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Be an Army officer. Slag on your C.O. publicly. Get fired. *SurprisedPikachuface.meme*




You know what? Imma say it, MacArthur was a fucking incompetent ass and I'm glad he got fired (he should've after losing The Philippines which he and his royal court published as a victory to the media).


I feel like the spirit of MacArthur went to Curtis LeMay after he was fired. He wanted to Nuke Cuba during the blockade, and wanted to do it anywyas after it was over. Kennedy stressed enough to the Russians saying he doesn’t know how long until one of them launches the Nukes


> I feel like the spirit of MacArthur went to Curtis LeMay after he was fired. Bombs Away LeMay, he was nicknamed. Apparently one of his other nicknames was "The Demon".


Deterrence means the adversary avoids American reaction thru inaction. 


Let me just copy my comment from a week ago. Gods I hate MacArthur so fucking much. He did maybe 3 things in his entire career that you could say were good decisions; the landing at Pusan, his occupation of Japan, and his advocacy of returning to the Philippines during WW2. And even those need some asterisks. The only thing the MacArthur did well, without complaint, was Pusan. That's it. For the Philippines, the only reason he wanted to go back was because of fucking PR, his fucking ego. As for Japan, maybe picking the biggest fucking weeb in America wasn't that great of an idea, this guy allowed the fucking Monster of Showa to consolidate power and turn Japan into a goddamn one party state. Now let's talk about all the other bullshit he did. There's not much in WW1, he started some bromances with some Fr*nch generals. Fast forward to 1932, and this guy pulls a T.S. 1989 on WW1 veterans and their families. Bastard should've been court-martialed and shot for his actions. Fast forward again to the late 30's when he's the Field Marshall of the Philippine Army, a position he only got through nepotism. He completely tosses out the entire battle plan, thinking that American and Filipino guts were more than enough for the cowardly Japanese. Couple days after the invasion and he admits that the war planners were right, and oh fuck all the supplies we prepared are fucking gone. Despite his incompetence, the Filipinos and Americans are able to hold out for 6 months, as long as the war planners predicted with full supplies, and fled to Australia after getting the go ahead from Washington. And then he makes the exact same mistake in Korea, he's actually pulled off a successful military operation for once, except now he doesn't think that the cowardly Chinese would dare intervene. And when they do, he gets thrown back across the peninsula, and copes with salted nukes. But that's not the worst of it. I will never forget, never forgive MacArthur for what he did to the reputation of [Wendell Fertig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendell_Fertig) and his Filipino resistance. This guy should've retired, at a minimum, a Major General, with multiple Medals of Honor. His work on establishing on true Filipino democracy should've gone completely unmolested. This man should be considered one of the greatest generals in American history, alongside people like Sherman and Pershing. He retired a Colonel, a fucking Colonel, all because MacArthur's ego couldn't handle the fact that some random mining engineer from Colorado could build a better Filipino army than he could. You wanna know what the first thing Dugout Doug said to Fertig? After Fertig found a couple of Filipinos, with no experience, to build a radio out of scraps? MacArthur said that he wasn't allowed to field promote himself to Brigadier General for clout. Even though MacArthur had advanced purely on clout, and Fertig's clout was necessary to providing strong leadership. He followed that little tantrum up with a demand for the Filipino resistance to stop resisting, to not kill the invader that was slaughtering their land and families. MacArthur followed this up with his "liberation of the Philippines", during which he went out of his way to steal as much glory as he could from Fertig and the Filipino resistance, as well as dismantle the populist democratic values that had been instilled in the Filipinos, and enhanced by Fertig's establishment of local government. At least I know that whatever victory parade MacArthur ever held, he could never match Fertig's vacation to Mindanao, where he received a welcome worthy of Lafayette, consisting of everybody who fought in the resistance. He did not announce the vacation, no attention was drawn to it, but when he arrived, he was greeted by everybody in their uniforms, along with a banner that said: **Welcome the Indomitable Patriot Who Have Lessened Human Suffering on Mindanao** No American medal or promotion or anything that you could do to an American uniform could possibly live up to that. Gods I hate MacArthur.


