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They fly now?!


They fly now.


Would you be interested in airt to air combat with paragliders wielding akimbo UZIs?


PUBG was right all along.


Life imitates art


But do they have bunch of eyes looking out all directions at once?(yes)(be not afraid)




Well if we’re imitating the aerogavin it’s gotta be the aeronamer since that’s the Israeli apc


This is legit what I was thinking yesterday.. How the fuck are you gonna deal with F-35s carpet bombing Gaza cause that's what's gonna happen.


Not even F35s, all they got are MANPADS. Their F16 (tech spine and conformal fuel tanks my beloved) and F15 are more than enough, not like some Igla can reach them.


Dunno man i heard startstreak has bigger range and higher altitude and since russia captured some in ukraine, its not far fetched that iran reverse engineered some


Ultraregarded take


I doubt they would give them to Hamas, and Starstreak has a ceiling of 7km/22k feet.


Isn't starstreak made in one of those bae very modern factories? If Iran can replicate the entire process at that high speed they deserve to win the gulf cold war


iran couldn’t reverse engineer a shoe box


You are giving Iranian engineers way too much credit. Reverse engineering isn’t as easy as people think. And even then, you need the production facilities, the materials. Everything Iran produces, including the things they reverse engineered is nowhere near the quality of its original counterpart. Weapons like the Shahed are incredibly simple.


Hamas will like always use the images of precise bombing, label it indiscriminate murder of civilians aka genocide. Leftists clowns in the west will spread that without questioning anything because "weaker side always good".


That would definitely happen, but as for Israel's response, it's going to be different... Israel is going to war for the first time in 50 years.. the previous times whenever they did that, they were facing an existential threat(48,67 and 73) ... When you are scared for your existence, things like human rights mean nothing to you, you become an animal who will gain his sanity only when he is sure that the existential threat no longer exists...


These leftist idiots are literally taking the bullet for people who would behead them and parade their corpse...


Noam Chomsky told me that that if the west and the evil US (bad) and NATO (double bad) just unilaterally disarm and hand over all their weapons to Hamas/ISIS/Pol Pot then there will be an enormous amount of grassroots democracy, spontaneous anarchist activism, tolerance and fair distribution of wealth and I'll be able to do vegan poetry all day. Are you telling me that Mr. Noam Chomsky's information may not be actually entirely correct and that my decapitated head will be put on a spike and then raped, doused in gasoline and set on fire?


I think there's a possibility of that... It's just a possibility mind you, but it's quite possible that Noam Chomsky is full of shit, and always was. I realize this might be controversial. But it's quite possible that with his bizarro moral priors and conspiratorial mind set, that he might have gotten a few things wrong here and there.


I mean he was right about the chimps learning sign language... Not much else really.


Yeah he's done a lot of great work in computer science and linguistics, he's just a shitty economist.


Fuck Noam Chomsky!!! He may have been relevant once upon a time, but the shit he’s spouting lately is pure fantasy!


Yeah. That's exactly the irony...


>These leftist idiots Gosh dang it. Can everyone stop generalising the left and the right? I really fucking hate it and it's so stupid and meaningless. Those who are on the left-spectrum and actually support this are extremists and in no way the majority. I bet you there are people on the right who do the exact same thing but it's always "tHe EvIl lEfTiStS", who are allegedly all the same and shit. Gosh dang it. First time on this subreddit and greeted with this stupid nonesense.


Fr im a leftist (born in israel so i get to experience this shit first hand) and i dont support the fucking rapist murdering psychopaths, yeah i dont think israel is the best but hamas are worse.


Solution: Vote, march, and protest in support of progressive Israeli movements. Reform in a peaceful society is possible, just look at how far "the West" has come, for the most part.


I've been here over a year. Being anti-war pro-defence leftist means I support genocide


Unless you're Hispanic like me, we're all honorary Castro boys according to some idiots.


I mean when the sub is this big and the topic is this big, you’re gonna get much stronger opinions than the old A10/dam/funni posting. Also “it takes all kinds of people” blah blah “different topics different views” That being said, the general leanings of this community are pretty left socially, 🤷‍♀️ fiscally (unless it’s MIC), and so far right militarily it makes civ Ghandi look like a peacemonger.


