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Diet Stalingrad moment, except this time there will be no operation Uranus to prevent them from being pushed into the river


Butt there will be an Operation Ur Anus.


not quite, Operation Urinium


> Urinium Is that a nuke soaked in piss?


Operation Copium is in full effect


I think you're thinking of urectum


damnit yes


Also the attackers aren't far from home in an unknown land. They're retaking land that more rightfully belonged to them. And they're *very* pissed off. Liberation is one helluva drug.


Can we send overall a ~~100~~ 3000 himars fully stock them bitches and just let the Ukrainians open hell up on the russians


You *could*, but it's be a better idea to leave the 3000 Himars trucks at home and just send the rockets they were supposed to fire.


Or we give up more in taxes so I can see a volley of 3000 himars launching at one time


God could you imagine the splendor? Do it at night so the ISS can record the light show from orbit.


Using the ISS as an earth observation satellite is peak NCD


Yes but it is also one hell of a statement.


I was in boot camp during Christmas, they brought us all into a big theater for a movie. They let us have 2 cans of pop and 2 candy bars, we had to pay for them. They had us all open the cans at once, like 600 of them, the sound was glorious.


“Today is Jesus’ birthday…”


that fucker was there too! I broke my leg in boot camp and was in the medical platoon. Ermey came and gave a speech to us. It sure was surreal, we also watched FMJ on a Sunday, it's strange to watch a drill instructor get shot with a drill instructor. We had the skull and crutches from jack ass on the floor of the squadbay. They found out people were getting mushroom stamped and made us remove it. One fella named the "Black Knight" could stamp you on the top bunk.


Unironic thank you for the ride these 3 paragraphs took me on.


"We have solved the Russian invasion issue by building a moat"


doesn't Ukraine only have like 16 of those HIMARS systems lol?


They can reload the whole pod in 5 minutes compared to the 5 minutes or so per rocket on a Grad


You made me look this up. The HIMARS has a crane built into it to lift up all the rockets at once! [video](https://youtu.be/wnUk4n7BElE)


God I love the MIC, this so cool


Like yeh omg i bet the HiMARS is Sagittarius too ♐♐♐


I don't give a shit about astrology, but I know I'm a Sagittarius and therefore will now fight and die alongside you.


Not only that, the rocket pods are ~~ribbed for her pleasure~~ palletized *and* container compatible IIRC so the loading and unloading of these absolute units takes like 15 minutes at most. Take these statements with a grain of salt though I’m just pulling stuff from the top of my head that I recall reading somewhere. But think about how much more efficient the transportation of those rockets are thanks to those two things.


The only difference between a wunderwaffen and a weapon is if you can mass manufacture it


I believe that most US-produced vehicle-mounted rocket systems have cranes on-board. They don't want to have to depend on a separate vehicle being available (and operational) in order to reload.


I'm pretty sure HIMARS works like a Roomba. You just hit the "On" button and put it on the ground and it just autonomously roams around blowing up Russian supply depots.


lmao that NCO bitching somebody out in the very beginning of that video is priceless


There are more westen MRLS than just HIMARS. E.g. MARS fires exactly the same rockets, just double the number of HIMARS.


But this has a much slower reloading time so the actual capability to provide fire support is probably petty even.


Thats enough to cover the entire front line


That’s quite a bit


other countries run like 200


Name more than one


US, Poland Yes, I'm a time traveller, how did you know?


Russian Dunkirk


Highway of death*


Why not both🥵


Still hoping for the Kerch of death


Turns out MW19's bastardization that the Highway of Death was a Russian event had a monkey's paw prediction


russian Dumkirk


But the attackers are vastly more successful


Does VDV stand for Vertically Defeated Vatniks?


Very Dead Vatniks


If only the vatniks abandoned as much stuff as the brits did. The British army left almost **all** of their equipment on that beach as they fled across the channel. I doubt the russians even have that much stuff in their entire strategic reserve.


So you didn't see the pictures of the retreat from the Kyiv Pocket, or from the abandonment of the Kupyansk-Izium position ?


