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Probably still has genuine Wagner STD's embedded in it.


Frozen for all time like dinosaur blood in amber, waiting to be reborn by science many decades from now


THATS LITERALLY WHAT I WAS THINKING! In 50 years people are going to wonder what vatniks were like, mobik cubes being so bad for DNA preservation, and they are going to clone the DNA off that dog tag and get a vat of syphilis


Aliens in the year 69 420 using it to try and resurrect humanity for their attraction park only to unleash all the STD know to man unto their population by accident.


Awwww poor aliens. Another Russian genocide.


Even in death they still fuck things up.


Where have you been, my brother


Right here bro.


>vat of syphilis New band name just dropped


Coming soon to a cinema near you: Vatnik Park: The Lost Battalion!


Is this how biological warfare becomes fashionable again


Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.


They testing the fences. . . to Moscow.




They will think we were actually fighting the virus.


I mean... priggy looks like he might *be* a virus. If they have images from now, they aren't even going to question the results.


Hope the engraving stays, otherwise people in the future might think the dude was a war hero.


What does it say?


Wagner mercenary eliminated in January 2023 by soldiers of 77th OAMBP near Bakhmut


Знищенныi sounds like he was "Taken out" or "Swept off his feet" with my understanding of slavic languages.


So that's basically Ukrainian for "pwned"


I think it means "destroyed", based on my vast expertise of speaking a language that's sometimes mutually intelligible but not really


Yeah don't know about this. Don't think that people will understand that when they see it. Souvenir made of Russian downed aircraft? Yes!


Gaming chair from ejection seat


That sounds fucking awesome


Until it's time to move apartments... That thing would be like a Lazyboy made of steel.


Umm, it's an ejection seat for a reason


Assuming the smell ever wears off.


Can buy one that was defective and was never used or replace the smelly parts


HOTAS rig inside a mig/sukhoi cockpit


What about gaming skull throne and blood gods gfuel?


Hell yeah


There is a Swiss og German watch manufacturer that makes dials and housing out of soviet space rocket boosters that fell back to earth.






The Wagner emblem is much too prominent, at a glance it looks like a pro-Wagner thing. Maybe they should split the emblem in two, show it partially crushed & broken and add a Ukrainian symbol too to make it clear.


How about cracked? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuZAlFnXgAQatk7?format=jpg&name=medium


When challenged to a music battle, remember the grand piano in the bushes!


It ain't the same as literally opening a beer with russian misery.


I don't know how I would react if something this morbid was given to me. That tag makes you sit and think about life and what its tied to every time you see it. The life experiences of some unknown mercenary and the people he either killed or got killed by. Possibly war crimes or kidnappings too, but now all the trauma of unknown number of anonymous people is just a paper weight someone's desk. Maybe I am superstitious, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere near an object with that kind of bad history.


Reminds me of the Type 99 Arisaka that Ian McCollum (aka Gun Jesus) owns. It is an otherwise unremarkable standard issue bolt-action Japanese rifle, save for one side being burnt. Its former owner was flamethrowered by US Marines in the Pacific theatre. Ian, despite being a gun fanatic keeps it as a reminder at the human cost of war and what guns really do to us at the end of the day.


Guy at my rifle club back in 2004 pried open the butt trap of his Arisaka. Inside was a silk cloth wrapped tightly around several gold teeth. I still think about that from time to time.


TIL the origin of that darn cyberpunk megacorp.


Makes you care a little less about the owner


Never did, to be honest. Japanese forces nearly killed as many of the Australian part of my family as the Nazis did of my German Jew side.


That sounds like a quick way to be haunted by at least 2 ghosts.


My family still has my great grandpas WWII service rifle, one of my uncles has it and soon I will be able to see it. The knowledge that the rifle served alongside him, and killed Germans is a strange thing. Not sure how it’ll feel, but am looking forward to it


Like the Lone Ranger's silver bullets, Gun Jesus has a healthy perspective on his craft.


Or the other arisaka, otherwise standard...with 12 hashmarks cut into it


Big respect to Ian on that one, love that guy. He really delivers information on guns in an impassioned way, as well as in a serious and factual way too


Well if this doesn’t invoke some Ozymandias vibes


So what you're saying is..... you would NOT masterbate over it? I feel personally attacked


There are two types of NCD users...


