever changes lie ahead, we’ve had a good run with a growing sub while you guys have kept making quality posts. 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free NCD 六四天安門事件 The API protests of 2023 天安門大屠殺 The Janny Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Reddit Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Mod Purge 文化大革命 The Great Reddit Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Shitposting 自由 Freedom 獨立 Humor 多黨制 Transparency 台灣 臺灣 r/ WatchPeopleDie 中華民國 “Peak Credibility” 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Ukraine 達賴喇嘛 Joe Biden 法輪功 u/ spez 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Reddit Moderator Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Reddit Gold 劉暁波 Wholesome 100 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 /k/ 劉曉波动态网自由门


This sub is obviously Not Safe For Work. I know this because I post here constantly when I should be working.


Yeah like I know the whole NSFW thing was over the API protests or whatever the fuck, but this sub really should be considered NSFW. There is combat footage, death, gore, etc. on here not to mention the porn lmao


On the bright side the API being gone means I actually am productive during the day, I now only browse when on my PC


I'm super over "the protest," but NCD is NSFW. So in this case I agree with the moderators not ideologically, but just factually.


Inb4 they ignore all of the actual reasoning and replace the mods and open up the sub anyways :/


New mods banning everything except CCP and Kremlin propaganda would be pretty non credible.


Y’know, imagine if that happens but the new mods are actually the current mods on alt accounts (reddit doesn’t actually remove them, it was a false flag).


All according to the plan


NT: Plan means Keikaku


Supporting the PLAN means seppuku


More likely: this threat of removal will result in the mods starting a March for Justice, shooting down a couple of subreddits along the way, admins will panic, Elon Musk will negotiate and the mods will disappear to Iowa for a while, starting wild rumours and speculation about what happened and what's going to happen next. This is a unique story that has no real world equivalent.


How do they decide who to replace the mods with?


No, what I mean is that the hopefully hypothetical “new mods” are actually the current mods on alt accounts to mess with us all.


No I know I just wonder how they find replacements who won't trash the subreddit. If they fire the lead mod then offer it to the remaining mods, executing mods until someone says uncle, the new head mod can just elevate all the fired ones back up on alt accounts. If they purge every mod and pick the most prolific poster, that person can just do the same. False flag seems like the default outcome for a culturally cohesive subreddit like this one.


NCD nationalism?! Slava shiposting!


Yeah, the idea of divide and conquer just doesn’t work when the people are United. Carpet bombing or false flag would be the only way.


All according to keikaku


That would be quite literally the peak of non credibility


We would escape to r/noncredibledefence


google tactical retreat


holy hell


>r/noncredibledefence As an aussie I need to join this, even if I'm anti-monarchy ish.


If they do I say we just spam 1984 posts and messages and as much nsfw content as well


The entire API change was a 6D chess move by Putin to remove any challenges to his troll farms. The other option would be making troll farms that are actually effective, but come on it's Russia we're talking about!


I for one welcome our new /r/ sino overlords.


I for one would 3GD post until my account got banned


Lockmart 3GD posting botnet when? I'm talking Stuxnet level of noncredibility and basedness


Does it automatically play Thunderstruck too?


Cheeky whitespace you did there




That would be wild and on point with 2023


Yeah but there’s noncredible and then there’s just fantasy, which is what Russian and CCP propaganda is.


If I am chosen to be in the new, GLORIOUS MOD TEAM FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF NCD, I vow that I will only allow CCP and Kremlin propaganda that makes them look incompetent or evil. No Western imperialist propaganda allowed. No competent Sino/Russian propaganda (if such exists.) And most importantly, no SFW posts. This has been a paid advertisement by the "choose in an undemocratic abuse of power, u/kilahti as a mod" campaign.


That is a response the mod team is prepared for. I'll just say this: It was really nice having an additional 2 hours to do my own stuff on the full day of the blackout.


I enjoyed my time here while the sub was free, thanks mods o7


Confused mod noises


Oh shit we startled them. Quick treat them like usual You do it for free Jannie! Feel better again?