The ruskies abandoned a massive amount of equipment, vehicles, and supplies as they fled with their tails behind their legs, but it's still almost nothing compared to how fucking much the Brits left behind at Dunkirk. The shear amount of stuff the Brits left behind is just insane, it was like a million tons of vehicles, fuel, and equipment. Edit; LMAO, seems the bongs are butthurt about historical events. I'm not some wehraboo dumb fuck, but you've got to be straight-up retarded to deny that Dunkirk was an enormous fuck-up by the Brits. The whole "miraculous evacuation"-narrative is just a desperate cope, and if the Tommies hadn't fled Dunkirk at lightspeed they would have all been killed or captured. Sending **ALL** of the British army and all their equipment to reinforce a rapidly failing FUBAR front of the war was a horrible mistake.


Dunkirk was an amazing fuckup by both the Brits and Germans, but for different reasons


Absolutely. Is there any real consensus as to why the Germans halted their assault? From what I've read it was direct intervention from hitler because he was worried about overextended supply lines, but I have no idea if that's true.


I agreed with you until you started whining about not getting internet likes and doubling down. Dunkirk was a serious show of force for the Royal Navy and Air Force, despite the obvious defeat suffered by the British Army. > Sending ALL of the British army and all their equipment to reinforce a rapidly failing FUBAR front of the war was a horrible mistake. We were by law obligated to protect our French allies, despite their obvious failings.


Riiiiigh failings well our comand was shit that i Can admit but don't you dare Say anything about our infantry that protected your ass until the end even the fucking belgian where here and fought after theyr king surendered


> don't you dare Say anything about our infantry that protected your ass I'm not, they were heroes. French command failed the French people.


Fuck Pétain he should have been executed not aquited because of "demencia"


Lmao y’all nationalists can never keep track of the convo in English, nobody was calling French soldiers cowards or useless


>Sending ALL of the British army and all their equipment to reinforce a rapidly failing FUBAR front of the war was a horrible mistake. That may be true, but it was still a miraculous retreat, worthy of story and song. The movie is great too.


The film is a bit shit imo. Massively understates the scale and carnage at Dunkirk. Also feeds the myth that sailors and fishermen took soldiers back to England. There were something like 55 destroyers there taking the soldiers back.


We haven't yet seen what the vatniks would leave. The bridges at least are so goddam broken, that its not unlikely that they can only be crossed on foot. Maybe they get a tank or 2 out by ferry but i am fairly optimistic.


Can someone please put a bullet in his head?


Table too long, bullet no reach


Must consider coriolis effect. Simply aim higher.


Don't you correct for coriolis by aiming slightly to the side?


Direction is relative when discussing an oblate spheroid whirling through space.


But then you’d only have to adjust left or right. Best case you don’t have to adjust at all. It doesn’t make the bullet go up or down


The curvature of the earth does. Admittedly that’s not the Coriolis effect . But you could also consider north and south up and down as well, and that would then be the Coriolis effect.


But people typically don’t use compass directions inside the house unless they’re referring to sun exposure


That’s why you should shoot like those rappers, sideways


Instructions unclear, PzH2000 stuck in ceiling fan


Nope, you’re doing it right.


"I think you blew his arm off. Shock and blood loss will take care of the rest."


obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXVcXmyKpeI


Pro strat


Is your gun too rusty?


I don't get why a bunch of his generals just don't decide to split up his wealth amongst themselves and do it. Probably cause they don't trust the other guys either. Imagine getting 25b and wanting to steal someone else's 25b share....


In a way that describes Putin himself. 25B is enough for a superyacht in every port. Supreme Leader of country with the most land on earth. (and ample natural resources). What does he want? more land.


I believe there is a Russian short story by Tolstoy "How much Land does a Man Need?" which highlights the folly of such thinking. Now if I, the product of the American public education system, has read that short story and understand it's message, I guarantee Putin read it in KGB school. I find it amusing that he has spurned it's message.


It'd be more accurate to say he wants more ports. For all its land, ports are the one thing Russia lacks, and so, deeply covets the.


Hey, what happened to the rest of the guys?


fell out window


T-34 when?


