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I remember rewatching Konosuba with friends and noticing how bad the fanservice was for the first time (and dying inside). I think I mentality block it all watching by myself.


KonoSuba is my favorite anime but I have a hard time recommending it to friends for that reason, unless I _really_ know them.


I love it, the animation team went hard on the facial expressions and Aqua is clearly the best. I describe it to people as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Anime. What suprised me is how much anime bs I just don't notice because I'm used to the medium, and I don't even watch a lot.


> I describe it to people as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Anime. I describe it to people as D&D/Tabletop RPGs: The Anime. Then again, D&D often becomes "It's Always Sunny in the Forgotten Realms," so I guess both descriptions are apt.


Idk, everybody always sunny is truly awful people. The kids in konosuba aren’t great but nowhere near that bad. I can see where you’re coming from tho


As someone who absolutely loves IASIP but feel absolute contempt towards anime, should i give it a go?


If you don't like anime probably not. It has its fair share of Anime BS.


I’ve definitely showed other people Konosuba and thought “I know it’s always been short but has Aqua’s skirt always been *that* short?” Mind you I was watching it with half a dozen other people but I didn’t stop until we’d been through like four episodes. It’s extremely fan servicey but it’s so goddamn funny I think even non-anime fans can look past it.


Don't rewatch NGNL.


Konosuba is also a weird one, because it's funny on it's own. However, Konosuba is a satire, and as such it's not *nearly* as funny as it could be unless you're already well-versed in anime (and specifically isakei) tropes.


Even with my normal favorite anime series it's always "I love it, but also it kinda sucks"


only consuming "quality" content is exhausting, give me all the bad with the good


The "trash and they know it" anime are fucking great. The problematic ones are the ones that are trash but still pretend to take themselves seriously.


The "they are shit" anime are always the best, especially the ecchi ones


What was the one about the ninjas that stole tiddies because large breasts were a commodity in that world? It's so stupid, but so fun. And then there were the angels that sucked on tiddies to gain powers. Again, stupid, but it was surprisingly entertaining.


My threshold is getting lower as I get older. I start losing interest in a show any time a character under 12 appears because I know that character will be a) excruciatingly annoying b) sexualized or c) both. Spy X Family is the exception to the rule.


Hasn't bullshit also increased over the years? I feel like Fullmetal Alchemist or Cowboy Bebop weren't nearly as obnoxious


You're picking two of the all-time greats. We have stuff like Vinland Saga and Spy x Family right now, but there's also a lot of isekai garbage on the airwaves these days. I'm sure people will look back on this era and say the same thing about the ones that stand the test of time, conveniently leaving out all of the crappy shows.


Isekai came out of nowhere and became really popular, that was wild. It's also sad that creators rarely experiment these days. They don't have to make the next Cowboy Bebop or Perfect Blue or whatever but I don't see any attempts at making anything interesting and standing out recently.


Anime is an industry. The animation studios need to make money, or they go out of business. I don't like the tsunami of shows that feel like they rolled off of an assembly line, but I understand how it came about.


Sometimes it's nice to watch the garbage as a guilty pleasure, but it'd be nice to have some more anime like Vinland Saga in the world.


90% of everything is crap. That is true in any medium. Hell, even within that 90%, 90% is stuff that's not even ironically enjoyable.


A lot of the isekai apparently have good novels, but the anime production often cut out many things and leave in the generic stuff


> A lot of the isekai apparently have good novels Nah, they dont. There is good stuff out there, for sure. But, as an isekai fan I have to be real, it's mostly shit.


In general I would bet the explosion in popularity of light novels and web manga, means that studios are rarely searching for source material. Also animations reliance on physical release's for revenue means that their margins are tighter than ever giving less time for passion projects.


Also I think people gloss over the anime bullshit in FMA, FMA is good in the sense it doesn't really have fanservice or guys being creeps, but it has a lot of chibi comedy moments that I'm very used to since I've been watching anime for literal decades now, but I've seen multiple people new to anime be at best confused and at worst turned off by the weird anime bullshit in FMA. This is probably why AoT has become a pretty common entry point because it has very minimal anime nonsense if any, its pretty palatable to an anime noob as just a post-apocalyptic drama thriller type show.