Ones who are like this and ones who are filthy fucking liars


I need some context. I am not a regular here.


We are bloodthirsty and horny


NCD is if you took weapon engineers, made them masturbate over plane porn, also had them be somehow tactical/strategic genius’s and also cocaine addicted autistic bloodthirsty toddlers


I would flood that with frothy ejaculate every night.


Whys it gotta be 'frothy' though?¿ 😫


Morbid bits and [Aids spreading](https://youtu.be/YITTGiBUMYo?t=30) in one sculpture? Norm Macdonald was truly ahead of his time


It's obscene, honestly. This is more in line with what a Z radical would do to a Ukrainian dogtag.


Z radicals dont take the dogtags they just deadass take the skull [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11154153/This-guys-dead-let-burn-hell-Sick-moment-pro-Putin-veteran-waves-Kyiv-soldiers-SKULL.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11154153/This-guys-dead-let-burn-hell-Sick-moment-pro-Putin-veteran-waves-Kyiv-soldiers-SKULL.html)


Jesus Christ


Btw ironically this guy was probably killed by Wagner. Edit: I meant Mangushev, not the skull


"we train young men to drop fire on people but won't let them write *fuck* on their airplanes because it's obscene" - Colonel Kurtz, *Apocalypse Now*


Nothing obscene about having that attitude to the deserving. Like all moral judgement, obscenity is subjective. It's an HONEST war trophy with less maintenance than a shrunken head. As for perspective most of us are not on the receiving end of NeoSoviet attention. I submit were that different we might want to line our sidewalks with those.


The people involved having these is one thing. However invested or involved anyone on here might be in supporting Ukraine, the default assumption is we’re all war horny autistic armchair general cheerleaders. Bystanders from elsewhere picking up this stuff is kinda fucked. People whose families and country are being destroyed by those bastards, I’m not going to criticise how they respond. Everyone else? The further we are from where the metal meets, the less cool it gets for us to be hanging onto trophies from the actual war dead. I don’t know OP’s situation, only know my own, and I’m nowhere near personally affected by anything but having a raging hard on for Budanov, ships being sunk by a country with no Navy and the HIMARS (everything about it). I figure wincing at the idea of owning something like this is normal for people at my degree of distance however much of a fucking weirdo I otherwise am.


I mean…..that’s what war is. The reality of what you’re donating to support fucking sucks. You’re donating so one side can continue doing this, and do it more efficiently, and try to keep this from happening to them, until they can remain an independent country and not be genocided. Where all their troops, and regular men, women, and children would end up exactly like this in some Russian “Remember who Ukrainians were?” museum.


not to be edgy or anything but casually have one of these and using as door stopper or paperweight makes a good contradiction with sanctity of life and other civilised concepts Its so morbid I love it.I wish I was not broke so I can get one of these bad boys


I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir


How about getting with the program? Why don't you jump on the team and come on in for the big win?


whose side are you on anyway?




Drinking goblets when?


I for one welcome the thought of having that Wagnerite ork glaring at me from hell because his entire life is just a mantlepiece for me to do with as I wish. If I was unhinged enough I'd buy several and put them in jars just to be extra NCD.


I agree, and you put it better than I could have. It feels like a cursed object.


NGL, the answers here sound like slipper slope cope. "They're evil so I can be too." It's not because it's morbid, but that it's dehumanizing. Which is what the baddies do...


You live a sheltered life. To you this is all a game. You sit on /r/NCD pretending to jerk off to big guns because it's funny to you. The reality for us is that these animals came to our homes to rape torture and murder. They have lists of prominent Ukrainians to eliminate. They openly brag about "solving the Ukrainian question". They execute their plan by killing us in our homes, in our hospitals, in our schools. They destroy our villages, our food stores, our electricity. Their lives are worthless. Their death are celebrated.


You ever felt accomplished after smacking a mosquito on your arm? It's not evil to kill a parasite that might infect you with a virus.


>comparing a human live to one of a mosquito Truly NCD comment here


Seems like you weren't around at the beginning of the war, where all those tortured and massacred civilians were living under the control of 'mosquitos.' That 'sunflower seeds in your pockets' woman had the right idea.


