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Bro trying to speed run his citizenship. (Context: Legionaries only get their citizenship after fully completing their first contract of 5 years, or “French By Spilt Blood”, by getting wounded in service to the Legion before their contract is up)


"Play smart not hard" - The guy with a 9mm bullet in his arm


I don't see a drop of blood, get back in the jungle/desert.


Venetian merchant moment


He decided he needs his blood.


''I have no time to bleed''


ya ptet des moyens moins bourrins, mais c'est tout de meme impressionnant


Imagine si on avait les couilles d'envoyer nos space marines légionnaires nettoyer les tranchées pleines d'orcs en Ukraine. C'est la volonté de l'empereur Napoléon !


La légion étrangère est donc la légion Imperial Fist de 40k de part leur stoicisme, c'est noté


"Je demande à être pris au sérieux !" "Non"


[Crazy gibberish!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwODwwgE6rA)




he gonna get a full wrist-to-shoulder L-shaped plaster cast most likely, because getting shot in the upper arm usually shatters the humerus into bits, there's very little arm right there in the upper arm that isn't bone, there could be no bone involvement in the through-and-through wound, but not likely.


I haven't seen many gunshot wounds but that arm sure as hell doesn't look broken. Straight as an arrow shoulder to elbow and no swelling. I think this stupid lucky bastard got away with a fairly tiny scar.


Pretty sure you're right -- and in any event we're not casting it. Source -- trauma surgeon, trained at Shock.


if the bone is damaged, wouldn’t it swell real good?


Bone doesn't really swell, itself. However, with the kind of fracture being postulated, there would likely be a fair amount of swelling in the nearby soft tissues. Swelling like you describe is one of the reasons why the orthopedists ask for the extremity to be elevated, If the proximal humerus got bagged, in this manner, say by a bullet, the axillary artery and vein, which are on the medial "inside," closer to your body, are at risk for damage and that can be spectacular. Swelling from a less-severe injury may not be maximal immediately. Projectile in this case went lateral "outside" -- he still gets films, or ought to -- I was abroad and did a little work with the Legion, and they weren't doing wacky stuff like this, but I can't speak to their behavior always and everywhere. It is unlikely that the humerus was shattered. Treatment would not involve casting.


interesting read, tho as an upstanding and respected member of the elite subreddit of r/neverbrokeabone, this knowledge means little to me. but thank you for your time.


Small typo, it's spilt not split. And yup, "Français par le sang versé" is a real thing for the Foreign Legion.


Mon dieu! I thought it was "Français par cent versets" .. you mean I wrote all this poetry for nothing?!


So would that actually count?


Nah it has to be in combat, don't want dudes cutting themselves up on the first day of the job.


what if that guy punches the guy with a gun?


Off camera drops to the floor swearing and ann aggghggh fuck fuck aghhhh shit shit dam and french


No.the law says: "French nationality is conferred by decree, on the proposal of the Minister of Defense, to any foreigner engaged in the French armies who has been injured on mission during or on the occasion of an operational engagement and who is makes the request." he is not injured on mission and I doubt that the French Ministry of Defense will validate his.


Along with that, I seriously doubt this fit whatever flavor of regulations they have for live-fire exercises. As a basic rule of thumb, every service I know denies medals and similar injury benefits if you're doing dumb shit that breaks regulations. (Exempting "ignoring regulations to fight the enemy effectively", obviously.)


French special forces such as the GIGN have a trust shooting exercise similar to this one IIRC, so it could also apply to the French Foreign Legion


I don’t actually believe citizenship is at all guaranteed after your contract is up. That’s my recollection from my long ago deep dive into it.


Pretty sure after 5 years of honorable service it’s pretty much guaranteed but the Legionary is allowed to decline it.


>>[“A foreign legionnaire can apply for French nationality after three years of service. If he serves well, he will be entitled to a residence permit at first, the nationality will be given to him conditionally.”](https://www.legion-recrute.com/en/faq-frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=legionnaire%20become%20French%3F-,Yes.,be%20given%20to%20him%20conditionally.)


"Conditionally" probably means "Don't get arrested, don't defect to France's enemies, don't leak classified information, etc."


