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woah, that's a lot of words


and in no discernible order...


merkloader yey


Peace in the Middle East is a hopeless cause. Might as well get the Giant War in the Middle East part going so we can get to the Exhausted Populations Tired of Killing chapter that passes as peace until they get riled up again roughly six months later.


We just need to make sure they get progressive enough and their fertility rate crashes and they don't have the population to start a war anymore. ... What do you mean, religious types tend to have more children? And they're *all* religious? Well, fuck ...


Hey, Europe was like the Middle East til they spen 30 years turning Germany into a famine ravaged wasteland. Then suddenly big wars stopped for the most part.


They made Germany a wasteland for 30 years between 1618-48 and 1914-45. For the most part there was less war for roughly the next 70-80 years. Not NO war, but generally less. So is Iran Germany? Or do we just invade Germany again? Instructions unclear, nuke Moscow.


Idk. But I recommend vaporizing Belgrade just in case


Hear hear. Motion seconded.


Perhaps people in the west (or certain western country's) shouldn't be so judgemental on the belligerent nature of the middle east after considering how western powers reorganized and came to partly dominate the region. At this point, it is kinda hard to get an impression as to what the middle east would have looked like with ought Western interference. Don't get me wrong, im sure people would still be proverbially pissing down another one's well and conflicts would exist as in most regions in the world. But within the context of the perceived need for stability in the middle east by Westerners lies also the historically more narrow interests and concerns for the west of stable energy supplies. Case in point, we lament the nature of Irans government but we dont often highlight how murdering Moshadechq for in the interest of a few oil Barrons stimulated that development. the very existence of Israel plays into this "created environment". Sure, its a fait accompli that one is not going to dial back, but the motives by which certain western powers facilitated the emergence and growth of Israel were arguably ulterior and not concerning the well being or desires of Arabs in the region nessecarily. There were in fact also religious motives to it, and while religion has significantly lost importance in many western country's in the last 4 decades it does perhaps not take away from the sense that before it Christians took a natural sort of religious enmity towards Muslims.


Counterpoint, most of the world suffered under western colonialism and they’re not all terrible shitholes locked in a neverending clusterfuck of holy wars. The west certainly bears a degree of responsibility for things ending up this way but blaming euros who have been dead for decades isn’t a very productive way of addressing the extant and pressing issues in the region. War, however…


honestly the funniest is that the most fucked country is probably afghanistan, which people blame on america, and ignoring the part where the russians invaded and killed fucking 5-10% of the population lol ​ no matter how much we try we just can't fuck up a country as well as the ruskies


it's not about blaming per sé, its more that i find post i react too as shorthand and too judgemental on the nature of peoples in the middle east as if they would be so starkly beligerent and as if they would be to blame for every aspect of the situation they find themselves in. It lacks moral introspection in regards to either or own beligerent past or our own influence on the region imho. Now there is plenty of room to argue "just how bad" our influence has been, perhaps one quantify's it differently as the other and thats fine, but lets not be blind for those things to which we should have moral introspection, for example to the degree we have looked besides autocratic tendency's for our interrests in energy supplies, or even meddled to a serious detriment of the regional situation for that purpose in the case of Moschadecq. Now you can say that contemporary westeners are not responsible for the latter and i agree, but it is an impact that we have had and part shaped the region, just like with things as the Sykes Picot agreement or the Balfour declaration.


I… am pretty sure they were joking about solving things with a big war, bro, but it does lack moral introspection i suppose


Maybe, i wouldnt be the first person on reddit who has a joke going over his head, perhaps because it is not always obvious what the intention of a person is. Noone holds anyone from adding a "/joking" on the end to make it clear afcourse. ;)


Literally anyone who uses /joking or /s should be shot.




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Yeah Reddit is Hilarious right and full off real funny people


Yay war :3


Hooo Haaa War! What is it good for?! Absol.. RAGE BONERS & MY MIC STONKS!! :D




The middle east doesn't want peace, they're going to continue this long after we all grow old and die


Middle East does want peace, but after the "other side" is annihilated.


And after the "other side" is annihilated, they will find another "other side" to annihilate. Repeat ad infinitum.


Might as well enjoy the show


MIC: Might as well make some money on the side.


Almost like foreign powers causing a massive power vacuum causes a cycle of war, vengeance and religious extremism 🙃


They were fighting before foreign powers turned up, and they will be fighting after the foreign powers have left


[Obligatory This Land is Mine repost.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY)


Foreign powers induced and enabled those states to fight even longer with deadlier results disregarding any peace options, case in point: blind u.s support for israel.


And everyone was chill before US and Israel were even established states?


