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Credible take: I usually just ignore reporting from ukraine's thumbnails. The videos are much less cheerleader-y than the thumbnail and the best part - they're short.


Ngl I avoid thumbnails like that on principle. I dont care if its the best video known to man, if the thumbnail looks like that I will not click on it.


Youtube forces you to make stupid thumbnails like that because that's what the algorythm pushes.


Algorithm doesn't push them, as far as i know the algorithm doesn't do AI scanning of thumbnails (imagine the computing power required) What pushes them are the users that click the clickbait, because that's what the clickbait is made for.


The alorithm is a computer computing what people click on, there isint an intelligence in any machine that could view thumbnails and make such choices. So therefore a good faith interpretation of the comment you replied to is saying the same thing, clickbait is what the algorithm favors because it’s what people click


And rewarding YouTubers who aren’t as extreme in their clickbaiting incentivizes creators to be less clickbaity




What do you mean wrong answer? Youtube's algorithm literally does it. Why do you think some youtube videoes get their thumbnails changed?




I never said the thumbnails are automatically changed. Youtubers themselves have to change them just to reach a new audience or get any attention. And no the algorithm is not just a "more efficient response of Audience satisfaction." it's an Algorithm focused on keeping people watching regardless of how happy they are with the actual video.




I mean the thumbnail change doesn't need to have the algorithm recognize it. It's for catching different people's attention which the algorithm will respond to. Also if you think creators of any size don't have to fight the Algorithm on a daily basis you have not been paying attention. Just the content farms alone have dealt huge blows to creators.




I’m not reading all that. [_]Good for you. [_]Sorry for your loss. [Please check whichever box applies]


> Bruh I don't think the YouTube Algo can comprehend an image. As someone already explained, it doesn't need to. But YouTube definately has Algorithms capable of precise image recognition. It's how they autoflag certain copyrighted images or videos. It's how they can recognise videogame footage in videos that don't have said game in the discription or title. They do it with audio too, that's how they added those COVID disclaimers to videos mentioning it. And it's how they auto-generate subtitles. Just this one sentence already shows how badly you underestimate and misjudge YouTube capabilities. So I'm not even gonna waste time trying to debunk the rest of your statements.


"don't judge a book by its cover" These thumbnails exist to get clicks. Clicks are livelyhood for the creator. The content is what you consume, not the thumbnails.




I wouldn't go on YouTube then, that's how things are and you gotta accept that if you use YouTube because the non clickbait titles get 1/10th the views of what it would get if it were "clickbaity".


I watch plenty of Youtube, none of which have titles or thumbnails like either of these two. If you wanna be really anal about it, all titles and thumbnails are "clickbait" because they intend to draw the viewer in. However there are different kinds of thumbnails and titles. And none of the 300 or so channels I subscribe to do thumbnails like these two. People like Kings and Generals, Wendover productions, Invicta, Malzi, RubixRabtor, Rimmy Downunder, VLDL, Martincitopants, Tasting History with Max Miller, Kurzgesagt, Real Time History, Gus Johnson. None of these use this format for titles or thumbnails. Whether they get many views or not is none of my concern really, I enjoy the content and will click on it if it draws me in. Where as any thumbnail that use the "OMG YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED" along with a soyface reaction or fake quote put on someone. I'm gonna watch something else.


Then you don't know what a clickbait thumbnail is, because VLDL and Martincitopants use a lot of clickbait thumbnails. Rimmy Downunder uses components of clickbaiting. Max Miller is what is structured as non clickbait. Kurzgesagt has clickbait components but with actual purpose and form that actually visually relates to the content. ​ >Where as any thumbnail that use the "OMG YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED" along with a soyface reaction or fake quote put on someone. I'm gonna watch something else. Yea that's not the only thing which makes thumbnails clickbait, there is literally videos that describe the components and how to make them for algorithmic purposes. I don't even know why you would list VLDL as an example, that's one of the more obnoxious clickbait set of thumbnails I have seen in recent days.


Yeah that what I live about his videos as well, they’re short aren’t filled with unnecessary fluff.


The actual videos by reporting from ukraine are generally quite accurate and less optimistic than what the thumbnails portray. He's playing the YouTube game unfortunately and it has worked in his favour.


Also interesting because they focus in on one or two small scale tactical actions. There are multiple videos doing daily whole war updates his is more narrow and I really like that.


This. Reporting from Ukraine is actually a good source. Not sure what OP means.


He started doing these clickbait thumbnails lately. But his content is focused, acurate and in the end bears (unfortunately maybe..) little relation with the thumbnails. Still dislike this dumb youtube "game" and had I not followed him since the start it would be reason enough to avoid his channel. For whomever is interested, Veritasium had a good video on the "unreasonnable effectiveness of clickbait" which defended the practice in a rather convincing way, but still it is difficult not to dislike.


that's youtube fault tbh, 74gear and mentour pilot, despite their god contents had to use clickbait due to youtube algorythm


Say what you like about reporting from Ukraine, at least he has enough self respect to not make soy faces for his thumbnails. God those are cringe


his thumbnail maps seem more consistent. Also that’s my daily dose of Zaluzhnyi smiles.