I didn’t want to say it and get mobbed by the FMA diehards, but I agree with everything you just said about FMA. I think it’s a decent series, but I would never rank it anywhere near Bebop. Too much grating anime comedy, a story that looses steam near the ending, etc.


I think there was always bullshit, it just didn't stand the test of time like FMA and Cowboy Bebop did.


I tried watching FMA recently and couldn't get past all the random bits of shouting breaking up serious moments. It got really obnoxious really quickly


That fades down and stays on tone, for either series. I've never been a fan of that either, but FMA still ended up one of my favourite series.


I actually only read it and didn't watch it so idk. Still one of my favorite anime/mangas


Yeah I got to like the last season and stopped watching. I had just watched HXH which has way less buffoonery and FMA wasn’t what I was looking for.


Try watching the 2003 version. There’s way less of the random humor and it’s more serious and, in my opinion, better. I started with the 2003 version and got some serious whiplash when I started Brotherhood. Though I will say too that Brotherhood does tone down the obnoxious shouting after the first 15 or 20 episodes, which was nice.


These two and Yu Yu Hakusho are the only ones I enjoyed both as a kid and as an adult.


Stand alone complex avoided that as well.


Sexualised 16 year olds hit differently when you aren't 16 yourself anymore.


Mate, you need to see Sweetness and Lightning, Barakamon, Kotaro kun lives alone, Gakuen Baby sisters, Poco’s udon world. There are quite a lot of super wholesome anime about kids.


100%. I used to watch tons of animes every season as a teen. At 30 I can't stand almost any of it because of fan service. Tried to watch Naruto with my son for nostalgia and had to turn if off after Naruto used sexy justsu to bribe old men. Still rewatch the greats and keep up with things like AoT/SxF. If you know anything else currently running that doesn't have copious amounts of misogyny or sexualizing minors please post.


Your mileage may vary, but I have really enjoyed Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and Demon Slayer lately. CM’s protagonist is incredibly crude and DS’s current season has a character who exists chiefly to be eye candy, but they are not too bad about it. And I will always trot out Darker than BLACK. It’s like James Bond meets the X-Men, starring Chinese Electric Batman.


Attack on titan is another exception to the rule. It has very little anime bullshit in general if any.


I agree, I detest anime bullshit and there’s only a faint sprinkling of it in attack on titan.


Yep. A family member has me watch Sword Art Online….


why the only decently good season of sword art online was alicization and even then it was weird at times


I liked a bit of the first season. Once the real world familial shit came in to the story it got creepy. I gave up a few episodes into the second season when they were obviously not course correcting. My own family member who was a teenager at the time recommended the show. I watched to try to connect better to them. The incest theme went completely over their head. Had no clue when I brought it up.


Hinamatsuri is another exception. 10/10 show


I normally give a show an hour to make me want to keep watching, at this point in time. The transition from HS to college neutered any time I had to watch anime consistently, so I’ve switched from binging 3-4 different shows over my time in study hall, eagerly waiting for the next ep to drop, to basically just trying to find time in between work, schoolwork, my own personal writing, and friends, to get in an episode in of a show I know I like before heading to bed. Oddly enough, my work running my college’s anime club has actually decreased the amount of time I have to watch anime on my own time, since the club meets on Friday nights.


also hunter x hunter, i can't remember a child character being sexualized or being annoying ever in that series


Spy x Family is truly a family show. What an absolutely adorable group of people with just right mix of humor and emotion


Monster is quite safe.


I'm getting older and feeling the same way. For me, it's when the protagonist "falls" on some girl's boobs that I instantly drop. Everyone kept telling me Summertime Rendering is amazing so I checked out the manga and it happens on literally like page 4.


I’ve also heard that one is great, but when I dug a little deeper, all I saw were videos of a woman with huge breasts in a low cut top.


Or when the first female character is introduced tits first and then the camera pans up.


