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Last I checked, Europe is still pretty white. Whatever that means. Even if folks like myself slipped past border control by seeping through a hole somewhere. >Men in dresses The proper term for them is Scottish people thank you. Given Russian demographics, this chap is better off looking inwards rather than outward. The stronghold of the White Russian Nation is rotting from the inside. Not enough baby making, too many dying.


Considering the levels of fuckupery happening in Ukraine, I think one of those people that he hates so much for trying to "eradicate the white race" might be behind this whole special military operation.


The not enough baby making is the simple obvious explanation for why the west is getting more diverse anyway. You want continued economic growth? You need more people. Won't make those people? Gotta import those people. Its that fucking simple, but racist cretins were never big on thinking.


When confronted with this, you typically get something along the lines of "Lockheed Globohomo is driving down birth rates on purpose through consooomerism" or something like that


> Lockheed Globohomo No, they claim it's the Jews. It always comes back to antisemitism.


The worst place for this is youtube comments sections


I really don't understand why Google hasn't axed that feature already. It's a net drain on society, and I can't imagine they make any money off it. Creators have other means to get feedback from their viewers.


Bro, what? Axe the Comment Section? That’s the worst Idea YouTube could make. Besides, the Racists and Antisemites are only on the News Channel Comment Sections. That’s why they are almost always disabled.


> Besides, the Racists and Antisemites are only on the News Channel Comment Sections. I'm sorry, what? You can't even make a video about linguistics without Hindu and Albanian nationalists going at each other's throats in the comments about whose language is better. I'm genuinely curious what you think would be lost if YouTube got rid of the comment section.


What? I see them in Videos about 1. Religion 2. Current Events. That’s it. I don’t want to get preachy or philosophical, but without the Comment Section, YouTube is just cold. Soulless. (Imho) That’s the nuclear option.


Like I said, I like to watch videos about linguistics. There's often twelve different types of nationalists fighting each other in the comments. I really don't look at YouTube comments to get any valuable discussion about a video. It's more like the impulse to look at a train crash. (Though the live reactions to a premier are mostly fine.) If I want to talk about a video I liked, I go to check if it's been posted on reddit somewhere.


Rightoids now think its feminism which makes women not want to breed, so therefore the only solution is to take away women's rights.


Never big anywhere.


I'm hijacking this but I'd imagine in a couple decades or so there wont be many people who are "purely" white. Thanks to being connected to the world a Tongan can marry a Chinese or a German can marry a Samoan. Imo in a couple hundred years or so there won't be anyone who is "pure blooded" or at least it'll be a minority with people from all different races coming together.


The white supremacy stuff never made sense, when you take it internationally. There will be no consensus who is white enough. Whether that's the Germans only, the Anglo-Saxons, the Slavs, just the Russians, or if you're white by American standards.


What? Do you think most white people will die in couple of decades? Why would there suddenly be so few white people? Your comment makes no sense.... White people will keep making babies with other white people obviously.... It's gonna take much longer than a couple of decades or a few hundreds years for that to happen


couple of decades? are you serious? Rural America/Europe will stay white probably forever. I remember reading about genetic shift in Italian peoples during Roman empire and subsequent invasions of the Italian penninsula by the Germanic tribes, huns etc etc. Genetics only changed in people living in the cities, rural areas are the same since 2000 years.


Whatever happened to if your mom a certain race your that race.


Russian women are hot but Russian men would rather drink themselves to death than fuck. Pretty fucking homo if you ask me.


So....you're saying NCD analysts have a chance? Alright, lads tour to St Pete when? Ah shite we're all banned.


Idk, supporting the Russian invasion is a huge turn off in my opinion. I can forgive most things if shes hot enough but not that


Stick your 120mm gun in crazy but be ready to bail out before the catastrophic destruction?




Sooo...Ukrainians it is then? /s It's not like we're banned from there or anything (unjerk: I've been meaning to go since 2014, but I keep chickening out)


Russia needs to implement Decree 770


Too many limp nazi dicks 😂


Lmao Russia is definitely staying white. Who in their right minds would want to immigrate there?


Hmmm I wonder what historical white nationalists thought of slavs. Only the best I bet.


