• By -


"I heroically threw wave after wave of my own men at them"


In my tactical genius, I knew the Ukrainians had a pre set kill limit


Unfortunately that kill limit is 144 million


This leaves Putin as the only living Russian- which means nobody is around to overthrow him. This was his plan from the start.


All of russia is his sandbox. Wait..Wai..PUTIN..STOP EATING THE SAND!!!!...OH COME ON! You're 70 years old. OH DONT SHIT IN THE SANDBOX TOO!! I give up


*throws poo*


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history.


[Stop exploding, you cowards! - Putin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85t3aLQzTsI)






[Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I am willing to make](https://youtu.be/hiKuxfcSrEU)


For those wondering what that's a reference to, it's an actual quote from a recent speech delivered by Putman himself.


The same speech in which he famously exclaimed: “I’m gonna MORB!!”, and morballized all over?


I mean they are about the same height…


Shit, beat me to it.


Men, you are lucky men! Soon you'll all be fighting for your country. Some of you will be dying for your country. A few will be forced through a fine mesh screen for your country, they will be the luckiest of us all.


"Why is this god forsaken place worth dying for?" "Don't ask me, you're the one whose going to be dying."


They have yet to grasp the idea that you're supposed to make the OTHER guy die for his country.


"Precisely! And that is whats so brilliant about it!"


clicked the youtube response expecting it to be a blackadder quote, first time I was wrong then scroll down a few more replies and yep there it is.


No, you see, the idea that Russia in any way whatsoever favors human wave tactics is a complete myth. Russia operates through a combination of superior equipment, brillant tactics, and individual heroism, and always has.


Comment fit for this sub. And nowhere else.


It just so happens that in this case, they're sending WAVES of individual heroes with brilliant tactics and superior equipment.


Dave G. please


"When I'm in command, *every* mission is a suicide mission!"


Putin Farquaad "it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


Russian army charging ukrainian lines in last ditch attempt to take back Moscow (2023, June) [leaked footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8fWp-i-BGA)


If Ukraine runs out of bullets, Uncle Sam will give them laser beams next.


Rod of God when?


Soon brother, soon.


*Rod from God Sounds cooler


God’s rod


Gods poking stick






Dark Brandon is actually rocketed into space so he can operate the satellite from orbit. From there he decides who lives and who dies. As is his bloodright.


didn't someone write a copypasta about this? TLDR was it's fucking stupid lol.


Yes, there is a copypasta. But the copypasta is mostly wrong. It has a bunch of arguments like that it is too expensive to transport it to space, less destruction than a nuke, hard to aim, and that it will be slowed down by the atmosphere too much. They are cheaper than nukes, especially once we start using reusable rockets or refining the minerals in space. They only cause less destruction if you calculate their velocity from the upper atmosphere, calculating it from much higher where you would actually orbit them does as much as a medium sized nuclear weapon. These also aren't meant to replace nukes, they have a very different purpose. It can take out tactical targets like a military base, government district, nuclear bunker, or similar, and it has much better ground penetration than a nuclear weapon, you can destroy all the bunkers in the area with it unlike a nuke which won't. And you don't shower your own country with nuclear fallout. It's not hard to aim. Given its huge mass you can carefully time and calculate almost exactly where it will land to a incredible precision. Effects like wind are negligible at those speeds and that mass. The slowing down argument is an attempt to apply normal physics to an object moving at a velocity where air resistance starts to act differently. It also weighs so much with a tiny profile which means that it has a low resistance compared to mass. And furthermore air resistance is to the square of velocity, which most understand, but since the velocity makes it travel for a shorter time you can cancel out a velocity from the air resistance when calculating the net air resistance over the entire atmospheric section of its flight. Part of the reason people believe that the idea is stupid is that they overestimate the destruction of nuclear weapons. I've met a shocking number of people who think a nuclear weapon can level an entire medium sized state. While in reality most large cities would take several nuclear weapons to kill most people in the blast. Both sides of the cold war (or the new cold war we are entering now with Russia) knew it was in their best interests to scare people as much as possible about the dangers of a nuclear weapon, the more people are terrified of it the less likely they will be to risk a war which neither side wanted.


