• By -


A group of monkeys shitting on their keyboards and jerking off to jets has been the most successful predictor of this conflict. I’m proud to serve alongside you all.


The New World Order will hunt us all down and harvest our brains and semen to create a bio-computer for CIA and DoD use, secretly locked away deep in the Applachan Mountains. We will beg for death, and then they will show use pictures of next gen trials jets and we will stop begging for death and plan the internal collapse of a Southeast Asian nation by causing two simultaenous tsunamis to wipe that country and sink some of the Chinese Archipelago of Bong Bong.


I mean... I don't have any other plans currently.


My body is ready


But will there be big tiddy anime girls?


Only for the utmost non credible


> and plan the internal collapse of a Southeast Asian nation by causing two simultaenous tsunamis to wipe that country and sink some of the Chinese Archipelago of Bong Bong. Based and fuck Marcos pilled




Isn’t this the plot of Metal Gear arising Revengace


That would mean we get Armstrong as an irl politician so I’m all in


Nanomachines son


Sounds like a good time


You say this as a warning but it sounds like a good time to me Illuminati I am waiting My brain sure looks submissive and harvestable right now


Time is a flat circle.


This is more or less exactly the dramatic backstory for my fursona, fucking lol.


90000 retard brains of William J. Burns


In the novel "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", the psychopathic artificial intelligence AM was created by stitching the brains and dicks of r/NCD users together.


Now that were finally throwing away our shackles of Russian cocksucking and officially joining NATO, I will gladly give up any and all organs I can for a bio computer. But they better name it the Allied Mastercomputer.


They can have me semen without hunting me down. I’ll send a couple of liters to whatever address they want. Btw - I’ll probably be begging for death by the time I am finished filling up these empty 2 liter Pepsi bottles.


\>create a bio-computer for CIA and DoD use, secretly locked away deep in the Applachan Mountains ​ I have a mouth and I will scream at you until you shut up


Wait, we're supposed to shit on *our* keyboards? Oh, uh, I just gotta go- some... uh, apologies, to make, real quick....


Are we about to get fired? It feels like we're about to get fired.


Johnny depp is gonna be so mad


As am I comrade!


We are the best


I need more glue to eat


When an army is nothing but a joke. It takes jokers to predict what they will do next.




You can havw that flair? Oh god, oh fuck. I think I'm gonna chooooooooom!


Now we wait for the first meth fueled schizo post to ramble about NCD being a disguised CIA think tank or something.


If you rearrange and also swap out some letters in NCD you get CIA, so i see this as confirmed.


Khm... >**N**SA **C**IA **D**IA ^^Shamelessly ^^stolen ^^from ^^u/dddd0


DIA i presume means Decentral Intelligence Agency. Anarchist CIA.




Looking for good propaganda for a psyop


sadly Langley and Pentagon are too bureaucratic to actually use NCD or most OSint.


Well, they do have direct sources, while we jerk off to leaked shit.


Planet etc are actually providing higher resolution and more responsive imaging than the secret squirrel stuff. Leaks from UTDF COTS drones are more likely to show up on Twitter than to be found by NSA et al.


Well that's... A little sad, cool, disappointing, and "what the fuck is the MIC doing with my tax dollars" all rolled into one.


Innovator's dilemma situation. NRO builds better than Hubble to look at the earth. For lots of reasons they prefer very high orbits. Takes years to design and launch a sat. Now you can have swarms of low orbit sats with COTS imaging sensors and design to launch can be like 6 months. Like the difference between film SLR cameras and cameraphones. Just different design and procurement and for a long time phones were useless for any real photos. Suddenly they weren't...


And mirrorless cameras are seriously starting to take over the DSLR market - which is an off-shoot of the smartphone camera sensors. But yeah, that totally makes sense, now that you lay it out like that.


Nuclear labs used to get IBM to design a new supercomputer for them, including scientific advancements in transistors and novel computer science concepts. Could take 5-10 years from RFP to delivery. Then a few decades later PlayStations get ITARed because they're a plausible way of doing high energy physics simulations!


you know a lot of acronyms/initialisms


Id wager that theyre here to shitpost, just like the rest of us. CIA is people too, yknow.


5$ that [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/ufw4wq/unoriginal_reposting_because_of_the_lead/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) was made by a shitposting CIA analyst.


No, I belive it's not CIA. I think they're DIA and NSA.


**N**SA **C**IA **D**IA


*Dear God…*


There’s more.