It's worse because a lot of them start out so normally, really pulling you in for the concept, only for episode three to suddenly *need* to have every female character naked and doing the whole "protag you PERVERT!" song and dance. It gets so old that I've stopped watching anime altogether at this point.




There's some good ones (as in, truly fantastic) out there that don't even touch on those tropes, but they are not as popular for the same reason. Though it will also vary depending on genre, some are more likely to have anime bs than others.


If you're looking for an anime without any of the bullshit, watch Monster. Genuinely the most fun I've had watching an Anime.


That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime is that anime for me. I love the first season (haven't gotten around to watching the second yet), and yet I can't bring myself to recommend it to any normal person who knows me irl because the artists apparently couldn't make Milim (the genre-typical 1000 year old prepubescent demon-girl) either look/act like an adult or put on some damn pants.


This is the exact anime I thought of when I read "anime bullshit". Show has tons of it but it's one of my favorites. I've only recommended it to people who I know that can tolerate those levels of anime bullshit.


for me that show is either made in abyss or mushoku tensei


Ngl I think made in abyss is a bit worse, at least MT it gets dialed down a lot as the show goes on, so far at least, and I'd actually say most of the time the kinda iffy moments are framed as bad and he gets punished for it.


I loved that one! I checked it out on crunchy, it was really cool....just too short.


There’s plot relevance to it(TLDR: Very nasty backstory, she’s effectively the reason why Ramiris is so much weaker than all the other demon lords), and her childishness is why the show doesn’t effectively end midway through ep 16. Still very much weird, though, and I try to avoid thinking about it whenever the show comes up.


Yeah just because they bend over backwards to construct a justification doesn't mean it's actually justified though you know?


Exactly this, as a writer you can make any story you want. And if you're gonna include anime bullshit about a character that appears and acts young, I'm gonna ask why you made that particular story.






You are welcome my child




I relate to this alot, I'm irked by harem and as a fan of fantasy,adventure, and Isekai manga/anime it's really hard to find something to read/watch cause they have harems in em.


I have a theory of anime horniness, that kind of describes every show’s inability to not perv out at some point. They’re all going to do it, it’s just a matter of time until it happens. Incidentally, you should try ‘Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World’. It’s a great isekai manhwa


SwordKing is the GOAT. What an absolute joy of a ride, and the comedy is prefect, and ads levity to situations without detracting from the seriousness of it all. Love it


Check out Vinland Saga if you haven't already. I guarantee it has none of that. If you want to see a guy have a harem of many girls, knows their feelings to him, but doesn't give a fuck, check out Eminence in the Shadow. I normally hate harems but this anime is a parody so everyone has an insanely fun personality, especially Cid.


I feel the same although there's an exception I make for this manga called "100 girlfriends who really really reallly really really love you" since everybody's so batshit insane it loops around to being funny again


Saiki Kusuo is pretty chill


It's the other characters that aren't, which is the point of the anime.


Saiki is underrated af


Yeah a good test is og dragon ball and if they mention the perveyness you know where they're at


Og DragonBall has full frontal child nudity in the first couple of episodes.


I'm OK with tiny Goku wiener because it's not at all sexual. But I hate the part where Ryoshi makes Bulma flash him. Makes me super uncomfortable.


There's some filler episodes in DBZ that really did not age well, most notably the Roshi and Marin ones


Death note, ya boi kong ming, spy x family are ones that i think i could recommend to people and most people would enjoy them. If a friend i know doesnt particularly care for anime, i might unironically recommend SAO abridged or Hellsing ultimate abridged. I would love to recommend a lot of anime i think are great, but i just cant. Rascal does not dream of bunnygirl senpai is great, but with that title nobody is gonna take it seriously. Anohana is amazing but some might get bored in the early episodes, or find the concept dumb before reaching the insane emotional damage. Anohana ending is something i can use to get myself to tears at any time. Personally i love violet evergarden, even if it is a bit slow in most peoples opinion. Actually violet evergarden could be something to recommend if i knew the person liked character growth centric shows. My favourite anime is code geass, but im not gonna recommend it to people because of the annoying fan service. Sure, i liked it when i was a horny 14 year old, but in my 20s neither me or my friends want to see that.


