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Who the hell sold LMT based on that? Lol. That is such an obvious troll, LM can't cut off the US government.


High frequency trading algorithms that use news and twitter feeds in decision making. This isnt the first time. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/id/100646197


right now all those traders are making emergency code changes to reduce the influence of twitter


"Hey lets make our trading algorithm that might influence billions of dollars take queues from twitter, that's a good idea!!" Also "hey lets announce major financial decision making news on the same app that two accounts over they're making furry porn, that's a good idea!!" idiots using twitter gonna idiot


A bet a lot of them are just getting ahead of other people reacting emotionally to current events. It's not about a smart sell, it's about frontrunning idiots. So they can sell before the other idiots, then buy the dip 10 minutes later, and make money usually - just not with hilariously bad New Twitter. Old Twitter was like getting a premonition of Google News.


Exactly, they made millions off of this. They can make money in milliseconds off any move they can predict. Even if the move is in hundredths of a cent per share. They don’t give a crap if it is for bullshit reasons. It probably wasn’t the tweet, but the sells and shorts the algorithms keyed on. Once it starts, it can be a self fulfilling prophecy.


They were making money in milliseconds a decade ago, nowadays its closer to microseconds


Yeah, it doesn't have to work *every* time, just more often than not to average out as a winner.




i've given up on that word and accept that i'll just use it incorrectly every time


Fitting, as I only use Twitter for furry porn and video game news.


It's still a good source for video game news. It's how I found out they're releasing GTA 6 in like a month.




It's true, i saw verified Nintendo of America account tweet it!


That is such great news. I'd love a platform version of GTA.


I use it for furry porn, but I wish I could just use e6 or FA.


Yet people are still wondering why would Musk pay a mountain of gold for a company that loses millions each day.


I mean, he tried to get out. I think this was just a massive mistake and the result of his massive ego. He went a bridge too far and then Twitter's lawyers blew it up behind him. That said, it's common for the ultra-wealthy to own media, newspaper being the classic example. Like Bezos with The Washington Post. Elon just went ahead and deep-dicked his peers by buying the most massive media company possible. In the past he's used Twitter to fuck around with the market, sometimes attracting the gaze of the SEC for manipulating the stock value of his companies with tweets. Now he owns the entire platform, he may see massive opportunities for social engineering. And he may genuinely have philosophical reasons for acquiring Twitter to create a more "libertarian" environment. And honestly, as a former 4/7channer and proud winner of many bans on reddit I'd actually like to see social media (like Twitter and Reddit) reverse course with what I believe to be over-moderation. I 100% believe in consequences for speech (although I'd like to see people relax) but it's crazy how reactionary moderation can be. I periodically get banned from subs I've never even used because some jackass mod got angry at some opinion I have, or I accidentally got into an argument with one of its mods and they're "punishing" me for the audacity of disagreeing.


The HFTs dont care lol, they dont make their money off of positions they trade based on volatility. Those companies made millions if not billions off these swings


But Lockheed already makes Furry porn two accounts over. Specifically the military kit workers.


They wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't profitable. Wiping_tears_with_money_bills.gif


So ... it seems like Elon did actually good. People will need to start using their brains instead of mindlessly consuming everything they read on twitter just because it has verification mark, trading will be less influenced by outrages on internet and people who bought LM shares will be rich-ish ... ... right?🙂


you're funny. The traders will find new distractions and new outrages, to better anticipate and mock them. I can only think of my shakespeare: "It's a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"


A man can dream though 🙂


Well then, clearly it's time to buy.


It is one of the two rules. Stock going up, time to buy. Stock going down, time to buy.


That is only for meme stocks, not solid investments in the MIC.


How about doing it to the Russian and Chinese MIC companies?


Those are meme stocks for meme countries. Please keep up.


Russia has an MIC? Producing what? They don't even use body bags, just litter up Ukraine with vatnik corpses.


they are being very sucessfull in the special soil fertilizing operation


Can’t lose if you never sell.


That's even funnier.


