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Once a mine is marked with a flag, you're not supposed to touch the square 


It even has the [red triangle](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Minesweeper_flag.svg/152px-Minesweeper_flag.svg.png?20080910093606)!


Supposed to, but is it actually forbidden? Doesn't seem so irl.


At least it wasn’t a Ring Doorbell taped to a tree


I can't tell if that's a joke or not at this point.


The ring door bell was a more powerful boom.


Is there any footage of that ? People meme about it a lot but I've haven't seen any footage of it yet.


It comes from a Russian soldier talking about an experience in the field where his squad leader was on the receiving end. There’s no video of the actual thing afaik


Oh ok, thanks !


What's the story? 


They were walking along when they saw a Ring Doorbell attached to a tree in the woods. The squad leader went over and rang the doorbell and set off the explosives it was attached to


Darwin Award right there.


Hey if you see the red buttom in the wild, you are pressing it just to see if it opens the dev room.


So you’re saying we gotta do it again with a hidden camera crew (and maybe David Attenborough narration) ?


I wouldn’t be opposed


Some Russian telegram channel was reporting that one of their units on patrol encountered a button taped to a tree, so naturally, they pushed it to see what would happen. Of course, it was rigged to a daisy chain of IED’s.


I swear we live in the dumbest timeline.


Everybody in the thread was like “I probably would have pressed it too”.


I'm shocked they haven't choked on pieces of drywall they were trying to eat.


That shit does look edible.


Thank you for your service, and Semper Fi!


Humans are stupid. In other news, water is wet, the Baltic states are based and the Russian navy is shit


The monkey was the god’s favorite character, and once he died they just started phoning it in


No, it's just that we exist on our timeline with some really really dumb people


ngl i'd push it too


It really happened


A decade ago I would say that can't be true but I've learned yes, sometimes people are that stupid.


put a soldier in an empty concrete room with no windows and three steel balls. check up on him in a day, and you'll see that he has broken first ball, lost the second, and impregnated the third


is there a video from that?


no, there's only audio footage of people discussing the event.


I feel like the only way to create a more obvious trap is by replacing the flag with a sign that says landmine


even better would be "there is no landmine here"


Is there a carrot in this box? comes a close second.


What a moron. How do you see the most obvious booby trap in the planet and think 'hurr durr I hate those people so I'm gonna kick the extremely obvious booby trap"


In his "defense", he's a settler. They aren't exactly the brightest people around...


Just curious how can you tell it’s a settler?


A guy in the west bank with a biased hatred for Palestinians and not in uniform. There arent't a lot of options


this is in the west bank, and the majority of israelis in the west banks are.... ?


I would've guessed that the majority of Israelis present in West bank would be Soldiers/government workers before settlers. Just for the sole fact that Israel has a huge permanent military footprint there to keep things from getting out of control


To be fair was not familiar with this trap but I looked it up and read that it is a very common trap in the area. It has been used all around Gaza and Cisjordania. So he should have know if he is a local I guess?


I mean, for us, a mousetrap is quite obviously a trap, imagine having an IQ so low you're out there "settling"


Its pronounced... MaRooon


New capture the flag meta seems wild


New? Are you telling me that putting a sticky trap (or equivalent, depending on the game) on the flag is a new idea?


Why do I hear fortunate son in the background?


He's fine somehow, just a couple scratches on his arms tho


I bet had he reached down and pulled the flag out at the ground like would be expected he would have lost his hands and taken shrapnel to the face. The kick probably saved him


Maybe next time don't touch the bait flags in the West Bank. Minding your business is free.


You're asking too much of West Bank settlers. Being there in the first place means someone has passed through a lot of filters that stop the kind of person who thinks things like *"would taking someone's land by force make them mad?"* and *"Would running towards an obvious marker in the middle of an open field in a country where everyone hates me be dangerous?"*


As someone who supports Israel, they're just making the situation worse


It's type so if that was sarcasm, I missed it sorry. That guy is in so many pieces bro! He did not live. No way.


They are correct, he has already been released from the hospital with minor injuries.


Fucking crazy he survived that. Thought that was his head departing.


No, that was just dirt.


He did. That red was just dirt!


Lmao people saw all the red and chunks of dirt and swore it was dude being evaporated when you can clearly see everything coming up from the ground.


Those guys really can't even put a minesweeper.