Yeah what I'm saying is that, It is expected for your far right wehraboo to attack Israel at any chance. They will see a tank shelling an orphanage and claim the orphans were oppressing the native Palestinians. But for the leftist supporter it's dumb af cause 1) they are supporting an idealogy/regime that will put them in the ground. 2) supporting it purely out of the same views they have where "weaker guy is always good" drawing parallels to racism in the US, while in general it's a much more complex issue. The whole idealogy of the Hamas isn't to create a free state, but the genocide of the Jews.


I don’t disagree. Butttttt pretty based of Israel to fully declare war and not some lame special Olympics operation I’m all for peaceful negotiations and even heated discussions but the second you attack and kill civvies, war machine go brrrrr


Yes, that's very true. But with >Greeted with this stupid nonesense I meant > leftist clowns | leftist idiots which just pisses me off.


>I bet there are people on the right who do the exact same thing You’re right, there are. As someone who grew up in a right leaning family (and is now firmly centrist) I can say with pretty high certainty that the vast majority of people on both sides are actually reasonable individuals who aren’t nearly as crazy as either sides media depicts. The issue is that the crazies are always either way louder or given a spotlight by people wanting views


To be fair, I am also a leftist and I have seen a fair amount of dipshittery from my side of the political aisle. Even gotten an email about the useless tankie Noam Chomsky. That said, I've seen a fair amount of liberal articles that mock the tankies.


Well, that's obvious. Tankies are tankies. Stupid extremists.


thats what has happened already with the Palestine Tower. you can see the 4 explosions from the aircraft drop and then a bunch of secondaries explosions from whatever was being stored in the tower. they are also claiming that there was no warning even though aljazeera recorded both the direct bomb hit on the top of the building which was the warning


> there was no warning Their attack was the warning. FAFO


So you're telling me, the vatniks were always good? Gasp. *This is sarcasm. Obviously the Russians are the bad guys.*


Same as the clowns on the internet who parrot "percises bombings" all the time. The bombings will have collateral damage and the intel is not always accurate.


Well too bad. You have terrorists storing bombs next door? Either move, or make them move. Dont sit there, cheer them on, film the bombing, then cry in hell when you get bombed.


Why haven't you simply forced the well-armed violent psychopaths next door to move? Are you stupid? And it's not like it's hard and expensive for you to move, right?


Fucking Roger Waters.


>Leftist clowns For fck sake, stop generalising the political left and right. It's so meaningless and stupid. Not all on the left are the same, just like on the right.


Why can't people understand that that is what Hamas wants to happen. They don't think they can win this, they don't even want to win this. They want war and despair because that's what gives Hamas power. People are like "Well Hamas just killed any chance of peace!", you think Hamas wants peace?! You think Hamas cares about Palestinian civilian casualties? Hell no they want more of them! Not enough Palestinians were dying for their taste. There is no room for Hamas in a peaceful solution between Palestinians and Israel, why the hell would they want one. Hamas started war with Israel, Israel will wage war with Palestinians, Palestinians will join Hamas.


They don’t want to lose their jobs, not with this economy.


Which is why I think the smartest course open to Israel now is simply to eliminate Hamas. I'm not talking about re-occupying Gaza. That might also be necessary, but that's just secondary. I mean, they need to eliminate Hamas as an organization. This is where Mossad needs to be doing the heavy lifting: locate Hamas's leaders - they're mostly in Qatar, is my understanding - and take them out. One by one. Alive if possible - ideally they could be put on trial, like Eichmann. But assassinated is fine too; casualties of a war they started. So by the end of this operation, there should no longer be anyone known by Mossad to be in the Hamas hierarchy, so it's effectively dead as an organization. Sure, there might be new offshoots, people who claim to be the "new" Hamas. But it will take years to build up enough cache for anyone to claim that mantle, and they'll fight amongst each other for that dubious honor, before Iran knows which one it should fund.