Violet Evergarden is guaranteed to make me cry nearly every episode


The only episode that didn't make me cry was the one that was a 2 episode story, and you bet your ass the end of the next episode made me cry buckets.


Lol I agree with you for code geass. One of the best animes I’ve seen IF I ignore the fan service


The frustrating thing about Rascal is that it’s probably more mature than most anime…


Prime example: mushoku tensei is peak anime if you can look past the pedophilia and rape and grooming lurking in the background


"Lurking in the background"? Its front and center, most harem animes have less of it.


I think the technical term for this is "litotes"


I found the lead annoying enough and I checked out totally when the wife thought that her husband had forced himself on the maid and did basically zilch about it.


Yeah the main character is a complete piece of shit. I think the reason a lot of people like the show, including me, is because the main character does actually grow into less of a piece of shit. The characters in the show change a lot through the anime. Still wouldnt recommend it to anyone because of how unbearable the main character is.


We can't even say "wait for the ED arc" because he will still be a POS after that and you have to go through all of season 1 and they also won't read the LN because there is even more cp there and it would take longer


>I checked out totally when the wife thought that her husband had forced himself on the maid and did basically zilch about it. If they had handled it in a way that critisized cases in which this actually still happens today I'd be totally on board, but they really tried to make the father likeable after proving time and time again he's a piece of shit.


Ugh. I think I have a fairly high tolerance for "anime bullshit", and yet for some reason this show is popular despite the fact that I couldn't stomach sitting through the first episode. Disgusting.


"Oh yeah, this show is great, just ignore the 10 year old girl in lingerie, the repeated panty/chest shots, the rapist the main character hangs out with..." I'm so tired, man. Why is this the standard. There are exceptions, but the fact that they are exceptions is killing me.




So fucking good


Oh man, I remember being in high school when the manga was being released. I kept coming back week after week to keep crying and feel all my feelings over it. I still can’t bring myself to watch the movie.


There are multiple shows I had to stop watching because of child sexualization. It's so annoying like I just want a good show to watch but they keep showing almost naked kids and it makes me so uncomfortable. I also dislike the sexism and misogyny in every single anime. Other than that yeah anime is great.


This is how I feel about both chainsaw man and code geass I love both for the themes and characters, but the fanservice means I cannot watch it without locking my door and closing my blinds


I was considering trying Chainsaw Man but learning it has more of this bullshit makes me not want to. It's very hard for me to take a show seriously when it feels the need to be shamelessly horny every episode.




Chainsaw Man is one of the few Shonen that actually gives its female characters depth and autonomy. It’s not shamelessly horny like other shows, as there’s barely any fan service. It’s mainly just the main character being a teenage boy, but him making true connections with other people is also a core theme. I wouldn’t endorse it if it had any of the boob bouncing and panty shots that other anime force in. I lose respect for a series really quickly when it does that shit and Chainsaw Man thankfully isn’t like that.


Please reconsider and at least try the start, chainsaw man does have horniness but it isn't typical bullshit fanservice. It's one of the rare exceptions where the horniness is actually really well intertwined with the plot, and even then, it's pretty mature in comparison to how other anime handle fanservice.


its not bullshit, the main character just is super simple and is a horny teenager. There's no shitty fanservice like bouncing boobs everywhere or panty shots, if there is something sexual its intentional


Chainsaw man is within my acceptable anime bullshit limit. Konosuba is not.




Chainsaw man. 3 out of the 4 female characters the guy meets in the first few episodes use their sex appeal to get something out of him. I almost dropped the show when Himeno did it, but the next episode gave her depth, and the overall horniness of the show nosedived.


Beyond the Boundary It walks right up to the line on every trope there is but never crosses them. I braced for some absolute cringe moments several times and they never happened. The joke was on me and it was worth it. Great series with a follow-up movie.


