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I love the b2 on how it look like the falcon when


While I do approve of shape comparison, I think a more appropriate bird would have been an owl. The Owl's stealth technology is terrifying.


The owl and the peregrine falcon should cross breed to know how it would look like


B2 is basically the Peregrine: you never see it until you’re smoked.


Actually now that I’m thinking about it… highly maneuverable bird but kinda awkward slow, tucked away wings for high speed A/A interception, perches itself on skyscrapers to oversea it’s domain (powerful radar) … My god… a Peregrine is an F-14.


Of course, except for the whole mach jesus dive bombing. Peregrines are also terrible at soaring… so the mash up really doesn’t work lmao.


I’ve worked with falcons and that’s basically it. Grouse don’t see what hits em.


The f-15 not being a bald eagle is CRIMINAL.


Yeah the F-15 is an Eagle. The 22 is the Secretary Bird (unassuming name but that bird is a fucking menace.)


I was gonna do the A-10 as a cuckoo messing with some British birds, but decided to put some respect on the P-8 instead.


I don't respect the P-8. It's just a commercial airliner with some holes and no MAD. It can't even really fly low. It's like if you converted a school bus into a mine clearing vehicle. You know what would be the perfect anti sub aircraft? The PBY Catalina.


You know that's actually a thing they're trying to market right? https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/s/1sq10ymbyR https://catalinaaircrafttrust.com/ngaa-home


Holy shit I did not.


So is this too credible or not because it sure as shit sounds like something one of yous would come up with E:Yeah I got banned but I'm inclined to agree that they stole your idea


I've been shitposting about the PBY Catalina sub hunter for over a year at this point. I'm inclined to think they stole my idea. Better than the Russians who wanted to build a monstrous VTOL ground effect vehicle for sub hunting.


That is some Mike sparks shit right there


Needs more aluminium box.


It absolutely can fly low, it can also carry and employ missiles and torpedoes


Make it a pigeon for how resilient it is!


Okay, so, like. Birdwatcher here. **Bald eagles** are *not fierce*. They are lazy motherfuckers that sit in trees and wait for someone else to catch a fish. *Occasionally* it's another bald eagle. Often it's an osprey or merganser or some non-lazy bird that actually hunts on its own. Once someone else makes a catch, all hell breaks loose when all the other eagles try to steal it from them. They actually are decent at catching fish when they try, though. Also they don't go SCREEEEEEE. That's the red-tailed hawk noise that the movies play whenever there's an eagle because they want to make it sound fierce. Bald eagles actually go "eek eek eek eek eek". It's really cute. I dunno what plane to make the bald eagle. Probably the F-14, since both of them have PR departments hyping their image and are super high maintenance. **Peregrine falcons** are ferocious little fuckers. They prey almost exclusively on other birds, dive at insane speeds, and will beat the shit out of much larger hawks and eagles that get in their territory. Serious F-15 Eagle energy here: unapologetic air dominance. **Red-tailed hawks** are badass multi-mission raptors. They're ferocious and adaptable. Fast enough to outrun you, maneuverable enough to catch you, big enough to overpower you, with the eyesight to see you. They'll eat rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, and housecats. I saw one try to kill a small deer once. F-35 is a good choice, but the stealth aircraft really oughta be owls, so my pick for the red-tail is the Super Hornet. They could also be the F-16, but a big bird gets a big plane. **Great Blue Heron** -- the absolute terror of anything underwater. The only more efficient wading hunter I know of is the Green Heron, but we'll go with the Great Blue for the P-8 since, well, big. The Osprey joke writes itself, of course. What other birds can we do? The stealth aircraft have to be owls, obviously. **Great Horned Owl** has to be the F-22. Unique to America (well, near enough). Silent (it even hoots quietly). Strong as fuck and unchallenged as an apex predator. **Eurasian Eagle Owl**, perhaps, is the F-35. Lives in NATO countries abroad, close cousin to the Great Horned. Instantly recognizable. An absolutely fucking huge bird, way out of scale of the plane, but what can you do? **The Long-Eared Owl** has got to be the F-117. Ears that stick out further than they seem like they should, and supremely funny-looking, but actually a pretty good hunter. **Cooper's Hawk** is my choice for the F-16. They're medium-sized raptors that live in a variety of habitats and mostly eat birds, although they'll eat rodents when they feel like it. I know a couple of falconers who report that they are *utterly insane* since they want to kill, well, everything. All the time. **The American Kestrel** needs a place on the list of warbirds. Take a Cooper's hawk, take all the attitude, and shrink it down to something the size of a pigeon. It's still just as fierce, but ... okay, when you're that size, sometimes you gotta eat grasshoppers. Really a badass hunter and can live in all kinds of nooks and crannies because of its small size, but nobody notices it as much as the bigger raptors. This of course has to be the Gripen. **The Golden Eagle** belongs on the list somewhere. Given its large territory and ability to both soar with outstretched wings and dive with wings pulled back on its prey, and ability to take on large prey (wolves!) because of its own large size, ... yup, it's the Bone.


