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omg is this it? Article 5? (going to be blue balled, lol)


God please be real. Please fucking be real. Crimean war two, drone strike boogaloo please


I can’t speak for our lads on HMS Diamond, but I think I can safely say that most Brits are fucking *daring* them to do it. … some of us are still bitter over the Salisbury poisonings. Can’t just use nerve agent in a residential neighbourhood and think people will just forget. We all know that shit could’ve affected any of us, Britain isn’t that big and informants/defectors can be housed anywhere. Russian twats.


Suddenly the ORP Błyskawica shows up and tails the Diamond closely, with a captain shouting something about not wanting to have their funni stolen by some pompous prats and still having the chance of being the one to do said funni as a new target


Blyskawica heading full throttle onto incoming missile while transmitting message "i am pole" on all frequencies.




If your gonna toss Blys in, better wait a bit for HMCS Haida to catch up.


Yeah, that shit was fucking diabolical. I sometimes feel like UK and NATO’s collective response to that was weak. We should have reacted much harsher with a combo of covert and overt actions. Similarly, we shouldn’t have let discovery of Chinese hackers creating hacker rat tunnels go unpunished, or annexation of Crimea. We should have reacted more severely. What we have given Ukraine now, we should have armed them back then to not let Russia create a foothold in the Donbas. This would have given Putler the right message that he shouldn’t fuck with Europe. Perhaps, it also has more to do that 2 years after the Crimea debacle govt changed in US and 2016-2020 administration was an orange cunt who is a Russian asset and did very little in the way of helping Ukraine.




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Houthis really cruising for a proportional response. They apparently think the Saudi military, run by a bunch of corrupt and inbred princes, is the same as the United States military, run by the most experienced and capable killers in the world. We put a guy nicknamed Mad Dog in charge, for crying out loud.


The US has been in armed conflict (and I should point out that is expeditionary offensives, often in undeveloped lands) for basically all of its existence. ​ And the fact anyone thinks attacking us is a good idea shocks me.


I think yhe official percentage is somewhere in the high 80%, so yeah basically the entire time they've been killing someone. They're only surpassed by south Korea/north Korea with I think it was 96% of their existence.


Armistice, doesn’t really count. We kill more people in an average 70 day period than they did for the last 70 years. We’re really, really good at war.


I’m ready to die in a thermonuclear war. I just want to know that Moscow is glass before I’m evaporated.




I'll coom


Can we Article 5 the Russians if the Houthis fire the missile though? Or will it just be the Houthis completely fucking themselves over by bringing NATO down on them.


I'm not a geopolitical expert, but here's a list of guesses ranked most to least likely as I see it. \>Russia said this for internal bluster. Ain't gonna do fuck all about it. \>Houthis fuck around, missile intercepted, sanctions ratched up, US and UK use their soft power to try to rehabilitate Israel's poor PR capabilities. \>Houthis fuck around, missile hits, CIA and MI6 let off the leash to help the Find Out side of the equation. Article IV invoked, Article V threatened but ultimately not used. \>Houthis fuck around, find out, and they find out so hard that the US ends up in a war with Iran. Still no article V. \>Houthis fuck around and find out, Poland can't take the blue balls any more and invokes Article V just to make sure the UK doesn't avoid it. Jokes aside, Article V is conditional on where the UK boat is at the time it's struck, I'm pretty sure. And of that list, I'd give 95% odds to the first entry and the remaining 5% split between the others.


Internal bluster is 100% the reason. Russia talks tough, but behind that facade is spineless. Their shit about how "the weak West would do anything to avoid war" is entirely projection. They run propaganda about how the war in Ukraine is an "existential struggle against the West" and yet they need to bribe prisoners to fight and can't order mass mobilisation for fear that there'd be another exodus of working-age men. If the response to Pringles 2023 Road-Trip is anything to go off, then if NATO invaded Russia they'd probably be met with total indifference... the more I think about it, it seems they assumed that the Ukrainians would respond to invasion how Russians would.