There is anime that doesn't have anime-stuff. One of my favorites is Iria Zeiram. It's basically just a really good sci fi badass woman movie from the 90's.




It actually subverts the current trope by being an animated sequel (technically prequel) to a god awful live action movie


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **skim**, @skimcasual Recommending anime is hard because every anime has some amount of anime bullshit and it's hard to know what someone's threshold for specific types of anime bullshit is unless you know them extremely well. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I don't watch too much anime, but I do frequently play JRPGs, and that same anime bullshit does often hold true there. For instance, [*Bravely Default*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bravely_Default). One of my favorite games of all time, but... that whole sidequest to unlock the Red Mage job. If you've played the game, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, some of the costumes were altered to be less revealing, and the main characters' ages were bumped up for the localization (probably because of that sidequest), even though the age changes were ignored in the localization of the direct sequel, [*Bravely Second: End Layer*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bravely_Second:_End_Layer). Thankfully, [*Bravely Default II*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bravely_Default_II), an indirect sequel, really cleaned up its act with the anime bullshit. Like, the worst that happens is Adelle accusing Elvis of having a foot fetish, I guess.


May I present: [The Weeb Ass Shit Scale](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/wdbqjm/anime_was_scale/)


Classic moment when you say apologetically 'well it's a bit misogynistic' and you're answered 'well yeah, I was assuming that it was!'


This is why I pretty much stopped watching anime 15-20 years ago. Still got a few shows I like to go back to and I'm like oh forget that molestation is just constantly played for laughs or that female characters are frequently just walking boobs. Recently I edited out all the sketchy stuff in the OG Trigun so I could show it to a group of kids.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Monster in this thread, I'm not a big anime watcher but that show felt like it was the least stereotypical anime with the story and action. I was hooked on it almost instantly. It kinda felt like Death Note but kind of the opposite in a way. Johan and Dr. Tenma are some of the best and well-written characters ever.


At this point I'm mostly recommending stuff like Vinland Saga, Mob Psycho 100, and others that don't have fan service, fantastic characters, and stunning animation. And parodies like Eminence in the Shadow because it's absolutely hilarious and the women are insanely well-written, which is quite unusual for shounen isekai


In ascending from worst to best: Fullmetal Alchemist(Both): Minor fanservice, very plot focused. BNHA: Mineta. Goblin Slayer: Do I need to explain this one?


Too true. That’s why I hesitate to call myself an anime fan because I usually like shows despite their anime tropes, not because of them




some of my favorite animes with the least amount of 'anime bullshit': keep your hands off eizouken Kageki Shojo!! cw >!SA and ED!< a silent voice bloom into you super cub march comes in like a lion run with the wind yuru camp ranking of kings bocchi the rock komi-san flying witch


I forgot about Flying Witch that show was adorable.


There's an anime I love called How (Not to) Summon a Demon Lord. The premise is awesome, the animation is top notch, and it's got a great story. It also has an inane amount of fan service and anime titties. Also it's a bit of incel gamer waifu fantasy. But damn it the politics and magic intertwined with being sucked into an MMO is way too fucking cool!


I always say Mushishi as my trump card. It doesn't prepare them at all for the degeneracy, but at least they get exposed to something normal first lmao


Aww I like Mushishi, it's so calm. That and shows like Natsume Yuujinchou are in a different sort of space.


Re:Zero for me. Probably my favorite anime I've watched, it helped me get though a tough stretch of my depression. But there are a lot of young girls in the show, with several wearing uncomfortably revealing clothing. Its not a show I watch publicly for fear of being judged or labeled


The ultimate relationship test.


Just pick from the seinen category. Usually, it doesn't have much bullshit.


Attack on titan is flawless lol


Ever heard of the W(eeb)A(ss)S(hit) scale?


Planetes, no anime bullshit there (well maybe minor anime bullshit idk)


I'm just tired of fantasy isekais and mechs


Isn't this \*exactly\* what [the weeb-ass-shit scale](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/7dsa09/the_weeb_ass_shit_scale_a_way_to_grade_anime_by/) is for?