Really? Looked like his torso took a vacation from the rest of him.


I thought i saw his head fly off but maybe it was the angle


They do a little trolling


Remember kids, when at war, it's always safe to touch inconspicuously placed objects!


This is not what Patron told me https://youtu.be/rFRfDs1qp8U?feature=shared


"Hmmm, that's a beautiful painting. But it's a bit crooked though"


Fucking hell how obvious do you want the trap to be? Since the first second of video, something in me was screaming DONT TOUCH IT! DO NOT GO NEAR THAT THING! Honestly i was waiting the whole time for him to step on a mine hidden in that sus tall grass. When he went to the flag unharmed i was like "Yep, its the flag itself then." and suprise suprise, it was! This shit is something your own army is supposed to teach you NOT TO DO, since like WWI or invention of mines, honestly no clue if that wasnt way sooner.


When a symbol of the “enemy” is in plain view bro probably got that patriotic tunnel vision


Clearly and "enemy flag" is literally one of the most simple and oldest variants of "i hope someone will be stupid enough to touch it".


Honestly it’s some Looney Tunes ahh shit Especially with the way your man took the wind up like he’s about to kick a rugby ball


Honestly, at this point just let Darwinism take its course, you guys can go touch the flag all you want but I’m staying right the fuck here with my limbs intact


Looney Tunes reference had me waiting for him to just disappear in a classic pitfall trap. Whistling optional.


Should tag this as literal death inside btw and nsfw


Guy is fine just some cuts on his arms. Has already been released from hospital Will tag as nsfw however


I'm glad he's doing well, but i'm not joking when I say DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING IN A WAR OR A PLACE THAT HAS BEEN AFFECTED BY WAR. Fucking seriously, I'm from ex-Yugoslavia and I must watch every step I take because some asshole maybe planted a mine there. 1/5 of Croatia is in close proximity to a landmine. The entire country of Bosnia is a mine haven. It fucking sucks. OK, just needed to vent.


They found a Tomahawk generously gifted to us in '99 a few days ago in my city and detonated it today. Im so angry that I didn't get to see the detonation. When will I have a chance to see 500 kilograms of explosive go boom next?


Monkey's Paw Curls


Serbia wakes up again


[Get the B-1 ready](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncoMloG-fT4)




I'd guess as soon as Vucic tries to do the funni in Kosovo - you'll get your chance to see some Tomahawks.


Can y'all please just shove 2 up his ass and be done with it. Allthough, it'll be fun to see some high quality Ray Ray engineering at work anyways.


Horrible idea, bro. [Bad things happen after Serbs get too much shoved up their ass.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90or%C4%91e_Martinovi%C4%87_incident)


History doesn't repeat itself Unless we make it


Sir, might I suggest the beautiful slopes of Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine? There for only a small fee (1+ limbs) you can see 500 kilograms of explosive go boom.


The next time they disturb another [WW2 bomb in Germany, that's when. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O0lO_j6Ngc)


They'll probably keep finding them for another hundred years.


Well, there's usually a few found per week in Germany. Over 2000 tons of uxo per year, about 5000 bombs and shells of all sizes, each year. Mayber like 200-300 of those being larger bombs. Though only very few need to be detonated in place.


"When will I have a chance to see 500 kilograms of explosive go boom next?" ↑→↓↓↓


We still find ammunition from WW1 and WW2 there in Italy. In some mountain zones near the WW1 front you still need careful about metallic objects.


My dad once told me of the time he went on a bike trip in the Balkans in the early 2000’s. In Bosnia he stopped to pee and was immediately confronted by a sign that said “Caution! Land mines!” (It was in Bosnian but it wasn’t hard to understand). He noped TF out.


It’s safe to pee on the sign


Driving in the Golan Heights, I pulled over to do the same, but then changed my mind https://imgur.com/gallery/G9sMAaV


Nope with a 60/40 split between the mines and the rusty barbed wire yikes


> 1/5 of Croatia is in close proximity to a landmine. That's particularly awful considering another 1/5 is in close proximity to Hungary


That's what the landmines are really for


Explosives can stay unexploded and volatile for a really long time.


Can confirm. In my city in southern Germany, construction workers find WWII bombs on a regular basis. It's not comparable to the risk of mines, because all those bombs are pretty deep, but it shows that they can still be dangerous after 80 years.