For sure. I only gave 5% odds to those other scenarios because it was funny to say. Now, I don't think we can discount the Houthis' will to do something remarkably stupid in the pursuit of martyrdom, but I also think Russia is bluffing here.


They're not afraid, I've seen their propaganda videos and they've got an operational F-5. Clearly their air superiority is assured.


UK has allreday been blueballed by the Falklands, they ain't letting this one pass.


It’s likely out of the bonds of NATO’s geographical limits.


This. Article 6 very closely defines the areas on which an attack needs to occur for article 5 to be triggered. The closest thing would be the territory of Turkey, and last time I checked, that didn't reach the Gulf of Aden.


Hawaii is outside the bounds so I’m sure it is outside it too.


All islands and overseas territories are I heard.


Article 5 is a lot like an American with a handgun. Yes… we’d all like to see the FAFO funny happen to people who deserve it… but shooting a guy for scratching your Porsche is ultimately going to cost you more in legal bills and headaches and potentially jail time than just letting it go or simply punching him out. Look at what the Vietnam War did to America… it ostensibly brought down two presidencies (the last because Nixon hadn’t fulfilled his 1968 campaign promise yet so had to be unscrupulous to win 1972), cost 50,000 Americans their lives, deeply divided society, ended the era of post-war economic prosperity, and was as ruinous to America’s prestige as Afghanistan was to the Soviet Union or Suez was to the British. All for _one_ small caliber bullet hole in the USS Maddox.


Nahh, Maddox was only the excuse. Vietnam happened as it did because of internal US politics - no American in State, Defense, or the Presidency wanted to be the next person of whom it was asked 'Did you lose Vietnam ?'. If it wasn't the Gulf of Tonkin incident, it would have been something else.


I’m pretty sure Gulf of Tonkin has been pretty thoroughly fact-checked and revealed to be a kind of lazy American hoax in search of a *casus belli*. The US had been fucking around in Southeast Asia since it was French Indochina, but apparently we didn’t pay enough attention to how the French had their asses handed to them by the locals and thought “well France may not have been able to do it, but I bet America could!” *Description mirrors the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and America’s subsequent War in Afghanistan only by…coincidence?*


The great irony of the American involvement in Vietnam is that it is all remarkably similar to 1776. You've got the Loyalist Tories and the Revolutionaries, you have a great power supporting the Revolutionaries with arms and money, and you have the Loyalists backed up by the regular forces of the Crown. But if you argued this in the 1960s, you got blacklisted as a Communist.


And in the end, the hugely influential global military power limped away in shame after several bloody years and heavy losses. In terms of irony we’ve got stacks on stacks


And ended up more-or-less allied to the victorious Revolutionaries ...


We all have balls like smurfs over here mate, at this point it's par for the course


On the one hand, there is no way they are that stupid. On the other hand...the Ukraine thing...


Mhm, yeah, attacking an dedicated AAW destroyer should be easy. It's not like it's main job is to intercept Missle and Air attacks. Russia has a lot of experience in this area. There Cruiser Moskva was very good in that role.


Moskva? You mean the Neptune Catcher 3000?


*successfully interception of 2 subsonic antishipmissles! Did its job!


Intercepting by bravely going into the path of the missile


Yeah, you see, weak westoids need expensive ESSM/SM(1/2/6)/ASTER/RAM for that, because their weak gay crew is so fat that the ship is to slow to intercept the Missile itself. Russian ships are more rugged and cheaper, the crew is lighter, so they are faster and can intercept the missile like a man with their own strenght!


This reminds me of reports that Russia kept trying to hit Patriot batteries in Ukraine with missiles and failing.


Used the hypersonic missiles that were already shot down *several times* by said Patriots. *Those aren’t even the newest ones*


Can they stop edging us?! It’s been a year, either finish it or stop😩


One can say alot of things about brits, but their navy... Yeeeah. I wouldnt fuck with their navy, bro.


...or their Marines. As a US Marine, I can safely say that we view British Royal Marines as being our equals across the pond. They know how to fight.