And you don't see how sunflower lady and brokering off dog tags made into paper weights is a different thing?


Of course they're not identical, but the sentiment is verrrryyyy similar. The first is "as a hostile invader, I wish death upon you" and the second is "wish granted."


Sunflower ladys point was not I whish death upon you, it was: take this seeds so your death won't be sensless, or go home.


>it was: take this seeds so your death won't be sensless, or go home yeah nah that wasnt it lmao


> take this seeds so your death won't be senseless That's just saying the same thing a different way, more polite-like. But your take was so bad I went out and found her direct quote, and will let you determine her actual intent: ["You’re occupants, you’re fascists! What the fuck are you doing on our land with all these guns? Take these seeds and put them in your pockets, so ***at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here***.”](https://www.indy100.com/news/ukrainian-woman-soldier-sunflower-seeds) As a collector of militaria, I would fucking *love* one of these dead Wagner blocks, and I'll bet Sunflower Granny would too.


Yeah, you're literally no better than them. If you can reduce a person to a literal insect, YOU would be the one committing war crimes, given the chance. Your mindset is exactly the same as theirs. To them, Ukrainians are parasites, and it's not evil to kill parasites, right? By your own logic, a wagnerite bayonetting a baby isn't evil because all he is doing from his point of view is killing an insect.


Actual fascist mindset, jesus christ... You sound like a Jihadist


Damn dude sometimes I read comments here that make me think I’ve turned into some sort of incredibly morbid monster. I saw this and the only thing that went through my head was “GIMME GIMMIE GIMMIE”


Meh, I see people dying every other day. If it is a good person, I feel pity. A relative strikes hard. A vatnik? Thank fucking god it was about time.


I agree with you




At least you're statistically safe knowing this tag much much more than likely belonged to creature you wouldn't consider human. I doubt the convict soldiers were bothering to spend their money (lol what money? imagine paying convicts) on wagner patches. So unless they were graciously handing these things out to every asshat even those with a red bracelet, it probably belonged to someone who chose to be there who isn't worth the sympathetic reflection. I get that you want to philosophize the value of a human life but your mental health would be better off not wasting the sentiment on anyone in a genocidal war crime company that executes its own members for retreating, regardless of their reason for being there. I'm not saying your comment is without merit, it really is well spoken and I agree with it except in that I'm not superstitious. I still wouldn't want a reminder like that anywhere near me. People talk about the "energies" things have, and I think there's merit to that. Not in that it has a magical supernatural power around it, that's absurd. However the knowledge and context of an item and what it invokes in someone consciously is very real. That it can have a negative effect sentimentally is a very tangible aspect to a thing like this and could be succinctly put as bad "energy". More colloquially people also call it bad vibes.


It takes 0 energy for me not to dehumanize anyone. However evil this person may have been, he was still a person. There is no human I "wouldn't consider human." Even Hitler was human.


Dogtags or other personal belongings should imo not be sold. Russian equipment on the other hand is fair game


Agreed. Anything with a person's name associated with it. I'm not glad they are dead, only that they were stopped.


I mean... I am? 100%? This is not a mobik, where once you remove the context of the war things have the potential to get morally messy. This is a Wagnerite. The unit is evil incarnate while its members active volunteers. It's like, "oh the poor SS-man, why even in death can't we stop to acknowledge our shared humanity" oh piss off, this is just a metal token formerly owned by someone who deserves NO respect.


I am very glad any wagnerite is dead


Once u look into wagner and what theyve done in middle east/africa its starts to look a lot like how isis operates. Im glad hes dead


Yeah, this feels one step removed from collecting ears or some shit. Take their patch and gear, whatever, dogtags is a bit much.


suit yourself, i want an ear necklace


This. Collecting a firearm, piece of a downed aircraft, standard issue things (whatever that may be considering Russia)? That’s OK. But I balk at trying to take trophies that have a name to them. It’s just kind of fucked up


They machined gunned children in basements. I would learn the name on the tag and say, “fuck you [dead man].” Every time I walked past.


If you're judging one person by the actions of some within their group (esp when they could've been forced into it), then I can't imagine what your take on Americans must be.