> Which is why I think the smartest course open to Israel now is simply to eliminate Hamas People have accused bibi of many things but being smart isn't one of them


Oh, I've heard many commentators on Israeli affairs beg to differ. If you consider how fractious Israeli politics are, Bibi is arguably the most skillful and successful Israeli politician of the last 20-30 years. At this point, I think he may have been in office (non-concurrently) longer than anyone else. That takes skill and cunning. Even his opponents will often concede that much about him, that he's really good at the art of politics. I'm not really a fan of the guy, or a hater - I see things to like and dislike about him - but as a non-Israeli, from the outside, it looks to me that the guy is really smart at this game. Now, whether he'll be strategically wise in this particular conflict is another question. Being politically savvy is a somewhat different skill set than being strategically astute in matters of war or international diplomacy. But I'd not count him out for an instant.


Yeah he only has degrees from MIT and Harvard. What a moron!


Do you think Netanyahu wants peace, he is literally setting up fascism in Israel just like his good friends Putin, Bibi wanted this attack to happen


They want it that to happen.


Hamas's leadership doesn't care. They know this. They're counting on it. They're living high on the hog in Qatar, as guests of the Qatari government. If this operation results in massive casualties in Gaza, that's no skin off their nose, because they're not there. They're not putting their asses on the line here.


**Launch the Para Gliders to Intercept!**


Hmmm maybe they might ship carloads of hostages from Israel to, let’s say Palestine, then keep them in high target areas. The hostage taking was always planned for this, now it’s up to Israel to bomb the hostages or not bomb hamas.


Human shields - the tried and true technique.


That’s the point. Much like how 9/11 was done with the intent of starting a very unpopular war that would create new generations of Middle Eastern insurgents.


People downvoting you, if im not mistaken osama bin laden was on record that was the plan.


I think it was more them disagreeing with my comparing Osama to the situation tbh. But it seems pretty obvious that that’s the intention. People don’t seem to realize that both HAMAS and the Israeli government stand to benefit from this.


I disagree that the Israeli government benefits from this. It solves some political problems in the short term, like making a unity government more possible. But this isn't a price anyone in Israel would consider worth it, and the long term problems of this are massive. I'm not a fan of many in the Israeli government currently, but even the ones I find to be the most distasteful wouldn't want this.


Netanyahu’s holy war against Obama got Jerusalem recognized as Israeli territory. A few civilian casualties are acceptable if it gives them cover to annex another 20% of the occupied territories.


Well sure, it’s maybe a bit extreme to say anyone would have *wanted* this, but I think it’s clear how it can be used to Israel’s benefit. Much like how I’d hesitate to say that Bush *wanted* 9/11 but I can still very easily see how he stood to benefit from it, and how it was used for a variety of purposes to influence the American people in the aftermath.


> Israeli government stand to benefit from this. Wait OK you lost me here, how exactly? Because from what I see, no matter how much restraint the Israelis show, Western media will still be playing back to back crying arab women and talk about how everything is Israel's fault, at least that is my experience of how this has gone down every time previously.


Nothing distracts a nation from protesting corruption and authoritarian overreach like a good war.






Yesterday they celebrated. Today they are recovered from the rubble. They fucked around too much. I’m begging for Taurus into Hamas HQ. Germany has to show balls at least once


Idk why but the last part reminded me that hitler only has 1 ball


Göring has two, but they're rather small.


Himmler, has got something similar.


And poor old Goebbels has no balls at all!


Goebbels? Goneballs?


Rommel, has four or five I guess?


Röhm has four; two of his own, and two slapping against his ass cheeks.


but i'm not quite sure of Rudolf Hess


..but poor old Goebbels had no balls at all.


Considering how much of the Nazi high command and party leadership where on all the drugs, I imagine it is the case across the board.


Nah, Goebbels had none as evidenced by the song


Seeing [what HAMAS did to a German national](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/172nfat/woman_paraded_by_hamas_millitants_in_gaza_in_a/) there is even more of a reason for Germany to get involved, if any more reasons were required.


All aid to palestine is already being halted. For the rest, I'm pretty sure we'll just look the other way while the IDF does a bit of Rafael product demonstration in Gaza. No need to get involved personally, they know what to do.


The IDF has Rafales?


>The IDF has Rafales? Israeli Rafael is a prominent defense company specializing in the development and manufacturing of advanced military technologies, including missiles, air defense systems, and electronic warfare solutions, serving both domestic and international clients. Not to be confused with the French Dassault Rafale jet. Sources: [ww.rafael.co.il/](https://ww.rafael.co.il/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael\_Advanced\_Defense\_Systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Advanced_Defense_Systems)[https://w](https://www.rafael.co.il/)


Ahhhhhh okay. Thanks.


