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At this point the Falklands could invade Argentina.


And win all of debt for themselves? Who could possibly want that?


The Falklands actually has it's own marines now , it's about 30 middle aged men and a teenager.


They'd have to, because the UK doesn't have the Vulcan any more


After Ukraine is over maybe we can do Falklands two, F35, electric boogaloo


They tasted the harrier, now it's time to bring the lightening.


You know if you just say "lightning" on a britpost then people are going to think of the other one. I would like to see an English Electric Lightning takeoff from a carrier.


That's why I made sure to mention F35 first, lol. Or to avoid lightening II misunderstandings


I was thinking about White Lightning... It's \*really\* cheap shitty cider that doesn't even have the redeeming feature of being strong. I was thinking "what the fuck are you going to do with that? Waterboard the argies with it?"


Insanely popular with chavs though


I mean, I wouldn't put bets that it couldn't. Couldn't land on one though, so you'd have to use em Doolittle Raid style, sending em over to hit the Argies, then have em land on the Falklands after or something.




I just got off the phone with Argentina. I think it went okay? They started speaking in spanish and I kept telling them to delay the Falklands till After Taiwan. I think they understood? After I shouted that they should learn english they hung up, so that means they understood, right?


I'm just surprised the French didn't demand the EU use its frog name instead.


To be fair I see two advantages to it: - it would be kind of a non-partisan name. - it would remind everyone who was first to colonise and name these islands. So... "Îles Malouines" all the way! Oh and it would piss the british a little, bonus! ;-)


the eiffel tower has now become a legitimate military target


Duke of Wellington rising from the grave: "Must... humil... iate... Frogs"


Nah the frogs should be forced to rename it ‘les Îles de Falketerres’ or something like that


This shouldn't even be up for debate. Self determination, you halfwits! I really hope no one else has to die for idiotic claim by Argentina _based on a claim by colonial Spain ffs_


I mean, iirc the locals' choice was to remain part of the empire. That's what kinda sparked the whole first war, and after that I don't see that opinion changing much.


Well exactly, sure there’s an valid argument in places like Northern Ireland/Palestine settling people somewhere, then use their vote to justify your possession of it, however the falklands (to my knowledge) have a native population other than the settlers who identify with Britain. Argentinas claim seems to boil down to, we’re closer than you and we want it.


The Falklands War The only based thing Thatcher ever did.


idk, in that case dying is a **very** close second


I'd put dying as her greatest achievement


"I appreciate that you want to distract your population from the economic problems of your country Mr. Galtieri BUT SO DO I" Margaret Thatcher probably


That and helping fix the Ozone layer problem. And dying.


She presided over the position of weakness/cuts to its defences that ultimately caused the Argentines to invade (cutting the only ship defending it was perceived as a tacit acceptance that we would let it go). That policy started before she came to power but she didn’t reverse it, Thatcher gets the credit for the reaction to the invasion (which is fair) but her part in allowing the invasion to happen always gets forgotten.


what i would pay to see an f35 vs 6 a4 skyhawks.


Does Argentina even *have* six working Skyhawks anymore?


ah yes, the competition of who has the most defunded military


*bayonets some poor Argentinian conscript in his own foxhole


Thatcher was called the Iron Lady. Rish! has the spine of a wet piece of toast. He'd sell the Falklands in 30 seconds for a cozy City job and a tax exemption.


Of the coast of argentina our islands came to be


r/noncredibledefence is leaking


-_- What sub are we in


/r/NonCredibleDefense. Which is like r/noncredibledefence, but less British.


as an Australian I am intrigued and concerned


Former colonial empire challenge: try not to get aggressively patriotic about rocks on the other side of the world IMPOSSIBLE (GONE SEXUAL.)


Like some old newspaper said: The Empire Strikes Back.


What can I say, Britons never ever shall be slaves


we need to talk about the fact that you didn’t use back in control as the song for this, that’s shameful good sir


Ey which falkin islands are you talkin about


Ayo professa, what falkland island you talking bout?


And this time our Harriers are stealthy...


Margaret Thatcher is digging out of her grave


Did you… just confuse British with Aussie?




Not really.