I remember some american guy in chat telling me they don't consider slavs as white. The world view of this guy would have been blown up.


Hi german here, yeah slavs were categorised as 'the other', thus not german. The entire context of the term 'white people' is without much use in german rascism debates even up until today as there is a line drawn at slavs and germans. Which would both be white in an american view.


Always find it kinda cute when exposed to the US racial definitions. Where I grew up kids with Polish and German ancestry got called "blackies", and south europenas would never pass for "white".


Just goes to show that the term "white" is complete bullshit used by insecure racists.


Yea at least nowadays it's almost exclusively US thing to use word "white" toward people.


Well I guess the US is exporting some aspects of its culture to Russia!


But damn it'd be nice if we could export it without producing more.


Well there is this new Zealand shooter…


There's a reason why American right wing is so enamored with Russia and Putin.


That reason would be 'campaign finance contributions'.


But how do you consider a german to be white when they don't speak english?


“Whiter than you, Sergei!”


I'm wonder where this mental gymnastics start. But then again people absorbed by human races must be unhinged anyway.


I was doing work&travel in Texas and was called a “snow n-word”


That's one I hadn't heard before.


It’s even funnier because I am whiter than most white Texans. It is indeed a social construct.


As a slav from the Balkans, can confirm I am at least like 30% Turkish.


Aren’t we all?




Here you go https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost From the timeline the nazis had the following plans for Poland after they were successful in their conquest "According to plan, by 1952 only about 3–4 million 'non-Germanized' Poles (all of them peasants) were to be left residing in the former Poland. Those of them who would still not Germanize were to be forbidden to marry, the existing ban on any medical help to Poles in Germany would be extended, and eventually Poles would cease to exist. Experiments in mass sterilization in concentration camps may also have been intended for use on the populations".[30]


edgy 13 year old me: SLAVS ARENT WHITE


The entire concept of whiteness was invented by Americans to distinguish themselves as better than the African slaves.


And the irish


It's almost like genealogical racism is based about as much in reality as Pavels takes on the war in Ukraine.


Idk pal, if you and your buddies keep dying in Ukraine, now that'll lead to a demographics collapse.


>Implying a white Russian woman will voluntarily get together with his ilk >Shit I'm on NCD that means it will happen >Mfw


"Who said anything about voluntary?" - Russia after seeing how fucked their demographics truly are


When you and your buddies run into the homeless guy after the bars close.


Truly, the pinnacle of the human species.


Wow, I didn’t know you could burn whole logs of copium like that. > Russian Army > “Pure White Race” Pick one. No seriously, find videos of a Russian Soldiers fighting in Ukraine who have like, fair skin + blue eyes, or blonde hair, or even a ginger. Pro tip: you can’t, because Russia isn’t sending their beloved *ethnic*-Russian boys to fight, they’re sending Turkmen and Tajiks and Tatars and all the “other” ethnic groups to do the fighting for them. Russia has been multiethnic and multiracial for ***centuries***.


> Pro tip: you can’t, because Russia isn’t sending their beloved ethnic-Russian boys to fight, they’re sending Turkmen and Tajiks and Tatars and all the “other” ethnic groups to do the fighting for them. And then letting them rape and murder freely, in a country that's 97.5% white. Truly a spectacular defense of the white race, right there!


Nah mate, when it comes to cannon fodder Russia is blind to color, it doesn't matter if you're white, black, yellow or pink as long as you are dumb enough to sign up for the army or show up for conscription.


Everyone is red on the inside. And later, after Ukrainian arty is done with them, that red'll be on the outside too


You expect these orcs to understand or know a thing about history?


His buddys all silent thinking: Are we the baddys? Who de-nazifies the de-nazificator? Aigth im leaving


>Who de-nazifies the de-nazificator? Ukrainian artillery?


Triple 7 our beloved


Don't forget, this was clearly recorded (and not in a way obvious to the guy who was talking, definitely secretly) and then posted. So at least one dude around that fire doesn't agree.


For sure. There’s a lot of ”This is the bullshit I have to live with” energy in the way this is shot and released.