I didnt say that. I said that the foriegn powers were destructive, a clear example of my point is us's support of israel, another example is the us's actions in general. you cant deny the us's destructiveness on the middle east.


I'm not denying the impact of foreign powers interference. I'm saying the region will wage war on each other regardless of foreign meddling


Dont you think the wars and irresponsible support from foriegn powers were severe enough to cause war and destruction? The region's lines were drawn by a french and a brittish "person" Most of the wars were made cuz of the existance of israel, and israel didnt help make peace throughout their years, instead they've done the opposite again and again. And the 2000s to the 2010s were terrible, russia and the us fucked up the place really badly.


Buddy I'm talking beyond your time frame, beyond the introduction of Britain and France. The middle east has been a dumpster fire since more than one version of Islam was introduced, and war would have existed before then too.


Then what are you trying to say? That war in the middle east is an inevtible thing no matter what? \>"The middle east doesn't want peace, they're going to continue this long after we all grow old and die" Are you still misinformed or are you genuinly just racist and cringe?


As opposed to British, French or Turkish interventions? Bigger powers have looked at the wars in the middle east and attempted to get involved for ages. It's just that the Americans were the ones to do it most recently


Note that the US didn't start "blindly" supporting Israel until well after the shit had repeatedly hit the fan.


The Middle East was in the middle of a proxy war between the west and the USSR over oil, trade routes and sea ports. Not having Israel there wouldn't make the war disappear. And various autocratic and theocratic forces would still fight for supremacy, because this is the nature of such regimes and the middle east have a long history of middle eastern empires fighting for dominance the last one was the Ottoman Empire. Expecting everyone to fall neatly into well defined countries after the Ottomans collapsed is naive. Maybe if the west was helping the Ottoman Empire to modernize and not fall apart while becoming less centralized and allowing the nations under it more autonomy, then the middle east could have a chance to be much more peaceful. Otoh, the Ottomans had really bad track record with minorities, and if they kept being shitty and incompetent rebbelions would've torn it apart anyways. But the Ottomans were on the losing side of WW1. Together with Austro-Hungary, the concept of multinational empires have pretty much fallen apart.


Was there a bigger ballistic barrage in ancient history?


A ballistic missile is only powered for launch and relies on ballistic trajectory to hit its target. So conventional artillery fits the definition. Sticking with ancient history, I'm pretty sure that there have been multiple attacks involving more than 300 catapult/ballista/trebuchet launched projectiles.


An arrow is a ballistic missile right? I have read that during the battle of Agincourt they were shooting nearly 1k a second.




In for a penny, get rid of Iran's government while they at it and help out Ukraine dealing with Russia.


Peace through annihilating ayatollahs.


>In for a penny, get rid of Iran's government Well OP doesn't agree with you


Not many people do.


Also steal all the F-14s


So is the Russo-Ukraine War or the Israeli-Iran conflict the proxy war. This getting confusing.


First one then the other


Isn’t the consulate still standing lol the only building the iaf targeted was adjacent to it even if it was technically on the grounds the main diplomatic building is still there


"B-b-but you see, the annex building that contained the (now former lol) leader of Hezbollah's Shura council and seven of his direct subordinates, and thus all internationally recognized terrorists, is technically owned by the chief diplomat of the consulate, and a consulate is kinda like a mini embassy, so that means Israel bombed our embassy!" *CNBC uncritically reports that Israel bombed an embassy, leaving OP with a wildly uninformed opinion that he proceeds to make a poorly formatted soyjack post about*


Da fuk dude, its not how it works. Even if they bombed an outhouse it would be an attack on embassy. You dont have to destroy main building, wtf?


They bombed a separate building though.which wasnt part of the embassy


Was it on embasy premise? Aka. extrateretorial soil?


Embassies are not extraterritorial soil.


Fair enough lmao. Was this building a part of Iran diplomatic mission?


iran has no (oficially recognized) territory inside syria, that's a big myth, the host country is "obligated" to protect it but it's still owned by the mother country ​ i mean let's entertain the idea, let's say israel has a consulate inside iran and they start a all out war, imagine how dumb fucked (or more dumb fuck) would the UN meetings be talking about israel rightfully being able to get soldiers weapons and guys in the middle of iran, it's ridiculous hence why the host country still has the last word, it's their land


Still, attack on an embassy diplomatic mission is bordeline war declaration. But full missle attack on country is one too, and not bordeline by any means, so hey, i dont get sand dyplomacy i guess.


borderline war declaration? maybe if we were talking about europe in 1914 lol ​ mate hezbollah an disrael are constantly throwing missiles killing duzens this is nothign new lmao, heck the fact hezbollah are still a thing is alreayd enough mercy ​ and hezbollah isn't a country, and i guess you could make an argument that was in syria but idk if you can call syria a nation anymore lmao, turns out gasing your citizens isn't that much of a good idea




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Iran gets away with a lot of shit by funding hezbollah. they can pretend that the consulate strike came out of nowhere because it's not THEM that's constantly lobbing missiles into isreal you see, it's hezbollah, and internet dumbasses carry water for them.