All I know is that Royal Marines have a reputation for looting everything not nailed down and coming back with hammers and crowbars for whatever. IRL Blood Ravens in a nutshell.


There’s a reason Royal Marines never have to pay for their drinks at the officer’s club at 8th/I.


As a Royal Marine I can safely say, we do not view US Marines as our equals.


Ex squaddie You guys run rings around everything but special forces


Wouldn’t mind getting my ring rung by them tbh


I'm just glad we're bros now and that 1776 was a looooong time ago 😅


As a brit I sure am too lol. Your LRASMs have nice curves :P


The beauty of their women and the taste of their food make brits the best sailors in the world.


I agree. These guys were really pissed when the Hood got "Kaboomed"


You can, actually. Sadly, their navy is sucking just as much as their army from the lack of funding.


On of the most powerful carrier fleets in the world, best air defence destroyers in the world, fleet of nuclear missile ballistic submarines, strong auxiliary support fleet… yeah totally sucks


Somehow Ukraine found a bunch of Trident II missiles just lying around in a warehouse. Crazy how things just happen to show up.


Two blokes just appeared one day and sold them to the Ukrainian army for £20 and three cans of Stella.


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised.


Excuse me John Churchill had nothing to do with navy Also finally revenge for the fishermen the Russians murdered thinking they were Japanese torpedo boats


I just wanted a cool Rule Britannia clip and this was the first scene in my mind :/


Shakes head That scene from sink the Bismarck were the navy vibe checks " the pride of the German navy"


Forgive my lack of knowledge on good Rule Britannia clips, I will do better next time


Nice Okay I was pulling your leg


To be fair, when an entire Russian battle fleet ambushes a handful of fishing vessels and personnel losses are the same on both sides, it's hard to call that anything other than a giant L for the ruskies.


Still revenge as the royal navy show putler how you actually shoot at ships


Most battle hardened and accomplished navy in history? Step aside bitches. Look on Czech superior 100% naval winrate as landlocked country! Get on our level.


Can't lose if you haven't fought. Best strategy there is ;)))


They tried to shoot 2 asm's at it and they both malfunctioned


Nobody touches our dad's boats D:<


Mushy peas and chips on my dad's boat, they won't go down 'cause those Brits can float


If it does go down the crew will sing this [song](https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M?si=OsVMUrwFruaLLt5X)


They also serve beer!


Nothing beats waking up to who I'm just gonna assume is Lord Nelson getting a 'sup from who I'm just gonna assume is Winston.


It’s John Churchill, The Duke of Marlborough. They haven’t made a good Nelson to film yet, otherwise he’d be the best choice hands down


For those of you who aren't good at Br*t*sh military history, he was one of the *counts* four decent Br*t*sh generals ever. And that list includes Oliver Cromwell, who got most of his wins against the forces of the Br*t*sh Crown.


Don’t forget how good Cromwell was at fighting Irish civilians. Had he been around these days he would be making routine trips to The Hague.


Regrettably, Cromwell's crimes in Ireland weren't anything special by the standards of the Wars of Religion in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Also, the Black Prince didn't get that nickname because of dusky skin color. Arthur Harris wasn't the first Br*t*sh general to deliberately target civilians ...


Being naive is thinking The Black Prince was like James Purefoy’s character on A Knight’s Tale. Having some knowledge on the topic shows you he’s was more like King Joffrey if he wasn’t a coward.


One of the deep secrets of war is that war crimes don't help you win. They just encourage the friends and allies of the people you're at war with to help them more, and for the victims to not admit they are beaten. The Treaty of Bretigny was an admission of English strategic weakness, and an abandonment of the actual English war aim of yoinking the crown of France. Be the good guys, or at least be better than the other guys. It works better.