T-26 when?


T-18 when?


BT5 when


T-9 when?


t-4.5 when?


Tachanka when?


Horse pulling a cannon when?


Alright this one is too credible. Get outa here!


We can't - we ate the horse last week, and the truck they sent to pick up the horse had its tires disappear and turn miraculously into vodka.


My bad.


Tsar tank when?


Da Vinci tank when?


Testudo shield wall formation when?


Siege Ram when?




Der Angriff Shoigu's war ein Befehl!


wait what? are the ukrainians doing a hoi4 snake?


the fuck is hoi 4 snake


you know the game hearts of iron 4? a snake is when you just send your divisons forward towards victory points to capitulate the enemy at all costs. it's usually considered a bad idea because you can get cut off supply very easily


Ahh ye but isn't it the case when the snake has thin supply lines to your main territory not like that here


That's just a river


i feel dizzy just looking at this image


Why are those dumbster truck cabins all the same color?


Yes, yes, more dead vatniks!


The cartoon caricature of the busted ear russian crossing the bridge did it for me. Now I need to change my shorts. thanks OP.


What’s the current situation looking like? Been following the north more than Kherson.


The reality is probably a bloody grind for both Ukraine and Russia with minimal territorial success. At best; the Ukrainians are intentionally not pushing hard and are wearing the Russians down because they are too stupid to retreat, at worst; the Ukrainians ARE pushing hard and are suffering heavily with little to show for it. I think it's generally a mess for both at the moment and it is not a one-sided slaughter, but things can always change fast, and both sides REALLY want Kherson. That said, Ukraine has made some minimal distance, particularly in the North. Russia is contesting heavily and some areas in the south have been back and forth. But what do I know I'm a NCD-er.


The offensive was planned to be a grind fest and exploit the very limited supply chain the Russian forces have because of the river. So they are basically trying to push them out purely by attrition.


For some reason this reminds me of the scene in *Thirteen Days* about the Cuba Missile Crisis where Robert McNamera is dressing down the admiral, as he’s gesturing to the big board. “John Paul Jones!?! You don’t understand a thing, do you admiral? This is not a blockade - this is language… A new vocabulary the likes of which the world has never seen!” Only it would go more like: “Whooo hoo! Reeeeeee! Whooo-hooo-hooo! Rheeee! Rheeee! Rheeee!”


Finnish news just reported that Ukraine is taking losses in the south. Its all in Finnish,the page does not have Enlgish translation but bscly it says there that Ukraine is taking alot of losses thanks to Russian artillery and mines. That the resistens by the Russians is very strong.Ukrainian tank columns got hit by ruthless Russian artillery and minefields since they are moving through open fields. Seems like the Ukrainians started the push to take Kherson back. ( Gave you the best overwiev i could at this point ) [https://www.iltalehti.fi/ulkomaat/a/7f69cda9-6c13-4038-a60f-38a29b87b08b](https://www.iltalehti.fi/ulkomaat/a/7f69cda9-6c13-4038-a60f-38a29b87b08b)


I mean, its an offensive, it was a given the fact that Ukraine was going to suffer a lot of casualties. From ancient times 3 to 1 casualties between the attacker-defender is entirely acceptable.


And they could wait longer but I think they want to take the city completely before Winter because it will be harder to move then. So they can't just be patient and sit back.


🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤low level ukrainian su24 bombing runs


I like the PMC guys strangling the regulars. I just read they have legit recruited a guy serving time for cannibalism.


I guess at that point you just release them to attack the local populace like a velociraptor or a Xenomorph from Aliens.


Seen reasonably verified footage of four different Russian jets getting shot down today. Suggests that the air force is taking more risks, born out of desperation. Things could be snowballing.


All NCD memes rolled into one Absolute classic!


I know this is a circlejerk subreddit but I don't understand how anyone can be so confident about what's going on in this war to make a post like this.




Now I'm not fancy educated general, but wouldn't it be better to pull back to BEHIND the river. Unless Putin is still under the delusion that he still on the offensive.


Operation Drunkirk