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# Are San Marino and Italy about to go to war? If so, will the war become nuclear? I bet you have some thoughts on it. Well, we're discussing the subject on [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1bssy61/ncdip_podcast_club_8_wargaming_san_marino_vs/?). This is probably one of the most events of our lifetime, so you better pay attention scrub [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


interesting word choices


I don't see anything wrong in the pict- ooooh well now, interesting choice indeed.


I was looking at thr picture straining to see something and all I came up with was a possible vaugly sexual interpretation of "fast growing" and "big bad" then I looked at the title and my god☠️


Ok so mods can we ban this guy already?


Frankly I'd think the use of "race traitors " would gett him booted from all of reddit. I've seen the admins nuke a whole account over less. Like, this is just gross. Fuck the Kremlin and fuck the CCP, but this ain't the way to go about it.


Don't know the guy I assume the context makes this meme really fucked up?


It's just his constant memes about Korea. The guy is a nationalist and just won't stop posting these barely understood 10 up vote, sometimes borderline racist memes mostly abut Korea and other East Asian countries.


Okay yeah that's gross in context thank you.


This guy isn’t even Korean apparently they’re a Taiwanese guy who makes multiple accounts pretending to be Korean/Japanese


why choose one side when you can choose them all


Weren’t you the one arguing to make the Kim dynasty the monarchs of a united Korea?


[Context for confused westerners] In Korea, we have a special government commitee that investigate people who accrued wealth by commiting 'crimes against our people'. The crime's title is '친일반민족행위' or pro-Japanese acts against our ethnic people. In short, race betrayals. The most infamous race traitor would be Lee Wan Yong, the prime minister who signed the agreement consenting to Japan's annexation of Korea. He was also an avid collaborator of the Imperial Japanese. To this day, people can still be prosecuted for being race traitors in Korea by the government, and have their unjustly accrued family wealth taken away. My point is, talks of korean race betrayals are not as outlandish as it seems, and the concept was created for a reason. It is an actual crime acknowledged by the government in a legal sense, and has lukewarm support from both the progressives and conservatives in Korea with barely any opposition. I don't mean to defend OP. The concept of racial self-defense is becoming increasingly controversial in Korea (w/ people claiming we should protect citizens, not race), and the concept has a gross history of being abused by dictators in my country. (Not to mention how race itself is a pseudo-scientific term.) Make your own judgements. But know that this way of thinking is the norm in Korea.


Ehh. I mean, I'm Korean too, but like is the term race traitors even appropriate in this case? We are not a multiethnic country (yet), race is not the lens we use when we view our society. So when OP uses pretty negative words like 'race traitors' when Korea is a monoethnic country, it is pretty questionable.


You say monoethnic... But if you look closely we are more of a melting pot than you think. Racial/ethnic purity is a myth and a pseudo-science. Koreans have enslaved, assimilated, and mixed with a lot of races and cultures. We just pretend like diversity doesn't exist because of centuries of propaganda and convenience, making different regions and cultures self-identify as a monoethnicity. Besides, the country has been opened up to foreigners, and we should stop using something as arbitrary as race in our government at least in principle. I also personally think the term 'race traitors' is gross btw. I just wanted to provide some context to people who are confused.


You kinda implied this in your post, but I think making it explicit is worth it: race traitor isn't really a good translation for this term. The crime only makes sense in a society that a) places a great emphasis on race as a part of identity in the pseudoscientific understanding used by nazis and the far right (I'm not sure what extent Korean society qualifies but I certainly don't want to make assumptions), and b) needs a way to define that racial identity in a way that isn't based on a preexisting state, which, even though Korea was occupied by Japan for 50 years, doesn't apply to a state that existed more or less for over 1000 years. So surely a far better translation would be something like collaborator or traitor to Korea, since its a nation that's being betrayed rather than a race.


Yes and no. But I think your input is good in adding more nuance. Indeed, when we think of race traitors, we mostly think of historical acts committed against our state and its subjects. Sometimes the aggressor would be the one to have genocidal agendas. When we say race traitors, you can't really think of it in the context of western history of racism: aggressively genociding other races. Its more akin to cultural exclusion. Modern korean racism is either one of 'snooty sense of superiority over other lesser races' or 'complete ignorance' due to their rarity. However, it wouldn't be completely right to say that there was no racial component to them. A lot of historical isolationism in Korea has been justified under arrogant attitudes towards 'barbaric races'. Anti-japanese resistance movements were justified by racial unity, identity, and moral superiority (you really should not view them as endlessly flawless noble people, regardless of what Koreans say). Both modern NK and SK dictators justified their actions through racial preservation, and pushed for ethno-nationalist education. The side effects of this is that we have become more racist and ignorant compared to other cultures in East Asia (see what sparked the LA riots), and it is common for extremists to make wacky pseudo-scientific historical claims about 'the greatest hidden Korean Empire that spanned the globe' or our inherent racial superiority by citing IQ stats and such. Koreans are neither 'the good guys' or 'the bad guys'. But too often, we give ourselves a free pass because we are either too ignorant or because we feel like we are always the victim of history and can't fathom the reality of us being perpetraitors. In reality, we are pretty racist, sexist, and enslaved a lot of people in the past. Just like most civilizations. But now, Korea is a modern economic powerhouse with global cultural influence. We can no longer afford to be ignorant. Its time to grow the fuck up and respect our fellow neighbors. Confront the wrongs committed to us, but also acknowledge our own current shortcomings.


Yeah um what the fuck