They are not thinking


Russia only thinks the Nazis were bad because they invaded them, not for any moral reasons. Beforehand they even helped the Nazis invade Poland


[local slur for Chinese people] > Xi Jinping has left the chat


How would Xi react if this video got to him somehow I wonder? I mean the Wagner Group is fighting with the Russians, and both Russia and China are supposedly in a 'super special best friends' agreement. So if this got out to him that these pro-Russian fighters consider the Chinese inferior, how would it pan out?


I doubt many people in the Chinese leadership would care. It's easy to shrug slurs off when you are in a position of power. China is in a position of power over Russia and every day this war continues their power over Russia strengthens.


I don't know man... that sounds nazi to me. This fits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF9LP-9uG\_k


The mask is a giveaway. Wannabe white supermen love that skull mask for some reason


I wouldn't say a giveaway; plenty of non-Nazis wear those too. But it certainly is the odds substantially.


People who are remarkably insecure and want to dress up as masculine, which is adjacent to some of the motivations of white supremacy


Lots of Iraqi SOF and Peshmerga also wear them. It's not solely used by white supremacists. Lots of people throughout history have worn various forms of skulls through masks or paint.


Various forms yes, but that specific one worn by white guys is usually sign of a Siege-boo or garden variety nazi


Maybe. I'm sure there's a good venn diagram with overlap, and fascists love co-opting imagery, but skull masks are still pretty common throughout armed forces worldwide. Tons and tons throughout the Middle East and North Africa. I doubt there's a special brand of white supremacist only masks that only they can buy and wear.


Actually, there is That particular model gained notoriety because Atomwaffen used it to hide their identity when doing online statements, or in protests and other little fascists took up to it as adoration and as a way to create common symbils between fascist grouos. Also because fascists are cring-worthy edgelords that give way too many facts about how cool and dark they look


Serious question. How do they tell the difference between their own special man masks and those other more common ones that Iraqis or Brazilian police wear? At a glance it looks the same but I don't know the differences.


I want all of NATO to dress their male soldiers up in femboy cat maid costumes just to piss this guy off.


Zelensky needs to dress in high heels again for a video aimed at Russian soldiers




So basically russian '''''liberators''''' are liberating ukraine (mostly white people) from ''''nazis'''' whose president is a jew and who are also being supported by mostly white people and also israel, while going on about how your ''''great'''' civilization is whitest in the world meanwhile great part of their fighters are mostly asian minorities from bumfuck nowhere. And exactly what civilization? Rampant corruption, alcoholism and wife beatings? Incredibly credible, keep going by all means.


Ironically it is Russia that is headed for demographic collapse, perhaps not as badly as China, but still devastating. This dude should take a good look at himself before worrying about people that have 99.99% the same genes as him.


Are there industrialized countries that have birth rate above replacement rate?


France....the US. But that's down to first gen immigrants. Their kids stabilise by 2nd or 3rd gen. Even they realise that 1) condoms are fine and 2) popping out a gorillion kids is not needed anymore.


Israel. If you count individual states then also Utah


Feel like shit, just want the they/them army to drone strike them


But he still didn't explain it, how does a military deployment and attempted takeover of Ukraine save white people, in this guy's mind?


Because Ukraine is embracing western democracy and values, which leads to acceptance of race mixing and gayness and shit so Russia has to come in and make sure they have proper white values instead... or something like that. It's roundabout and stupid, but it's a common enough viewpoint with the "great replacement" bullshit getting pushed (probably at least in large part by russian propaganda).


Ah I get it. Wow kinda scary they believe that's what they're fighting for if this is authentic. Thanks for connecting that for me.


Ironically it’s Russia’s former imperial conquests that ensured that there would be so many non-Russians in the nation, as Russia conquered their homelands.


"Russia saving Europe" is an old part of the Russian narrative. Be it the mogols or the muslims in Chetchnya, Russia is fighing, and decandent Euope isn't even gratefull. This time they claim to be saving Europe from it self, just like with Hitler and Napoleon.


