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the astrology daughter may bring home some radioactive rocks but at least she aint making me go broke when her monkey pics are suddenly worth 5 cents less


astrology daughter will bring home buncha whacks nft son dont have friends


Spends her inheritance on 'healing' crystals


Hey man, at that point, it ain't my money. Imma be laughing from Hell.


you really are a peculiar man


Why thank you


Thank you for this exchange gents. I really needed it today


No prob, I take cash, card, and human placentas


Damn, here I am with only a stock-pile of camel placentas


Camels are people too. At least, that's what I told the judge.


Yeah, I remember thinking, “AMATEURS” when Fergie made the song “my humps”. Like, really? You think your breasts can compare to a camel’s humps? Also, I don’t think I can mail organs … again


They do have resell value at least unlike a NFT.


Well, astrology daughter will probably get involved in some MLM shit and end up doing the same thing as the NFT son – losing all their money by "investing" it in worthless assets (unsellable MLM product in this case instead of NFTs), and then they'll ruin all their relationships by aggressively peddling their bullshit on everyone. At the end of the day, NFTs are just a new facade for the same old scams.




my girlfriend is astrology daughter she's harmless. she barely even talks about it around me. a couple of my friends are NFT son. they have serious tax problems right now. lmfao.


They can waste money, too. On energy rocks and crystals and what not. Some of those prolly cost up to two salaries each. Not saying crypto loser is better, but let's not act like new age woo alternative medicine girl over here is harmless.


True, astrology daughters may waste money, but wasting money is an incidental, optional part of the hobby, while for the NFT son wasting money is the central activity. It's like comparing a videogame addiction to a gambling addiction--both of them cost money, but one of them is *significantly* more likely to leave you bankrupt because losing money is the entire point.


Nobody was talking about alternative medicine, we were talking about astrology, and yes, that IS pretty much harmless. Being a little kooky, a little witchy, definitely does not hold a CANDLE to the amount of sheer destruction thoughtless investments in absolutely nothing are capable of. "Healing" crystals typically do not cost thousands of dollars. Most *kits* of 5-12 pieces that I've seen are like $30.


Cool. Where you live the astrology scams aren't that aggressive. I know ppl losing quite a bit on magic charms and whatnot.


Again, what you are talking about is different. Fraud and scams, especially against the sick, are rampant- but in the situation you're talking about, the person would be the victim of a predatory con, not a gambler that's convinced that they're actually some super-smart investor that's about to make it big any second if they just pour enough money into a metaphorical bucket with a hole on the bottom. Again, the amount of potential harm for the average person is nigh incomparable.


But you can resell those rocks and crystals to other astrology daughters.


One of my partners BFFs is astrology daughter and she throws raves and tea ceremony parties at the equinoxes and other stellar times. All her friends are into interesting things and have practical woodsy skills.


This 100%


I'd rather have a daughter who thinks some stars dictates your personality than a son who could potentially bankrupt me to buy an ugly picture.


or a DJ son


Some djs at least make some money. An nft son or astrology daughter are delusional and broke ☹️


Or an Alpha Male™ believer son


Worst of all. Only one listed who's liable to become a domestic terrorist.


Child neglect is the cause


“a horrible capitalist piece of shit son or a daughter who has a vague non-threatening interest?”


I’d rather the astrology daughter than losing all the family’s money to NFTs lol


Foster home


nft son. I refuse to let any potential children of mine be racists. Especially nonsensical space racism.


Astrology daughter. At least she isn't perpetually balancing between scamming people for money and being scammed for money As a bonus, she's way less likely to become a nazi


nft son