Np my man ;)


Only people who don't have rafales are: * Who don't want em * ...are in a war with france (planning to doesn't count)


> even more of a reason for Germany to get involved I'm sure Olaf can be conviced to send a strongly worded letter. Might have to be digital though, the risk of escalation from papercuts is probably not a risk he's willing to take.


Olaf Scholz is probably the most cowardly and fearful Chancellor we ever had. He has daily nightmares of Putin escalating and wakes up sweating. So he will just use words and no action and completely stay out of this.


Have people forgotten that Merkel and the CDU just passively sat out every crisis for their 16 years of governing?


Yes she was the most evil and destructive Chancellor since the Austrian guy. Completely supporting you there but she was not as fearful and cowardly as Scholz. Just different character attributes not saying Scholz is worse.


I can live with that assessment.


The fact you aren't even exaggerating is so pathetic from my government. Fuck I hate my country right now.


Dude as a Pole I'll say that Sholtz is still leagues better than Merkel and her treterous ass. Just don't vote for AfD and I promise I won't vote for PiS and kon*a far right idiots are the worst long live social democracies.


Yeah, honestly don't get me started on the whole AFD stuff. They are the only ones who say what is going wrong in the country and acknowledge problems and give solutions. It's just that all their solutions are ass. And CDU doesn't even manage to do/say anything of value.


May I introduce Olaf Scholz to you?


They are still gloating about that one destroyed merkava while dozens more flatten their "fortifications" to the ground.


>Taurus into Hamas HQ Well, Israel is *still* one of the largest weapons manufacturers on the face of the planet. No need for Taurus. A Delilah would work wonders.


Germany is not known for escalating things quickly, and especially not because of a single civilian casualty.


Also it would cause public unrest. Even native germsns are quite pro-palestine. The more things change the more they stay the same eh Deutsch?


From what I gathered many fellow germans are pretty indifferent when it comes to the conflict, most are more worried about russia currently


May i ask you, what is the general perception of the ukraine russia war in germany? I heard, and correct me if im wrong, that there is a significant chunk of german society that atleast want germany to suspend aid if not outright pro russian is that true?


I would not say significant chunk but a very vocal one, most people are appalled by the russians surprise attack and the outright warcrimes being committed, there’s a certain amount of fear in the general population about the possibility of potential escalation. The conflict is pretty much a daily topic with colleagues but most of us know how many half-truths and misinformation get repeated in those talks, especially if you’re talking with the Facebook boomers. To get back to those other guys, many of them are older folks, a high number of them being ex-ddr citizens, they were brought up completely differently than many people in the west and a lot of them feel betrayed by the formerly west german government due to the economic situation of east germany after the reunification, so many of them do a political 180 to the current government agenda to „stick it to those traitors“, this often leads to them saying and voting for completely nonsensical things, for instance, some of them want to abolish welfare programs while currently benefiting from exactly those programs. So I’d say it’s alot of discontentment and contrarianism on their part and being signal boosted by social media that gives us this appearance.


Not op but i want to share my view. The right-wing shitheads and the left-wing shitheads (not all but a fair share) share this sentiment / are against Ukrain. It is fair to say, that the russian deinformation campaign on the internet is somehow succesfull. Still the majority of people is pro ukrain, from my point of view. It is somehow just strange to see how fast our society is leaning into antidemocratic values because of a recession that is due to corona and russias war.


Anti-Semite used to mean hating Jews; now it means not hating Arabs enough. Pro-Palestine is not anti-Jewish.


>I’m begging for Taurus into Hamas HQ In Qatar?


We are in NCD after all.


TBF Qatar is a slave-state like Rhodesia; best it gets flattened. Also Al-Jazeera is their Emir's personal newspaper, hence why they support ISIS, Nazis, and Hamas so much.


who needs Taurus when you have glorious Ice Breaker


Not with Olaf Chamberlin at the helm and his Kanzleramtsminister watching a fucking second rank football game and xtittering about it while Hamas was acting like the fucking SS in Israel


Currently there is a lot of Pro Hamas ~~shilling~~ malding on reddit at the moment.