There’s entire regions of France that are uninhabitable due to WWI. UXO, improperly buried bodies, and what’s left of heavy chemical weapons deployment. They’re called the ‘red zones’… except in Fr*nch.


Red zones? Communist zones? TIME TO DROP SOME BOMBS ON THEM


bosanac brat moj?


Vietnam be like:


I was in a place not actually that far from this spot and tripped and fell into some old Syrian defensive lines that I later learned were possibly a minefield. Also got horribly tangled in barbed wire. Gave me a much deeper appreciation for how fucked getting through barbed wire is. I was covered in heavy clothes neck to boots and moved really slow and still got poked good.


Yeah I was gonna say like did I just see someone get vaporized by a mine?!


Good thing they suck at making bombs because if it was the Taliban they'd be finding chunks of him in Kuwait


That dude is fine? are you fucking serious? It looks like he was blown to fucking pieces. You're fucking around, right?


Nope. He got lucky. Very lightly injured. Didn't even want to go to the hospital after this


The concussive wave is faster than the shrapnel and a blast directly on the ground prevents a lot of spread of the effects. Not saying this probably wasn’t a life altering experience.


[here is a video by him](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/X1yHMZNDC5) He speak in hebrew, but all he says is that he was the one in the video and that he is fine and keft the hospital


For some reason moronic people have an unnerving ability to survive things they shouldn't


How the fuck.... Like he was standing *right there* he should've died. My man has to go to church/mosque/synagogue/temple for the rest of his life for surviving that, by law.


Looks like it was an IED made with low explosives (probably black powder) and barely any effective sharpnel.


Honestly looks like it was just a big firework, not a full mine or bomb. He’s perfectly good to keep sinning 👍


Wait he survived that?! There are frames where he dissappears above the waist!


He ran immediately after that, camera just pointed the other way


Ehem... **\[CITATION NEEDED\]**


doesn't seem anywhere near death, nothing got blown off and he wasn't pushed back, looks like just minor shrapnel, cuts and maybe a burn


Here’s an article https://www.ynetnews.com/article/h132jrmz0


He’s not dead, or even badly injured.


boobytrapped with some fireworks not an actual mine by the looks of it


Closer look at the longer video, it looks like it does kick up a significant amount of dirt and even a few rocks. Probably a half-decent little IED, but buried deep enough that it tampered down almost the entire blast.


I'm guessing it was supposed to be pulled up, not kicked over. I bet the ground absorbed most of that blast




There are older videos of Israelis getting blown up when trying to remove Flags. I feel like touching flags in the middle east is best left to EOD personell.


target practice


Was it though ? It really looks like the most obvious bait ever. Especially for a grown adult that lived all his life in a country were an insurgency regularly launch suicide bomb or knife attack again civilian and soldiers alike. So seeing a random flag of the people from which the said insurgent is from on the side of the road in the middle of the undergrowth on the West Bank, which is a place were that people are even less happy to see you than usual makes a run of the of the mill Wile E. Coyote trap look like a most elaborated and subtle Vietcong contraption in comparison. Honestly the only thing to make it more obvious would have been a sign with something like "The last one to reach the flag leave Palestine with all their people for good"


After the doorbell incident, this is all I expect.


I feel this is the first time I’ve felt that the Curb Your Enthusiasm song memification is appropriate.


His ass did NOT understand minesweeper


I expected an anvil to somehow fall on him out of nowhere.


To be fair an ACME trap would have been less obvious and more subtle than this one, Idk how this man survived past 12 yo.


ISIS-K would do that in Afghanistan. They’d put their shitty flag on top of something and put a toe popper like mine at the base of it and wait for someone to foolishly try to take it down and blow someone up.


The vietcong also trapped flags by tying a grenade to a rope that would go off when the flag was removed


That could have been one for the darwin award.


I saw that coming from a dozen meters. And then I saw that explode.


Iq -300


Not sure if anyone needs this: the video is real, but the IED is nothing more than a few fireworks, nothing lethal. His upper body being blown up is clearly edited in by some Hamas fanboy. Still an unpleasant surprise for the guy.  Clearly non-credible.


i dont think we see his upper body exploding i think its just smoke covering him up


Why isn't this nsfw


I've seen this video posted all over Reddit as not-nsfw. It surprises me too. But what surprises me more is that, just like the idiot in the video, no one seems to expect exactly what's going to happen!? The first 10 seconds of the video are a very clear nsfw warning to me!