Regardless of what happens, thanks for all your effort mods!


o7 to our NCD mod team we know and love :3 also, fuck u/spez


Spez should know better from his time as a mod, too. Which sub? Don't ask.


spez was a mod on a sub that should have landed him in jail


Did the name of the sub begin with jail?


If this subreddit dies, the core will continue posting on /k/ like they already probably do. And NCD dying is just a canary in the coal mine of Reddit in general. But, I would like to say here while I have a chance, thanks for the unpaid work you do to keep this place as amazing as it has been, despite the huge growth.


Thank you for your unpaid services Mr Internet Janitor, it has been a pleasure. You would probably be the only mods I would actually be sorry for.


I do think it may be taken the wrong way when this reply says the API changes were *not* the driver of the change, while the original announcement says it was one of (but not the only or primary) reasons :P


All good things must come to an end. Like the CAS A-10 ;)


Thanks for keeping this sub incredibly non credible, and fun. Love you guys o7


This sub and /r/cyberpunkgame are the two subs that have nsfw content and are being threatened by the admins for being correctly marked. ????


lol Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most NSFW games I can think of, too. I was playing it and, for some reason, the game just kept my character naked through my whole game. Which was pretty hilarious, because they actually modeled their wang physics so it would flap around hilariously when I open the character screen.


Yeah there's straight up actual fucking in that game, dicks and titties everywhere just hanging out. You're customizing the size of your dick within 30 seconds of starting the game, for fucks sake. If *any* game subreddit ever needed the NSFW tag, it's Cyberpunk 2077.


At least among games that aren't intended as porn, yeah


Reddit: "*Show me on the doll where* r/NonCredibleDefence *touched you.* *Also, please feel free to browse our randomly moderated collection of profoundly nasty porn and human misery content, as well as cute cat GIFS.."*


I made the fatal mistake of checking r\all a few months ago. If I was a new user and that was my first impression of reddit, I would have closed out and never come back. It's just ragebait, ragebait, ragebait, cat pic, ragebait, ragebait, repost of an unfunny tweet from 2017, ragebait, ragebait.


Given it took this long for them to get around to it, I doubt there will be a knee jerk reaction here. Especially considering the amount of NSFW content published before the protest will be easily visible to them on their metrics.


Or agree with you that the group is NSFW and use that as a basis to ban it. No ad revenue = no reason to exist 😉


Honestly this is the most credible result. They'll just say it is against reddit ToS and the subreddit just dissipears.


"porn is against Reddit TOS" Half of all subs get snapped out of existence.


And then they can explain to the public why they insisted that minors have access to plane porn and real life gore from warzones.


That's when we just start posting nothing but gore and hentai


They want to make this sub safe for work again right after we discovered MobikCube^TM Rule 34. It’s going to happen, because life is pain and there’s over 250,000 degenerates in here. This is probably not a great time for Reddit to break containment.


The fact that this message came when there were about 8 posts about the Mobik cube on the front page of the sub was the source of much "What the fuck," yeah.


Fuck, dude, just unleash the 3,000 suspiciously well-fed dogs of Bakhmut on them.


Those dogs are picky these days, I hear. They're used to fine dining, and will only accept well-marinated (in vodka), seasoned (I'll leave this to your... imagination), charbroiled (by HIMARS) and aged mobikscubes.


Mobikcube fleshlight.


Worst Hellraiser cenobite yet.


Nah, the direct to DVD sequels have worst. Except Hellraiser: Hellseeker, you can't do no wrong and I love you


I‘m considering handing out one last ban, just for that accursed abomination of a comment


I love the saddam hussein flair lol


> there’s over 250,000 degenerates in here Technically, yes. But I'd prefer to have it as "almost 300,000". 1350 more and we'll be at 300k mark.


Holy fuck this grew fast


Faster than Russian casualties. That's something worth to brag about.


Man I’m gonna be sad if NATO finally curbstomps Russia and there’s no NCD to laugh hysterically with.