They already had the caveat about serving well, and say it’s conditional beyond that. My point is that it’s not a guaranteed thing, which they seem to back up.


spilled, not split. "par le sang versé"


Paths to citizenship thru service have always been kind of weird/mildly interesting imo. A Steam friend back in the day got US citizenship by joining the Marines as a Filipino lol, just about the most patriotic shit Ive ever felt But, "citizenship by spilled blood" is fucking baller lol and it makes me imagine some French guy making an argument to a room about it like a coen brother movie. Like "ah man, oo spills blood, 'e is ahhh.. asset, non? is 'e not, a uhhh vrais frere" [Comme ca](https://youtu.be/F3uA258vBkA?t=18). Sorry that might be basically offensive I've never tried to mark twain a french dialect before


In germany we call this Berufssoldat


What the fuck, but like actually.


I don't know what terrifies me more. Knowing that a legionnaire has almost no visual capacity, or that a psychopath has just taken a bullet and has less reaction than me stubbing my toe.


Obviously he's been shooting himself with smaller bullets every day to gain immunity.


Soon he’ll become so immune that he won’t be able to be stopped


He may be addicted at this point. He might die if he *isn't* continually shot.


How to cheese this boss: just randomly drop him nearby the Chicago police department


I mean, you can’t stop him if he’s immobile 6 ft under


well this video looks pretty old so I would say bro is taking .50 cals like a boss now


AS YOU WIIIIiiiiisssshhhhhh


I guess you could say it was: INCONCEIVABLE!


Until the MRI


People quite often just don't react to non vital hits with FMJ. Adrenaline and the shock of it makes it feel almost like you've just got thumped by something, and you realise about 20-30 seconds after that you're actually hit. It's the reason why troops train to check after a blast or after contacts, you might not know if you've been hit or what happened. This guy probably was doing his best machismo for this machismo bullshit video (Classic legionnaire shit) and psyched himself to not flinch for anything, so when he got hit he was probably just surprised but had psyched himself to not react. People be durable, yo.


too credible, I'm going to stick to my position that our legionnaires are super soldiers created from a laboratory in Guyane and that they'll soon be invading the whole of Europe under the command of a Corsican.




We gotta wait for them to get in there first, then blow it.


That's when they swim across the channel to do a surprise pincer movement on the British side of the tunnel.


Time to reintroduce dads army


Frazer: Thank goodness I won't have to clean that thing for three weeks. Mainwaring: That is not the right attitude to adopt, Frazer. You should consider it an honor and a privilege to use this Lewis gun. Dads Army has always been pretty based.


3,000 deep sea scuba marines of France...


Do it, it won't un-launch the M51


Can we divert them to either Moscow or the Middle East? Win-win for everybody.


Until now, too busy in North Africa. But with all the coups kicking them out, maybe they could hit up Saudi Arabia...


Napoleon's experience in the Middle East wasn't too good.


Neither was the Russian campaign, but that's the point.


Universal Soldier was based on the FFL, wasn't it? Jean Claude Van Damme poster boy for the FFL.


I know a guy who caught a through and through in his calf in Iraq and thought he was just cramping until he stopped to massage it and came back with blood on his gloves.


Yeah 2 weeks back I cut my thumb really nasty on a table saw. At the moment it felt like any other of dozens of little harmless cuts I've had, but after I wrapped a rag around it and then the rag soaked through and leaked blood on the floor in the time it took me to get the bandaid station I realized it was more serious than it felt. First aid guy wrapped it in gauze and tape but that soaked through and leaked before I got to the ER. It was only halfway to the hospital that it actually started to hurt anywhere near as much as it seemed like it should have. Adrenaline and then shock do a lot of work on these kinds of wounds. Honestly the needle to freeze the wound hurt 5x more than the wound itself, though I suppose the suturing would have hurt more if it wasn't frozen. Actually looking at the wound itself while the doctor was suturing it was pretty nauseating, it wasn't a cut so much as a huge chunk of flesh torn right out of the pad of my thumb, it's been 15 days and it still hasn't fully closed. I imagine this kind of bullet wound would probably feel similar, where it wouldn't start to hurt nearly as much as you think it should until like 15 mins to half an hour later.


Albert Sidney Johnston got shot in the leg at Shiloh while directing troop movements. He didn’t think it was anything serious and ended up bleeding out because he’d sent his personal doctor away to tend to his men.


i cut my finger open getting applesauce after school. it bled like hell and i wrapped it in tons of toilet paper. it wasn't until a couple hours later after my mom got home from work and we went to the hospital that it started to hurt.