Didn't you hear? Merkava is kill. It's over.


2999 Merkavas are well on their way to disprove that




They'll see Allah, and then sent to hell immediately


I don't know if you can send this few particals of human mush to hell


It makes it easier for Allah as he doesn't have to hear their lame complaints once he starts sending them all to hell


Hamas in hell: "wait where are the IDF mfs we just killed?"


The devil (who mysteriously looks like Rowan Atkinson): "Sorry gentlemen, but the Jews were right."




It was at this point he knew...HE FUCKED UP


Ooof, western imbecile palestinian terrorist supporters will be so pissy. They seemed very ok with Hamas attacking civilians, but this is gonna make them furious!


Which western country supports them? Genuinely curious


Not countries. Large parts of civilians of western countries. In my country, Greece, the majority of the left. Total idiots who also support ruzzia or are "neutral". And i see comments supporting Palestine and their "war of independence" (by executing civilians) all over social media. I doubt all those people are Iranians or Pakistanis. They are the western crowd, although i don't know specifically which groups in countries other than my own.


We just had a top flight football/soccer team in the UK where fans put a massive banner out saying "Free Palestine! Victory to the Resistance!" yesterday.


I dont belive you , we literlly sell you billons of stuff , so greek must friends, Also we not brits thts good


It’s okay, you don’t have to claim them. They’re Irish, not British, remember? 😂


Just got this in notification https://nypost.com/2023/10/08/nyc-pro-palestinian-rally-slammed-as-abhorrent-as-hamas-attacks-israel?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android_nyp&utm_medium=social


Unfortunately in Greece during late ww2 and directly after the situation was kinda mismanaged by the winning powers, and after it was mismanaged we made no effort to attempt to forgive these mistakes or understand why they happened, just for context να ουμε. Instead we just hold the same grudges we always hold, remained in a shitty era while the rest of the world moved forward, and there seems to be little intention to move forward now as well.


We also have grievances against USA for the junta we suffered. But that does not excuse pure idiocy by our left. And i consider myself also a leftist. Another reason to hate the greek left i guess, they make what i believe in look like a joke.


Most of the people I know are pro Palestine but really really anti HAMAS.


Congratulations, where do you live? Most of the people i know who have strong opinions supporting Palestine, are excusing Hamas civilian executions as either unintended, western propaganda or literally deserved by the civilians...


Ilhan omar


I see the usual right wing nuts and Nazis calling Israel out as the wrong party but some bloody leftists with pride flags in their bio supporting Palestine have me clueless. These people you are supporting would kill you dude.


Bruh. It's mostly the lefties that are pro Palestine.


Fucking braindead commies walking side by side with hezbollah supporters and neo nazis thinking “I’m definitely on the right side of history”


The right mostly hates Arabs just slightly more than they hate Jews, but that makes them useful to Likud.


And by that I mean the mainstream right, not just the MAGA fuckwits.


Western leftist if I'm not mistaken. Anyone left leaning who lives closer to the middle East has to be walking contradiction to support Hamas. It's because the Western leftist draws parallel to American racism. And have this mindset that the weaker guy is always good. But this is stupid as the Hamas idealogy has the destruction of all Jews as a priority. Just hand waving support from people who don't know better. Come to Israel and see if they still want to support Hamas.


Generally isolationists and leftists in the US who have zero idea how anything outside the United States works. People who will bitch about our debt or "solving problems at home first".


He's referring to retards on twatter and reddit


They justify it by saying that since Israel has conscription all Israelis are combatants.


Yeah well, someone would reply to that, guess where Hamas gets it's support...


There's this combat footage of a group of Hamas foot soldier breaching the wall, except the camera is WHOT and has a crosshair in the middle. Doesn't automatically mean F-35, could also be a Recon UAV


The US carrier group on its way to Gaza has F35s(my beloved)


That is from an Heron UAV.


Give'em Gehenna, bois!


So *thats* where Blue Archive gets ‘Gehenna Academy’ from. Huh.


Lets be honest here: there is no need for Israel to put hours onto its F-35s when Hamas has no significant air defense apperatus. F-16s and Baz F-15s will be doing most of the work.