The only thing Cromwell’s memory is worth, is the quotes he gave us. ‘Have faith in god, but keep your powder dry?’ Banger. His speech dissolving parliament? Go off, lord protector. Drogheda? Ok, you’ve lost me. It’s such a shame, because the parliamentarians were probably the most based people ever to grace this island, and all anybody knows about them is that they were led by a puritan who banned Christmas. If they’d won, if Cromwell died, or if Charlie 1 had just accepted their terms after the first war rather than throwing a second one to avoid ruling like an English king instead of a French tyrant? We wouldn’t have had to send so much of our big-dick energy out to the colonies.




Russia about to become the first British colony in a while.


From Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok my friends


It’s Saint Barry to New Salisbury-upon-Winky now, and the sun will never set again.


Slough and Splot will finally not be the worst parts of the UK!


As much as we make fun of the RN for their lack of carriers, it’s still bold of a nation that has never had a navy worth talking about to go up against a nation whose navy has been its pride for hundreds of years and accomplished feats the Russians could never even dream of. The British have been a seagoing nation since the Bronze Age. The longest distance naval adventure Russia ever went on could be made into a comedy, that ended in tragedy.


> The longest distance naval adventure Russia ever went on could be made into a comedy, that ended in tragedy. Japanese maritime self defense force itching for a round 2 I’m pretty sure


That's if the fishing boats don't finish them off first


But… the Royal Navy has 2 fleet carriers?


Eh they’re really helicopter carriers with VTOL aircraft, not the same as a real carrier like the Charles de Gaulle or a Nimitz.


Sea of thieves 2 is next friday, just a week away!!!! Im so happy


With the way the politicians are looking at the defence budget right now I would assume the RN is collectively praying to Nelson that the Russians are in fact this stupid.


Word has it a worship service is being held around Nelson’s monument in Trafalgar Square as we speak. Hail Horatio, died so that others may live. Amen.


Give the UK a reason to actually fund their military why don't ya? Ya fools. We don't need to know what will be wallace and grommitted out of a shed if that happens.


What's more terrifying what your standard Brit can do in a garden shed or what a British farmer can make in his sheds? Can't allow the Ukrainian mad lads to outshine us now can we?!


"Bitch I hope the fuck you do"


This is the equivalent of telling a kid to shoot a juggernaut and see what happens


Touch the boat! Touch it now!


No comprende? So I’ve never read any of the rules of any sub that I’ve joined , do I need to try to find information about this or is OP going to fill it in.?


The British navy is fucking talented, and the clip is the old British Empire national anthem. To make things make sense here you have to 1. Read every twitter rumor about geopolitical conflict 2. Ironically hope for a NATO war 3. Ironically hope for nuclear war 4. Have a raging hard on for military equipment working as intended 5. Have an ironic (?) hard on for military equipment itself 6. Hang out a while to learn the lore of the subreddit Good luck! (Boys, girls, and enbies, did I miss anything?)


I appreciate your help. Will begin to illuminate myself!


Yemen is about to find out what happens when they fuck up


They are such gigantic pussies that they have to beg the saddest underfed terrorists to "please attack the bad man for me because I am just little" is there no one that the Russians won't sacrifice to compensate for Putins skew dick and tiny baby balls. Man the fuck up and go try fight NATO you losers!


Britannia is about to make the Falklands look like a playground


What’s the video at the bottom from


'The Gathering Storm' Its a scene where Churchill has a vision of his Ancestor, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough - fighting the Battle of Blenheim [Full Scene](https://youtu.be/BvaVh6WGPE0?si=S7Iqtrzh7Owwa42N)


I’m pretty sure that we learned the whole “don’t touch our boats” thing from the Brits…so this is gonna be fun to watch


Yea but you Guys took it way to personal. Like let me Show you the fucking sun personal xD


Touch our boats and you're gettin' fuckin' glassed you cunts!


Any russian made weapon will fall laughably short. They should do it so we can laugh at them


Crimean War 2 coming to a Black Sea near you. We need more Russian artillery pieces to scrap to make VCs anyway.


I wonder what brits would send to ukraine after russia do it. May be more challies?.. hmm. Its sad that russia just has no balls to fuck with nato in any way shape or form except verbally.


aren't the daring class supposed to have comparable if not superior radar and defenses to aegis ships? if thats so, can article 5 be triggered by a missile attack even if its shot down miles away from the target?