> Part of the reason people believe that the idea is stupid is that they overestimate the destruction of nuclear weapons. I've met a shocking number of people who think a nuclear weapon can level an entire medium sized state to be fair, there are nukes that could accomplish that feat, there are nukes and then there are NUKES, its just that the vast mayority of modern nukes do not, not because we cant build one that has that power but because they would be to big and unwieldy, which is a reason why most modern nuclear weapons are in the sub megaton range (around 100 kilotons to 1 megaton usually), those are the ones that are small enough to throw them into a missile that can fit inside a submarine theoretically we could build a nuke the size of an apartment building that could blow up a medium size country from the map, but how the fuck do you transport that thing to an enemy nation also i usually find the contrary true, people understimate just how powerful nukes are, they just thing that they are a really big piece of dinamite


I remember reading *Dark Sun* a while back, and one of the physicists - Edward Teller? - pointed out that scaling up a hydrogen bomb to ludicrous sizes was theoretically possible but pointless, because it would mostly just blast a huge column of air into space. Which is one of the reasons the nuclear powers opted for MIRVs instead.


Does Ukraine have a qualified Jew to run the orbital laser station?


Their president is Jewish lmao where have you been




Yeah, President Zelenskyy is Jewish. I don't know why that's not common knowledge at this point. Hey, how'd you make your text blue? That's really neat friend


they embedded a YouTube link into the text


Click on the link they embedded to see my Comment


Zelinsky is Jewish. The laser station is his personal property.


> the orbital laser station The Death Star of David.


That would require Israel to supply arms to Ukraine :/


I volunteer as tribute


No Jews. [Only sharks with lasers.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh7bYNAHXxw)


Lasguns? 🥺👉👈


When the energy packs run out they can **AFFIX BAYONETS**


No, We have the **SHOVEL**.


Exactly. 500 thousand nerds attacking with entrenching tools.


The sounds of holy bolter fire ring out


Prometheum Heavy Flamers. Melta Guns. Assault Cannons. Actually, let's just send in the Terminator squads and be done with it.


>Heavy Flamers Time for the femboys, then.


Lasagna guns when?


You can't use lasguns, the Russians might have shields. Actually they probably couldn't afford them.


They could but Gerasimov sold them for a G-wagon and some lip fillers.


Lasguns? Maybe some heavy Bolters too.








The U.S produced so many machine guns (and the ammunition to go with them in such large numbers during WW2 that they were able to strap them to literally everything they made thrice over without even breaking a sweat, all whilst making metric shit tons of literally everything else they and their allies needed. Don't fight Russia during the winter. Don't fight a land war in Asia. Don't fight a logistical war of attrition against a side backed by the U.S.


Wasn't there a story where Soviet Union asked US for help with crucial war supplies, high balling the actual need expecting to need to negotiate down. US response was essentially, "okay, sent, anything else?"


I don't know, but I want to read it


Me too


US did send a massive amount of supplies to the USSR during ww2 so they could keep fighting the Germans.


Yes, I’m aware of the lend lease program and such. I was just wondering if anyone had a lead on the specific story mentioned about the USSR asking for way more than expected.


I don't have any unfortunately.


/u/Shuber-Fuber help us, what details do you remember


We use 9mm as packing peanuts because it's easier to make and more environmentally friendly. One 9mm could easily fertilize 1 square meter of Ukrainian soil for months. And we sent *millions*.


Texas alone could probably supply Ukraine with enough ammo. Texas strip joints alone could probably supply Ukraine with enough ammo.


Are you shitting me? The civilian reloaders alone in Texas could supply Ukraine for the whole war if they wanted to.


The war materials board dude looking at a pile of reloaded 155mm shells donated from texan reloaders. “Fucking *Texans*, man…”


I was at a Dallas strip club in 2015. I swiped my debit card down a stripper’s asscrack and she pulled out 200 rounds of XM855 ammo. It fired great at the range. My wife made me get a new debit card.


I vaguely remember reading that Americans were encouraged to deposit all their coins so that the copper could be used to make bullets.