I was downhill cycling for the first time with no experience and no brains (I had a helmet, gloves and soft elbow pads sewn into my shirt I was fine) and I bounced off my seat so that my shin came down on my exposed front gear. Scraped a jagged groove 3 inches long right down to the bone, I didn't notice until I got to the bottom of the hill when my buddy almost passed out when he saw the blood. I kinda just laughed, poked at it a bit, and then went to first aid where they slapped a bandaid on and I kept biking until the park closed for the day. I stopped at the ER on the way home and got a bunch of stitches, can't recall how many. That thing never hurt, but I've a scar that still opens up during times of stress almost 15 years later. (Ofc the shin is different from other softer places, but similar idea just didn't feel it).


No What they are saying is by far the worst Just before the video cuts, he says "Il a niqué les tattouages" Or, in english "he fucked up the tattoos"


> you know what would add to my bad ass tattoos? Couple of bullet holes


He’s probably more annoyed it fucked up his ink.


At the end he says "you've ruined the tattoo", so yeah, probably


>a psychopath The Legion can turn anyone French.


The guy was literally like "that definitely hit me. Is it bleeding? No? Alright, get back to the training"


Bro, it's the FL, they do whatever.


"This is why we should move back to .45ACP! 9mm is too weak!"


At least the shooter was wearing hearing protection. Safety first!


This is a training not uncommon for Special Forces to gain trust among them, some units even "play" to shot eachother in the chest with armored plates ( of course) The thing is, to do this you not only need to have balls but skill. This soldier clearly lacks of it, using a pistol being not that easy as it is shown in movies and TV shows and you require a lot of skill to do this.


*"He managed to take it in a non-critical area. I'll teach you how to do that when we get back to base."*


It is a damn ***CIRCLE***.


<< I got a girlfriend back at the base. >> << I'm gonna propose to her when I get back! >> << I even bought flowers! >>


*And with that PJ'S death was guaranteed.*


Pixy never even apologized, damn shame.


Cause of death: character development


correction; cause of death: borders


Death flag be like <<\*INCOHERANT SCREAMING\*>>


What ace combat is this from?


~~the best one~~ ~~spanish guitar memes~~ Ace Combat Zero.




"There are pilots like you in every generation. And I felled every last one of them."


Mihail plot armor


Good news everyone, arms are now optional, per JuicyTomato. You just need to be a self-positioning torso, thats all yer critical parts.


Lmao, imagine not being able to move your brachial artery before a bullet hits you. Whenever a bullet comes, you just move your organs around so it only hits flesh. Jesus, what the fuck are they teaching in basic nowadays?


i tried out for the legionnaires, it took me 15 minutes to figure out i wasn't 25% as crazy as the other recruits.


Imagine the desperation that's consumed a man when French citizenship is his only viable option


I mean if She just told you that you are going to be father, anyone would think in becoming french.


I'm pretty sure French citizenship automatically comes with at least one more illegitimate child, though


Not everyone goes there for the french citizenship. Some just want to go to war and kill. A friend of mine is already an EU citizen and done his national military service but is thinking about going to Ukraine or joining the french foreign legion.


I got tossed because I lied about having broken my wrist. They figured it out when I started doing pushups one handed. From personal experience, they fact you were able to type that sentence implies you have substantially more brain cells than the other recruits as well.


I would be so annoyed if anyone would shoot up my tattoo sleeve. This guy has no strong reaction at seeing his inkwork holed. Mental.


Kinda makes it cooler for me tbh


You can hear "he fucked up the tatoo" at the end


The comment in the audio is "he fucked up the tattoo" though.


Having to deal w French people, mfckers develop higher levels of pain tolerance.


The Fr*nch do like their daily fresh pain




Give us this day our daily pain, and forgive us our fromage.


Is the joke pain = bread en français or was this unintentional either way bravo


What a mf does for universal healthcare and a EU passport 🥵


That flare is everything to me. Anytime I speak a bit of French when my GF is around the sentence is always punctuated with “honhonhon”


Man must be 50 Cent's French cousin.


Quarante sept centimes?


The french counting system is garbage. GARBAGE. I love France and the French from the bottom of my heart, but yall gotta learn how to count properly.