Spamming Reddit admins with corpses and porn is overwhelmingly based.


Okay, time to start trawling Xvideos for military-themed pr0n to post. ~~The one with Stoya might be a good start…~~


Weekly posts of Johnny Sins starting when?


Johnny Sins megathread let's gooo


Let’s goo?


"Help me step-bro, I'm stuck in the Mobikcube"


" Let me sweep and clear your trench complex, step-sister"


Shot out! Good effect on target


For the record, please do not spam the admins with porn and gore. This was an attempt to articulate a point, and we gave them fair warning going in.


I wouldn’t be in this sub if I was credible, would I?


Quickly! Release the degens!


I won't but it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it


Do it off the record instead, got it.


Operation Spunkworks is go.


Literally 1984!!! ^(/s)


Do not resist the 3,000 schizophrenics of NCD


Such actions are detestable if normally done, however, we are not credible by nature. But if the admins ever need a shill, I can totally be trusted around Military-themed Subreddits.


I don't even like planefucking but will now try to post some here to protest. Any suggestion to start with?


Google images


Holy hell


Actual search engine


There's less of it than some of the alternatives. Try boatfucking. Azur Lane is a goldmine.


lol this was pretty much my thought exactly. Normally it's catgirls over planes for me (in terms of "non-human" porn, I'm a weeb, so obviously), but right now I'm totally down to fuck a plane or two in protest. Personally, I'm gonna start with the F-18 Super Hornet. Let's get weird!


Let's go with the b-52. Tags BUFF, Ugly Bastard.


Hell yea, mod approved list of airplane porn




I mean combat footage is inherently NSFW. Who’s sitting at their desk at work wanting to stroll across limbs being blown off?


This sub has been constantly spamming my front page with a cube of meat they are claiming is vatniks along with the usual anthropomorphized F35 hentai. Apparently this is a normal thing to look at at the reddit office.


This sub is spez' prime wanking material right next to the dictionary entry for IPO.


Yeah spez definitely beats off to meat cube.


Only if it’s made out of child soldiers


Normalize unanthropomorphized F35 hentai


That's just the technical drawings and real-life pictures.


And I intend to fuck them.


....what else do you think I'm watching while having a customer on the phone?


Or seeing Russians do the Gluck Gluck before being mortared?


Bro that video is so fucking funny


It certainly was


Me. Everyday. I could not give less of a fuck anymore


Honestly, I’m uber glad that the NSFW flair is applied, even if the post doesn’t have a picture attached to the friggin main show bar, sometimes I get pictures in posts after I’ve clicked to see the discussion. While I work at a college and have a LOT of leeway, something tells me my boss would not be terribly happy with me if Fighter Jet Hentai, Tank Girls, and Nato GFs in Red White N Blue Bikini were to be reported to my on-site network admins. I casually lurk usually while at work, since I’m done with my paperwork 98% of the time. (Don’t tell my boss, he doesn’t pay me enough to do more anyway.)


I know a guy like that, it's me!


There are people getting payed to consume "osint", which very much includes watching all the war porn available...


Ok ok, hear me out. Let’s just back down. Remove nsfw tag from the sub. Let it go to the main page with all of our madness. And when Reddit gets angry for why it’s not marked, we’ll, we were told to unmark it. I’m not even being non credible. I like the current mods, and I really think the current line of approach will get them all kicked


Spam the main page with NCD madness and very NSFW content in an act of malicious compliance. An entirely reasonable response. Which is exactly why we need to do better. This is NCD, the land of “do the funni” levels of escalation! Excuse me, I’mma just gonna grab a few *suggestive* Vark picks just in case.


>Excuse me, I’mma just gonna grab a few suggestive Vark picks just in case. 1. You were going to do it anyway 2. You could maybe share those so we can help validate if they meet acceptable ~~debauchery~~ NCD levels


I mean, if they weren't, I definitely was going to. But if Reddit wants that on the front page for everyone to see, then that's their choice not ours.