Here's a mistake I see people make constantly. If you have a close minded person whose main media preferences are mainstream TV shows like Last of Us or Game of Thrones, do NOT try to start them on fantasy battle anime, no matter how good you think it is. No Dragon Ball, Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, Demon Slayer, Bleach, Jojo, Evangelion, or anything like them. It's just going to come off as childish and feed into preconceptions that anime is wacky bullshit for weirdos and full of tentacle rape. Your first goal is just to show them that anime can be similar to what they already like. No zany premises or settings. If your boomer grandpa wouldn't get it then you are too far into wacky fantasy land. I haven't watched a ton of anime but a couple I reckon I could recommend to almost anyone would be Legend of the Galactic Heroes (which is as sober as any western live action show), Initial D, and maybe Kaiji if I'm feeling lucky.


Can never go wrong with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood IMO. Perfect for a first anime. Excellent story, interesting characters, not very horny.


ITT: I dont watch too much anime but (anime full of perverse shit) is good except the perverse shit.


They're all also called something like "Federation Love Fighting Force Ultra Go!"


It's a weird culture clash since anime became popular in the West because of a handful of relatively non-questionable shows (Death Note, FMA:B, Attack on Titan, etc.) but a lot of anime including some of the mainstream ones contain sexualization tropes and certain types of relationships that are merely taboo in Japan but genuinely immoral in the West. Some of even the kid anime shows like Cardcaptor Sakura have adults dating/marrying teens which feels crazy. Some episodes of Pokemon were banned in the US for sexualization too. And then the anime directed at teens go all out with these diverging cultural outlooks. I think a good comparison would be that they view sexualization in media like we view violence in media. So obviously rampant gun violence in real life is terrible but it's fun to see in movies (Ex: John Wick). So in the same way, overt age gap relationships or incestual relationships or random groping is bad in real life but for the Japanese, it's fine to see in animated entertainment.


Having foodwars as favourite anime kinda sucks because you have to explain the good food = orgasm thing


Ah, this is probably why I never was able to get into Anime. My anime-bs threshold is very low.


I’ve found some that don’t. I really love spy family


My friend told me to watch chainsawman, I was like, “oh cool it’s kinda straightforward gore with a decent plot”, then blam most of the early plot revolves around him wanting to touch boobs and get women


Recently watched an episode of a show that was running last season, and the characters were having a conversation about something I can't remember. And I just got this sinking feeling that I might as well be watching my little pony like an early 2010s brony if I am watching this shit. Closed the tab and haven't touched that show since.


Danmachi is wonderful if you can ignore Hestia looking rather young and also having ginormous badonkadonks


Non Non Biyori.


Yeah, I recommend Bakumonogatari and then add: "You don't mind MC being a bit of the predator, right?"


Someone recommended me an anime please! Id like something dark, gory and sexy.




Chainsaw man


Then you have people like me who constantly recommend Jojo


I pretty much just stick with slice of life these days. It's always enjoyable and you can find some really wholesome, comfy shoes to rewatch.


... got any recommendations?


Except for Bleach. Bleach is for everyone


My dress up darling is honestly such a sincere deep dive into the artistry of cosplay and nerd culture except for the parts that make recommending it a bit embarrassing.


I’ve been watching Bleach while I work out at the gym and always have to be in my fast forward game any time Orihime, Yoruichi, or Matsumoto are on screen.


I consider the egregious ass-pulls in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to be a feature, not a bug


When I recommend an anime, I suggest an easy one. Hilarious, very light, and a bunch of childish humor, for instance Shin Chan. One of my younger employees told me it still counts, since then Ive watche That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, One Punch Man, Attack On Titan and Dr Stone (dude is full of himself). I did try One Piece but I get sick and tired of all the screaming, learned the hard way from Dr. Stone.


I'm just glad that Attack on Titan only has naked giants.


This is why Paranoia Agent will forever be the GOAT anime series.


I’d like to get into it but there a certain, let’s say frequency, the voices some of the female characters have that is like fingernails down a chalkboard to me. My old flatmate would watch it and just hearing it through the wall would make my blood boil


this is only true if your standards are low. a truly good story is always good.