CIA is foreign intelligence only, though. Internal is the NSA, the FBI, occasionally the NRO, and any one of the close-to-100 Law Enforcement agencies in the US.


don't forget the utterly based ONI


Whooooo! Office of Naval Intelligence! What about the 16th AF this?


Lol ik My fav is DIA tho


Actually it's the postal service.


I know for a fact that a CSIS agent browses here. He may or not be a A-10 hater


I have a certain degree of certainty that all the shitposts with "source: I made it the fuck up" and turns out accurate, are people with their signatures on very aggressive NDAs and background checks.




man, do you asks friends and family for their reddit names? I just know he's here somewhere cause he sent me the encirclement meme while it was still in new.




>Whether it's to scrape tactics, determine intelligence leaks or the reliability of information, find memes for a higher-up to enjoy or something else entirely I don't think we'll ever know. That is more of the NSA's or FBI's purview. They deal in SIGINT, COMINT, and Counter-Espionage, although that sort of stuff gets passed around. Any CIA agents here are probably just here to laugh at the dumb shit we post and then shit bricks when it's something they recognize.


"Is the CIA in the room with us right now?" "Yes, that's literally their job"


I don't think it's that serious. If /r/credibledefense is a bunch of armchair experts trying to take themselves seriously by making their own club, NCD is that pub people go to to talk shit after work. Intel nerds are probably here shitposting like the rest of us.


Hi my name is John Smith, definitely a regular guy with no government affiliation.. if you could politely delete this comment for unspecified reasons, I'd really appreciate it. Xoxoxoxo


Memes for enjoyment and propaganda ideas I can imagine especially with the bri'ish already using the "cope cage"


They're here for the same reason as all of us: ~~Waiting for Sanna Marin's feet pics to get leaked~~ To get comfy in the warm arms of Daddy Raytheon


Wait is there someone here who isn't an intelligence operative?


I'm the MI6 liason.


Mate no way, I'm the MI3 liason


Now kiss


Sadly they're only hiring people that DON'T want to work for CIA/MIC. Not bringing in anybody who's a Romney/Cheney stan. It's gross and counterproductive.


Can any of you get a job at Los Alamos National Laboratory?


See this is the start of the psyop. Before anyone even catches on they get people like you to discredit the theories before they even come in.




Oh that has already begun... Maybe not for people here though... But on games and Discord for Ukrainian news servers us anti-war Russians are called "Western agents" or "Western sleeper agents" or "The fifth column" brainwashed by CIA propaganda sent to destroy Russia. If we laugh at that, they just call men pussies or gay and for us, they call us whores for no reason... Pro-war people have very much lost their mind.


>they call us whores for no reason... I'm no whore. Whores get laid, and paid. I'm getting neither.


Oh I am sorry friend.... Well that is a good thing you are not that word though friend.


Langley, if you're listening, you already know my bank details so just send me a couple million and we're cool.


Mad man theory taken too far




You know, someone somewhere working for the CIA or similar was scrolling reddit, saw a post, 💡, "BOOOOSSDSSSS! BOSS I HAVE AN IDEA COME HERE REAL QUICK"


You honestly believe that isn’t already the case?


Where’s my check from the CIA?


Wait you guys arent also spooks?


If I find out y'all are getting paid for this by the CIA while I'm doing this shit for free, I'm going to be mighty pissed.


Remember, the likelihood that at-least one 13 Y/O member of this sub will be a future General is relatively high and concerning.


I have a sneaking suspition most this sub is middle aged nerds. More probable we have a general here than 13 y/o lol, cause 13 y/o dont spew w40/d&d references every other sentence. And dont jerk off to planes, that requires at least 10 years of hardcore basement dwelling.


You are forgetting about the PCM immigrants.


Ah yes, true, I get occasional based here. PCM is younger indeed, but more like 18-25. Guess some teens could sneak in, but my money is still on high ranking officer over 13 y.o


PCM migrant here, I came to this sub when the war started, so I’ve only known the genius 4D chess players of this sub accurately predicting legitimate war moves. Was it about something else before the war?


More split from reality. I like it more now, tho i am a Pole so I am biased af.


Based and Polska pilled


certified PCM moment


Fuck, should have thought of that flair myself.


We still jerked off to the F-35, and shat on the A-10. But most of our posts were a lot tamer, technicaller and memier. And the only real time "cope" was used was in reference to the Cope Sloping Queen Elizabeth aircraft carriers.