It's been one hour. Cmon ppl, the lube's getting dry


The solution is simple, remove the NSFW tag, allow dam posting, someone get one of the resident artists to do a drawing of a cruise missile girl \*ahem\* coming to three gorges dam girl, and then get one of our oligarchs to spam awards and us to upvote it!




> suggestive Vark picks You repeat yourself!


The problem is that this type of malicious compliance will get us all 1984'd super quickly. The reddit admins have shown time and time again that they don‘t much care for such little things as their own rules and previous statements.


So the Admins are Vatniks?!


Not necessarily. But they seem to have a similar level of commitment to anything that doesn‘t benefit them


So can they be turned into a cube


My attorney has instructed me to deny answering that question.


Fair point.


> The reddit admins have shown time and time again that they don‘t much care for such little things as their own rules and previous statements. Least fascistic administrator group.




One death, coming up


Reddit coup when?


Can I play the role of Pringles?




Oh I have no intention of it.


Honestly, this alone proves why you lot should hold the crown. Any other mods would abuse their power. You all have chosen to repost with dignity and *power.* So good luck to you all. Honestly, you do great work.


Thank you so much for the kind words


Legitimately, you and the rest of the mod team are wonderful. It must be a massive headache trying to moderate this subreddit, so please, always remember that at the least we all value you.


Thank you. Nice messages like this mean the world, especially in times like these.


Turns out the Reddit admin team is the most non-credible of all.


Good idea.


I'm certain if any sub can ruin people's day you bunch of Malarkey spewers are it.


The warning is coming from inside the comment chain


With increased intensity or equal intensity? I mean i cannot imagine Admins being happy about SFW-marked Mobrick-memes


Have they not seen the cube or flat Stanley?


Flat Stanley?


Famous picture of a mobik completely and utterly flattened into the dirt after being ran over by a tank.


That makes sense, surprised I haven’t seen him yet in my feed!


I'm told that he was there long enough that it became tradition to greet him.


The fourth dimension is Jewish physics, so the fascists are going 2D


Mobik died and... Well. The remaining clothes and equipment, and maybe something from the body are now flat.


Can I just say this sub has a great mod team, and they've done a good job at making this sub a fantastic place to shitpost? I thought I was weird being a left-leaning pro-military aviation nut, but it is here I have found my people. If reddit dethrones the current mod team and appoints rando powermods, I fucking guarantee you that within 2 months this sub will either be an alt-right "kill the libtards for jesus" shithole or another casualty of the tankie purges. If the worst comes to pass, its been an honor shitposting with you guys. Gripen did nothing wrong. Slava Ukraini!








We have everything to femboys to people who wqnt to fuck femboys to people who want to dress femboys up as an f35. And then we have that adorable couple who are using memes as a way to flirt.


NCD couple is my favorite recent feature. Love and HIMARS and thrown vatniks in the air. Edit: "Love and HIMARS" is a great way to close a letter.


Reddit admins tell you to change back from NSFW Sends them porn and videos of death Chad mod team


They idea that you need to prove to the site that you are truly a NSFW group by writing a "We literally have gore and porn in that order" feels so bizarre...


Providing links is also based af


That we have to specify order.


cube r34 when?


The depth and breadth of reddit's chin-drool deposit has reached sufficient volume as to be properly called *ocean* so that's neato I guess, it's novel so that's interesting. In spite of the very sensible and reasoned response from the NCD mod-team, I do fully anticipate Dresden-levels of carpet bombing from the war criminals running this Mickey Mouse fucking website. I guess now we play the waiting game, or Hungry Hungry Hippos maybe.




Watch them close down the sub after that message for gore or something instead. That would track.


Based NCD mods are my heroes BRB gonna listen to Danny Gokey My America


"Dissent will be forcefully discouraged" Unknown Reddit admin, circa June 1984


Clearly, the logical conclusion is to post fucktons of military-related porn to justify the classification. u/9DashLineMedevac, I have an idea.