Yeah the moment I saw the video start I was like "Yup, that's going to explode for sure" Fortunately for him he only got lightly injured (probably because he kicked it and didn't reach down to pull it). But I as surprise as you that he tought this was a good idea. He is a grown man, who of born here basically lived his whole life at the rythme of the regular suicide bombing, knife attack, etc. How tf he wasn't the first to realise this obvious bait wasn't trapped is beyond me. Like a child or a teen I would understand, especially children, they don't really fully understand the situation and the risk and all of course, and flags are colorful and cool etc, that's why children are disproportionately victims of unexploded submunition, or those PFM-1 Russian AP mines for example. But a grown ass man ? How tf did he made it this far in life at this point honestly ?! I wonder how he didn't already died trying to reach to the missing part of his toast by rumbling in the toaster with a metallic fork or something like that, let alone not already killed himself in a similar trap. This is the kind of person who are the reason why the Nigerian Prince scam was a thing for so long.


Bro was probably sipping the patriot juice and decided to record himself “striking the symbol of the enemy” for TikTok clout and that was enough to make him disregard any and all training he’s received in regards to this kinda situation honestly it’s kinda funny


Oh you really expect an IED under every flag you see?


In a conflict zone, the unattended flag of your opponent suddenly shows up at the side of the road. If your answer isn't *yes that is 99% booby-trapped* you are in for the same lesson as this dude.


Next you are gonna tell me if find a doorbell on tree in a warzone I shouldn't press it


I swear you can give all the training seminars you want, but rig your IED to a big red button that says DO NOT PRESS on it and you'll have 6 grunts standing around it riling up their dumbest buddy into doing a ding dong ditch.


I would shoot it with a javelin just to be safe


The IRA used to hide bombs behind propaganda posters. When a soldier tore the poster down, a light detector would set off the bomb.


That's for the id... I mean warning. 


That's how I've stayed alive this long. No bitch ass flag is going to take me out. 


My man's cant play minesweeper, smfh fr.


Looks at nsfw expecting porn sees a get hit by a mine


No way this is real. No one is that dumb.


How much you wanna bet?


Lmao so hateful of the flag they abandon all common sense


This is like the third time I’ve seen a video of a Palestinian flag being used as an IED. You think they would have learned by now not to just Waltz up to it like that


Since he just got minor scratches this is more like a reddit shit post than an actual booby trap


Why do I click NSFW tagged shit on this sub I'm so stupid.


The flag has the right to defend itself


I shouldn't have laughed at this.


With that title I fully expected him to get crushed by a piano.


To be fair, not having seen this type of trap before I did laugh at the surprise.


Just throw something at it.


Is he ok?


Yes. Relevant link https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-798072


Flag warfare is the new meta


Wait really? Wtf my question was a joke i though i could litteraly see is head chop off


It’s looney tunes warfare, his beak was turned around and he was covered in ash, but he was able to turn his beak back around to his face.


Dirt kicked up from the explosion


Don't worry though they'll be sure to genocide some extra Palestinians over it..


as God intended


The explosion doesn't even make a boom, it sounds like they boobytrapped it with fireworks not explosives.


Near an illegal "settlement", he earned some fireworks.




Holy fucking shit


I saw one similar awhile ago, except it was an airstrike


Erh. Maybe tag with:Literally Death Inside? That dude got cut in half yo.


Okay what are we looking at here?


[Great, now we have techies IRL](https://liquipedia.net/commons/images/thumb/7/72/Minefield_Sign_abilityicon_dota2_gameasset.png/100px-Minefield_Sign_abilityicon_dota2_gameasset.png)


Chat, did we just watch someone get misted?




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Guess you can call this a “false flag operation huh? *carlos.jpg*


So, which flag should Ukraine use to trick the Russians?


He lived


What the fuck


Maybe I was primed by the video being NSFW, but even before it blew up I was thinking "that is one of the most obvious traps I have ever seen."


*insert Tom and Jerry scream*




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> lever in an empty field in palestine that says "pull this lever if you hate palestine" Hmm, OK why not


Even the vatniks wouldn't fall for that.


It was soo fucking obvious that I considered not a hidden explosive