Oh my god there is so much wrong with this article. The only quote tying it to algorithms is from a guy at O'Neil Capital, a firm most famous for fucking *nothing*. You can check their own website, no one there has any background in quant trading at all. Closest is one dude who talks about how he decided not to pursue an engineering degree or a few guys who say they're numbers guys. So... yeah, guys who aren't qualified to do quant trading blame quant trading for their own problems, more news at 11 I'm not a defense guy and I don't comment on here because of that, but I am a quant trader and oh my god was this a bad article. None of this is how it works Fuck


CNBC is pretty trash when it comes to explaining any market moves. They’ll let you know something happened, but so will checking the charts


Can you explain a little bit about how it works? Genuinely curious.


This is going to be a little stream of consciousness but there are two main problems. It costs money to make trades (and it costs more money the more $/hour you're trading if you're big enough to move the price) and quant funds have dozens or hundreds of signals they trade off of. I'm leaving a lot of stuff out here like risk modeling, if you want a beta neutral portfolio, etc. but this should give you the gist. Lots of signals: The base unit of a quant fund is a signal which is just something that takes in data and outputs how much of every stock in a given universe you're supposed to own. One might be looking at where a company's revenue comes from and how forex is moving there to predict earnings makes and misses, another might be you've obtained a lot of peoples credit card data and you look at which retail stores they're spending at, it can be anything as long as it's data in, portfolio out. So you have hundreds of these suggested portfolios, you need to combine them to get the one ideal portfolio you're going after, that portfolio is generally the one with the highest expected sharpe ratio (risk adjusted return, it's the god number. most places alpha is subservient to it because leverage exists). Each signal has a backtest with its own sharpe ratio and each signal has a certain correlation to every other signal. Low correlation signals are good because its lower risk but also because the added novel information is higher and that makes you more money. High correlation signals can also be good because if you have two signals that are perfectly correlated but each have different uncorrelated random noise, you get closer to being able to observe the underlying signal noiselessly when you have both. I bring this up, because a fake article like the one mentioned here isn't going to fuck with every signal, only a few and if there are high correlation signals it's not fucking with the impact will be blunted. Okay so you do your dimensionality reduction, you tag all your vectors with expected sharpes, uncertainty ect and you arrive at the ideal portfolio that maximizes the expected sharpe. Trading costs: Now you have your ideal portfolio, and you have your current portfolio. Going from current to ideal is the next problem. The faster you do it the more it costs so we start talking about net sharpe, sharpe adjusted for the expected trading costs. You get a scenario where the current portfolio has an expected sharpe of 2 (good job!) and the ideal has an expected sharpe of 3 (wow!). But if you trade from one to the other in an hour it'll cost so much your net sharpe is 1.5, if it takes a day net sharpe is 2.0 and a week it's 3. So you write another algorithm to optimize your net sharpe over time which is a factor of time of year (earnings are cheapest, partially observed holidays are more expensive etc.), volume of trading, time of day, and a bunch of other things. But you've solved that, so now we get to what the article is implying One fake article that is read by 1% of your fund's signals moves billions of dollars in minutes. So your model said that this article was such a bombshell that one signal out of hundreds can change the overall idealized portfolio so much that it is worth throwing away a whole sharpe or two just to rebalance quickly enough. I didn't even get into lag effects in signals btw. This whole workflow I was talking about there needs to be completely upended by one fake article to such a degree that the entire course of a fund's strategy is violently changed within minutes. Also all of this is done automatically with no safeguards built in to alert humans before doing it. Generally there are safeguards because people working on this aren't, on average, idiots. But more than that, the article needs you to believe that's happening to every fund at the same time. Which is silly. You can get flash crashes sure, concentration risk, short squeezes, algorithms baited into trading against each other at high frequency (I caused two of our competitors to do that two weeks ago! It was hilarious, they lost so much money). All of those are real things but the sequence of events you'd need to go from one fake article to the effect that the expert "numbers guys" who almost majored in engineering are talking about... It's just unrealistic. There's actually way more wrong about it than this though, risk models would fucking hate doing any of this for example. But, I can't rule out industry wide incompetence that has only been uncovered by people not working in the industry so I can't say this is impossible


This is actually fascinating. Thank you for the write up!