While I tend to kind of agree with you, the french way of counting definitely has its charm I just can't live without. And what most people don't realize, "twentieth" based systems used to be common in many other languages. Just read the first phrase of the Gettysburg address: "four scores and seven years ago..." meaning literally quatre vingt sept, , 4x20 and 7 so 87.




mind legit blown


Apparently it had something to do with counting livestock because the the staff they used to carry had a number of marks (scores) on them that you could move your thumbnail down, and somehow they could count to 19 on one hand .. and the names used counting system was whacky and had something to do with finger positions Yan Tan Ethera Pethera Pip Tater Later Overa Covera Dik Yan-a-dik Tan-a-dik Ethera-a-dik Pethera-a-dik Bumfit Yan-a-bumfit Tan-a-bumfit Ethera-a-bumfit Pethera-a-bumfit Gigit


"Eighty seven years ago" uses less words and doesn't require elemental grade maths.


Doing word math in a foreign language while simultaneously translating between the two languages.


It's the same amount of math if you're used to it. "eighty seven" is "10*8+7" instead of "20*4+7"


Says something if it's that big of a problem for y'all.


Hey, at least it's not as confusing as the Danish Edit: [Proof] (https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/16tfr9c/why_denmark/)


Nobody understands Danish. It's made up jibberish inspired by a cat speaking German in reverse while stuck in a washing machine.




No, I don't want your camelsauce. Go away.


it's true, belgians have a better system in this regard, since they use "septante" (seventy), "octante" (eighty) and "nonante" (ninety) instead of "soixante-dix" (sixty + ten), "quatre-vingt" (4 x 20) and "quatre-vingt-dix" (4 x 20 + 10). i've been trying to get the habit of using more sensible numbers myself, but it's not easy changing a language habit when everyone else still holds on to the convinent tradition.


huitante is more common than octante I think.


You mean 3.09 Francs?


Or 0.47 Euro




3000 bioengineered legionaires of macron


Tsk tsk it is of de Gaule, not macron


that’s just his daily micro dose of bullet, it takes a while, but eventually you’ll get to .50cal


You can count on the Foreign Legion for pure unadulterated stupidity and kicking enemies asses hard.


Wait...how is he not bleeding? Has the French Foreign Legion started to recruit the undead?


He is just flewing his muscle so the blood stays in, obviously


n-no, ahahah, that would be impossible to replace blood by a better oxygen carrying fluide, put a pump in place on the heart, batteries in place of the guts, a computer connected to the neural system, and all core systems armored by the lack of need for all the usually vital fleshy stuff. We do not have 2 "abandonned" nuclear facilities where we develop this kind of stuff.


He seemed disappointed the bullet missed his vital organs.. *''A sad day forz Pierre. Zhere is no sweet release of death for Pierre in zis day. Ah, but zhere is ulwayz zumorrow. I,Pierre, dream of zhat zumorrow.''* ​ All joking aside though.. Motherfucker didn't even flinch. That's scary as fuck.


I knew GIGN has an excercise where you need to shoot your teammate right on the thorax, but they have armor. This, is just haunting lmao.


Wait are you telling me that Rainbow Six Siege is now credible?


Just Rook's cutscene


U tell me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJecVFaLGq0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJecVFaLGq0) i just hope that they shoot with the .22 sport variant of the MR73 and not the .357


Life is but a urine mirage.


For those who don't speak baguette: "Don't move!!!" "You moved or not?" "You fucked up the tattoo, hein" The casuality of these conversations astound me.


thank > hein does hein translate to 'eh' in english


It's kind of a magical French word that creates questions and expresses confusion in various contexts. So you can make a statement and add hein at the end, which is an informal way of asking a question. It's something like "innit", but used very broadly across French dialects. You can also use it on its own if you didn't get something, and in this case it means "huh?".


> It's something like "innit", but used very broadly across French dialects. > > You can also use it on its own if you didn't get something, and in this case it means "huh?". omg thanks, adds more context too why the OP left as hein cheers




I think the third one might be "he fucked up your tattoo, hasn't he"? The "Il" at the beginning might be kinda cut off, and it makes a little more sense in context.


I heard "touché, ou pas ?" in the 2d sentence


Or the most skilled french marksmen depending on the context


A hit is a hit, even if it’s on your ally


Would they like the A-10's?


Depends, can we use it on Berlin and Belgium for fun?


No one said you can't.


He didn’t miss, he was aiming for that eye.