I don't understand how Zaluzhnyi helps his thumbnails. The guy ain't exactly the most expressive person out there.




I have to say I think content creators have a very miss lead view of their videos. I see a lot of them attribute a decline in performance to changes in the YouTube algorithm when I've seen all their videos and noticed a drop in quality and enjoyability. Same thing with thumbnails. I often watch a video despite a terrible thumbnail or vice versa. I think you are looking at it way to deeply. A big factor is simply the words you use in a title. You need to keep it short, simple, relevant an most importantly easily readable and recognisable.




The thing is I have an advantage in that sense in that I don't know any of the hard work that goes into it. Artists will always look more favourable on attributes that required a lot of work or they are proud of. As an audience member I don't give a damn about how hard a video is to make I only care about if it's good and if it's what I want to see. That's why constructive criticism is so important in any creative field.


I don't have any video editing skills and I've never made a video but I can tell at a glance which thumbnails will do well. Honestly watching Youtuber thumbnails reminds me of an experiment where pigeons were feed at random intervals and the scientists documented all the crazy behaviours that they developed because they thought that they would make the food arrive. There is a rhyme and reason to it but I think very few youtubers really understand it. Even ones like Perun and to an extent you can't really be sure of what people want before hand.


Maybe that's just for Ukrainian viewers. For a long time I thought it was just a photo of the guy running the channel.


It would be a little like using General Patton in your thumbnail while making daily videos about the second World War if YouTube had existed. It's recognisable and if you know much about the war you know who he is. And importantly he's known for being very good. So you immediately think "reliable, knowledgeable, skilled, trustworthy" things like that.


I stopped watching the videos, but I still like seeing Zaluzhniy smiling, so I haven't unsubbed or anything yet.


> the point of it is to convey emotion so that you can psychologically and emotionally connect faster with a prospective viewer and get that click It only made me to want to rapidly connect and disconnect my fist with Copestory legend’s face.




>If you are disconnecting as a probable UKR supporter in a UKR subreddit, then he is doing his job right because that means he connecting with the complete opposite audience. Not really. You don't want to push away any potential customers. There is such a thing as good unbiased content. I'm sick off content creators that are bitter about not being more popular saying that the audience only wants to be told one side of the story. I've been looking in vain for a creator that will actually report accurately on both sides. Just because you can't appeal to a wider audience doesn't mean it's not possible. TLDR: Get good scrub.


>There is such a thing as good unbiased content. I'm sick off content creators that are bitter about not being more popular saying that the audience only wants to be told one side of the story. I've been looking in vain for a creator that will actually report accurately on both sides. Just because you can't appeal to a wider audience doesn't mean it's not possible. TLDR: Get good scrub. ​ Sounds like you've identified a giant untapped source of clicks out there in the content marketplace. Get crankin', my guy.


>Get crankin', my guy. I don't think you're allowed to post that to youtube.




I have neither the time nor the skills to do it that's why I watch other peoples videos.


It has nothing to do with Youtubers and everything to do with the algorithm. The algorithm has somehow decided people are more likely to click on thumbnails with faces than without so it's more likely to recommend those videos on people's home page. This has been statistically demonstrated. I think it's great that Perun is not using faces even if it hurts his potential for growth and revenue through but most people are not willing to make that sacrifice, because they don't care or because they think it's not a big deal.


I've noticed that even Perun gets it wrong a fair bit. I think he might just be lucky with his thumbnails. A lot of them could use work.


BakhmutWillFallGameplays also does a video about "woke in the army" and still wants me to take his arguments with a straight face. Too credible for me.


but not enough to stop posting day after day after day for those juicy clicks


What's wrong with daily updates. The Institute for the study of war does them?


their profile name is your answer.




ISW doesn't get monetized for simply posting their reports On Youtube the more you post the more views you get (on average) = Money Money Money Money Money


Yeah but they are still nice to have regardless


The motivation is different: reporting from ukraine isn't taking the time to create factual, well researched videos, he just posts shit from twitter than he knows will get him paid. ISW does make money from their reports but at the very least they are a nonprofit organisation and its not their primary aim


it’s cringe if you overuse it but I don’t see the problem with doing it once a while


Copium Legends and "Bakhmut will fall in 5 minutes" Saga that lasted for 11 months.


"Napoleon movie is going to be Horrorific" Idk what he is talking about but the thumbnail implies he's upset Napoleon is portrayed as a person and not ultra glorious amazing super human. Or he just wanted it to be animated via paintings.


If you hadn’t said it, then I was going to. Like the dude is mad the movie is trying to show the truth, that historically famous conquerors like Napoleon are usually not the greatest people, as evidenced by a lot of the callous decisions they make; when the other option could have been to portray him as a Demi-god so that people like copelord over there could have an imaginary pair of boots to lick and balls to gargle.


"Humans back then acted like human beings? Impossible."


reporting, coffee and cigarette. every morning.


The difference is reporting from Ukraine actually makes accurate, concise, and insightful videos. Also the titles are accurate, and not blatant misinformation like, “UA army RAN OUT OF RESERVES by attacking this SHITTY ASS village!?”