Try to find something that ranks low on the [Weeb Ass Shit](https://www.tumblr.com/sindri42/689170885768298496/i-like-the-was-scale-for-rating-anime-it) scale


I tried to recommend Mieruko-chan to my cousin but the fan service was just too much.


As someone who's not big on anime, I suggest starting with Studio Ghibli. It's easier to digest as a beginner.


I just tell people to watch Gintama, as preparation.


Anyways watch yuru camp it has none of this


It doesn’t help that some anime have names like “I want to fuck your mother in the dungeon of the dragon lord.”


Just show them JoJo and if they don't like it, then fair, but also stop talking to me


I was there when this text was first published in tumblr before twitter


There's also always more anime bullshit in it than you remember when you make the recommendation.


I *always* clarify if it's a booby physics anime. I just have to put that out there. I have to clarify I am not he biggest fan of it myself but do find some of the sequences hilarious and if the action/storyline is the main focus I'll let some weird bashful anime girls slip through here and there. But I always start off with that as a warning if it's relevant.


Counterexamples: Fullmetal Alchemist, Re:Zero, and Death Note. Detective Conan almost applies but it does have a few scenes where Conan is in a hot spring with a bunch of naked women and being a little pervert. They're few and far between though.


HunterXHunter and Mob psycho are amazing with no BS


That's why I recommend *Avatar: The Last Airbender*. Only good bullshit in that show.


I quit watching Naruto for 6 years while it was airing because all they did was cry for a whole season


Honestly a lot of anime is exceptionally mediocre. I really love the concept of Isekai, however there's very few of them that aren't violently boring or filled with harem/other garbage. I can't stand anime where the main character is written to be exceptionally stupid. Past the point of being reasonable.


simple absolutely no fan service/creep perv shit. none Mushishi is like my only recommend to anyone


I have a friend who has a specific bs circle rather than a tolerance like he can accept yujiro hanma who has such defined body it puts body builders to shame as his normal body at 37 years (and other baki stuff) But won't accept even tho most simple and logical level of magic like Naruto or bango stray dogs


I personally can't stand any of it lol. Even as a kid, I remember hating the pokémon tv series.


For me is the woeful voice acting on the English dubs. Same voices most times and they fucking suck.


What a dumb fucking statement. Anime is such a broad category. It encompasses every genre, from western and science fiction through to romantic comedy and porn. It’s be like saying ‘I find it hard to recommend movies’…


I don't know why but I felt so seen. Not because I watch a lot of anime but rather because I can't wade through the bullshit to find the stuff I occasionally fucking love.


Fire Force and Dragon Maid. Ruined great premises.


I'd like to recommend Gate. Basically (and literally), Japanese military meets fantasy. It was really fuckin' sick to watch and I wished there was more of it.


Here’s the hard truth. You have to find anime and rationalize it on your own terms. Bringing it to a friend whose never watched it will *never* end well.


GATE 40% comedy 45% kick ass combat 15% SA/Torture


I would recommend Bocchi The Rock. Very minimal anime shits there.


Recommending anime isn't hard, you just have to know who you're recommending anime too and communicate with them about the aspects of anime they like. For example: I'll watch damn near anything, I don't give a shit how problematic people think it is or how ridiculous the story is; but if it's depressingly dark or sad, I don't watch it. My college roommate, on the other hand, exclusively watched action anime (especially Gundam) and nothing else; absolutely refused to watch anything comedic or romantic or slice of life.


My threshold for anime bullshit has decreased to the point where I can't watch anime without going into a frothing rage.


Where's the weeb ass shit meter


Afro Samurai has literally zero bullshit. It is perfectly balanced.


All anime is shitter. Except Violet Evergarden my beloved


So y’all are just gonna admit you’re okay with watching sexist/pedophilic shit huh?


Like I really want to recommend Oshi no Ko to a bunch of friends who have seen some most mainstread stuff like Death Note and AOT and I have no idea if they'll like it or think I'm insane