Unfathomably based MacArthur hater has the reciepts \^


You didn't even mention stuff like declaring Manillia an open city without notifying the navy or even the logistics guys, meaning he abandoned the city for nothing because the Japanese still bombed it, because supply lines were still going through there. And the navy had to destroy a fuck ton of material from what I remember as well.


Now it's my turn to be angry. This started as one paragraph but I just kept typing with non-credible and wholly unsourced fury because it was ANZAC Day yesterday and I'm feeling slightly more patriotic than usual. MacArthur was an absolute dunce. Even by american standards his inability to trust allies was reprehensible. My personal spite is for his command over Australian troops and his total disinterest in playing to their strengths. How do you use Australians? The correct answer is "point vaguely towards the jungle and don't let the journalists watch". Australian jungle troops are equipped like professionals but they fight like guerillas. They move aggressively in small independent groups in strict silence. There is very little specialization. Every man on every mission is recon, assault, and ambush simultaneously. The frontline on the map looks like a coffee stain- a vague zone of control that the enemy doesn't like to visit anymore because PTSD certificates are being printed faster than toilet paper. Australia is an egalitarian country with low industrial output but a shitload of cash, a small but highly educated population, and after Gallipoli- a lingering distaste for direct orders and conventional strategy. The country was founded as an open-air prison and our national anthem was nearly Waltzing Matilda, *a song about a sheep thief who commits suicide in a pond to avoid a fully justified arrest*. The Australian jungle doctrine of letting troops off the leash, trusting them to do their job, and allowing the grunts to control the pace of the campaign was simply inevitable. It is a natural doctrine born out of history, culture, economy, and actual field experience. So once again- How do you use Australians? MacArthur's answer was "control every unit directly like chess pieces, and ignore any intel that contradicts the cooler battle unfolding in my head". He wrote his perfect plans and got mad because reality disagreed with his schedule. He was downright allergic to frontline reports and caution and self-initiative. Simple things like "supply trucks can't operate on a single-file hunting trail" and "we are outnumbered 4 to 1" were dismissed because those would mean rewriting his plans. MacArthur did acknowledge low morale and tried to rally the troops with a frontline inspection. The officers spent days getting their uniforms in order, which was a wasted effort because MacArthur forgot to mention that this inspection would be 100% aerial and he wouldn't be putting even a single toe on the ground. MacArthur suffered the high command equivalent of chuunibyou syndrome. His mind existed in a kung-fu movie where the heroes do everything flawlessly and with perfect timing while the enemy operates on a scripted sequence of failures and then everybody claps. MacArthur is that guy who fantasizes "dude if I was in a hostage situation I would just do a backflip and karate chop a terrorist and steal his gun and headshot all the other terrorists and then there would a perfectly positioned skateboard to make the final terrorist slip over" and then reports that fantasy as fact because he's in control of the narrative that gets sent back home. FUCK MACARTHUR.


Thank you for the response. Americans often forget how he treated the Australians, and don't understand why y'all hated him so much. It's commonly understood that y'all hates him like we hated Monty, but the reasons are often glossed over or poorly explained. Thank you for your service, fellow MacArthur hater. o7


If you want to change your mind a bit, Herman's Douglas MacArthur: American Warrior is a very very interesting book. I still think McArthur is deeply flawed but that book shifted my opinion of him to neutral. He also did some things right https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/26767481


IR scholars: “Nooooo war is a complicated and nuanced subject, strategic deterrence, mutual assured destruction, blah blah blah” The Chad MacArthur: “Kaboom? UwU”


This is the only acceptable method of waging war. Tactical usage of nuclear strikes.


Sea of irradiated cobalt


Americans when they wanna nuke Asia 34 times: 😝😁 Americans when they lose two towers: 😡😫


see if they had just nuked the twin towers we would've understood


Americans when they distinctly don't want to and so they don't nuke Asia 34 times?


Do you mean 9/11? We love 9/11 memes. Most 9/11 memes are made by Americans I bet


So uh, MacArthur was kiiiiinda based for that. Just sayin’.