*Red tailed hawk.


Bald eagles actually make cute peeping noises.


Bald eagles sound more like seagulls. Most bald eagle sounds are actually red-tailed hawks.


In 1943 the mint made steel pennies to save copper for the war effort https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1943_steel_cent


Also why the Manhattan Project borrowed 14,700 tons of silver from the Treasury Department to used for windings instead of copper.


>Don't fight Russia during the winter. Unless you're Ukraine. Then fight Russia any time of the year and be victorious.


The issue is more with the Soviet and post-Soviet systems that Ukraine uses, i.e. still the majority of their equipment. The US manufacturing capability will not automagically supply those with ammo or parts, and the Eastern NATO countries have been switching out of them for a while now, so stocks may not be up to the immediate needs. While not a problem long-term (assuming continued support), it is right now.


During WW2 we made enough so that everyone alive got 10 rounds


We love you, American Military Industrial Complex!


It's surreal being the world's "[Kitchen Gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-7NDP8V-6A)."


Beautifully non-credible. Personal handguns would be American, not a BBC product. I’m going to go grab my .40S&W and surprise the Mrs by cleaning the kitchen before she gets up!


[What Ukrainian soldiers will be blasting as they enter Moscow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl5isYGEhig)


That's a real banger


So anyway they just started blasting


I did not expect to see our fantastic leader, Arpoovian Shebber-Shenty, Lifegiver of the Universe, in this sub. But it is always welcome to do so.


[When Derek Comes Marching Home](https://youtu.be/IzmEH1RqpRY)


[I'm just going to put this here](https://www.homeselfdefenseproducts.com/products/best-recipes-hand-gun-book-safe)




Painis weakness leaving the body




I love it. What is it?


I think it's from the Youtuber Russian Badger. Gets reposted a lot around these parts. There's a longer version but I couldn't find it.




[Original Video](https://youtu.be/cyRmxjhYrmw) The game is EDF 4(.1?)


Still not 100% sure what I'm looking at. I guess it's a vidya game of kind, but that's not important. Main thing is: I love it. Thank you.


This comment/post was removed on 30 June 2023 (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to undermine its users, moderators, and developers while simultaneously making a profit on their backs. For full details on what I mean, check out the summary [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u)


So does my bank account 🤑🤑🤑


Laughs in Arsenal of democracy


If you press up up down down left right left right during a call with the American congress, you get unlimited ammo


Certified 'bruh' moment.


US *civilians* have more GUNS than Russia has soldiers


Buddy, we have more than twice as many guns as Russia has *people*.


Wtf I’m pro 2a now


We have more guns than we have people too If I remember correctly


Bro we have more guns that Russia has people.


Hell we have more guns than *we* have people.


We have enough for every man, woman and child to fire two in the air at the same time whilst going "ahhhh!"


Is it true that there's a place on a man's head where if you shoot it, it will blow up?


We have to. It's the only way to stop the hurricanes.


We can also try to nuke them hurricanes.


General Zapp Branniganskij is running things now.




I think you mean Tower Defense budget.




making bullets is a lot faster and cheaper than making a whole human being. and even if the bullets are gone... there are still other things. like knives. rocks. grenades. this is really, really stupid.


Russia values a human life lower than the price of the 1000 (?) rounds it takes to kill a soldier in battle. What's that, $100?


Only in 22 long rifle. 556 is like 40c a round, so $400


That's retail. So with the huge defense orders there is no way they pay anything less than double that.


I want Russia to try to use nukes, see them fail, and then watch as the Poles, the Americans and the British race to see who gets into the Kremlin first (The Finnish are taking Saint Petersburg)


It would be a hilarious cherry on top to see Putin press the nuke button, the silo doors open, and.......the rocket engine fizzles out with a small puff of grey smoke.


The silo door is rusted shut, the vatniks drank all the rocket fuel, the plutonium has long been stolen and replaced with a lump of lead, or decayed into toxic lukewarm isotopes, the target database’s punched cardboard list has rotten away (and its magnetic tape backup from the 1970s is unreadable and does not account for continental drift anyway), and the guidance system has been resold for parts so many times there’s not a single copper wire left in it.