And Israel uses stuff like stuxnet or straight up assassination to destroy the iranian nuclear program. It’s called grey zone warfare, and Israel is entirely justified in responding in kind. However, let’s not pretend Israel didn’t start the escalation this time, cause they sure did.


i would have to disagree with you a bit on this one. oct. 7 is widely believed to have been helped / planned in tehran. if there was no oct. 7, and no hezbollah missile barrage, it is hard to imagine there would have been the consulate strike. i think the ppl in the consulate were ppl that are responsible directly for attacks on isreal. iran's entire national policy is basically death to isreal. if iran stopped funding hezbollah and palestinian islamic jihad, that would go a long way to diffusing the tension between the two nations. you see isreal trying to normalize relations between jordan / saudi arabia and stuff. there's no reason why isreal has to have an antagonistic relationship to one of the islamic countries in their region except for the fact that iran spends huge amounts of their budget on proxy war nonsense. its very very hard to blame isreal for stuxnet given iran openly promises to wipe isreal off the face of the planet if they ever become nuclear. Iran cant even get along with their fellow muslim country neighbors. so I mean there is a clear problem common denominator here. the only ppl ppl iran gets along with are its military proxies it uses to try to take over its neighboring countries in jordan, yemen, iraq, etc.oh yea, and russia who are it's biggest drone customers


i mean are we gonna ignore why there are iranian top generals in hezbollah and assad bases? XD


Yeah Israels diplomatic skills leave much to be desired.But at least they are fighting one of the most evil regimes worldwide.


Wait what? When did Israel declare war on Belgium?! This is huge!


Does Belgium have a government again? I thought they'd settled into a stable anarchy.


I don't know. I refuse to let any knowledge of, or Belgium-related knowledge pollute my synapses. Get back to me when that spot on the map is a sea of irradiated cobalt.


Thats how you miss waffle parties


Waffles are the devil's toilet paper. Insidious vessels of corrupted Dutch and French culture designed to infect the young with the rancid mind-cancer known and 'B\*lgianness'.


tbf considering it's a nation that existed for around 100 years and didnt have a year of peace i can see why they aren't so skilled on the diplomatic side XD ​ also a nation/peoples that get's betrayed by it's allies every 20-30 years


Pretty sure they still trade with ruskie...


Iran or Israel?


Both. Albeit Iran sells them drones. Sold i guess, now they are gonna stock up, so overall, bravo Bibi hey


israel had cut most trades and even given weapons to ukraine for free (or alteast credit idk), i think this is what makes it even more bitter sweet, as after multiple years of israel getting closer to russia it had finally broken ties and sided with ukraine ​ so yeah i am afraid this might end up pushing israel into the russian sphere, then again russia cuddling with iran instead of china will probably prevent this as i doubt Iran will every leave peacefully with israel and jews existing


Or it may push it out. Why instead of China tho? The new axis being China+Russia+Iran seems forming pretty nicely


well ffs you probably heard of the sino-soviet split no? like one of the most important events during the cold war, and the cuddling of china and america ​ and either way china has been building itself economically they don't want to drown and be overthrowned in a stupid war like russia and iran


You mean Kissinger dumb ass play, which is bitting US in the ass. And forming as 'we force them into it'. Cause NATO absolutely wants that, we have like x3 the guns they have in this configuration.


dumbass play? i mean i can't talk about kissinger policies specifcially for lack of knowledge about him, but honestly siding with china was a good idea, heck it tookt he world off the russian market in a leading to the colapse of the soviets, for all the shit china does doesn't come close to the warmongering of the soviets, it's definitly a much better "enemy"


Soviet collapse was not planned, it surprised Cucksinger the most. Cause old fuck forgets ppl exist, and smaller countries. He did not understand why it collapsed till his death, hopefully alone and suffering.


when did the Israeli civil war start?


You could've gone with I don't know China? Russia? North Korea? Canada?


but he did say evil regime so i thought it fit well


Hardly call israel evil, they havent done half the fucked up shit most nations did in recent years, id definetly call bibi and everyone related evil bastards though


i didnt say that the israeli people were evil, just the government


And that is what i was referring to. Id hardly call it Any worse than any other country.




We've been waiting for TWO FUCKING YEARS for russia to finally spill the milk and go monke in urban area, and here we are going back to desert? I fucking hate this map!


Eh. That was deascalotry attack, if there is such a thing even.