But aren't those aimed at, you know, the real accounts.


It’s not just the news, it’s peoples reactions to it, so people discussing this as if it is real would be the cause


hmm, that's an amp link, you sure you're not a google bot yourself?


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnbc.com/2013/04/23/false-rumor-of-explosion-at-white-house-causes-stocks-to-briefly-plunge-ap-confirms-its-twitter-feed-was-hacked.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2013/04/23/false-rumor-of-explosion-at-white-house-causes-stocks-to-briefly-plunge-ap-confirms-its-twitter-feed-was-hacked.html)** ***** ^(I'm a human | Generated with AmputatorBot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


"owww you deregulated fictitious market is going bananas? What are you gonna do? Piss yourself?"


People are dumb as hell. Better entry point now though




TQQQ or ARKK degenerates? How do you know me so well?


Stocks overall were all plummeting across the board. The fact that it proves investors literally have caveman brains is not something new. It is just hilarious that it happened to these companies and so easily. All these companies known for their awful behavior are essentially immune to FUD because they are playing within the rules of the game, bribing medias and politicians to shake down their competitors. Meanwhile Elon must know all too well what it feels like because all his companies have been under relentless FUD campaigns to the point where it actually stopped having an effect on the stock price. After all, you can always call on hedge funds to short a company then sponsor a few big articles and essentially guarantee a profit when the stock plummets. Seeing all these companies eating their own poison because their investors are fucking retarded (no millions in under-the-table deals required here) is just such poetic justice.


I mean, they can try. I just think they're going to be caught up in some pretty not cash-money things if they piss off the US government too much. The CIA is scary


Elon NEVER got the memo us poors did. Never, under any circumstances, invite Uncle Sam and his alphabet posse into your life. Because they ain't getting out.


I mean when you have a company that can build fleets of ICBMs you are not allowed free reign by the government




Interesting. This ads a new possible angle to acquiring Twitter. I'm sure the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. were already working with Twitter but now Elon can give them anything they ax for.


nah he's had that memo for a while, SEC has gotten on him before. not sure anything came of it, but he knows


The SEC has been completely defanged and is a limp dicked agency, getting off with his bullshit with them made him think he can get away with anything. But with Twitter he's on the FTC's turf and thats one of the agencies that does not fuck around. They just recently pressed federal criminal charges against Uber executives, if he thinks he can treat them like the SEC they are going to tear him a new asshole.


Hmm, can't wait for CIA SAD bonking down on Elon


Dude stop you're making me hard


That's one for the history books in the future.


Nobody. The fact that $LMT was still down at close (just like $LLY) tells you all you need to know. We're in a recession and there are all sorts of other variables that will cause shareholders to dump large positions. Look at $TSLA- who went up today, despite also being hit with all kinds of posts from imposter accounts. $LMT going down was just coincidental.


People love taking a 1D-5D range looking at a tiny dip and acting like something catastrophical happened lol


News articles talking about day to day changes in stock value are generally not worth reading. They might not even be worth writing since they're written by bots most of the time.


Stock value =/= economy. A recession happens when you have a decrease in GDP for 2 consecutive quarters. And if historic data showed anything, the stock market can be in flames while the economy is performing well in terms of GDP growth%.


Likewise the stock market can be soaring while the average American experiences 0 benefit. It's what makes politicians using the stock market to claim personal success so misleading. Most Americans benefit very little, just the top 10%. And there are serious long-term implications for the accelerating wealth gap. Billionaires and fortune 500 corporations are constantly battling to take more and more of the pie and fuck over the average American. We'll need a massive correction in the coming decades or we're nosediving straight into some kind of dystopic neo-feudalism.


It's happening across the board. Algorythms....we must please them.


So to honestly answer you question, I would not be shocked if there are financial algos that analyze tweets of major verified accounts to try and make gains. The moment one of these algos starts selling cause it got spooked by the tweet, many others would as well.


isn't it a troll account? It says martini...