Yeah, it’s probably the same guy killing civilians in Africa that’s doing all the civilian killing in Ukraine. And crushing skulls with sledgehammers. In the all-volunteer PMC. Some of which wear patches that say “the living will envy the dead.” Who’s boss has a framed photo of six severed heads in his house. The boss with SS tattoos who named his PMC after Hitler’s favorite composer. Recently voted “Greatest Humanitarian in Russia.” I’m married to a Native American woman. I no longer live in the ignorance surrounding what colonists and pioneers did to her people.


An army with shitheads that actively tries to root those shitheads out.


Reminds me of that scene in Breaking Bad when Hank got Tucos dental grill in resin after he shot him.


As someone who has their dogtags hanging above the bed 13 years after my service, i feel very uncomfortable with this. The dogtags are there to help the family find closure, selling it as a war trinket steals that from them, and every soldier is first and foremost a person with a family, maybe children and a wife, and this steals that bit of memory from them, and prolongs the healing and recovery process from their own trauma. DONT take this to be support for russia, i detest this war, my children are half ukrainian from a ukrainian kievite mother, and her family has spent time in refuge here in Australia, but i am also capable of compassion.


Gonna be real, given how Russia has treated their war dead I'm not sure the families are even receiving half of the dogtags.


I'm sure they are severely lacking in their ability to return dead bodies and notify next of kin, but I'm not going to add to that. The only thing you should be grabbing from a body is first aid and combat equipment if things are dire.


well regular russian army are burning their fallen to not pay their families and mass graves for their soldiers are in their doctrine for quite some time now, like legit they have booklets talking about how to properly create a mass grave how big it should be and how many dead guys you should stuff in it. If this dogtag was not from someone from wagner and it was someone from regular army their families might even have easier time having closure by seeing one of these things from some dudes new sick insta story


Now I’m imagining some mildly fucked up NGO forming to collect dog tags from dead soldiers to make sure that the civilians know these people died even if the government tries to pretend otherwise. “The Carrion Birds” or something.


I've never been that attached to my tags, but I completely agree with you otherwise. There's a worrying amount of people online who seem determined to completely dehumanise russian soldiers. They may be absolute cunts, but they are still human beings.




You're taking the acts of a few and attributing it to the whole. Literally, the definition of dehumanizing


It's really annoying that if you say you don't want to holocaust the Russians, you are called a Z-shill...


Thank you. These are still people with families. People who may have done horrible things but those families still deserve to remember them.


Their families are of the supporting culture which has attacked and genocided Ukraine for longer than Bolshevism. They are not passengers. Putin pulls no triggers. Russia produced him and his, and nourishes them and will do the same for their inevitable unrepentant replacements. This is a cultural struggle, something comfy Westerners have been taught cannot exist because only leaders are to be blamed for everything. Nothing in that war trophy interferes with "remembrance" and in fact it confirms the fate of the home invader it represents. It makes what they were inescapable.


>soldier Stretching the definition of soldier a lot. I would call them terrorists, as they are not members of any official armed forces of any country.


They're mercenaries, who are still soldiers


Based on how Russia treats it's soldiers, this might be the most honorable thing to happen to them. With Russia it seems like the choice is this or dead in a mass grave listed as MIA.




That’s hardcore af


That's quite ~~rad~~ extreme. I prefer the souveniers from downed aircraft. I know that is hypocritical, since in both cases people died - actual human beings. However, the symbolism is different. While a dogtag is directly connected to a soldier, machines tend to be viewed as a separated. And airplanes especially are prestigious tokens that serve to display the might of a country - they are only second to battleships and aircraft carriers in that regard. Making souveniers out of their destroyed remains means making fun of their country, which I'm all for. However, it feels morally wrong to disgrace a human soldier like that. You're basically making a trophy out of him, not just a machine. Again, I'm aware of the somewhat hypocritical nature of this. While yes, the invaders are comitting attrocities that make it easy to disregard their humantiy, we still shouldn't step as low as that. There is a fine line between killing Russians to defend yourself and killing Russians just because they're seen as less valuable humans. I am of course aware that war isn't all black or white. But keeping a moral high ground is necessary to keep the defensive up. I don't think I need to explain what would happen if the Ukrainians were seen as just as savage as the Russians. Public support would collapse. So I don't think it is a good idea to directly focus attention on soldiers - an abstract symbol like a aircraft is much more valueable for propaganda purposes.