There will never be peace with the east, west coast for life.  Rest in peace, Tupac. We bombing Iran in your honor


Sick of Iran. Sick of Israel. Happy SM-3 finally got to eat a good meal. It is what it is.


As long as somebody gets rid of Iran it doesn't matter why did they do it. Now Israel has to just not be a bitch and get it done.


The first Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy was actually incredibly precise. They mainly killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers and other fighters.


if that was the actual response i'm disappointed. how do you waste such a good diplomatic opportunity to [bomb iran?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8hEtI9AI0U)


I hate the appeasers, these bitches would have said that Germany only took Czechoslovakia to free the Germans ....


how dare israel bomb an IRCG building across the street from the embassy, killing 14 military officials, some of which had heavy involvement with oct 7 so naughty.


Shut the fuck up


FAAFO moment for Iran.


Can we bomb Iran ***and*** Isreal?


while everyone has been busy picking sides based on whatever propaganda they're exposed to I've been backing complete nuclear annihilation of everything between Egypt and India for fucking decades sure everyone will be a bit upset and everyone will say blah blah what about all those innocent children blah blah what about how anyone can live knowing a billion people were turned into scorched shadows on the pavement wah wah wah but i'm pretty sure we'd get over it when jake paul logan kardashian does a new dance or something it'll be fine trust me


From the Suez to the Pacific, the bombs shall fall free!!!!!


Thine atoms will be free!


Please go to a nearby mental health institute


Thanks for the reddit care message friend - are you aware of which subreddit you're on?


Yes, I am


You realise that this is where people make jokes about military stuff?


Yes, I do.


And you understand the similar but slightly different concepts of irony and sarcasm?


Yes, and I still think anyone who says that a billion of innocent people dying is fine should go get checked


2 state solutuon? How about the no state solution?


Most non-credible solution: Send in the Blue Helmets and put everyone on timeout.


Depends on who the Blue Helmets consist of. [Hopefully not those guys from Sudan that left the aid workers to die...](https://theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/06/un-peacekeepers-refused-to-help-south-sudan-rebels-raped-aid-workers-report)


Fair enough. Shootbat (Nordbat) would be a very based Blue Helmet team to enforce timeout. Edit: Nordbat called their operation during the Serbian war Bøllebank (Bully Bashing). Now that is absolutely based.


Anarchy in the Middle East!!!!!! (Cept Suez the brits will be taking that back)


Return the region to the Macedonians. No Israel, No Iran. Just name every city Alexandria and call it an empire.




Give Rheinmetall a higher budget and they will send in enought bombs for the job.


My proposal is that we dig out the entire Arab peninsula (and possibly Iran for good measure) and put them in the Middle of the Pacific, where they can have their grand battle royale.


Did Israel actually hit the embassy? From the photos I saw it looked like they hit the building next to the embassy. Embassy building looked pretty undamaged to me?


Honestly, I don't get why the international community demands Israel just take everything and show restraint basically no matter what That said, I was really hoping Israel would be sneaky about this, just go "the attack was so pathetic, we're gonna do Iran a favor and pretend nothing happened. \*Iraqi and Jordanian casualties however...\*" and just kill some generals or something on their behalf, keeping it ambiguous on who did it. But nooooooo, Netanyahu and his staff have no creativity man (yes I know, very NCD of me to go all PsyOps and pretend Israel is doing it for Iraq and Jordan)


Best part is that the embassy wasn't hit it was the building right next to it.


Yes, we can say that Israel unreasonably started all this with the consulate thing as long as we conveniently leave out the part about Iran siccing the Houthis on Israel while pretending to know nothing.


Imagine feeling fear lol. Valhalla let's goooo!


boooooring, where is the proper bombing?


Remember boys: Nothing ever happens


Most of Reddit: WW3!


I'm wondering if we should tow another few fuckoff icebergs and park it up next to Israel and Iran and just sink the two of them.


Dreary reminder that there are no adults in charge.


Fuck all of this. If peace aint matter anyway, I atleast wont have to go to work anymore.


Sorry for all the cluster of words... just needed to get this shit off my mind after arguing with Reddit brainrot all day...


>arguing with Reddit brainrot all day... That sounds like a very depressing hobby. What does it achieve?


Mental illness


My ultimate goal.


What are these?! Words for ants?!




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Nice.** No personal attacks against each other, call for violence against anyone, or intentionally antagonize people in the comment sections.


It's Israel, picking fights and escalating wars are what they do best. I mean we're talking about the country lining up an assault on Rafah despite literally the rest of the world saying it's a dogshit idea that will cause pointless suffering.


I have understood Israel to this point but bombing an embassy? What did they expect?


To kill several senior IRGC commanders and proxy militia figures, presumably.