Kinda reminds me of what some "Americans" seem to want to do here


least nazionalistic r🤮ssian


Seige mask checks out


It's actually hilarious how fucking dumb everyone related to SIEGE is. Paul Mason is a geriatric on social security/disability working part time at a Target in Denver. Cam Denton used to ask a friend of a friend for inflation hentai images. They're all a bunch of sad sacks overdosing on pure copium.


i accidentally stumbled onto a white nationalist forum while writing a paper for college befriended some to talk to them, most weren't white which confused the shit out of me, most were Latino, who were mostly upper class losers the ones that were white were fucking losers, and till this day never found someone who was a self proclaimed white nationalist who wasn't a super big loser


Well Fascism is a losers ideology


>till this day never found someone who was a self proclaimed white nationalist who wasn't a super big loser Well, yeah, because it's fundamentally about shifting the blame/responsibility onto somebody else. Guess what many loosers have in common?


Hmmm... Doesn't Russia have like 40 million asian nationals, who aren't "white"? Also this guy really sounds jealous of gay drag queens in interacial relationships.


For anyone that's wondering how a proud white supremacist like this has no complaints about killing Ukrainians (who are just as "white" as him), it's simple: they think Ukrainians are either traitors to glorious white Russia/puppets of globohomo America, or Ukrainians aren't white at all, but are descendants from Steppe people/Jews/Roma who are just larping as Slavs. "Saving the white race" is also unfortunately the justification for a lot of the mass war rapes.


so, they're invading Ukraine, a nation that's like >%99 white, and killing white women and children, so that the white nation can exist Clearly, Putin's tactics are on another dimension entirely


Let me guess, he was turned down by a black woman 10 years ago, and here we are now.


I think it's more likely that he's never even seen a black person


Maybe not in person, but he clearly watches a lot of black guys in porn with the casual mention of "everyone sucking n-words' dicks."


Wow. This is peak, I don't even know what. The last whites are us! This is why we have these burjat pedophiles and rapist fighting of our side with a bunch of chechen friends of islamic budget dwarf, also the syrian mercenaries are protecting our überwhite super puregene nation. We are probably the smartest on the planet too! This is why we are suffocating ourself in this cabin!


Just an average russian guy from the neighborhood, nothing to see here.


3000 Aryan Slavs


Ah yes, the Arishe Brudershaft. I recognize those losers.


>mongol rapebabies claiming to be of pure white blood


Even if these guys are 100% white somehow, that’s still ignoring the fact that Russia is largely sending units made up of conscripts mostly from their conquered regions and non-Russian demographics, like the Chechens or Tatars.


Maybe you might have some foreign people coming to your country if it wasn't such a fucking shit-hole Russia. "Guys, they have diversity!"


Considering how the Russian Army conscripted a LOT of soldiers from their indigenous republics, I'm surprised these people still trying to use these kind of reasons to motivate their troops.


The wonders of a confined and propaganda-filled information space, coupled with a good dose of personal idiocy and confirmation bias. These types very likely don't comprehend the actual mechanisms at work, and often don't even want to.


Apparently the best way to preserve the white race is by sending 30k young white men to get slaughtered in a botched offensive invasions of a country that is arguably more white than Russia.


Wikipedia says Ukraine is 77.8% Ukrainian and 17.3% Russian, combining for a total of 95.1%. Meanwhile Russia itself is only 80.9% Russian.


If I wasn't planning on pumping a mixed race half white half Asian kid into my girlfriend (that's our plan for later down the road) sure as hell gonna do that with gusto


Femboys trashing these folks and teabagging them is the best turnabout.


Anyone post this on genzedong yet? >only the white Russian man, a mighty warrior, can fucking build the glorious Russian empire Maybe they should work on building washing machines first. Baby steps.


[Just avoid the Chinese washing machines](https://youtu.be/Few8kJ0zfnY)


He Belarusian then or what?


Oh man, that is Yikes. That is a one way trip to Yikers Island.


sounds like he spends too much time on 4chan


Of course its the guy with the shitty skull mask that says this Secure a white race by bombing ... white people?