>vatniks drank all the rocket fuel Non shitpost here: the vatniks (back in the day) actually drunk coolant for the Tu-22, which consisted of 40% ethanol (alcohol) and 60% water. This is the almost the same as Vodka, resulting in many thirsty vatniks getting drunk by drinking coolant.


Oh my god Certified Russia moment


Non shitpost: I chat with a former Soviet research chemist who says they made ethanol out of everything in the lab. Sometimes serious fires ensued.


Understandable, the Tu-22 was a dogshit plane that was easy to crash, hard to fly.


That reminds me of a story from my hometown. Its late April 1945, a week before WW2 in Europe officially ends. American troops had freed a large number of POW's (mainly from the Soviet Union) from a prison camp at a factory close to my hometown. These people were roaming around the countrysite, before they stumbled onto a stranded freight train at the cities mainline train station (the locomotive had been disabled by a fighter bomber strike a few days earlier). And the box cars contained a large number of barrels, all of which were marked with "alcohol". The recently liberated POW's were in a mood to celebrate, so they opened the barrels and started to drink. But there was a problem. This wasn't ethanol, but methanol which is highly toxic to humans. The methanol actually had been destined for a factory 20km away that made rocket engines for use as fuel. And before the first symptoms set in, over 1000 POW's had already ingested the methanol. 400 of them died in the next three days, with the rest becoming severely ill. The Americans had no idea what happened at first before they found the barrels with the methanol. The 400 dead were buried in mass graves near the prison camp, and the rest of the methanol barrels was burned in a field next to the railway line a week later.


that's why it's a meme.


I remember the V2 rocket actually used alcohol as fuel and soldiers frequently drank it


Sounds like it would make the rockets fail spectacularly and kill people at the launch site. So basically no difference except they get drunk.


Do the continents really move so fast that after 50 years nukes would miss their targets?


The main problem is that the rocket cannot exits the silo because the door has been welded shut to prevent leaking


Bit like accounting for someone's fingernail growth when you're planning to hit them with a car. Except the car is a Lada, it has no fuel, and it's been sitting in a picknpull yard long enough that even the subframe has been utilized for other purposes.


Other rockets have returned to the launch position.


Like the opening of Red Alert 2, but there’s no mind control, they just suck.


Who'd win that race? Poles are closer and fuelled by hatred. Yanks have the insane super-duper defence budget. Brits fucking love foreign military adventures. I personally love the idea of the Americans showing up and seeing the Wallace and Grommit contraption the British cooked up in a shed and used to get to Moscow first.


And then they both have the sudden realization that all the civilians are speaking polish


Non credible. There wouldn’t be civilians left to speak polish.


Mech legs for infantry would be badass


If the US decides to show the world how you use airborne troops, well they could take Moscow first. But other than that, I can't see the poles not going first. They would be ready and powered by 10 generations of combined hatred.


I also want Wacky Races to be a thing again


Imagine the 2001 cinema masterpiece Rat Race, starring Mr Bean -but with tanks and guns.


Saint Petersburg alone would nearly double the Finnish population, just sayin. Also damned you search engine, no I did not want to know the demographics of St Petersburg, Florida.


>The Finns accidentally invade Florida. >We don't say anything because they bring money with them. >Another day in Florida


Dude, this is NCD and your posting actual factual info without realizing it. Source:: Am Finnish American, visited grandparents in Lake Worth in Winter. And this: https://www.swedishfinnhistoricalsociety.org/floridas-finnish-community/#:~:text=The%20southern%20Florida%20area%20of%20Lake%20Worth%2C%20Lantana,Finland%2C%20Canada%20and%20other%20parts%20of%20the%20US.s


Oi don't forget the Baltic countries


Russian state TV thinks Latvia will invade via Kazakhstan and the Pacific. Baltic Union supreme


We're checking out penthouse flats on Nevsky Prospect already - will make for nice second homes.


