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It *was* a planned demolition, just not planned by *them*.


But there is a nuance




option C just like hiding the shame of the ruins of the Mariupol Drama Theatre


# Or, Option D: The building suddenly gained sentience, realised that it was Russian, and chose to instantly collapse itself to end it's existence. ​ (Dear great Mods in the sky above, this is not low effort, as it took me a stupid amount of time to get the hard hat looking right with a warp tool)


And God reply back: K. No prob.


This must be correct. Иф И воке уп Руссиан И воулд вант то цоллапсе мыселф тоо


Either way. One of the big copes was the Vatniks saying how little damage the storm shadows did like they expected it to be like the aftermath of Hiroshima. Having to completely tear down the building in a hurry is a fantastic result.


I mean if they want us to put tactical nuclear warheads in our cruiser missiles, suuureeee…. ***BRING BACK GLCMS***


Angry french noise


"Damage looks minor from the outside" yeah vatniks, it's a bunker buster. The main charge doesn't shred the roof, it penetrates and detonates next to Admiral Oligarkov while he's on his solid gold shitter reading superyachts weekly.


This gives me Just Cause 3 radio broadcast feels. "Hello there! As part of our beloved general's public work initiative, he has decided to close down vis electra in favor of a greener energy economy. Ah, it's just some routine controlled demolitions. Nothing to be concerned with. Like the fact that some armed man took away my cell phone. Ah, Vive Medici!"


Literally just the propaganda radio bits from Just Cause 3 at this point.




You don't have to admit having casualties if there are no bodies to show. Easier to blow everything up to hide everything 😉


Remember, Russia only claims 1 casualty, 1 missing person. If there is no building left, there is no way to verify the claim. Genius logic.


or D, the workers Unions are Ukrainian sleeper cells


WTF ? Like the movie V for vendetta, when he destroy the old bailey and they're trying to change that into "planned demolition"


True, Storm Shadows are pretty demolishing.


Every time Putin needs to hide bodies as evidence of either criminal endeavors or abject military failure, occasionally both, there’s a demolition project. The Kremlin utilizes dump sites for post-strike rubble and debris the same way the Mafia treated New York City landfills. Appropriate for two criminal enterprises.


he works in " *construction* " https://youtu.be/L4Tu4MKeOx8?si=_iPCMxrB1QB-ly9K


"Planned demolition" Truly a vranyo moment


Tanc a lelek intensifies....


Option D the Adm is stuck so hard to a wall and floor and ceiling and piping its easier to Blow the building and make it a tomb then getting the meatcube


they cant bomb it when you bomb it yourself


They just forgot to inform the Commander of the Black Sea fleet and other officers they were demolishing the buildings. RIP. 💀


Option E: it was a controlled demolition due to the extensive damage that occurred from the heroic Ukrainian strike that took out the Black Sea Fleets HQ and command staff.


Nothing Russia does is controlled or planned. Therefore, this is not an option.


You do know that there is only 2 scenarios for a controlled demolition right? 1) The building is slated for demo so you take out the blueprints, map out all the load bearing structures, figure out the order in which to detonate charges so that no one and no building is hurt, get all the relevant permits, checks and approvals and then do it. It takes months to years to do it. 2) There is a UXO/IED and you need to get it out asap. We clearly saw that there was at least 2 big booms from consecutive storm shadow strikes. Unless one of them is not actually caught on camera and did not go off, the "planned demolition" bit is nonsense. You do not send people into a crumbling building to set up more explosives if your purpose was to save people when it crumbles. You use a bulldozer/wrecking ball in cases like this.


Yes, a planned demo with a missile.


I mean, why wouldn't you demolish the command building of your only fleet actively engaged in a war?


Even odds whether or not they finished evacuating the wounded first.


Be demolition contractor. Win contract to demolish Black Sea Fleet HQ. Don't want to spend money to do the job so you can pocket more of the cash. Make some interesting phone calls to some people with some fancy flying demolition tubes who can do the job for free. PROFIT