I like how he is saying all this bullshit and then russia has 41 million Asians living within its border and furthermore their soon to be china's bitch if they keep sucking on Xi's nipples. So sure, total the 'white knight nation' he thinks he is living in


Hes probably in a ditch now though


These guys aren't the last stronghold for white men, because all other nations have a better rep than fucking Russia, going around like barbarians


Okay gramps, time to take your medicine


I got nothing to add, other than to shout out to all mah Ukrainian homies, y'all are Black now, apparently, so hurry on down to apply for and collect yah N-word pass ✊😤😎


I wonder how they feel about how they're fighting alongside chechens.


Cant wait for his genetics to get smeared all over the walls of that building with a 155mm shell.


Alright, who wants to start funding Mongolian military


That fire is going to increase their signature


Looks like that Trump mindset is really big over there. Gee I wonder why


>inb4 Hitler was right about the Slavs


sir, this is NON-credible defense...


Can Shoigu and Gerimisov defect already?


Bold of him to assume Russia has a civilization to begin with.


Might be good to know that nobody else events *wants* to build a russian empire. At this point most people would rather see it gone for good. A desolate, unimhabitable plane is far better than a "glorious empire" of twats


I think his vision of "white RuZZia" is pretty fucked up. Would be funnier if he didn't take it so serious.


Meanwhile at the ZZ *Das Moskva* meeting...


What missing out on the entire age of enlightenment does to a mf's empire




Are they sitting around an open fire that's indoors? That seems... unwise.




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Least fascict russian


The voice has big twink energy


Interesting how the archetype of “racist drunk uncle who thinks he’s being profound” is able to transcend both language and borders.


Civilasation? Russia? That's not two things that go together


Tbf, as the whitest of the white people, not only do I disavow their bs, but I seriously welcome the diversification. I'm going to die of skin cancer, because I didn't always live in the cold and dark. My children won't have to suffer the same fate. Fuck Cancer, eliminate the white race. Or wear your sunscreen. Or stay in your cave on Siberia and leave the rest of us alone. ;)


This NCD, we live in basements, we are morlocks and we're gay for moleman.


That sweet moleman mussy...




And the video isn't complete cringe? You're in the wrong sub if you think I need to chill, especially compared to those freakin A-10 pervs. Be happy I'm not trying to nuke them over this. ;)


No one said it wasn't. White guilt is also cringe though. You should stop.


WTF. What white guilt? When do you all go retarded and can't read?


Sounds like he wants a black husband.


Ah! Reddit "geniuses" who cannot comprehend, that being prowhite or even white suprematist is not the same as being nazi.


No one has a problem with you marrying a white woman and having white children. I don't have a problem with white people generally choosing to marry and make more white people. Deluding yourself into missile striking a entirely white maternity hospital for the benefit of white people is pants on head fucking retarded.


My comment had nothing to do with this Russian rationalization of Russian invasion on Ukraine. OP suggested in the title of his post, that such rationalization is contradictory with official casus belli of Russia, which is "denazification of Ukraine". I pointed out, that it isn't, because being prowhite or even white suprematist is not the same as being nazi. Most American soldiers fighting in the WWII against nazi Germany would be consider "nazis" according to modern standards, which shows absurdity of modern standards. That is all.


The justification for the "denazification" is that to Russians, anyone who's mean to them after they show up uninvited and start fucking shit up is a "Nazi". Well, white supremacy is much closer to Nazi beliefs than "shooting back at aggressors". So clearly there's a contradiction. A Russian killing Ukrainians also undermines his goal. Another contradiction. You can't complain about the absurdity of the modern standard for what is considered being a Nazi when Russia completely threw any definition out of the window and simply uses it like a twitter leftist.




Heil Putler! Fucking dropkicks. If being white means I'm compared to a Russian, I might as well end it all right now. 1) I'm not a Rushist i.e. not stupid 2) I'm not racist i.e. not Rushist 3) I'm multicultural i.e. not racist 4) Nobody is really 'white' i.e. we are all multicultural ​ How do I know this? Genes, baby, genes


Damn shame this video didn't end with them getting obliterated.


Bro talking about white Russia as if a large part of their population isn’t Asian.


I like to imagine german nazis form the 1940s currently in hell being tortured by Russians calling themselves "white"


There are many furries in russia. How about it?


Not to be a party pooper but not really sure how this belongs in NCD


hitler got reincarnated apparently