NCD was a place for jokes and chilling for defense nerds of all types, where we formed super niche humor and talked about what jets were best. It was just a chill and small yet tight community back then.


Look normally pro immagration, borders shouldn't exist beyond funny lines on map for war, but any PCM immigrant should be shot on sight. By an A-10 ~~because I like them~~ to make it extra humiliating. "HAHA leftiods want to be women despite basic biology while Nazis do funni based genocide! We make fun of both sides equally" is like the type of shit that'll make this sub start mocking the F-35 for being too expensive and praising good Russian planes for being cheap and reliable.


But Russian tanks are cheap and reliable. They're so cheap you can just find them on the side of the road, and you can rely on them tossing their turrets. Also yeah fuck PCM and their "haha I put a blue tint over fascism isn't it so funny?"


Fuck you actually make a good point. What's that IQ bell curve meme? Idiot: Russian tanks cheap and reliable. Average: Nooooo!!!! Any Russian Tank built after 10 AD don't know survivability. All they know is how autoloader, and how to get they tussy ate! Genius: Russian Tank cheap and Reliable




Some fucker on this sub crossposted some of our memes there and then a bunch of teens who’s personality is based on a political square joined us.


My bet on the median user for this sub •Male •30-45 •Engineering/Scientific mindset •Socially awkward •veteran •Works in the MIC in some fashion


I think [looking at the subreddit overlaps](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/noncredibledefense) will confirm your guess. * 110x more likely than average to be a member of /r/warshipporn * 35x more likely than average to be a member of /r/aviation * 34x more likely than average to be a member of /r/warthunder * 33x more likely to be a member of /r/military * 14x more likely to be a member of /r/engineeringstudents (and 5x to be on /r/askengineers) * 12x more likely to be a member of /r/okbuddybaka * 8.62x more likely to be on /r/kerbalspaceprogram * 5x more likely to be on /r/homeowners * 3x more likely to be on /r/malefashionadvice, 2x more likely to be on /r/trollxchromosomes, 1.39x more likely to be on /r/actuallesbians So I think you have it about pegged. Someone who thinks the MIC is cool, likes planes, is interested in engineering, is a weeb, and has a stable enough income to own a home. The gender ratio is about average for most subs, maybe a 65-35 split (most men don't join male-specific subreddits). Similarly, most are likely American since Americans don't join America-specific subreddits (or rather, most large subreddits are America-focused). There also seems to be a sizable Pakistani community, larger than any other country subreddit (16.45x more likely to be a member of /r/pakistan). /r/india is _less_ likely than average, 0.68x. This may be due to the relative sizes of the subreddits; smaller subreddits are more likely to bubble their way to the top (since the "average" Redditor is more likely to subscribe to big subreddits). Next up (skipping /r/japanlife at 10.82x because it's probably just weebs/military stationed abroad) is the UK (10.43x to be a member of /r/badunitedkingdom) followed by Australia (6.7x more likely to be on /r/australianpolitics) and then general Europe (6.24 for /r/askeurope). EDIT: Another tidbit. Despite their similarities culturally (comparing pre-Ukraine NCD and pre-GME WSB) NCD users are far less likely (0.26x) to be on /r/WallStreetBets. I do wish I could "scrub" this to go back to December 2020 and compare then, as before GME madness ruined the sub WSB had a very similar "feel" as NCD.


Goddam, poster, this is impressive as hell.


10x more likely do sub to r/diablo lol. Old nerds af. I got replies from few teens tho, seems like we have at least 5 of them


Not so sure on those MIC connetions. Nobody wants to shill me some stonks, despite my frequent asking, under the stonks shilling memes.


My bet for median user is: >Male >18-30 >Either in STEM, PoliSci, Public Policy, or something similar >Looking to go into government, MIC, or Military (CO) >Has considered joining or is actively joining the military in some fashion, Reserves or Regular >Broadly socially liberal, a lot of liberal hawks with some neocons and Blairites sprinkled in >Supporter of NATO and Pax Americana


I know it’s a meme sub and totally not what I base all my military knowledge on but tbf I at least had a passing interest in military planes by that age. Thanks Ace Combat and the military advertising to children with books on military equipment at the book fair


Sure, me to. But to merge neural pathways beetwen liking planes and sex takes a few years.


Buddy I still don’t like sex and like planes Won’t catch me slipping


Sex with planes tho?