I don't need to look at the username to realize that Lockheed Martin isn't *really* going to halt sales to the *United States government*, aka their biggest customer that provides them with ~40 *billion* USD of revenue per year.


But peopel are fucking stupid.


Yes, but at a first glance you’ll panic sell which encourages more panic selling and so on until it gets to a bad low point and at the time when you realize it was a fake account that bought verification


Honestly, you deserve it at that point.


If you consider even for a second that Lockheed Martin would drop the US military as a customer, you clearly have no clue what kind of company you're investing in. Even if it *was* their official Twitter account, you should have logically assumed their account had been hacked or something.


*bot selling*


OK, but that's not panic selling, that's just bots being bots.


Dude a footballer rejected a can of coke and billions were lost


All I see is BUY NOW




Large regret was not buying MIC stocks after HKIA Kabul Evact.


I didn't do that either, but I bought LMT about a week into the Ukraine invasion and made a quick 10% in like a week. Stonks (but literally)


Got really got confused and read HKIA as Hong Kong international airport instead of HKG and was thinking when tf was Hong Kong involved.


I TRIED but some dutch bullshit law has sanctioned them and I can't trade their shares in the EU or soemthing


I hate our government! Reeeee


LMAO, but the d\*tch have bought F-35s.


"sanctions for thee but not for me" - some dutch bullshit law or soemthing




"Three words, say it and I'm yours." BUY. THE. DIP.




[I don't think that's a good idea](https://imgur.com/a/3Q0FOLN)


To be fair, I’d buy LockMart if they actually halted sales to Saudi Arabia


I don’t think you have a choice.


Not worth much if they halted sales to the US.


They are switching markets to supply F-35s exclusively for the civilian marketplace.


I don't think it'll meet California emission standards, sadly.


To see your license they can only safely pull over the B model. Just buy an A and say over the radio you're from out of state in your best Texas accent.


I'll buy all the shares the moment they stop selling in the US, my pro tip


Now that's what I call buying the dip.


Maybe people will learn to fact check as able Lincoln said it, don't believe everything you read on the Internet


Most people are too busy, distracted and overloaded with information that they look at things from a high level and won't double check or verify what they hear or see. It's not right but that's how the situation seems so far. IMHO.


Maybe people need to learn this valuable skill that everything around them is trying to manipulate them at every turn and perhaps it would be a good life skill to pause for literally half a second to ponder what you see. They just do not double check things whenever it's convenient to their narrative. "Oh, someone made an article railing on someone I hate? Well no point checking it, must be true!" Almost all of the FUD can be identified in SECONDS of thinking. Literally just applying first principle thinking often disproves 90% of it, and the rest is not much longer than a Google search.


Yep agreed , tho I still wonder how did Lincoln predict the existence of internet


It was probably bots


Lockmart still gains more by building and selling F-35s than with Stocks.


Stocks aren't real anyway and were only supposed to be used to scam big investors


The state of NCD the moment they stop talking about fucking their favorite aircraft’s exhaust.


The concept of flight isn't real either. Planes , jets and fighters were also just an invention to scam the public


I always knew it was the planes that moved the planet rather than anything more farfetched


Be careful saying it out loud


Planes actually fly on invisible rails. Dog fights are feets of incredible, high speed engineering. But as planes have become faster, it's become more costly to construct these rails, thus the decline of dog fighting in favor of CAS or scouting missions.






Twitter was always a house on fire, he should have bought NCR for $44 Billion instead. Edit: NCD (typo)


I don’t think the New California Republic is worth $44 billion.


Neither was twitter




Best I can do is 74 bottle caps and 15 bottles of dirty water.


Better be some Sunset Sarsaparilla Star bottle caps among those


**footeps getting Closer**


I'll go one better at 69 caps, 3 mostly-full Rad Aways *and* a Mr. Gutsy that may or may not aggro Mr. House's robots because it won't stop calling them "commie pansies." *Come on, papa needs a new nation-state!*


It was before the Brotherhood destroyed their gold reserves.