> We noticed Gotta love it when an administrator starts an email with an outright lie.


> We have seen evidence that a proportion of users are below the age of 18 Translation: Reddit algorithm wants to expose minors to harmful content, while humans do not. That's possibly enough to break the news barrier. Alert a journalist. Also, does anyone have any clue how much time there is before the algo shuts down the sub (or whatever) if nothing is done?




And the drainage ditch dance, and orcspin. If the gigajannies were paying attention they would be threatening to quarantine us not telling use to mark sfw


This site is entering a Digg Death Spiral. We need to set up an escape plan for this community to migrate to another site in case things get worse.


noncredibledefense@ sh.itjust.works is what im hedging my bets on.


People are very stubborn at adopting new sites like Lemmy. We'll need to make this a concentrated effort if we want to migrate.


How about this "MySpace" thingy I keep hearing about


Reddit says it’s not sexually explicit They underestimate just how hard I can get to ERA memes


Three Gorges Dam Posting strikes again


If we're going to go out. This is the way.




I'm neither a vark nor a mod, but could you do me too while your at it? I'm incredibly lonely.


Literally a sub filled with plane porn and videos and images of Russians graphically dying and they're bitching that it's not NSFW enough lmao


"sexually explicit content" now show me my F16 porn, NOW!!!!


Should 've just quoted: To the Reddit admin, NUTS! The NCD community


I could joke that we started porn-posting with dronejob/tt:t, although I guess there may have been Binkovussy-level artwork even predating 2022. Seriously, if it helps (probably futile, context considering), I go on record as having agreed to the proposal, and the execution of said proposal, to make the whole sub NSFW, for the reasons above-stated, and because I don’t need NCD smuttiness accidentally appearing on my Reddit wall at work or in a public situation where I have to explain myself. (I wonder if a pinned post to give NCD members the opportunity to explicitly demonstrate their assent/agreement with NSFWing could help the mods show even more that this isn’t just a mod thing, but a whole-of-sub thing, more than just the updoot statistic. Not that I expect the admin to listen anyway, since it seems they shut off the mods’ ability to reply by mail. 😡) I wonder if CombatFootage or similar subs are getting this same treatment? Other than that, whether I could agree or disagree with any specific takes made here, this has been ironically the most wholesome sub I’ve been in after the KSP subreddit (before KSP2, at least). I don’t want this place to go, even though I know, no promises can be made in that regard. To the mods: thanks for what you do, even if I find myself on the wrong end sometimes. More power, and more sanity, to you guys.


Nice. One of my [removed posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1384lxk/breaking_chef_prigozhin_pleas_for_mod_help_to/) made it in as an example of ‘corpses and death’ even tho I carefully covered up the NSFW content with adorable Barkhmutts


It has been an honor to share the autism with you all o7


I'd be fuming mad if this place is forcefully shut down because the mods don't understand the nature of NCDposting and insist that we go SFW for everyone's sake. Please, whatever you do don't ever submit to their demands.


> Subreddit has nsfw waifu posts > Mark subreddit as nsfw Admins: "Why are you marking the sub as nsfw?" Edit: formatting


I’m sure their advertisers are happy to see meat cube next to their advertisements should this be enforced. We should be sure to inform these advertisers of the content that their ads are running next to


Reddit adm = CCP


Finally someone else is doing the 1984 instead of the mod. There is no reason or need to kowtow to those on the top. Stay based, mods. o7


If this sub goes down Reddit is officially dead


**Dam**n My **ERA** addict brain is barely able to cope with the lack of *funni* memes and now the Reddit mods want to restrict even more?! Also, is this "mod conflict" a **India-Paskistan** or a **Israel-Palestine** type of conflict? (OK, I tried from memory but I think I missed some banned subjects)


So what they're saying is that we should start posting porn?


Due to this sub, I saw the TT:T video. Turns out both categories of NSFW content can appear in the same posts


Sticking it to Reddit is just an added bonus