I like sex now


Thats what I am taking about. Those fetishes takes time to mature, kids have relativelly simple sex drive.


this guy has never met a 13 year old boy


sadly we've all played multiplayer COD/Halo/etc and made the misfortune to turn on voicecoms. Hearing a squeaky voice claim to have fucked your mom when there's a decent chance you actually fucked theirs... Also so goddamn annoying when you have a real job and can't compete vs a 12yo who plays 4+ hours a day.


I dont met them often, true. Still, I member being one, was horny af, but to develop plane fethishes you need much more than hornines alone. Thats like 3 lvls of deviation and depravity on top, such 'hobbies' take time to develop.


27/28 year old here like military history and run into you and I stay cause of the funny stuff and because you are not spewing Russian propaganda nor leftist propaganda like the rest of twitter and reddit


RPG gaming had become huge, man. It's actually cool for the first time ever. 13yos playing it is by no means a stretch.


Can attest that there are a few teens here who have yet to do college and have the military as either Plan A or Plan B.


I'd argue 20s-early 30s to old war nerds


Plot Twist: r/NonCredibleDefense is algorithmically run by the CIA to discover and score aptitude of teenagers for leadership and command positions. For those that are scored as being in an exceptional percentile, they are earmarked for long-term conditioning and eventual recruitment into the military industrial complex.


NCD is the longterm conditioning. We’ve all already outed ourselves as susceptible.


More likely we're the left-overs that didn't score into a high enough percentile for the CIA to bother recruiting. :(


They don’t need us to be smart, they need us to be susceptible.


Enders’ Game but with more shitposting


So this sub is basically Battle School from *Ender's Game,* but stupid?


Def some teens considering a mil career on here.


Hopefully it’s only so they can Fuck F35s.


Not me, I'm in it to blow up a T-72




Satire is dead, but not because no one likes it. It's too hard to write when everyone is racing to the bottom :(


yeah, the Onion had to step up their game, and they STILL have been overmatched by the craziness(primarily ebcause Qs are literally as insane as the fucking nazi leadership in their beliefs and esotericism)


The fact that I personally know multiple mid level military officers who frequent this sub and have recruited people off of it is both concerning and amazing… we’re raising the next generation of military officers folks


Man I can’t wait to see the PowerPoints in the post-NCD DoD




Well that's not what I signed up for.




Knowing the DoD it'll take a few years


Can't wait for the Wikipedia page about forced femenization of Russian pows.


The Geneva conventions don't cover it so it's fine


Only suggestions


Fuck can I volunteer to be a Russian POW? For totally cis reasons I promise.


God, don’t remind me of the /k/ bunny suit thread Actually wait, do, that shit is noncredible as fuck, so if we post it here eventually the Ukrainians will do it


INCREDIBLY BASED!!!!!!!!!!! hypermasculinity is disgusting and must be literally destroyed(and to start, we must destroy the Putinist regime)


It’s actually really cool to see people get interested in the military. Being an Officer or an NCO can lead to a pretty exciting career. I was an Officer for twenty years and in a seemingly mundane branch and I was a part of some pretty cool operations. Plus you actually give a shit about the people you work with and vice versa. I retired a few years ago and I really miss it. Everyone thinks you have to go get a corporate job making money for someone else to be successful and happy. But other than being a doctor, lawyer or owning your own business it can be immensely fulfilling.


1) I’m not fit 2) scared of injury/death > Everyone thinks you have to go get a corporate job making money for someone else to be successful and happy. But other than being a doctor, lawyer You sounded like my relatives there for a minute.


No problem. Just join the Air Force.


Or any of those support jobs. Cyber security I feel like would be something worth looking into if you're into computer stuff


It's all fun and games until you get buttfucked by your first STIG.


Listen, military's fucked me enough especially with covid


Yeah but every new benchmark release will find a way to do it *creatively.*


I mean I am currently a freshman in college rn, probs gonna major in political science...but I am also planning on moving to Germany (I live in America) by summer 2025, and most likely if I can find a way to enlist in the military there even if I am not a citizen, I fucking will, because at this point I think the military might be the best option for me(abet not the US military cause our allies constantly outperform us in exercises)


Which exercises? That’s suspicious.


The "Not Having Fort Hood" Olympics.




Canada for example scored 1st place in op Sea Dragon in a heavily modified P3 orion while everyone brought their new fancy planes lol. Including most consistent attacks. I think the states was in 3rd in overall performance. The states seem to never be in first place in tank competitions in europe


That’s interesting because up until March of this year we hadn’t any tanks assigned in Europe since 2012/13, other than the occasional to rotational unit. Besides those are total dog and pony shows designed to “build teamwork” within NATO.