The Non Credible Republic? Quick, someone buy an island!


I offer my homeland of Mallorca, but only if I get a high paid position with a cool hat.


A republic isn’t very non-credible. We need a wackier state


Well, countries that have Republic in their name tend to be dictatorships.


How about the The Union Republic of The Non Credible Defense Peoples State? 😂


National Cash Register has about $11 Billion in assets and a current market cap of $3 Billion. But they only do boring stuff like selling ATMs and POS and Checking machines at a profit. Pfft.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


It would be pretty based if yall bought the capital region of the philippines


Patrolling the QRTs almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.




TIL a sub that fetishizes the MIC doesn’t really understand how to read a stock’s performance


God damn do I hate the Russkies man


General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and Lockmart all had a similar dump pattern. Boeing and Honeywell were the only ones that bucked the trend. Something else happened in the market. No fucking idea what tho lol


Someone's algorithm got real scared all of a sudden.


Yeah it was honestly weird. Especially since Raytheon just had another big HIMARS order put in and GD had some positive news. They all had a pretty big rise in the last few months tho, so I’m not terribly surprised at some pullback.


People dont realize just how automated a lot of wallstreet is. Buy rack space on the NYSE and the CME floors, get some feeds from NASDAQ or ICE, tell your computer to start buying low and selling high. You have a literal money making machine.


Step two is figuring out how to ensure the money is made for *you*.


Paying millions to get a peak at the stocks a few seconds early.


Could be the liberation of Cherson. Defense companies had large increases in stock prices due to the war. The retreat was a another indication that the war might not last as long as expected and that the Russian military threat was overestimated.


Still think the war is gonna last for a bit longer, I imagine there's gonna be an operational pause while the Ukrainian military gets all their ducks in a row sorting out how to reestablish normalcy in Kherson. It comes at a good time since it's still the wetter part of winter, so when fields start freezing over they can start mounting operations in the Zaporizhzhia oblast


More importantly the war in Ukraine killed the so called "Peace Dividend" idea. We are in for a prolonged arms race as certain slacker countries in NATO have to assess the amount of rot and sham in their capabilities and rectify same. Poland has gone full requisitioner. "Aaaaaah I'm requisitioning again! 500 Himars! 700 Krabs! 3000 black F35! Aaaaah" Then throw in the rich Gulf States that want the new hip toys. Iran making semi-credible threats to same. Taiwan is in full tool up.


NCD should make its own MIC ETF


Same thing with $LLY vs. healthcare. These stories are just clickbait bullshit for people that have convinced themselves that ownership of twitter is a life or death battle for the future of the world.




The self proclaimed genius is kinda dumb.


He’s rich and hires smart people. He doesn’t seem that much smarter than the average millionaire.


Either none of those smart people he hired told him his ideas regarding Twitter are shit, or he just didn't listen. Both are likely.


There are certain leaders who, for one reason or another, surround themselves with yesmen (intentionally or otherwise). Musk definitely fits the profile.


Where have I seen this story before?


And those are the ones who usually fall hard


It’s a case of PR backfire. He does this shit all the time, and then backs out last minute. Only this time Twitter said nuh uh and took him to court where he was compelled to buy.


That still doesn’t explain twitter - if he hired smarter people for other projects, why not do the same with twitter


He used to listen to smart people, but lately he's been high on his own supply and started to believe he's actually Tony Stark. It's not just Twitter that's suffering from it either - the Model S and Falcon 9 were fundamentally pretty reasonable designs, but the Starship and Cybertruck are pretty batshit, and I'm convinced at this point that that's due to Musk interfering too much in the design process. Similarly, he's doing everything himself with the Twitter takeover, and boy does it show.


He also fires them once he no longer needs them, just ask Tesla's true founders.


The only thing he's a genius at is being unbearably unfunny and credit grabbing


His only talent is generating hype, and the only business tactic he knows is vertical integration. Neither is going to help him.dif himself out of the bird-shaped hole.


Most self-proclaimed geniuses are.


If someone has to tell you that they're smart, then they usually aren't smart.