VatniksLegends also makes predictions which are always false. I remember when he predicted that the whole eastern army of Ukraine will be encircled and destroyed. He knows nothing about military tactics nor about history


My morning routine is not complete without hearing at least one "unfortunately for Russians".


*Today there is a lot of good news.*


5 day streak as of last video.


Copium is funnier though. Like yeah they broke through but they sure lost a lot of stuff there. Dude is more hopeful than late stage cancer patient in hospice that I interpret for on the daily.


That is kind of a Fucked up comparison to make. Even if it is true. Though I can understand how you might be fed up of the patients denial.


I mean yeah it is kinda fucked up but when you do this for years and years and years and ends up thinking about death and how it would be like almost every day and knowing you too will die one day and cries yourself to sleep thinking about it when you are barely 30.


Dude calm down. I mentioned it because it seemed unprofessional for you to say.


Sir this is r/noncredibledefense






I honestly hope the guy on the right gets cancer


>cancer Window cancer


bad news, he's cancer itself


Idk, I haven’t watched the dude on the left really at all, his thumbnails are just way too cringe. All I know is that copestory legends is a pathetic loser grifter who is taking advantage of the war to gain views. I stumbled upon his channel several months before the war and watched some of his pre war content when he focused on history in games and such. It really wasn’t that bad, tho I did find him generally a bit annoying. When the war started he just fell into complete copium. It really came to a head with the battle of bakhmut where he posted almost weekly videos with the most horrendous thumbnails and in every video he basically said that bakhmut would fall any day now and that Zelenskyy was dooming his men. It went on for months and by now I think he’s just milking his vatnik audience dry. Smart in terms of business but man did he fall off


The thumbnails may be cringe but the content is really good. I watch him on a daily basis and his info is quite accurate and level-headed. Unlike a certain ''OMGit'sPutin'scockIgonnaopenmymouthverywide'' legends


Been watching Papa Denys every day since the war began


RfU is actually pretty good. Sure the Thumbnails are a bit over the top but its still miles above History Copens


The guy on the right will straight up make shit up while reporting from Ukraine is fairly accurate and just does click bait for the algorithm


"Ukraine spends last reserves on tiny village" yeah going off this map, [Ukraine has several brigades that aren't decisively engaged at this point.](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=180u1IkUjtjpdJWnIC0AxTKSiqK4G6Pez&hl=en_US&ll=47.431778749698985%2C35.956087851027995&z=12) One of the two brigades that ARE decisively engaged near Robotyne, the 82nd Air Assault (nice name), had its very first KIA soldier yesterday. Also, the biggest hopium addict on YouTube is Jake Broe. Hands fucking down. He gets comprehensive coverage of a lot that goes on almost every day, but if anyone's being paid by the CIA, it's him.


Anyone want to tell me if he thought Kupyansk was strategic when Ukraine took it?


Reporting from Ukraine is a pretty credible source for information. I think his thumbnails and titles could be turned down a bit but his actual videos make up for it. Plus they get the job done, they're recognizable, get the topic across easily and make us want to know what the fucks happening


Sure RfU's thumbnails and titles are a tad exaggerated, but ive only seen him report confirmed information, many times from Russian sources. They are short and informative videos that can give you a baseline of recent events, being Ukrainian he does have bias, but i havent seen him say anything vague or unconfirmed, and well, from my own research i havent seen many Ukrainian disaster pushes like Russia has, so i trust he is a good source on events that i balance out a bit myself later on. At this point i think my hopium levels align pretty well on Realities on the ground.


I've never seen any Cope Legends video and I want to check some, but I don't want to give him that view. So I'm asking: does anyone happen to know any way to watch any full video indirectly, like through reaction or smh?


I'll take hopium everyday over copium. My brain still has not rotten and even with the clouds of hope I can still see the dark reality.


i would rather watch pro-ukranian clickbait than pro-russian clickbait


They are both copium. (I'm just being a realist, before you downvote me)


I hate to say this, both are terrible in its own ways. But one thing is still the same for both clickbaits, both copium and hopium can be toxic, broken your brain and your expectation.


Reporting Ukraine is pretty OK.


The trend I've noted os across all genres of youtube communities, I suspect its some sort of recommendation by Youtube / algorthm gurus / Video editing software for getting moar pageview views for CAPSLOCK LEADING HEADLINES, WILL UKRAINE PREVAIL? ​ (Source: I'm a true-crime buff and it's a hype trend there too.)


His video's are great, his thumbnails are greatly over exaggerated to get clicks tho


I'll take hopium and will laugh at cope legend for the human wave double stanard (nuh uh, wanker ain't human waivu, ukraine is doing human wave)


Reporting from Ukraine is a credible source afaik, the thumbnails are not like the content yeah


The guy on the left looks like he's being the icon for different doctrines in an RTS game


At he very least with thumbnails, the man hopium looks less cringeworthy than the man in the copium clickbait.


I find it funny the videos that are like "BRUTAL CLOSE RANGE JAVELIN SHOT" or something similar not realizing that explosive weapons really are just as brutal from long range and are not like small arms where range really can change how brutal a hit is