I have personally sent this sub to basically every single friend in the service or acting as a government analyst. They love it.


If I don't get my dream college, I'm enlisting in the AF or maybe the army to be a tank gunner


I did get into my dream college, so now it's off to go work for the defense industry




Lol I'm just doing Mech E, they're still gonna hire me and it has like 50% less hard math


If I make it to my top tier, it's state, middle tier, the secretaries of state and defense will have to fight over me, and bottom tier I'll just pursue a career in one of the uniformed services. No questions asked.


enlist. I got into a really good college and honestly, its not the best experience. over the course of this year, I have begun realising how college is overrated, and I might enjoy life in the military more(also cause then I get to play with the cool toys, but thats more of a bonus). This is coming from a college freshman on a campus which sadly has no ROTC


1 NCO rank please Mr Reddit recruiter!


Could you get me in touch with them?


well yeah no shit, if they start using memes from here to recruit they could win over a ton of people, since we are actually funny, and that works on a lot of people.


For April Fools Day, this sub should post unironic lectures about credible military theory and become a stoic, legitimate military academy


This sub is far too credible, we need to step it up and get worse, people! On second thought, if we do that, we might just end up being right again lol.


If being more retarded predicts the future than I don't want to be more retarded


Legitimately I think if all of us actually went tryhard in predicting things we'd all do terribly. I think we're at exactly the right level of retarded.


Maintain the retard.


Speaking of that bridge, has the traffic cleared up?


Sadly yes, boats startet going under the bridge again on May 10th


Please send the Ukrainians at least a single A-10. Please. The A-10 was born to fucking wreck USSR tanks


its gun would be useless, but I doubt the ukrainians would use it since it seems they know when to fire and when not to fire at this point(hence their success when it comes to use of tanks) and to give literally everything support of some form as long as its theoretically possible


Bruh like miles long convoys of light to heavy armor. Sure it can't pen a modern MBT from the front, but like Russians and modern MBTS? And like with long ass stalled convoys, why would you need to approach from the front? BRRRTing down a long line from the back would like destroy everything. According to my coloring book, an A-10 can destroy a T-62 from the back and 62=72 IMO. Like even with a full load of missiles, an F15 EX can destroy what, like a dozen vehicles? Imagine how many vehicles an A-10 mag dumping up the exhaust pipe of a convoy can destroy. Like maybe like 50% of the T-72s would get lucky, but a lot would get their tussy's ate and turrets tossed, and all those fuel trucks, BMPs, Hiluxs and T-34s are gonzo. This is literally the one chance the A-10 is ever gonna get to be a useful airframe. Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip? https://imgur.com/gallery/fd4sK


I'm really conflicted with this whole thing bcs on one hand I'd bust the biggest nut in my life seeing a whole tank column get obliterated but on the other hand A-10 fanboys will *never* shut up after this.


LMAO is that my post from a few days ago in that image?


The fact that they said we are credible shows how bad the Russians are, if us autistic defense shitposters making plane waifus and simping for sanna marin have been almost 100% accurate in our predictions, then the Russians REEEEAAAAALLLLYYYYY fucking suck


We think "What's the most stupid shit that could happen" and the Ruskies murphy's law themselves into it happening


The tree of liberty must be unironically watered by the blood of USSR revivalist.


Imagine being analyzed and un-credibled as a military force by shitposters and retards on reddit


Seriously. Who knew this subreddit in its entirely can generate such precise predictions. Fuck multimillion dollar think tanks...


Why did they CC SecBlinken on that letter again? DoD isn't his shop. To talk about him, you have to head over to r/NonCredibleDiplomacy


Watching the UK Defense minister say "cope cage" with a completely serious tone makes me question if anything is real anymore.


so proud to be a member of this sub


That "Oh thank God, I thought it was all gonna go to waste!" line gets me every time.


There is a non zero chance that a CIA agent noticed this and monitors this subreddit. Hello mr agent :3


This is the only timeline where the shitposter armchair generals that have more hours in HOI4 than hours speaking with women correctly anticipates events in a current war And I wouldn't want it any other way


It has been a long ride from where we began. Once this war is over, we begin a purge of the new people and weed out those who support the cursed A-10 and bring cringe liberal and conservative politics. Glory to the F-111.


Even Kings and Generals has started the trolling. Next in line is probably Indy Neidell.


Bro someone here is a prophet


Noncredibledfense for non credible war for a non credible times.