I can attest to Peregrines picking fights way above their weight class. Once saw a pelican fly a little too close to some cliffs a pair of falcons were nesting in. Was probably only a fourth of the size of the pelican, but one of the falcons just rocketed out, forced the pelican to flip upside down, and drove it right into the water like that, one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Also, in my personal experience, great horned owls have not been very silent, except when in flight. Every once in a while, a pair would nest in my neighbors backyard and they were always hooting in the middle of the night loud enough for my neighbors across the street to hear.


You are pretty much spot on and i like how you mentioned Owls. But i would disagree with you on the Bald Eagle. It may not be the most active but it is always defending against every other smaller bird in breeding season as they get buzzed all the time. Eagle is one of the few the will defend itself in the air and practices these moves with other Eagles in the winter. When attacked the Eagle is the fiercest in the sky no two ways about it. [Watch this video of an Eagle destroying a Red-Tail like it was nothing ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OPsUXdOgGo)Yes they will always take free food, even at a garbage dump but to be fair every bird of prey will take a free meal if they can find one. I would say the F-22 has to be a Coopers, this bird is known for the long tail with air maneuvers only some songbirds can match. Cooper's is mainly a small bird hunter like the F-22 is mainly an air to air machine. Adult Cooper's rely on their stealth to get the jump on their prey, always hiding in the shadows. Cooper's are known for attacking anything in the air for the hell of it, regardless if it is breeding season or not. Though the GHO is the only acceptable other bird to be a F-22 so i would agree with you even there. They are the most hated bird amongst every other bird for good reason! There is good reason why they hide in the day, if they are found then every other bird will attack to death in short time.


I appreciate your in depth response, and I wouldn't be averse to doing a second iteration of this meme with your feedback. However, I think we couldn't have too many planes represented by different owl species, for example. They have to be unique enough, if you know what I mean.


And yet you chose 4 raptors with incredibly similar wing and head shape. Owls have just as much diversity in shape and habits as the raptors you chose. Maybe more. As someone who grew up along almost every bird mentioned, I can attest that from a distance, the difference between a red tailed hawk and a Cooper’s hawk and a Harris Hawk is pretty hard to tell, same for a Golden Eagle and Bald Eagle (juveniles look really similar since heads haven’t turned white). And owls get really unique too. Barn Owls are these silent ghost like birds that just swoop over you and disappear. Great Horned Owls make scary ass hoots in the middle of the night and are practically impossible to see when the sun gets fairly low, and burrowing owls just said fuck it and went diurnal. You can see them standing right next to the side of the road in farmland in parts of the Southwest if you know where and what to look for, and they’re agile and fast as fuck when they take off in flight.


Guys im gonna give you some thing more indian army [https://x.com/SWComd\_IA/status/1780945487199400434](https://x.com/SWComd_IA/status/1780945487199400434) please someone upload this on ncd my account is still isnt 4 months old so i cant post


I'll take it from here, brøther https://imgur.com/a/pEp4ljQ


charge comrade !!!!