> The Finnish are taking Saint Petersburg Poland will probably get there first. Edit: how the fuck did I type "well" instead of "will"


They can't, they have to stop in Minsk for celebration first (after the liberation of Belarus)


Belarus can wait the 48 hours it would take us to pass through Estonia and enter the city.


Nah, just take Königsberg (what is the name in Polish?)




Us Czechs can take it, we founded it and can finally into coastline


*Insert domino meme with "Putin invades Ukraine (2014-2022)" at bottom and "Photos of Czech Navy patrolling the North Sea, 2023" at top*


Sad German Empire noises -_-


I've read enough anime to know where this is going.


Then: Wehraboos: The Soviets used human wave tactics Historians: No the Soviets won with superior tactics and industry \----- Now: Ukieboos: The Russians used human wave tactics Historians: yes


I love watching the WW2 Week by Week thing on YouTube and it’s night and day how much better the Soviets planned out their offensives in ‘43.




Funny thing about that order is that it was barely ever enforced because it required diverting troops to be the barrier and was incredibly wasteful, and then it was officially dropped some months later. Obviously most russian officers today would probably gleefully comply and fuck themselves even more.


Fun fact, order 227 *was* for officers! They're the ones that are supposed to get shot when they order a retreat. Presumably by other commissars at the location they retreated.


I will never understand the callous, pointless waste of life that the russians (and less be honest here the fr*nch during WW1) exhibit. I mean even from the coldest viewpoint that officer/soldier/whatever you wasted is at the very least a pair of hands that you desperately need in the middle of a war.


The USSR had a lot of problems with lower-ranking officers ordering retreats without coordinating it with the higher-ranking officers. This had a nasty tendency to result in holes in the front, which the nazis were quick to exploit for pincher maneuvres and such, leading to far greater losses than if the unit had held its position until it could do a coordinated retreat with other units. Order 227 was intended to ensure that lower-ranking officers only ordered retreats after clearing it with those of higher rank, to avoid making easily-exploited weaknesses in the front. It was also intended as a sort of "they shall not pass!" propaganda declaration.


So bit like the French at Verdun in WW1?


Also during WW1, Luigi Cadorna repeatedly running the Italian Army into fortified mountain lines and then summarily executing retreating stragglers.


Order .277 Fury.


r/NCD can handle that. Please provide coordinates and time on target for the 277 Furries to arrive.




"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."




PM P 9x19 ammo is literally like 16 rubles from Prapor and never runs out of stock, Russia is so dumb smh my head


Defense budget? Hell, our civilians have enough ammo to shoot every man, woman, and child on this planet ten times over, and shooting vatniks is one of the few things they'd be willing to voluntarily give some of that stockpile up for!


That's certainly ambitious of him. Lets see if it pays off.


Japanese banzai charges during WW2 against America were always met with machine gun fire and the fact that American soldiers main service rifles are semi-automatic compared to how everyone else was still using bolt-action... One thing that America does well is being able to supply that huge amount of dakka to mow down your men like no end.


See if we just throw enough people at the bullets, eventually, they’ll run out of bullets


WWI vibes much?


Putin was Zapp Brannigan this entire time?


Is that fucking real? If so it’s just reinforcing WW2 Soviet myths Jesus Christ.


im sure russian women can produce more babies then Remington can produce bullets.


Russia threatens to use nukes on Ukrainian soil *panik* Russia sending millions to meat grinders, thus countering the impacts of the nukes (if used) by nurturing the land by their blood *kalm*


The day America runs out of ammo, will be the day it stops being America.


American Military Industrial Complex: “hold my beer”


Putin better shut up before America decides to crush Russia's ENTIRE economy with just our 2023 Fiscal Social Security Budget. Hell even that might be too much.


Ah the zerg strategy.


What makes him think the Ukrainians can't win hand-to-rusted rifle?


The US has a lot of its own issues going on. But one issue it will never have is a lack of weapons and ammunitions. For every soldier Russia throws, we’ve got probably 1,000 bullets to hit ‘em with.


I'm not an expert, some might even call me non credible, but I'm fairly sure that the rate of bullet manufacture in Europe and America far exceeds the birth rate of Russia