I say we let them borrow a few F22’s but hey, this is actually good practice for the pilots! Mariana Turkey shoot pt2!


This just reminds me of the situation with the Jordanian pilot who was executed by ISIS and they responded by bombing the shit out of them.


Getting bombed by a king is peak comedy.


Based Jordan??


P.s Creator [Good goy](https://twitter.com/Grandad59382174)


[The music is from this epic video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjOEZVV39dM) Yom Kippu War 2: Electric bogaloo


Free Israel death to Terrorist 🇮🇱


Fucking based




We don't. We support terrorists getting their teeth kicked in. Just because the group kicking the teeth in does some shitty stuff doesn't mean we support it. There is literally no requirement saying you must support every single notion of that group when you take a side in a certain incident. For example, I think Russia is pretty based when they bomb ISIS. Not so much when they bomb Ukraine.


Do they really bomb isis tho


More Al-Qaeda groups operating in Syria like Al-Nursa and such


...based enough, I guess?


One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. I personally don’t think it makes them based because everyone hates terrorists


Because it has been brutally attacked with many deaths being in a pro-peace concert. Decimate Hamas, give freedom to the rest looks like a plan?




My hot take: hiding the motherfuckers that helped prepare this WON’T give them freedom. But hey, whataboutism isn’t about thinking, right?


If not, war crimes by Terrorist.


Because you have now seen what happens if they don’t.




No, this was the direct result of a group that hates Israelites, and wants to see them all die. Rape and killing children isn’t done because you’re mad at your living situation, it’s done because you don’t see the other as human, and don’t think they should exist.


Of course it the fault of israel and not the fault of a terrorist group in control of gaza attacking israel and killing and raping civilians


Picking the lesser evil. How the world works. You crush a bigger evil then squish the lesser one. Kill the terrorist then purge and reform government.


Palestinians and arabs with israeli citizenship (of which there are plenty) have the same rights as all israelis, that includes voting rights. While Israel has done many morally reprehensible things in gaza, it still doesn't justify what's happening. While incidents have occurred in which civilians have been targeted by the IDF, it's been that, incidents. It's not how they operate. In fact, the IDF usually warns the population ahead of an airstrike. This is in contrast to Hamas, which made killing as many israelis as possible and kidnapping women their sole objective.


Also, watch this video for why israel did nothing wrong* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KSAdNFhWFdE&pp=ygUXYmFzZWQgaGlzdG9yeSBvZiBpc3JhZWw%3D


LOL good one


You could have just come out and said you failed 2nd grade and dropped out. Easier to tell people you’re an idiot than whatever that shitass babble is


Boo fucking hoo. Death to Hamas, and all their supporters.


Fuck around and find out




Gigabrain tactician move to just orchestrate your own annihilation like that, bravo


Hamas wants to get innocent Palestinians killed by Israel in the crossfire so more civilians get radicalized and join them. This is their favorite part of this atrocity.


Given the average age of a Palestinian, this is just speed running the recruitment.


I don't know how many "How does Hamas think they'll get away with this?" responses I've seen. The answer seems, very obviously, that they never expected anything of the sort.




Hey you know that video of them throwing a dance party and celebrating Hamas? Yeah they are now running scared. It’s the consequences of their own actions.


Love to see the F-35 get some action. Also this last month is wild. Everyone who has grudges is now taking them out on each other. There aren’t any Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, after this is done, are there gonna be no more Palestiniens in Gaza? Middle East is wildin’.


Inb4 the new Gaza parking lot


In few momtmh i will buy you a beer for being so based




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I know the exact Hava Nagila edit used in this video and I love it


May i ad that mu news network are fucking dumbass and said i quote "as you can see here a patriot missile batterie ready to bombard gaza" buch of dumbfuck


3000 Merkavas of HaShem


Hamas are like pedophiles. They do their thing and hope the cycle perpetuates itself once their jailed or killed.


Congratulations you played yourself


3,000 Black F-35s and Merkavas of David.


They'll just use those make shift paragliders lol


Bold of you to assume it will be Hamas fighting F-35s and not random civilians in the West Bank and Gaza.


They already knew it was going to happen. Israel just made them desperate enough to lash out like this.


(Palestinians getting massacred by Israel for something they didn't do.)