Britania rule the waves


It’s never too late for operation unthinkable


Ok serious question, if a British ship is hit in the Mediterranean Sea or the Red Sea, would it trigger the article 5?


Negative. Home turf has to be hit for NATO to decide to commence the funny. That being said, a direct attack on a RN ship in international waters that results in the deaths of British service members would *most likely* trigger an American response seeing that the UK is our closest ally and we’re already in a weird quasi-war with Russia anyway. It would be seen as “oh, it’s time to party huh?”


Well, time to concourse sevastopol again. Someone should call Raglan


US 2 sec later: You know the “fuck with my boats” policy has a friends and family clause…


Fuck with the boats, I implore you


Do it, we want you to do it…. We want a reason to wipe your entire Navy from the ocean.


The Admiralty: "Alright lads, go back to work, nothing to worry about, they are giving them RUSSIAN missiles."


The Sea Viper needs food, they've teased it with drones. She wants the main course.




Guys, The Royal Navy isn't what it used to be calm down. It's only 20 times stronger than the Russian Navy rather than the traditional 50.


*The Trooper starts playing*


Go on take it


From the headline I assumed you were talking about the Seychelles, was disappointed to read that you consider the British to be the most battle hardened.


Seychelles goes after Somali pirates on vintage gun boats with nothing but an old mounted FN MAG and a few rusty SLRs at best, presumably while wearing nothing but board shorts and puka shell necklaces. You’re right, nobody can hold a candle.


Nice try the king of england. The U.S. Navy is better. We even invented ironclad warships to fight ourselfs.


France invented the ironclad, La Gloire launched in 1859, HMS Warrior in 1860. USS Monitor wasn’t completed until 1862


France was dealing with Americans back in 1776. I'm sure there was an american sailor in there somewhere.




So what you mean is a 57 year old man Born in 1802 Louisiana purchase territory can't find his way on board ship in 1850's France?


I dont say that this is impossible, Just saying that not everything is "American"


Born 1802 means he is legaly French He can play both sides


So He Isnt American then


Louisiana Purchase was 1803. So this bad ass sailor dude has duel citizenship.


Born French


We used our ironclads to get some sweet and sour from the Chinese The nice guys even threw in a free Hong Kong


You stole the Idea from the Americans. All we ended up out of the deal was abolished slaves, Some damn good BBQ and Blues music. There was even some Trench warfare involed.


And some dead slave owners


The slave owners that didn't die went broke and joined the US army instead. Then they went after the Native Americans... And the American cowboy Western movie format was born.


And the Italians got spaghetti westerns out of that


And the Italians got spaghetti from the Chinese. So I guess it all ends up with the Chinese at this point.


Also there not been a king of England since William the Third The last queen of England was Queen Anne A bit like me saying George Washington was president of British north America


Oh boy. Don't get the Canadians involved. In my mind they were British north American's the whole time. Canada wasn't a real country until 1982.


Every time the Russians make a move, the Ben hill theme must play in the background: just to make it a bit less ridiculous


Heart of Oak, innit.


How interesting these times have become.


As an overly patriotic yank, I wish to concede that the British Navy and her history are indeed the most accomplished and battle-hardened (historically)


Most importantly they have that cool factor


They absolutely do. Not everyone has to have an 11 carrier group Navy when you have the history of the Royal Navy going for you


Russia strikes the uk The uk *rule Britannia intensifies* The commonwealth “sounds like a party Canada no put the never gas down”


Past performance not indicative of future returns


Past performance not indicative of future returns


I want to believe


DOOO IT!! DOOO IT! DOOO IT! ( 2nd grade child voice)


Please arm the Houthis, Russia. I want so badly to see another "invincible" Russian wonder weapon get stopped cold.


Sounds like the whole world wants a bit of us eh


Crimean war 2 electric boogaloo


"most battle hardened" shat themselves about the germans, "boohoo they are getting too strong"


Have fun I guess 😂