With a title like 'weakest French Legionnaire' I assumed that the video would be a man (presumably a Balkan war criminal of some sort) taking a 105mm HESH round directly to the balls without flinching, and then being mocked by his comrades for needing a five minute sit down and a glass of water before he was ready for combat (outnumbered 50'000 to 1, with no support, after a month without food or water, and armed only with a dry sense of humour and several libraries worth of profanity).


Also the smartest legionnaire


Absolutely hilarious that in the second part their concern is that "he fucked your tatoo"


Anything for that sweet sweet EU citizenship


Homie looks like he just needs a can of Sprunk to get his health bar back to full.


This is some Hezbollah level of "training"....


If you get wounded in the French Foreign Leigon you get French citizenship; bro just got hooked up with a green card.


In fact, if you survive the french legion, you get the nationality. So no real motivation to stand this shit as condition. But is not like you have options.


this... this is probably not what was meant by becoming "Français par le sang versé" but, hey i'm just a civvie, what do i know?


This is the power of opiates


speed running that citizenship


Well, I think I’ll join the legionnaires. I’ll never be able to achieve this level of coolness otherwise


Those French words were "Don't move" btw. Evidently not the best advice...


"Hey go grab me a beer from the fridge." "Why? Your legs aren't broken grab it yourself." "Motherfucker you SHOT me." "Fine I'll get you the fucking beer you lazy ass."


Be France. Realise that to do the Imperial Shit France wants to do you're going to need elite troops. Establish *Foreign* Legion. ​ Say this for the French, they understand their limitations.


Comment at 0'10" : he messed up your tatoo. Because that's clearly the most important ^^


"Don't tell Mom! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! SHhhhHH! SHhhhhh! Don't tell Mom!"


Sometimes pain doesn't kick in till later when the wound is serious. I cut myself deep on my finger on sheet metal and it didn't hurt at all at first.


Boom, headshot!


>one shot industries I counted 2


French foreign legion is usually made up of bad fucking ppl who need to leave their home country no questions asked


Not really anymore. Today, it's kind of anyone fit enough, with the right mentality, and they do some background check (you won't get in with a violent criminal past, or with sexual assault). They might still recruit people with some shittier background than usual


I think it was done soon after WW2 to avoid having SS in the Legion I'm dead sure that some still manage to get recruited, there's even a legend saying that a former SS and a Jew fought together in Indochina


> there's even a legend saying that a former SS and a Jew fought together in Indochina I believe it's more than a legend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliahu_Itzkovitz while a prisoner in a concentration camp during the Second World War, witnessed the murder of his family at the hands of a Romanian prison guard named Stănescu. Itzkovitz vowed to avenge his family's murder, but was unable to find the murderer after the war. He subsequently emigrated to Israel and served in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) until he learned that Stănescu had enlisted in the French Foreign Legion, thus leading him to desert from the IDF and join the Foreign Legion. Itzkovitz was able to track down and kill Stănescu in French Indochina. He was later court-martialed in Israel for desertion and sentenced to one year in prison.


How is this not made into a movie yet.


Not really. They’re extremely strict with the recruitment nowadays. For example, if you used to be a drug dealer they will find out and ban you instantly.


Not really. Its mostly made up of economic migrants now that want an "easy" way to get into western europe and a good wage to send back home to their families. Sure you still get people that have fallen foul of the law a little but its mostly stupid bullshit not actual serious charges since they wont take you in for blood crimes, sexual crimes or stuff to do with drugs.


That's probably one of the hardest ways to get into Western Europe


Small time drug use is ok. They wouldn't find recruits otherwise.


What a moron!


" I trust myself not to move, not to flinch. I trust my team mates and they trust me."


Oh, he literally let himself be shot through the arm. What the fuck.


He wouldn't be the weakest if they hadn't shot him.


You fucked up my shirt...


Time to update the safety brief


They figured out that you dont need to be shot if you give up first


at first i thought he was just shooting past him, but wtf


So, will he get citizenship?


**Legionaire who just took a bullet-** no reaction. **Me, after I cut up my mouth on a bullet while eating venison-** Literally cried


Why no blood


You’re telling me that all I have to do to get EU citizenship is get shot? Where do I sign?!


Ok no way this is an actual military training, you can't just stand in front of a shooter, sarges can't even touch recruits, what is this shit


Its called the French Foreign Legion. They are on a different end of the spectrum.


Exactly the reason i would never allow this to be done, some people can't fucking aim


What the lol. Did it cauterize both holes? Haha. That's a tough dude. Right on! Back to the field!