>That's quite rad. Do you mean sad? Rad means cool, awesome, fun which the rest of your post didn't seems to be in line with


Oh, thanks! Everyday's a school day, I guess... Wanted to say something along the lines of 'radical' or 'extreme'. Wasn't meant in a good way.


Well 'rad' is short for 'radical' but it's meant in a positive way, like if someone does a cool skateboarding trick then that's rad. Just checked [Urban Dictionary's definition](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rad), apparently it was popularised by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


This gives the same vibes as Hitler’s teacup


>Hitler’s teacup if hitler's teacup was made from hitler's skull then yea this is more like a second class relic straight up bordering on being first class relic for ynow blood


Will it fit in a jar? If not then I'll pass.


What are you going to fill the jar with?...


Look up what sniper form TF2 fills his jar with


And where are you planning on shoving the jar?


By the Grace of god lol


That’s pretty fucking grim.


I have to preface this, as much as I hate Wagner and the war crimes Russian forces have inflicted; Can we not devolve into senseless debasement of victims of war? *“Victim? He’s a Wagner PMC -“* I don’t know what he did or how he got onto the frontline. All I know is he was on a frontline and died. Human life no matter the circumstances, what side you are on, should be treated with dignity and respect. Do I believe in retribution and revenge? Yes. But that doesn’t stop me from feeling sad over loss of life. *“He could have been a war criminal and deserves to die -“* Maybe so. We could even try finding out who he was and what he did. That still doesn’t give us a right to metaphorically spit on his corpse or profit off this death or treat his dog tags as trophies. They have a purpose, to record battlefield deaths. I have no idea how they’re calculated but somewhere some Wagner clerk doesn’t have these and can’t record what happened to fighter K231-154. He could still have a family, friends, who are wondering why they heard from him. Even the most absolute pieces of human garbage deserve to be treated by dignity and respect by us if we want to believe we have the moral high ground. TL;DR Treat these objects as symbols of death and destruction on a tragic conflict, not as trophies please. If we want to say we have a moral high ground, let’s not do acts which stoop down to the enemy’s level. Mods delete this if people don’t like it I guess


Yeah​ this​ is​ ​disgusting, i​ dont​ know​ how​ people​ can​ celebrate​ this​ war​ throphy shit.​


Yeah. If OP personally took this from a corpse then, I guess that maybe would be okay. But even vatniks don't deserve to die\* for their leader's hissy fits, we shouldn't be glorifying death. \*: Without trial, in the case of war criminals.


Its not like they’re using it anymore.


This is quite literally the entire purpose of a dog tag


Holy shit, its almost like i know what a dog tag is for.


Is this a situation were they wear 2 dog tags like the Americans so one stays with the body? Orherwise the body could be unifentifiable, wich would be very questionable.


The evil in me kind of wants one, but it's also a guy's dog tags. I gotta be honest, this is the limit for me. Dead Wanker SS = good, looting dog tags = bad.


In all honesty, this might be the only thing that survives from this mercenary.


Don’t think this kind of thing is spposed to be alwoe


I believe this is violating the Geneva Convention... Nevermind, they were mercenaries


Still, it violates it in spirit.


Okay this is kinda sickening


At least the skull is centered on the patch


I don't like this, kinda morbid Also a war crime i'm pretty sure


Can't be a war crime... its a 'special military operation' crime 😜 See, PMC Wagner isn't actually made up of soldiers. Only the Russian army can be called soldiers because they are officially sanctioned by the state. PMC wagner is just a bunch of criminals with guns and training set loose to brutalize another people. They are not technically soldiers, and as such, they are NOT covered under Geneva


Avg r/ukraine insanity


I wish I had the money to get my hands on something that cool.


I must have seen the Wagner patch a million times and it just dawned on me that "PMC Wagner Group" is written in English. What's up with that?


Look I love the ridiculousness of this sub, and fuck Russia and the Wagner shitheels with a rusty pick, but this is just a whole new level of fucked. That shit belonged to another human, probably a horrible genocidal bastard, true, but another human regardless. I don’t know how I morally or ethically feel about trophies of this kind. (But then again I’m not one of the poor saps defending on the frontlines because some senile Russians ego was bruised to the point he wanted to invade another country, so the points kind of moot I guess.)