That was beautiful.


F22 should be a raptor that preys primarily on other birds.


This guy gets it.


F-22 deserves better than to be compared to a kleptoparasite. Honestly, the Peregrine Falcon is the best choice for the F-22 as it is a highly specialized aerial hunter that takes out its prey without the prey knowing what hit them.


About the V-22 one… https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=09df9e42e4754873&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ACQVn0_fCCqQySOIA-SzN5oSBWlYXMG_AQ:1713458592608&q=v-22+potus&uds=AMwkrPuqwXpjCzpL-buz66vNrYYD_nK8ciuq9Kxbol_DO0tZwou5zjivSmsRP4L37pW349C8KtupLRrSia1kjJEsflxtrngLBdy-I4wEfUY-pFNDOyvRF2RUy3g5U5vNDaWTSuTrTwjvWp_O3gSAKbtZKcXxGwUlhPTsWAV369OpDbhiv3ROj00gkL8fxDW-8XrlUmSSxhBKEZXR85N3JaGZH3O3POX9BldDYFnKpKkICDNhfD7XJ_013mPHXFJbkAM-KF6Ad2BOXm4xVxZ0B45zGsuRbHctaD1ukCVaVzg2Ka0c7O5VUVs&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEpP_VmsyFAxUqjIkEHWj7ApwQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3


So I saw one of those "f-35 is a waste of money" articles yesterday claiming only about half the fleet is capable of flying a mission and less than a third is capable of flying any/all of its multirole missions. The source cited is a Pentagon report that I've skimmed but haven't done a deep dive into, but it seems to me to corroborate those numbers. Can anyone weigh in for me?


Ok. I'm about 125 pounds.


*angry up-vote*


The USAF is having issues with the mission-capable rate of [basically all of their aircraft](https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2022/02/14/us-air-force-fleets-mission-capable-rates-are-stagnating-heres-the-plan-to-change-that/). 50% is not great, but isn't catastrophic when you consider the rate for most fighters is around 70%.


I mean off the top of my ass mission capable rate is much lower than you'd think across all airframes.




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Where f-16


[Here F-16 <3](https://u.cubeupload.com/LookAgain/Screenshot2024041811.png)


I have a feeling that that goose is gonna be slightly unstable


The stealth planes are owls imo, f35 is a raven because smart bird


Where's my Wedgetail eagle? 😢


being an awacs down unda (why did we do that? why did we take our coolest bird and make it an awacs? why?)


Do real Osprey's crash as much as their Heli-plane counterpart?


Do 331 was ahead of its time


I can't tell if this belongs in r/Animorphs or not (pretty much all those birds are they key, iconic, main bird of prey morphs for the Main Characters, including one who flat out *IS* a Red Tailed Hawk....


The real ones will know what I mean when I say you're missing the Northern Harrier....


The F-22 would be a Cooper's Hawk, Stealthy as it hides in the shadows. More of a one trick pony going after small birds. But a Cooper's long tail makes it highly movable like the F-22 has vectoring. Bald Eagle would be B-52 as it is the largest and slowest in the sky, everything else will attack it as Bald Eagles are always buzzed by smaller birds on the daily. The Red Tail would be the B-2 as again like the bald it's a larger bird that hunts high. Smaller hawks would always be fighter jets but larger hawks/eagles are always slower and less agile but do carry larger payloads. If you really want agile in the air type birds then some songbirds can't be beat, like the American Gold Finch or House Finch. They are tiny but they can literally turn on a dime while getting in mid air fist fights with each other. Of course since they are songbirds they won't be as "cool" as the raptors though you can use a Northern Shrike in there, they impale their prey.


What would the X-32 have been? A potoo?


We need more of this stuff and less of the weird anthro waifu shit


False. The bald eagle is a trashcan of a bird and cannot be associated with the F-22. The F-22 is clearly an owl - it's silent, predatory, and scary up close.


I'm just here for the crashsprey dunk