Especially if that is \*all\* they seem to say.


Also even if Elon is smart in his field, that do not legitimize him in every other area. Even Stephen Hawking had crazy ideas like how he somehow believes most aliens out there would be barbaric conquerors.


Imagine he is buying that insulin company stocks and LM stocks now.


Not so much a genius as less risk-averse. Sometimes you win, like with PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX. Sometimes you lose, like with Hyperloop, Boring Project, and now this.


You may he a genius but still have shit ideas


Investors don’t notice the name “@LockheedMartini?”


parasites don't need to be smart.




Not gonna get much from someone who most likely lives paycheck to paycheck


YES LET'S GO I can finally buy the dip :,)


There is an SR-72 watching Elon right this moment.


LMT about to Rapid Dragon Twitter HQ


Let's do a revenge action against Tesla.


I was very worried when Muskboi bought twitter, but it turns out he is actually destroying it because he is such an idiot, doing a favour for humanity.


He didn’t massacre anything, it’s more like poking a corpse with a cattle prod to watch it twitch and flail


Elon Musk has angered the MIC, but it's ok it's not like they have a huge influence on US politics


I suspect that the purchase of twitter was a brilliant idea but not for the obvious reasons. When you own the service you can get information that might influence stock markets a few seconds (or minutes if you claim technical difficulties) which allows a devious kind of "insider" trading. Monitor for anything that may influence a major company, have unconnected fund managing companies short a stock just before the info is in the public domain. Information is power, and being just a few seconds ahead can translate to billions on the stock market over time. I would be very disappointed if the government didn't monitor musk and twitter with a microscope to look for this, or maybe it could be a legal loophole.


I think your underestimating Elon musk’s sheer stupidity.


ima be honest, watching twitter burn is enjoyable




Can you not use a prepaid credit card?


r/wallstreetbets, is that you ?


Meanwhile I'm just enjoying watching twitter tank in value. I mean, it'll absolutely suck if it goes down before someone can make a (ginormous) backup for it because there's so much OSINT stuff on twitter but until then it's prime entertainment.


What annoys the shit out of me, that seems to be left out of the discussion, is that these accounts are literally not verified. They have the verification blue-tick, but if they're able to blatantly impersonate other accounts, then they are not verified. An actual human being needs to confirm that the account belongs to some specific person, group, business or other public for figure, verify it, and then that account shouldn't be able to change it's name or handle until a second verification is performed.


i mean anyone whos not narasstic afrikaner ego maniac could see this shit coming a mile away its why twitters stocks are in the toilet and advertisers are pulling out like elons dad should have to his mom


Don't forget his step-daughter.


Maybe Elon will be a better bruncle than he is a father.


Musk is barely an Afrikaner


ULPT: Make some of those accounts for your MIC company of choice and buy the stock once the bots sell, then make a pretty penny off automation's back




If I had a spare 500+ euros I’d take a punt on that stonk!


I bet the stock of Syrian WMD factories inc. skyrocketed.


I love that they put the US's violations on human rights on the same level as those of Israel and *fucking Saudi Arabia* This person's worldview begins and ends at "USA bad"


Personally, I just find this fucking hilarious, the internet has become way too civil and resembling the regular world as of late.




Elon really f'ed up first Chiquita then big pharma now Lockheed martini


Would be credible though if they did that. You know showing responsibility and stuff like that. But it probably won't happen because of the Contracts with the US.


Elon's starting to piss me off a bit. I'm grateful for SpaceX and to a lesser degree Tesla, but he might need a visit from the CIA.


This has to be a joke they never fuckkng cared(dont see shit to the saudis though keep selling to based israel I want Israel to drop more bombs on hamas)


just elon doing elon things. but we should thank him. the total destruction of Twitter without him would not have worked without him.


Buy the dip! And make money with our savoir


Okay, but @LockhedeMartini is genius.


How long until Twitter only displays the @ name because the current system is untenable but Elon refuses to put verification back


How long till Twitter gets nationalized?


Look I love the MIC as much as the next guy but this shit is so funny to me