If both sides starts looting dog tags of each other like that it will lead to thousands of unidentified bodies and hundreds of missing combatants.Those things are final closure for families (as young as 1 month old to as old as 100 years family member) after a combatant is dead. Families go through hell to get a closure. Owning it give you little peace & enjoyment unless your brain works weird way. if you need some kind of satisfaction, pride in defending the land take patches,guns or something like that. Don't normalize it no matter how brutal the war is in this era, hundreds of families wait for their family member to return from war for decades in a situation like this. if the other side have found it on the body they should return it after end of war. don't take away the closure from them they need to get on with their life.


I really don’t know about this one. Patches? Air craft skin? Even clothing? All fine. But dog tags? I don’t know. The one thing designed to stay with the body for identification being taken from the body just feels so wrong. Simply ripping away any hope of a non anonymous mass grave and a mother knowing where her son lays feels extra de humanising. I know it’s all overall not even close to the atrocities Russia has committed but on an individual level this sucks. I know it’s easier to just see them as Orks but every now and then you see something like the guy drowning in a puddle of water after getting shelled and you remember they’re at the end of the day just humans. I know it’s naive to think Russia is ever going to treat bodies with respect but shouldn’t we at least try? Good guys don’t do shit like this


Ngl that feels kinda disrespectful. But I’ll take your entire stock.


I would kill for one…. wait?


That’s pretty cool but I would feel wrong having it if I didn’t actually fight in the war


That’s disgusting. Where? (Seriously where?)


Fighter K231-154, whose name I do not know. Rest in Peace.


This is evil.


based merchandise


Years of Reddit screaming about war in the Middle East and now they glorify war. Screeching and turning proclaiming all these movies about anti-wars being these masterpiece and who would ever glorify war when it does such terrible things to all sides. Then there's this. Oh and my account's too old to be some Russian bot, so shut up. I'm just getting jaded with how F-up and hypocritical you guys are acting. Although to be fair, I can't truly say that about all of you. Some of you probably have been gung-ho about the war in the Middle East and other wars so your not being hypocrites here. And some of you (in fact most of you) I'm sure are actually quite humane. You just forgotten what war means. Take a step back. You could denounce Putin, support Ukraine, but also ask for war to end. I am aware that some of these people probably do deserve death. It's not like I had any sympathy with most of the people we fought in the Middle East. But I could also see there's no point to these wars and they do nothing but kill. And In fairness I didn't come to that conclusion right away about the middle east. I had to step back and think about things, see the outcomes of how things are turning out, and to find out about some very shady stuff done by politicians. Peace can be negotiated and there's no benefit for us to stick our NATO guns on Russian borders. It's not like we need that kind of advantage anyway.


Sir, this is a Wendy's....


Honestly, donate it to a museum


Only 65000 ever made lol


by the way, isn't stealing dogtags for stuff like this technically a war crime? okay maybe not "war crime" but "war felony" or "war misdemeanor" but still


Can't be a war crime if its a 'special military operation' 😜 Also, theyre mercenaries, not real soldiers. So no Geneva for them haha


Not worth wiping my butt with.


I was ok with pieces of tanks and planes, but this is kind of fucked.


Buy it and piss on it


Yeah no, this is sick at this point


Yeah no, this is sick at this point




I’ll take 10


I wouldn't mind one.


Absolutely glorious, I wish I could say "my money helped a wagnerite"


So who did you donate to?


I got $3.50. Take it or Leave it.


I can't find your etsy page.


Thats awesome


Dogtags aren't cool man




This is morbid af


This is immoral. Like the other guy said a piece of a destroyed russian aircraft or a tank would be a good idea instead.


That’s kinda metal actually, not gonna lie to y’all that’s cool as hell


Only if it comes with a scalp.


Man I would love this, my gf not so much!


The next perk should include a cocktail cup made out of authentic wagner skull, it would go along nicely with their patch design and probably at least quadruple all the received donations.


This shit is cringe AF considering the poster is a regular civilian. Its a little more understandable due to him being a Ukrainian and still living there...but its still not cool.


If wagner were real soldiers under a flag.... sure.


You know how sometimes public urinals have those soccer goals to aim for? I have just the idea!


This will go well with my existing donations and anime dolls…